Full Build - 1954 VW Oval Window Beetle Restoration - Start to Finish - 40 minutes

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here's a quick link of the car now let's see where we started I'll talk to you guys later in the video make sure you hit the Subscribe button and like the video if you haven't done that already thanks for watching right so this is kind of before and after in the same scene and then this is the bug when I first got it and this was in the condition it was in basically it was completely disassembled uh a friend of mine owned this uh since 1980s and he planned on restoring it and became ill in his 60s and couldn't uh actually finish a job and then put it up for sale and another friend of mine told me that he was selling it and I just had to get it because you know it's really hard to find a early oval window that has uh you know very little rust and you know it had some of course but very little in when it comes to oval Windows um because they're just so old you know they they rusted out pretty easily so anyway so like with the parts prices being so expensive it you know it's it's kind of a big deal now to even restore one uh the parts like this piece that piece that's rusted out there is like thousands of dollars I think um and you know and they're they're only available in Europe you have to have a connection somebody who's bringing a like a what do they call a container load over or you know or can go to Wolfsburg West and buy it and it's going to it's going to be expensive so of course a lot of stuff I made you know you'll see later in the video I'm going show you all the details of it these are original fenders that you see here um and they're really really hard to find in any kind of savable condition and those weren't too bad original tailights were there so I had basically all the bones actually had the emblem this is the original gas tank for the car it had been repaired at one point um the whole bottom had been replaced on it but didn't leak I I went ahead and filled it with fuel it was fine uh the uh batwing wheel was present uh the horn button was not so those are really expensive if you want to know so anyway yeah uh the wiring was in yeah not the greatest condition a lot of it was patched and broken so I ended up having to replace that later you see um and that is not really rust on the sides that looks like surface rust but it's actually the metallics in the paint rusted because the old days they they had that weird stuff um they used so anyway the one of the most difficult Parts in this job was this Hood So This Hood was actually really difficult to repair because you had uh inner and outer layers that were both bad and uh you know the the job of doing that was actually really uh difficult because you have you have uh two different angles of metal and I don't have an English wheel or anything like that so I had to just make it work without it so I used the stretcher shrinker and did the best I could and then uh you know got it as close as possible of course some filler this inner panel was near impossible to make I mean but of course I did it and it actually turned out pretty good you can't even tell nobody would ever know uh that the hood was really in bad shape like this but you might oh just go buy another Hood these are uh these are actually really rare early oval they have five mounting holes so there's four for the hood bracket and then the fifth one for the long extra long Hood support and they're not available let me I think uh actually now when I got when I started this project they they weren't available and now I think BBT in Europe is now making them so yeah I I welded it all up and repaired it because it's also nice to have original metal uh it is 19 gauge and the new stuff is 20 so it's you know they don't make the 19 anymore so anyway but the ones from BBT are actually really nice they fit really good um unlike some of the other ones you just say use like tape and stuff like that to get straight lines you use uh you can also use a Sharpie um I just used tape cuz it was easy and I had some and then uh cutting this little corner section right here in the hood was actually very quite difficult I had to use several different pieces to make it and to shape it um so I you know again I trying to shape that piece without uh using any seams or welding um would be very difficult if not impossible to do um you know what you could be it could be done you'd have to use um you have to make a press for it and uh use a press and then bend it and then I I really don't know you have to do a lot of different techniques to get that to work that's a very difficult piece to make so I just did that I slit cut it and then uh welded up the slits and uh turned those you made it so so it bent the angle I needed and then when I'm all done and filled in it's fine and you know it's an area that you really can't see it it's behind the hinge so when the Hood's on the car it's very difficult to get in there you have to take your head and go underneath to look up and you really can't see anything it looks perfect now so anyway getting the hood to fit correctly was difficult um so when I took it out and put it on the car um I didn't really have to do much to it I kind of went with by eye cuz there's really not many other ways to do that cuz it's the Angles and everything I set it on the car checked it and before I put the filler on and uh it was pretty much in Spec so yeah the the hood was actually really tough to do and I actually got it pretty nice again uh and those are really common areas to get rust on these early ovals uh 54 55 and earlier even the split windows had is issues with the hoods in the same area because water or whatever would get behind in there and rust and I I don't know at this point if they were dipping the cars I'm not sure that they were I think that