How to reset an IP camera (Any brand) Where it's RESET BUTTOM?

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foreign welcome back to Seton International I'm going to talk today about the typical reset button of the cameras the IP cameras okay we have the camera we we wanted to reset and for sure we need to reset it by pressing the button pressing the button make a little Pulsa and check out me you find it it's very easy I'm going to show you all the models that I've been working with and when you found it you have to make sure that you do this at the same time when you without electricity you located the bottom then you connect it and when the camera is being urgent with energy keep the bottom press for 25 seconds okay so now let's go to see where is the bottom as you're reading this title of the video let's go for it okay for example in Darker models there is many of them that doesn't have any button but if you can see for example besides the serial number there's sometimes these kind of two metal devices let me make a little zoom on this part of the bottom you can plug a single wired cable and then by pressing consider as energy or energy item keep the the wire the the cable inside for 25 seconds the camera will be reset that's in case that when the camera doesn't support any bottom of the reset and you can put this Cable in any one of the holes that you can see on the main board besides the lens many many of them like you can see here it's gonna be located by also beside the cereal and this bottom is also remember 25 to 30 seconds and energize the camera at the same time previously you have pressed this button let's go foreign bullet like always you can see the recording um device here it down of the screen and there is a air as St and there is this button in this case for example by screw out and open the the base of the camera you will will find easily by the rst bottom let's go to the dark web PT set in the competition as well you take out the screwdrivers of the camera in the back make sure that you don't damage the glass and if you're lucky to see the preset reset button also try to press it there so you'll be welcome back to the default camera settings let's go to the high ignition mini Doms like as well most of the camera of the hike Vision when they are supporting recording you are going to see the reset button besides the recording SD card like using the photo it's been energized this camera supports power over ethernet and as the camera is plugged into the electricity keep the button before press for 25 to 30 seconds better 30 seconds and more so the camera reset and sometimes do it two or three times if you are lucky and you do this December a little bit in main of the the platform you're gonna see this button either besides the connectors or on the same level of the type when you see this area remember that the pity set is a little complex and there's an administration of the net if you can see the member of this PT set you will see that this area and there is going to be clear a reset bottom also together with the rst letters or with a little surface easy to Pro to press you're gonna feel it that you can press it and as well as you are doing in the PT set but in case of the pity set don't forget it but the camera is going to reset it's gonna try to make their its own default values of the baltinson initiation and then make sure that you do this in a table where you are not that damaged the motor inside the camera or both of the systems both of both of the things happened at the same time with care remember in order to avoid damages of the camera let's go to the Seton WiFi pity set the Seton family of camera most of the times are being located by inside besides the SD card November symptom promotes and it's on beef and you can also work it by the own beef or by the acetone software or in this case besides the SD card place where you can locate the SD card if you make a little sum of this and also besides the cable in the case of the pity set is located over there in the IMO that Hua immobullet you are going to find it also besides the SD card and as well as the other cameras once you are pressing the button remember the energy it's out you press the button to shoot together at the same time you are presenting and you are resetting the bottom of the camera for 25 to 30 seconds let's go for the Cami programming property set also they have it on the cable most of them for the bull hiding with the camera there is three holes one of them is for the speaker and another one is for the bulb in this case a little bit it's a little bit more complicated because the ball cameras The Hiding cameras they have to be Energizer at the same time you are presenting or doesn't matter if it is at the same time that you are presenting the bottom but uh it's gonna give you a little more a little bit more complications not only by resetting the camera to recover the default values of the camera I explain you this later so now let's go for the frequent frequent ask it questions during the reset the SD card could be damaged the answer is yes so make sure that you take out the SD card outside from the camera because the camera is um most likely that could damage the SD card why better prevent most of the time doesn't but in case it it happens if you want to make sure that the SD card has this video on safe make sure that you cannot have the SD card inside will the camera come back online by Wi-Fi no once the camera is outside of the line and then it goes to the initial parameters automatically the Wi-Fi parameters are going to be erased will the camera come back online by the IP segment no it's very important I just tell you in the in the video before that you go and know what's the original parameters of the manufacturer because of the camera maybe can go back to the initiation of a different segment IP address and then when you execute its IP tool or you wanted to make a configuration again you may not find the camera online will the camera lose its new film water no the camera go back to the default factory settings but if you already put the finger the new firmware inside the camera the camera will remain with the update of the latest firmware you have plugged inside the camera will the camera maintain its time unlocks no automatically most of the cameras if they are coming from China are going to go back to the schedule they had initiation from the Hong Kong export and then also the logs are going to be disappearing this means that the user the logins and the configuration of the main board of the camera are going to be away so there's no there's no way to recover the logs log for people doesn't know what is the log of the IP cameras please leave a comment in the in in this description of the video I'm going to tell you personally what it is will the camera be back from its default email you know is going to be keeping the email the associated because that's gonna be another procedure in this um in this part I don't want to expand extend too much the the time on this because this video cannot be too much do we need to update the camera settings after of course yes like in German we say naturally so that's for all thank you for watching and if you have more questions please leave it in the comments remember that we are updating videos on this we are going to to talk about the next time video about how to reset the user password [Music]
Channel: Seetong International Online
Views: 8,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ip camera reset, How to reset an IP camera, seetong ip cameras, seetong, ip camera, security camera, where its the ip camera reset buttom, how to reset an ip camera, full reset ip camera, reset hikvision ptz, reset dahua ptz, reset hikvision ip camera, reset dahua ip camera
Id: JnJWGz673Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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