How To Respond To Stagnation | Pastor Poju Oyemade | 18062024

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all right let's say a word of prayer father in the name of Jesus we thank you for the presence of your spirit I ask by the power of your Holy Spirit who is here to glorify Jesus that Christ will be glorified through the words that I speak that utterance will be granted and your word will go forth on Hind that by any demonic Force but light is established in our heart in Jesus name amen all right I I want to sh on something and it a spiritual skill you know when the angel of the Lord came to speak to Daniel as a result of his praying and fasting and the answer to his prayer came through what the angel said was I have come to give you skill and I've come to give you understanding concerning this word that you have received and so there is what is called skill all right in the things of the Spirit uh the Bible tells us in the book of Hebrew Hebrews it says that those who by reason of age are skillful in the word of righteousness everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness because he is an infant so they skilled them and when we talk about discipleship in the things of God is about equipping people with a skill there in fact the five-fold ministry gifts are to equip the Saints which means to equip them to teach and to train so that skill is developed when they're doing things so when they pray they are skillful about it when they use the word of God they are skillful about it so there's something I want to show here and it has to do with what to do when a person feels like everything around you seems to be moving and you seem to be static in other words it appears that everybody around you or things are happening for other people and you as a Christian you are faithful you're a good Christian but everything seems to have shut down or E static now what I want us first of all to understand is that life is in cycles and the seasons will keep coming in other words in every year so to speak you have seasons and those Seasons happen every single year it's a cycle that is occurring and you are sure and certain that the seasons will come so also it is with our lives so to speak in other words there are seasons and you must recognize the seasons within your life so if the season is something and and you are you know desirous of something else and you're trying to fulfill it in that particular season it just will not work because the Bible says that to everything that is under the sun and every purpose there is time and there are also Seasons to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose on him so every purpose under Heaven is subjected to the law of times and seasons in other words it has to coincide with that timing or the season for that thing and what will happen is then easily it to be fulfilled if it's out of season so it's not the season to plant something and you go and plant it h and it's not that particular season you're not going to get results somebody else plant in a season and that person gets result so the sons of iseka were the Bible says that they should lead because they understood times and they understood seasons and so it's important we get this and to also understand this I mean was a great Evangelical a H strong who said this he spoke about spiritual growth and development and he said growth is not a uniform thing in a tree or in a Christian so if we look at a tree out there is not uniform all right and it is everything you see as a pattern in the natural it exists as a pattern in the spiritual so growth is not a uniform thing in some single months there are more external growth and development than the entire year but during the rest of the year the growth and development is about solidification in other words without which he said the timber will be useless if you don't have those months there and you just think that everything you use 18 before and you cut it and it is not solidified within everything they use all those type of trees for will not be useful to the people even though on the outside it seems It's Gone very tall but when you cut it you find it's not solid so it cannot be used all right for anything now the period of rapid growth when the Woody fiber is actually deposited between the back and the trunk or comp to about four to 6 weeks which is May June and July so you see that so there are seasons where in the life of a person this what I want us to understand where things can be happening on the outside and the person can enter into another season within their life and the emphasis of God is the solidification of that individual or the development of character now if that person is anxious which is what happens most of the time and there's anxiety and your you know I just want things to happen here particularly all right in the age of social media when people are doing all kinds of things and the biggest challenge is that people are being pushed out of their Seasons By fake imagery do you get what I'm saying so somebody feels oh my agement has blown the person has not blown anything okay I mean people are under pressure for nothing even ministers are under pressure for nothing all right I mean somebody's church can be 100 and it can give an impression that you know come out of ayp people are following them you get what I'm saying yeah they're walking they're playing music behind they look like there some great man Bo you are not you get what I'm saying okay calm down you see things have not yet even happened calm down but people can create that image and then you walk and all of that and I I'm honestly I'm I mean I mean advantages disadvantages but I mean the pressure on this generation is much this wasn't like I mean I told once I landed in in Abuja and I just saw you know when they advertise cars you know BR and there was this lady inside the car and she opened the door and sat in it I pull