happened later so they were doing minimal areas and there was a another random rust hole there behind the uh behind there there was a I don't know a piece of uh trim there behind there it was rusted so hopefully the planes didn't bother you I get some planes flying over I'm kind of near March Air Force Base and uh it you know it's weird they don't really fly over this area but they fly um typically fly over this area they fly over further away but when they're turning I guess the thrust kind of comes this way and the sound does inside my house I don't hear anything at all that's funny outside you can hear them a little bit but anyway yeah cuz I'm out in the garage now just uh doing this narration I don't have a studio or anything like that just basic YouTube is all I do so anyway stripped the whole thing to Bare Metal you know this Hood was like I said there was a lot of ripples in it and I did a lot of hand pounding and uh basically did a lot of metal finish to it but I did a skim coat of filler over the whole thing um so it wasn't that much at all really I mean everywhere I put filler I I never go more than about a quarter of an inch you know a lot of people there's no a lot of people say you know you shouldn't use filler filler is no good it's like it's fine there there's really no reason to not use it as long as you don't put it on too thick it says right you know on the can no you know don't put use more than a/ quarter inch if you st under that you're fine U so and and even if you put it on a little thicker than that in in certain places it's not going to be an issue as long as it's not a stressful area and stuff like that so anyway there's all these you follow the rules and you do it right you know it'll last even if you use filler you know there's a it's just filler gets a bad reputation because uh guess guys put it on the wrong way and too thick and they you know they have this old saying well Bondo always cracks and it's really not true Bondo doesn't crack unless it's done incorrectly so if you see here there's the filler I'm using um I used a a lot of ag47 and that particular area I was using Auto Art I'm not going to use Auto Art anymore I didn't there's a a couple things it doesn't handle stress as well as ag47 so I prefer the other and it doesn't really matter on the oval cuz um the there's no stress areas where I have it on but on other things I've had it where it's kind of stressful so I'm not going to use it anymore the ag47 seems to work a little bit better Sand's good Sand's faster ag47 is by USC and uh so a lot of people don't know who that is neither do you know who Auto Art is it's great Paint Company and make really nice material out of Florida so anyway hand pounded this back this is again this is the original deid for the car uh original Hood was for the car original uh three of the original fenders were original to the car um they'd never been replaced it had you know original paint on them inside and out so yeah it was pretty neat to see one like that the rims I don't have any idea I don't think they were date stamped correct at all you know I think they were just all over the place and then that's after some primer and it's we looking pretty straight so yeah there was uh I had to remove all the insulation because underneath that insulation a lot of times there's rust so you have to remove it all and this is I'm doing uh this I'm using a shrinking Hammer with a shrinking Dolly underneath it and what happens is you can actually Hammer right on the dolly when normally a lot of people hammer on the dolly and you're not really supposed to It's supposed to hammer on the high area of the dolly and of the area and have the dolly on the low and uh when you do that you you know it if you don't if you Hammer right on the dolly you're going to stretch the metal and you're going to have more issues going to use a lot of shrinking methods to get it back so you're not really supposed to do that the apron of course it was original and I saved it and if you can see it somebody had cut out the areas for the for uh dual exhaust and it came with a single pipe so I'm putting it back to that eventually I'm going to have that done and I'm not done with that yet but uh I had to fix these uh I bought those new before and I wasn't happy with the thickness of the metal and the quality of them I thought they were kind of really too thin so I just decided to save the original ones uh and for what the cost of them are I just thought it was kind of they weren't made very well H you can always send your comments so and listen don't forget to push like button uh don't forget to uh put a comment down really helps the video get some uh traction so make sure you do that I appreciate it guys that are watching my normal subscribers and you guys who are new um subscribe to the videos uh to see more there's actually going to be more going on with this car in the future I'm not quite done with it but we'll show it's pretty nice at the point at the end there was just some issues with the back when I welded that uh I didn't have it up on the lift and I actually missed a spot missed my didn't get a good penetration weld I actually missed and so that part of the problem with welding is it's not you know it's just being able to see and I'm older and I can't see very good anyway so you know my eyes are not the greatest you know not like the other when I was younger and uh I missed the missed the spot where I was supposed to have the torch happens a lot I had a lot of problems with that uh on I still do know but uh yeah even when I was doing this I you know I put it up there and go shoot I missed the spot because you got to get both sides of the metal you can't just get just one you got to get it's got to be on both pieces of metal it has to melt them both you know to make it work get good penetration on both surfaces