How to Repurpose Trauma

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but the thing they couldn't take away from me that's right the thing they couldn't steal that's right was me I went on that LCA they couldn't take that purpose away they couldn't they couldn't take those experiences away that was mine that was mine and the beautiful thing about it is that you know that because you went through that and this is by no means I I I really want to tread lightly here because this is not to say that you deserve to go through some of the things that you went through people have been molested and abused people carjacked and had other traumatic experiences and what I do not want to say was you deserve that what I will say is that you have an opportunity to use that and repurpose it to be a part of the story of you becoming who you are yes you're not responsible for all the things that have happened to you but you are respon yes oh that's beautiful and it is beautiful it's a very beautiful story it's a very beautiful story because it is I believe that we have purpose to make impact in this world there's a passage of scripture that says that we are overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of Our Testimony to overcome something to triumph over something and to help someone else to do it is by the word of Our Testimony and all a testimony is a story of Triumph that means that I wasn't in a place I was in a place of Destruction I was in a place of loss and I won let me tell you how and when we're able to tell that story then that is what begins to motivate people when we the the the pursuit of happiness that's a story of Triumph we watched him from the bottom get to the top then that gave hope to people and I always say that um I heard another uh person say that we have to learn how to EMB embrace the spectacularly mundaneness of everyday life because it's spectacular sometimes it's the same thing over and over again he time and time again went to try and present his case try to present his case trying to get somebody to listen to him and had closed door have the closed door no after no but he himself he's like I know that this is what I'm supposed to do and if you're not going to give it to me somebody else will and if somebody else I going give it to me then I'll have to find a way to make it happen but I know this is what I'm supposed to do I know this is who I'm supposed to be and when you know that let's go back to What's Love Got to Do with in Tina Turner as you can tell I love movies you there was a moment there's been some homework assignment homework assignment watch assignment watch this movie and let me know what you got from let me know let me tell me why you think I had you watch this movie exactly but there's a scene where he's trying everything to get her just off of off of her rocker and she has this um because she became a Buddhist and she has this chant that she would just say over and over again and it was her anchoring moment it was her anchoring moment it was like you got all of this noise literal noise going around me trying to distract me trying to get me off the course that I've set for myself and she would just this is who I am this is who I am this is who I am this is what I'm doing this is what I'm doing and sometimes that's all we got yep that's all we got and that has to be enough and you have to be committed to that in order to get to where it is that you are trying to go yes that is the perfect segue into my next question J crew if you are enjoying this trip and you have not already I would love for you to like And subscribe so that you never miss a trip and we can continue to grow our community now back to this trip
Channel: A Journey Worth Traveling
Views: 10
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Empowerment, Entertainment, Fight, Growth, Healing, Inspiration, Inspiration empowerment, Passion, Podcast, Resilience, Self care, Self love, Strength, Therapy, Willpower, a journey worth traveling, authenticity, community, empowering journey, empowering transformation, empowerment, isolation, life coach, mental health, mindfulness, motivation, pain, personal growth, podcast, purpose, resilient spirit, self discovery, self help, therapist, trauma, travel, ride or die
Id: AZhjOAH4n-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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