the phone and was doing like my new car I almost in and some people there be saying what happened here this person and so when it start for character development they are stealing do you get what I'm saying here they are doing things that people don't really understand even no craft to understand and develop skill in what they are supposed to do because there are times where you are focused on skill acquisition and at particular points there might not be monetary returns all right and you will have to leave at with within your means there all right and and if eat a certain type of things do certain types of things and if that is not in place and you just want to appear then you go out of that particular season there and there will be actually no character development so I want us to understand this let me read something else if I go on and teach this and what you're supposed to do so the element of time and the demand for consistency must be there when God wants to make God in heaven wants to make an oak tree it takes him about a 100 years if it's just a vegetable there 6 months it can be done now there are no shortcuts you have to understand this to reality there are no shortcuts is the person who understands the daily routine that will ultimately experience multiplication after some time is the person who as the scripture says who in patient continuent in welld doing that's the person who actually is going to inherit eternal life so there are no shortcuts to reality none right everybody goes through a certain routine in whatever all right they want to do okay and unless that time time Factor there is acknowledged from the heart and I agree with something I the Pastor said it and it's absolutely right all right anybody who plans on relocation has to first of all be for primarily two things the acquisition of unusual skill or opening up yourself for experiences that you can't get in a certain environment which means that's the way you should go about it so if you get into a certain place here it's not to be converting your salary to naira do you understand what I'm saying here okay and suddenly think you're a rich person and you're a millionaire by converting 22,000 and then you realize that at the end of the day you are broke all right so it's about the acquisition of skill and when we talk about the acquisition of skill you don't even just take any cost that is available you make sure you select the kind of course and program all right that will put you in an advantageous position in time to come because there are many universities who are just lecturers who are people who just want people to do research work for them all right they know this thing has no commercial value and the people will be on the streets and there are many people like that on the streets now looking for jobs and and things change now they've changed it in England say You must be earning 80,000 70 80,000 or else your twoe EXT attention after University is gone in other words you have to be a highly skilled person that's what they're saying for you to be able to end that you have to be highly skilled at a certain level in other words you should have spent this time AC crime because then you are useful to us within our community right and those are the kinds of people that they want so it's a question of all right the acquisition you've got to understand there's no shortcut here right to reality none there's no shortcut there to reality no Miracle meeting will make you an industrialist are you what I'm saying the listen to what I'm saying the Miracles Jesus did were healing Jesus didn't help anybody build business get it straight what Jesus was doing was the healing of the sick do you get what I'm saying here he didn't help anybody to say that we're establishing a fishing business for you guys do you understand this you understand what I'm saying sir he had manifestation of the spirit un usually to multiply loaves but that wasn't the when when they followed him after for the loaves he told them didn't he tell them when they came again for Lo said that's not my work all right he said that's not my we can't come here for multiplication Peter couldn't come again and say all right let's go into the business if we can be catching fish like this then let us start fishery enterpr are you are you following what I'm saying here what he did consistently was the healing of the sick there if you want to understand about career about business look at the patrs look at the people that had 10 times more understanding than anybody in their realm all right look at Jacob that went into places there that's where you'll find all right that to see how you build up all right certain things and the Holy Ghost within you the holy spirit is in tune with that because he's the he's the custodian of all that knowledge but you see we are not in alignment with him on that so everybody's looking for externalization of things so let me go because of time so there are no shortcuts to reality and unless the time factor is acknowledged from the heart we're in danger of turning to false enticements all right so you start getting enticed I mean I said this on Sunday you know I know somebody many years ago I I said 30 years but he posted something and I and I said to myself I said look this thing you posted yeah I don't understand how why he post I mean he posted it have thought about it this but people can get it and he he he was this was in one of Scandinavian countries Norway or Sweden and he was there with a boy who or a man rather who had a young man who had been addicted going through an addiction or who had been suffering from an addiction for 18 years and he said in his last meeting in that particular place a prophetic word came and he was delivered from it now now that leaves the impression on the minds of people that if I go into a meeting and a prophetic word com comes forth then I will be delivered but you forget