kind of hard to do I mean not really but it is you know when you're older you can't see as good you're younger your eyes are better and you know light doesn't you know work as well as it used to so yeah I've got uh this was a pretty bad little pitted area really thin thin pitted and it had pin holes in it so I had to replace it back there the roof I used um this is Citrus strip where it works really good if you cover it um if you cover it and leave it overnight and I was able to get that to Bare Metal pretty not too bad it a couple coats of it and that was it fact I would you reuse it I would just take and uh put it back on a knife with the with the paint chips all in it and everything and just smear it over it and it would still keep going still keep St stripping so that stuff works okay doesn't work on really uh like urethane heavy two-part urethanes something like that very well it doesn't work on clear coats very well when it does work on Old material for something like this work actually not bad so I wish they didn't Outlaw the other stuff but I don't know so this was a pretty good size repair here it was actually not hard to do just lay one over the other one and uh get a pattern going um and put it in there then this again this had the same thing as the back it had really thin areas along the edge of the where the fender was cuz I guess it was raw metal for a long time or something and then the bottoms of the fenders almost always this area is bad but the funny thing is the heater channels weren't really that bad there was one heater channel was kind of had some issues I had to do the bottom you'll see a little bit in the feature here and the other one was not really that bad at all it was actually really good shape this piece here again you could buy that whole section it's kind of expensive but uh this just repairing it that way was actually pretty good work really nice using my spot welder stud welder putting studs on pulling the dents out and C that pretty much almost metal finished in that area I use a really thin coat of filler in fact I think I use just glazing on it a lot of the fill lot of the filling I've did with only glazing it didn't even have Bondo or you know or plastic regular plastic filler it was just glazing because it was so thin so anyway the doors H they had some bad spots in them and they're really primitively made in the 54 year there's a lot of uh that that line there in the middle actually variates a lot and then this had a little rust hole in the bottom and of course um I had to do the outside and the inside section so I think I did a lap job on the inside and then but welled the outside so didn't really need to be lap weld or butt welded on the inside inner panel come on out perfect without it a lot of guys always want to butt weld everything you know but you don't really have to just depends on what you're doing and how you want it to look if it's an area that matters and do it you know if it doesn't then I don't know you can do it or not do it it just depends on you so way taking the body off the pan that's what I noticed at this point um not too far in that I was going to just do resections of the I didn't think the heater channel was that bad until I looked right here and then that's when I saw the the bottom of the heater channel was pretty wasted and a couple of repairs on it could have replaced the whole thing but you know decided to just uh repair it and this side heater channel was in great shape uh but this was a lead fill job that was done on it before it was actually lead filler on there people go oh lead lasts forever it was cracked um no it doesn't last forever no nothing lasts forever uh even I think that if you do a good job with plastic filler it'll last just as long as lead and that's my opinion and I'll stick to that I I've done lead before and it's not a forever repair it doesn't last forever that's why some guys go oh that's permanent you whatever just you know say what you want to say and it's fine for you but not for everybody guys it's up to you if you want to use lead you know lead is a real pain in the butt to put on and it's real hard to you know to to use a vixen file you file it off it's really hard to file it takes a lot of time and you finally get it to where it's straight and everything else and then you know same as Bondo or filler you know plastic filler ends up cracking over time so or cracking or shrinking or there's a hundred different things happen with lead as so as well as U Bondo or plastic filler so this was a this could again this could have been replaced but I didn't really thought thought it wasn't necessary I just went ahead and fixed it and was able to get to look 100% and be plenty strong so there's no reason to replace the whole thing and nice heavy coat of this was tamco Primer we're using first time I used uh I used two different products I used one called U chameleon it's a German uh paint product I use their uh I use their uh what's it called epoxy primer as an underbed and then I used a non DTM over over that and the ndtm is real high build uh so that's why you have to use a epoxy primer um but tamco has one that does both so their urethane primer actually is really high build and it has super good adhesion so it's really nice it's kind of expensive now they the prices went up quite a bit during the pandemic so again I'm I don't know what I was doing here oh I just moving the body out to work on it and then I'll get back on the pan uh but I wanted to get the fender sanded start getting painted I think I I don't know what I was doing at this point but um always fun to transition when I have such a small area to work in really hard to keep organized and all that together oh I think yeah I had to have the air chisel inside the garage I don't like the air chisel outside it's very loud and I wanted to do that out inside