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what's that noise that's quite good hello guys welcome to all over the mechanic and today's episode we're gonna replace uh i'm not quite sure what's the name of this one but we're gonna call it cool at pipe because the coolant goes here on the pipe so we're going to call it coolant 5 for the moment i'm not quite sure what's the name of this one just can you message me below please if what's the real name of this one but uh yeah for now we're going to call it coolant pipe and for a volkswagen follow at my back and a shout out first to the owner of this one also my brother also on my charts church of god international shout out to his family and before uh we're gonna start i'll show you first the part number that's the part number there hopefully you can see it right here it's part number here also yep and i thought this one is quite big but it's quite small parts you can see this one you see it's quite small only like yeah the size of my hand i thought it's quite big but yeah it's quite small but uh sad to say it's uh this one we're going to remove the intake plenum the plastic intake venom to access this one so yeah we're going to start this one hit the interface intro [Music] losing time i'm fading fast i just wanna make it last okay guys i can't find the drain plug of the radiator so i drain it here with the horse the lower horse radiator huts yeah forgetting i can't find a drain plug of the coolant i don't know volkswagen where they hide it okay guys before we're gonna start this one we're gonna remove the negative first of the battery terminal because we're gonna remove the wiring here for the injector so to play safe we're gonna remove the negative first of the battery okay then we're going to remove this one the intake duct here the air filter dock yep it's all click on it's only click on that one rubber yep and just pull it out and then it will pull up yep just remove this one by pressing this one the lock here there's a pre there's a uh yeah there's something here that you're gonna press this one just press it yep and then it will release the lock there otherwise on the fuel i rather remove this one here because there's a clip because if you remove it there there's a plastic maybe this one will be broken so i remove it here safe here safer because this one is a plastic maybe it will crack remove the dipstick it's better we're going to remove this dipstick because it hit the bracket there come on lipstick get out i don't know we will not remove it we will just swing it here going here yep okay now you see it's already moving it's a good sign that's a good sign yep there's the parts there there you go yep that's the parts there i'm gonna remove the coolant here because this is the one that's connected there so we're gonna remove this one hopefully i will not break this one try there you go what's that noise that's quite good let me see there's some noise happening now we're gonna remove the screw we're to remove the torques here the actual parts there we go so it looks that's the broken one crazy if you're gonna buy this one order this one include this one also because there's no way that you cannot break this one okay yeah this one is broken gonna order this one also it's easy to remove it's still hard okay okay guys update what i did i removed the uh intake manifold bolts this one and the two screw and that one hold the pipe i'll show you later what tools i use but for now you see that's how it looks and i broke something the plastic one i think the part of the plastic one is at the bottom i'll show you later i just only swing this one going here i don't remove it all the way because i'm gonna remove the connector yeah maybe there something broke also so i just remove this one further there and so you will not remove this one the connector rail i'll show you the tools first what i use uh this small one that's a small one just look like a star type thing that hold this one i use this one this is the tools it's a tx tx15 that's the tools that i use to remove that two thing here and this one it's like a power thing see you can see the head of the bolt this power and i have all like a chip tools here i don't know what it calls because there's no label see but this is how it looks just look like a flower thing yeah and comparison we have seven mil here it's like a seven mil size yeah seven millimeter socket that's the tools that i use and it will fit there yep and use this one also one three uh one port drive yeah and uh universal so you can access this one and yeah that's the tools that i use and yeah here's the parts that we're gonna replace this is the one i told you the broken one yeah this one the tip of this one broken stays there so i recommend if you're gonna replace this one include this one also the pipe thing here yeah you already ordered it and that's the part number okay i highly recommend if you're gonna replace this one you're gonna include this one also yeah it's quite hard to remove and it's quite fragile it's better replace this one also the pipe some parts here the new one first yep and you can see there's an o-ring with a new one there's an o-ring there there's o-ring here and i think the lock is you're gonna press this one to release it yeah you just press this too with a group that's the group both side you're gonna press the groups going in and it will expand that's how you remove this one i'm gonna remove the old one to demonstrate press this one here and yep it's pop-ups there you go pop-ups the old one we're gonna need this one we're gonna need this hose this one is goes to um the reservoir i think the lid come here somewhere else here possible on the o-ring or on this middle one you see it's a little bit open yeah possible here also delete coming up because it's plastic near the manifold it's quite hot there so this one plastic will not yeah it will not last you see it's getting open there already and here yeah that's the lead came from hey yep there's an oaring here also yeah we can install this one now yeah there you go it's an old one it's broken just press this one here and then it will pop up straight away i think i'm gonna put this one later because maybe it will broken again the new one so i will try to put this one last now we can put this one back our new one okay put some silicon in the o-ring and here also there we go turn it in okay it's already in yeah we already put the new one the clip is okay there clips okay here okay we're good i'll put this one now i'll spray some silicon in the rubber and also at the bottom i will put some silicon there the l shape that's the one on the bottom the l-shape yeah you see this is the l-shape this one's not l it's much the l so if that's much the bottom like this okay we're good i put it in so yeah just put that one last because you can do it okay guys i recommend also genuine coolant for this one that's the volkswagen coolant yep hey guys i already did the road test so far so good no overheating yep no leak check here yeah yep i'm happy with that one okay guys i go for road test uh initial road tests all good no leak uh no overheating no engine light or dash light on uh i'm happy with that one and power is there no low power but before i'm gonna sign out i'll shout out first to brad jobel berger the owner of this one and to his family shout out to yours and uh i think that's it for this meeting guys i'm happy with the result and see you on the next video oliver signing out [Music] losing time i'm fading fast i just wanna make it last
Views: 30,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7PZps-0pIr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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