to say that the parents that were standing there must have been interceding for 18 years don't leave that out and it's probably the intercession of the parents that provoke the prophetic word that cause that to happen but if you just say it's a prophetic word then everybody doesn't do anything they just find that if I can just get a prophetic word are you feel I'm saying and so that begins to affect the minds of people and then they begin to operate that way so turn aside false enticements of shortcuts verment of experiences and blessings and then get into feelings and leave out scriptural facts now experiences and blessings are great gracious visitations from the Lord but they are not sufficient to rest upon and let me explain what I'm saying here those kinds of VIs and experiences and Powerful are vital for the Christian or else the Christian may have a tendency to go into idolatry in other words what God told the children of Israel was that three times a year you must have feasts and those spiritual feasts were times of Reawakening which means people will refocus all right upon God and they are reawakened within their Consciousness and then you understand there God but is to reawaken is almost to energize it's like to pump energy to people so that but they were not how all right the people were supposed to leave every single day he gave them statutes he gave them Commandments that they were supposed to follow so if you keep your eyes focused on that now look the daily practice of certain things within a certain period of time if I daily practice it I remember when I was on campus you need like we went home for holiday and we came back after holiday and I was asked to share and I just got up to share and a friend of mine very he told me he said he told me looked at me he said man you've left us ah he said you've watched this man very well he said something has changed completely in the way you are now I I wasn't conscious of it but I didn't go on spiritual holiday do you get what I'm say here when I was on I would go church I would pray every day I would spend time worshiping God I would read the Bible bble so I was growing every day so it was a accumulation of all those things that he saw and noticed not just all right one single thing so there are times and seasons and these seasons will come and so there'll be Seasons where it looks like it's a season at whatever level you are right so a person may be at a certain level let's just assume that the person is on 100 million measures level and the person has stagnated now to somebody underneath looking up this person is very successful but that person has also come into that season that I can't go beyond this 100 million measures level all right now to the person on time looks up and says but he also is experiencing that dissatisfaction that cycle always comes now once you begin to go through the cycles every single time you go through a cycle you are more skillful for the next time it comes you are more skillful for the next time it comes you are more skillful for the next time it comes and this is what mentoring really does to people what a mentor really does many at times is just to you know help a person through certain Seasons within their lives where they may even think that something is going wrong why are things happening this way I remember Reverend Sam to said once I heard him say he said he went to meet bishop and said listen I've been doing everything I need to do nothing is happening inside the church he said but God said that in due season you shall reap if you faint not that there a due season just continue to do it to break through you can get to that point and don't understand that your consistency will produce something and you throw in the towel and then when you throw in the tow you now look I say well it didn't work but there is consistency there in the application of that particular thing so also you must understand this now get this here if you missed out on a season within your life and it does happen so what really happens is and if you can most are young may not exp that but you can miss a season so I think it was um men Dr menil preaching once I don't whether it was W or it was Minister but he said if you check it he said and you look at Ministries there you'll say you will see that God opened a door all right or a portal is is another word for a door so he opened the portal there and certain Ministry so if you go to certain Ministries you'll find out that all of them entered into Ministry within the space of 3 years and then it says you will have silence again all right and you don't have anything and then maybe after five years six years something opens again you see all right a lot of Ministries that are coming out okay then you go again and then he opens it so it's also the same way in everything something opens up and you may not have been focusing you may not have been concentrating and you missed all right a season where that particular thing the opportunity was there to make it happen for to everything there's a time and season now if you miss that particular season inside yourself after some time you will know that you are not right expressing what uh people around you at that particular time where you are all together at a same level there are expressing now now there's no problem with that don't go into Kate speech and go into you know speaking out of Envy like Kane that slew his brother and and start getting angry and and complaining all right if you missed out on one simply recognize it know that yes I missed out on this particular season now let me give an example when I came out scho I went to Start Ministry there I went and decided I was going to sit stay under somebody and it didn't work out I mean I tried my best it didn't work out but later on in life when when another cycle came I realized that ah that it was because I looked down on myself what I should have