the garage so my neighbors don't get mad cuz they've gotten mad before when I was here chiseling is I mean it is really loud so definitely try and make your neighbors happy if you're going to do anything like this it's really it's not hard to do it really isn't so just did it inside the garage clean up the trans I didn't rebuild the trans um there really wasn't I wanted to go ahead and put it in and test it I put it in and tested it and there was no issues with the transmission so I I haven't really driven it that far yet but um I again I need to do more work to the engine those are all future videos coming up if you can if you haven't subscribed you want to do that so check those out so the brakes went on um you know this thing had really really low miles I really don't think I don't even know if the brakes I mean they might have been original stuff was all German that was there original drums they were original never had been replaced the ti rod ends all that stuff was super tight never had been replaced so I really don't think this car had very many miles on it at all so anyway so a lot of people might think oh just an oval window um you know the early oval window which is 5 early 55 and earlier were much more expensive to build so you had 53 and a half and 54 and early 55 were much more expensive the parts are different the cars are you know they have the bat wing steering wheel so a lot of things are shared with with the split window on these so I go it's just another oval it's no this is way more expensive and way more desirable to own you know they they didn't make as many of the earlier ovals than they did 5657 they made a lot more of them so anyway surrounded painting you know I'm blowing a coat of base on uh I you know what I did is I had two different uh coats of Base so I shot on undercoat for coverage because they accidentally sent me well they sent me a a mismatch gallon that was terribly off in fact both gallons I got were terribly off and I had to rematch them so I went and had to buy some other uh toners and then just start working on it till I got it really tight and if you notice here coming up um I'll I'll you'll see the door and the center section of the door basically there's one little area in the door in the center that I did not paint so you can see I'm painting and I did not shoot anything on that Center section of the door all that is right there is that's clear so if you see there there's very very little difference and I'm showing right here those are chips still in the paint and uh in the old paint so it's very very close color to the original not many people have matched it that time because you know not many people can spend that time you know I spent like a couple of weeks in just getting the color right so you know you take it to a paint store and they're not going to spend that kind of time they're just going to you know oh there you go you know here's your match and you look at it you go wait that's not the same and uh you know that's the way it is so that's all you get unless you want to pay a lot of money you know those guys the time is money so if you're going to have a really good match you're going to have to pay a painter to do it and not going to get just a pain paint store to give you the match they're not going to give you the same thing so this match is right on the money really tight and funny funny thing is in a lot of videos it looks a lot Bluer than it does in person I'm I'm I'm just saying like in the different camera angles I think at the beginning of the video in the end it shows pretty much the color so I had it in the shade but you know when I'm shooting these it was just like however the whoever it was sitting I didn't like try and move it and put it in the perfect lighting I I just didn't have that kind of time for that so last minute I had to I found this I I knew this rust was there but I just kind of ignoring it then I realized you know I'm going to have to fix it so this windshield rust of course the windshield fit perfectly there was no issues with the bottom or the top always leave the rubber on that's what I always say when you do a restoration and you're going to do like a windshield area or a window around the windows you going to have rust to rep there leave the old rubber on and just see take the take the when take the glass and just put it in place or if you have the new have the new rubber there and then go through and set it in place and make sure that all of it goes in so it's easier with the old because it's already compressed a bit so you can tell if it's going to fit and check it again before you get done see under here this is actually people said oh I'm painting over rust that's actually not rust it's actually rusted metallic paint so the metallics were painted and then I shot uh a coat of uh that was epoxy primer to to encapsulate it and keep it from you know keep it keep it from keep you know keep it protected under there so I shed epoxy primer and painted underneath uh didn't really have to do it but you know I just wanted to do that so anyway showing a little bit of real time painting here you know it takes a lot of time really to do a good job turn your material down really slow you know lot guys go really fast when you're doing a when you're in a body shop and you've got a car that's in good shape you can go over it a lot faster than you can when it's old and you're trying to restore it it's a restoration process is a little bit different than when you're in a body shop I used to do that a long time ago I was worked in a body pH shop as a painter and you know I decided that I didn't want to do that anymore I didn't want to do it for my for my full-time job so I actually left the industry and they people got shocked that were you know my manager the body shop manager um I just got awarded this the I was 21 years old and