How to request document approval in SharePoint using Power Automate

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[Music] hello this is greg from sharepoint maven and in today's video i would like to show you how you can quickly create an approval workflow in sharepoint without even knowing the power to mate application uh let me explain to you a use case um so i have this library of invoices and i need to get an approval on one of the invoices maybe before i process it before i paid i just need you know an approval from one of my colleagues now of course if you need to build a sophisticated uh workflow you would need to utilize power automate application and you kind of need to know what you're doing there however i just need a simple approval so let me show you how easy it is so here is the document right here this invoice i need to get an approval on and all you need to do is just click the check box automate request sign off and essentially behind the scenes we're just using out of the box functionality it's telling you it's going to rely on all of this connections and features to build the workflow and you literally just click the creator workflow button and all you need to do is just um supply uh the individual who needs to approve this particular uh you know document so uh let's wait till this happens here we go i want mary to approve this document so i'm going to type mary's name and this is the personal note to mary um you know explaining the reason why i need to prove this here we go and run flow that's all you need to do all right uh so at the moment the workflow has been sent you know this invoice was sent to mary let me show you before i go to mary's screen uh another thing that happened you probably noticed this already another column as soon as i submitted this document that was the very first time i submitted this um you know a document from this library for approval but look at this another column was added automatically i didn't even have to you know add it manually and it tells me the status of the invoice all right it says it's pending so once it's approved it will actually change the status to approved or rejected so let's now see the experience for mary i'm going to now switch to mary's screen now there are a few places where mary can approve or reject this invoice she can of course go to outlook all right she will receive an email and she can approve and reject from there she can actually navigate to power automate all right let me show you all right and under action items approvals it will actually show you know it will actually show all the documents that was sent for approval right here and you know if you can approve or reject right from here but a very common place would also be teams all right um if mary spends the whole day in teams that would be the best place to approve a document and let's see what happened here all right here we go look at this as soon as i clicked on activity in a feed uh it shows me this request from greg all right it says greg sent the request to approve this document now one thing i kind of forgot to mention in order for this to work um you know mary needs to have this approvals app installed right so that's kind of a prerequisite for this to work in teams um essentially um you know if you want the to be able to approve uh in teams all you need to do is just install this application which is literally just a few clicks but mary already had this application installed so here we go so essentially she gets a request but the you know information my personal message a link to the document so mary can always click on the document and view it before proving it uh and then a couple of options either approve or reject or resign all right maybe mary wants to you know someone else to take a look she can resign it but let's go ahead and approve it so here we go all good approve all right and essentially now the response is submitted back to me and actually um this shows uh you know my teams showing me that this was approved all right uh but uh let's go back to the original library here we go this dot once i refresh the screen it says approve all right so i just carried you through the whole you know cycle i guess and showed you from start to finish how easy and quickly it is to submit and approve documents in sharepoint online and teams uh hopefully learn something new in this video as always happy to see on my blog and uh looking forward to seeing you soon on my youtube channel thank you very much goodbye
Channel: SharePoint Maven
Views: 10,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power automate approval workflow, power automate, microsoft flow, power automate tutorial
Id: DX-plm8E0hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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