just gone by myself and done that I should have gotten up and said look and this is what I've going through and I've gone out and done that particular thing by myself started the ministry and faced it there I realized that I I I I was low on that confidence and of that so I understood a weakness that was embedded on the inside of me and I realized that I need to correct this particular thing in other words this thing has to be corrected I saw it I saw that look this thing is a weakness all right on your own part where you are too deferring there and so you have to correct it so what I'm saying is the season can go and you recognize that ah I missed this season here now if you recognize it that season an opportunity all right is going to come again because it is in Cycles here so all you just have to do is with patience you wait now you have learned all right your lesson deeply in fact what will happen is because you have learned your lesson deeply here you are you become somebody who knows the value because other people just have entered it by chance and really not even have known the value of it you know the value of opportunity you understand what it means that the race is not for the Swift the battle is not for the strong that is by time and chance or the opportunities that time presents that's how you understand what Jesus was saying he says favor but by time and chance it happened in other words one of the things you must Master is recognition of opportunity which means that this is opportunity here and when opportunity comes the Bible says he that regards the Cloud will not reap in other words the environment is not conducive for that particular thing all right but you just get up and you say look I can see the opportunity here this is the same situation I mean there's somebody in church if you go to E Atlantic you went to open the place 33 floors he built when I was going in there when he was taking me I went to open the place for you judge him he they point out about three other structures 2 7:3 almost everything going up in a Atlantic they the ones building it so I asked him how did he get into this and he started by saying this he said there was an opportunity that they had he and his wife just before they got married that they missed so what happened was they realized they missed that particular opportunity so they were driving round L go and they were looking for and they came to that particular point and they looked at it and said look this might be an opport opportunity that we should not miss now it wasn't convenient at all it wasn't it wasn't like when we say there's opportunity that means everything around you was good they put the plate no no no all right opportunity means that all you have in your account is is 1 million naira this opportunity you've seen it demands 1 million naira if it doesn't work you are gone are you follow what I'm saying that there will be many things and you know that the reason why you didn't do it the last time is because those many things spoke to you and convinced you not to do it so you understand it but it's a recognition there right of opportunity here so it will come back again to you that life is in Cycles everybody will have an opportunity to listen to me every single person don't ever think they won't have the opportunity for it every single human being the season will come to you the question is whether or not you recognize it or you even think that the season will even come that you feel that well some people are just privileged somewhere and they're just lucky that element there comes to everybody and some people know that this is how life Works they understand that look the way life works is that look don't be anxious be calm this opportunity will come keep your ears to the ground listen all right they understand it that it will come so opportunities will come to every single one just don't play Blame Game don't start getting because then that's why you won't see the thing all right simply admit to yourself there was a c I didn't see I will wait for the next one and I will be the champion cor of the next cve when that particular opportunity shows up on the horizon look at jermiah chapter 8 and verse 7 and I I want to share what to do while you are waiting for it it says yeah the stock in the heaven knoweth her appointed times and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming but my people he said this know not the Judgment of the Lord put it in the Amplified classical not not normal Amplified classical it says even the migratory birds are punctual to their what seasons I want you to understand this yes the stock excelling in great height of her flight in the heavens knows her appointed times of migration in other words for them to reach that height they are within the appointed time of what migration and the turtle dove and swallow and the crane observe the time of their return they didn't see that scripture that's ja ja all right you no but that's what he's saying here they time to all right no it's true it's true many people could have gone acquired High skill and it's time for them to return they don't you get what I'm saying here but my people do not know the law of the Lord which the lower animals instinctively recognize in so far as it applies to what to them it says my own people don't understand this time and Seasons the lower animals understand it as it applies to them and they enter fully into it so when you got to understand that there'll be and listen your I mean that's what Jesus said he said they knew not not that there is no time I don't body in this world can tell me that God overlooked them totally he says in Luke chapter 19 says he wept he says the things that make for your Prosperity are now hidden from your eyes he said and the reason is that you knew not the time of their visitation there so the think so first thing you've got to understand is everybody don't come and tell