I'd already been a painter somebody else and and and they didn't believe me when I told them I knew how to paint and I had worked at several I worked at another a shop that had several locations and I was actually a painters helper at that point and I was actually uh used to they used to send me to all the different locations because everybody get behind and because I was so fast as painter helper they just couldn't they'd never seen anything like it cuz like I I already know how to paint I'm a painter I this is all you know I can do the job you know and so I was bouncing around the some some locations didn't have a painter and they go oh why don't you come the painter at Laguna gel and I was like it's too far to drive I didn't want to drive all the way out there and I didn't live there and uh so I was like No And then U you know and it was all BMWs and the people there were just kind of a pain the ass the customers were so I just was like H don't really want to do it I'll just stay where I'm at and then uh I got the then the other guy they fired the other painter and they said okay it's all yours and I'm like oh I'm leaving I like what I was done with it I just you know it was just the whole industry was changing the materials were changing the you know the and the you know it was funny is 25 years later one of my friends is a painter in a body shop and I said so what is it paper flat rate hour now and he goes oh 15 bucks and I said dude that's what it was back when I was doing it in the in the 90s ear or late late 80s I said that's ridiculous they keep on the body shop owners are making millions of dollars a year and the GU is working sometimes making nothing just depends on the shop but I mean there's some good ones out there but it's really hard to get in there and and do that I'm showing here the the area you can see the original paint there very little difference I mean because I didn't blend it or anything you can see the spray edge around it but the color is actually the same so anyway that's how good I matched it so had a few places in here steering wheel decided to just do a restoration paint job on it sand it down put some high build on it uh fixed all the areas that were bad and just gave it a nice go of Bas and clear made that color too they M matched it as close as I could and then uh just went ahead and went with that that kind of a gray color steering wheel was I think the the center horn button I think it's Ivory so it's weird it doesn't it doesn't match the steering wheel so when I finally get one it'll be a while before I get it but I think they're $150 it's not bad that's $150 for that $300 for each three $400 for each bumper you know I've got about two grand or so to spend and really you know it's just a long story in the economy right now it's just been not been good for work so anyway I'm just doing YouTube mostly at this point so and it's not enough to live on anyway we we got uh you know the fender going back on cars you know it's the assembly process was very slow U I have to tell you uh just every little piece that I had to put on had to be refitted remachined um you know just everything was just so old and and decrepit you know it just took a long time to assemble the parts you know new screws on as mission of I could you know a lot of it I use stainless so anyway the rubber parts of course you know the quality of that stuff is just not the same as it was back in the day so you just have to make everything fit you know there's nothing just you know nothing just goes right in I mean I've gotten parts that are so bad that you know they put them on and two years later they just junk they just you know the rubbers stuff some of that stuff I mean and I try and get the best stuff as I can but you know sometimes the premium stuff was just so unaffordable it's just in crazy it's 10 times the amount other places so did my own headliner uh I actually had this headliner that came with the car he had it for so many years just inside the car and I was kind of worried that the wrinkles that were in it were going to not look good it ended up looking pretty darn nice came out really good and uh the magic is right there that's the steamer you steam it and really spend your time steaming it at the end and boy that just sucker just stretches right out put the glass in call the trim in the glass it's always fun yeah and then um I actually made the glove box show you later you'll see it's actually yeah papier-mâché and it could be painted whatever at that point but uh they don't really make they make a ABS glove box and I didn't really want one I wanted it to be you know at least made out of something similar to the original material yeah I did um SE frames uh did not come with seats when I bought the car and that was one of the things that was missing and that is a big deal on early oval they're very expensive U one of my friends was selling a set and I couldn't buy him he he wanted I think it was $3,000 for a set seats and I was like I dude I can't do that so I had to piece them together and I had to get a seat bottom from one guy one guy from uh from Colorado uh really nice guy had the seat bottom he saved it from another place and then uh he is commutes back and forth to another state to work interesting we were talking on the phone for a while and so I paid him and then it took six months to get it because we found out shipping just went through the roof and so we waited and a guy from it was the seat by botom was in Texas and another guy who's another Enthusiast picked up his seat bottom along with some other things he was coming out this way and delivered them to me at a show so it was pretty incredible you know you get these guys all come together you know you kind of you have to have some trust you know there's some you're going man you know is this guy really going to send these so