me that visitation happens to some people it doesn't happen to some people everybody will have opportunities Cycles will come seasons will come doors will be opened for you as a person to enter into certain things all right people that are not bold that are fearful won't take won't do it because they're not bold they're not fear they're fearful which means they look at it and say this particular thing that we want to do all right and fear and all of that and they don't step into those opportunities those opportunities there are things that you see and recognize with what they call the eye of your heart and that is opened up because you know that there will be in a person's career go and meet anybody listen that is in regret and all of that go and meet them they will tell you that at some point some opportunity may have come their way they didn't recognize maybe it amounted to a change of location maybe it amounted to a change and they just felt that this is inconvenient and that this will not and they decided that they were not all right going to do it but it was an opportune time for that particular thing so what do you do while you are waiting upon that opportune time here because it will come and what God does is he builds into you the character which means the solidification of that particular thing for you to go there so you you you can't be in a state of anxiety you can't be in know the state that what's happening and you will see it you have got to be calm you have got to understand that it will come you have got to be intentional about it that it is going to come all right he that tar will not T he will come and knock on the door of my life that's Jesus and gave me an opportunity to step out of the boat walk on water and enter all right into something new you so quickly let's look at Romans 12 and and verse from verse 8 Romans 12 I want to show you what you doing this time and pay attention to this instructions all right okay let's go to from verse seven it's talking about the different things all right he that waited on Ministry let us wait on our ministry so what he saying is in the area in which you are gifted or in the area in which you are skilled there he says wait on it all right don't just wait on it if this is what you you going out wait on that particular thing read about that particular thing develop yourself right in that particular thing it says he that Waits upon I me he that teacheth let him wait on teaching because even if you are a school teacher hear what I'm saying and you are not even paid properly which means when I say paid properly paid in a way that will can meet all of your needs and everything desire wait on that teaching you see many people are doing those jobs with a sense of dissatisfaction there's no growth or Improvement in that particular skill you see your growth is a secret in life your growth and Improvement in that skill is what is going to create opportunities for you in life it is the person that teaches and develops themselves to the point where the children all right go back home and talk about their teacher that's when opportunities come people don't know this they don't understand it they give them a job they feel that well this is not the kind of job I want to do and none of that and they are very full about it and then they waiting they don't want understand that that's where that particular stuff is in other words whatever you are doing I'm saying this as be exceptional develop yourself and if you spend one hour on the internet reading about that particular skill you will in listen in six months you will be better than 99.9% of people that are involved in it I'm telling you this look the truth about the matter is that most people are mentally lazy what they just want is for people to give them and drop something on their BL they don't want to to do anything about it so let's go on here it says he that wait wait on teaching here on him that exalted he should wait on that him that giveth he should do it with Simplicity which means this is where it's going to come he that ruleth with diligence he that showeth Mercy with cheerfulness then it says let your love these are things you should develop here be without any form of pretend you see take out of your system all forms of of hypocrisy see let me tell you this in life if you genuinely from your heart pray for the progress that they don't even know about it and they will never know so this is not love with hypocrisy which means it's I service you're telling somebody oh I brought this for that's what I'm talking about listen if from your heart you pray and you have good thoughts concerning the well-being and and of of the people around you that you are connected to you are going to find Opportunities come your way that you are not even looking for in life hear what I'm saying nobody within that Circle will be higher than you in 5 years time you understand I'm saying the law is whosoever serves the rest will be the greatest in other words you are actually serving which means from your your heart you not competing with people like I want to compete with this this and then you're not happy and this other person has got this no no no no you are genuinely from your heart there serving all right genuinely it looks like a loss I'm telling you this ah that I'm thinking well for other people it looks like that but you will begin to see unusual opportunities that comeing your way doors will begin all right in an unusual way to open up for you now let's go on here abold that which is evil which means anything that is not right just leave it alone don't start call with evil thinking you are smarter than every person and that with evil you will says abhold that which is evil and cleave unto that which is good next verse it says be kindly affection one to another with Brotherly Love in honor preferring one another and you practice this in every you see you know we don't prefer one another in this environment because we hustle so even if a person is driving they don't prefer anybody if there's space they must enter into that space are you understand what I'm saying here if the elevator opens they must enter the thing first they don't PR people if it's to come out of the they must come out first all right if if they are on a queue and somebody goes out of queue to do something and comes back they just do their face like go to the back home all right there's no in honor there preferring that look this person go first all right which means no no you go first and and no people don't they don't do it they'll say no I'm the one I'm going to I'm going to and they don't prayer and see we don't get into the real depth of Life are you follow say people don't get into they they when they see something they will it's like no no anything that has to do with look what God has for you when he shows you nobody else can see it look when Abraham there was Strife I'm telling you this thing when there was Strife with Abraham and lot he said look is it Strife over what we can see he said take it he preferred him Bible says that God said after lot was departed from Abraham he lot Abraham didn't even know that the presence of lot was blocking his vision see in that thing that God might be trying to do is to is to actually in a very peaceful way let go of people that might have been a hindrance which means when everything begins to happen you think back but you'll be nice that don't let me say it but actually these people were blocking my and that God got rid of them by you what prefering them all right but you see we believe in that say we pray to God and we struggle and say is in honor learn that I've said it several times one time I was in America I was got out of a hotel and then to go to I was going to J church so I I came up to enter the cab to go and there was a guy in front of me that was said no he's he's coming to my car the other guy said no it's my turn so the other guy said no no no you can go with the other guy I said no you are the one in front he said no go with him I said no you are the one in front this guy wants to cheat so he said all right if the customer is in in client there is insisting then you can go but as far as I'm concern you can go to so when we went as we turn he just said brother I said what say you know I was telling him to take you I said what he said man there was a day I had this situation and someone was arguing with me and were struggling over this client finally he took the guy when I felt I was the one to take him he said what happened he said why were still on the Queue waiting for the next C to come the guy came running back well to call long story short the guy he took was a thief he put a gun at him collected so he told me something I never forgot he said onever there's contention I let you it go he said because I found out that God is preserving me do you understand I'm saying sir it says in honor you see you come to to real and people will just realize that what I what's going this person is not is no no there's absolutely no Strife in in their life because when you mount up with wings as as an eagle how many Eagles in the air there most people are on the ground so by the time you get into what God has planned for you do you get what I'm saying here look at the next thing here that's what it says not slothful don't don't let it get into your approach don't let the attitude of what is happening in your life get into the way and manner in which you conduct your business there let me say this to you don't ever bring your personal issues into your work space are you feel listen if you and your twin brothers start fighting once you get to work you fought at hope you will continue when you get home do you get what I'm saying let it not be that they look at you and say What's it you say you don't just know what I'm going through because the truth about the matter is that everybody there is going through what through things do you get what I'm saying there you could have come here then saying look that is that is for you and your family it's not you get what I'm saying yeah I said you know even some people it's not even their own relative that died though it's other people's relative the way they'll be behaving you see let me tell you what they are doing they even collecting the sympathy that should go to that family they've diverted it to themselves are you feel what I'm saying they'll go on Facebook oh oh why did you not tell me you were going now everybody I see people do everybody comes to Facebook saying sorry sorry they forget the real family people they pour out they collect you will see comments two I say are you the family I want to call where did you know this person from huh that you are going oh oh well you didn't tell me I know both of you now what when when do they call you I say but you see they want to divert everything to themselves so when they get into an office they carry it's better for people to hear later that when you are doing things with such professionalism you are going through personal things yourself do you get what I'm saying here they will know that you a dependent you see is this things so look this thing they call referral is is from God everybody that went is referral I hope you know that Joseph he was referral you know that Daniel you know his referral that there was somebody in your kingdom that's how it happen so it is supernal it's not that an angel comes and wakes people up and say there's somebody go and promote him he's referal and when people see someone that can study that thing and they observe it and they see that this person bring this matter into into issues here then they understand that look matter is matter that's why you let me tell this if I'm going through anything on outside you will never know if I come and preach you preaching in church is a secred thing you