we got the seeds finally it was pretty cool and they did all the sewing and myself um all the 100% restoration I did other than a couple friends helped on different issues and had friend head machine he well he's we haven't done the heads on this one yet but we're going to do the heads and over his shop and you know worked as a VW guy a long time ago and it's all changed everything's not the same you know I worked on a VW shop you know long time ago I was a ASC Master art technician so I knew a lot about cars but again like I said it it's still it's not like just repairing caring a new car it's you know everything goes [Music] nothing all right guys this is what she looks like now we're still working on it need to get bumpers of course I'm waiting for funds so it's kind of where we're at now got the Oster in just got the seats done yeah the steering wheels in I still need a horn button those aren't cheap so I got that to come in pretty soon we'll be doing some more videos I got some paint touchup issues to do yeah she's looking really nice I got the uh running boards here have the rubber tops they have this little void there of the lines going across or do the regular cheap running [Music] boards um this is the original color I matched it if you saw in the video the door panels um were off and I was the center section I did not paint so the center section on the doors it was exactly the same color and it Blended in perfect I didn't have to blend it or anything I just painted around the doors I'll show you I just sprayed right here and then whatever overspray hit down into here a little bit CU there was some primer I had to cover that but this whole section in here is original paint still behind the door panels I still have the carpet in the original mats um the original carpet when I'm going to redoing that that's 10 some odd dollars a yard so that's on hold as well but I do have the original mats so I may fix those we'll do that later in other future videos the engine's not rebuilt I just cleaned it up and put it in here um was planning on doing like a complete rebuild on it I I don't know if I'm going to have the money for that these are really expensive engines to rebuild um I'm hoping this video will help us fund a little bit of that stuff so that's why I'm putting it up here now but uh the engines I do have valves I may just rebuild the top end uh in the near future so stay tuned for that video and we'll see the top end get rebuilt and I can probably get it running a little bit better it's not running the greatest right now just kind of real noisy exhaust some of those things I may just do some something with the exhaust and the heads in the near future and we'll get it to sound okay and run decent you know I don't know how good the bottom end is as far as the oiling and all that but it doesn't it doesn't knock or anything so it might while last quite a while you know anyway so we'll take a look at that later yes these are original tail lights uh this car had all the original metal was there um except for this Fender this Fender I used another uh original Fender of a later model and just welded up all the holes and put the tail lights in and yes they're a little bit crooked and that's the way they were originally cuz this one had the original holes in it and it's a little bit crooked it was like this because these came with heart tail lights as well as those egg tail lights the egg tail lights were American spec and the Heart tail lights weren't so I'm going to put the overrider style bumpers like on the blue bug over here uh because this one actually came with those which is quite unique um it most of them came with the European bumpers except the American spec cars I I it was kind of a tradition at that point it wasn't really um something that you would get you know you had they ordered them that way but it wasn't required by uh dot or anything but in later in F later 55 this is a 54 this was shipped to the US and delivered in 55 built in 54 and uh the the the like I said didn't acquired until late 55 which was around I think April or May somewhere in there when they started putting the overrider bumpers on they actually made a different car so this is an early it's a 54 but the same as a early 55 they're the same same car so anyway this is what it looks like under here I'm still got to do a spare tire for it still got to put the cover on here oh this goes on down below here that is the original even the brake master cap uh you don't know what I'm going to do with the glove box yet um going to get stuff like the speed armor to work a few little details to do clean it up a little more of course and I got some more buffing to do polishing on the car just a little bit and some touch-up in the paint so anyway but that's where we're at and this is original too that wasn't even a repop they make them re reproduction when that one's an original one Hood shots pretty good you guys notice the metal work here turn out pretty good this was really bad that was extremely hard to fix and here on this side turned out pretty good not bad looking really hard to get all those compound we had a compound angle this way one going that way you know and this is arched over and I was able to get that pretty good and the inside of it looks pretty good too so anyway anyway the car turned out pretty nice and you know we're going to be doing some more builds I don't know what I'm going to do next uh but stay tuned you know make sure you subscribe if you haven't done that yet and uh we'll talk to you later
Channel: Mike Fn Garage
Views: 23,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oval window Beetle, VW Beetle, Full Restoration, Rusted Out, Repairs, metalwork, Welding, SMR, Full Build, Restored
Id: MA1Uq3g0PuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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