cannot carry what is happening to your pastor come to church and then start you cannot even if anything is happening in this church it is not for me to come and pollute any the minds of people where people are listening and they saying who is it talking about now who is he talking about now they came to the place to hear the word of God because they carrying things in their life they need direction is not for you to come and do you get what I'm saying and that should be your approach right in terms of your business that you don't take sloth there into your business and you are now slothful all right in business all right quickly it says but fervent in spirit serving the lord then it says verse 12 and this is I mean I can see that one this last I just stay with this three and go he says rejoicing in Hope let me let me say this here no matter what happens there's a future and you connect with the future that God has planned all right by you rejoicing there right in Hope in Hope means in confident expectation of good that is that I am confident that something good is about to happen in my life I heard Dr Mike Mok say this as I I put until I woke up on 3:00 a.m. this was American I put I just and he right he said it is not giv that works or service that works he says it's giv and serving with expectation you can go and pray without expectation that's why the Bible says the are three things hope faith and love hope is a confident expectation hope is what Paul said he said I know this shall turn to my salvation according to my Earnest expectation and my hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed in other words you should have an expectation that within the next two years in two years I will not be recognizable and then you are rejoicing in that particular thing not that that you are connected to what is happening here and and that thing is people think but people don't really know don't understand that it's self-centeredness that's why you are because you are looking at yourself about me about me self-centeredness it's actually selfishness there right so it's it's about it's about how I feel right now no it says rejoicing there I mean the Bible says Jesus for the joy that was set before him endureed the cross you know when he was going through the cross he was looking at the joy that was before him so rejoicing there in Hope giving God thanks every time for the light at the end of this tunnel for the new season that is coming to there of expansion understanding that that look I am in this space to prepare for what is coming next so that I can maximize the moment make use of every single thing you know when I was UN of Lagos I one I learned a lesson then we used to have fellowship and and I know sometimes you can you can over celebrate a small victory that you miss out on harnessing the fullness of that Victory are you following what I'm saying here okay so what happened was in the history of University of Lagos no campus Fellowship in the I'm saying history of University of Lagos went into saying that now that's what people do now we're going to take a a facility on the on the campus and pay for it so I announced the first I said because everybody used to back then they will go to the chapel and everybody be doing Fellowship I said no no we not we are not doing this kind of thing we are going to education auditorium and we pay for education auditorium it was 250 not forget 250 NAA per they told us sign the contract I said we sign the PO looked at me like you are mad I said we are doing it the highest offering in the fellowship highest during the convention was maybe 179 na in the history of Fellowship I told them I said 25 na we are taken P we education we took so started I I've got to U jcf meeting that's all the presidents and one guy got up it's not today they've been insulting us one guy got up in front of everybody he said I have better things to do with money you know when they are shading you without calling your name I said do your fellowship we are doing our 6 months down the line he came to meet us well wow how how are you doing it how are you doing it what are you doing all right I said let's so we took it but you know what we'll do Wednesday so it was Wednesday Fellowship I added Sunday to it again to make it 500 now say we have not finished 250 you added Sunday to it 500 na so we became 500 na then all right see don't come and say those are the good old days of Nigeria when you can get a h for for for $250 na because nobody had 5,000 na do you understand what I'm saying rejoice in hope all right patient in what tribulation now patient tribulation is very but stay on that don't be in a hurry to get out of of difficulty okay don't be in a hurry all right is prepare you don't in a hurry you you can choose and get out but don't be in a hurry to get out and then he says continue what instant in prayer so rejoice in Hope patient in Tribulation and just stay continuously in the place of prayer but don't pray without rejoicing let me repeat what I'm saying don't go into prayer without you thanking God for something that is coming don't be a prayerful person without rejoicing in the future that he has because you connect to that future with rejoicing and you birath it with prayer you can't be what you're not connected to do you get what I'm saying so have that hope that that is I know I know trading hopelessness is is now very fashionable to everybody's going to die or is fashionable you get retweets by saying that just everybody oh everything is scattered oh oh oh oh you know people just say things oh Nigeria has happened to you God bless you
Channel: The Covenant Nation Yaba
Views: 3,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Poju, Poju Oyemade, Insights For Living, The Covenant Nation, TCN Yaba, The Covenant Nation Yaba
Id: m_Zktx_h3oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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