How to replace fuel injectors 5.9 Cummins 2003-2007

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel today i'm going to be showing you how to change your injectors on a 5 9 common rail cummins engine so i am actually putting some 90 horsepower bd diesel injectors in so you're going to need new injectors obviously or remanufactured whatever and you're also going to need the fuel crossover tubes you have to replace these when you're replacing your injectors and then obviously make sure that your injectors are coming with the o-rings and copper washers for them i'm also going to be throwing a new air filter in mine just because mine's at that point and i got this new intake horn so just while we take the stock one out i'm gonna put that one in when we when we put it back together so this is gonna be a step by step on what to do i'm not gonna show myself doing the work i'm basically just gonna say what to do so as long as you have some mechanical experience it should be fine and if at any point you find this video useful please feel free to like it it helps the video reach more audience and subscribe for more videos first thing you should always do is just disconnect your two negative battery posts and there's different order you can do this job in as far as the steps go but i'm just going to show you the way that i'm choosing to do it this time so next i'm going to do after you disconnect the batteries i'm going to remove this intake horn off so there's i think four bolts here you got to take this oil dipstick off get this clamp off kind of get that whole horn out of the way with intake horn out i'm gonna disconnect these two power wires on my grid heater and the ground over here and i'm gonna just pull the grid heater out just so we have more room when we're getting these fuel lines now you're probably going to want to get new gaskets for your grid heater as well and your intake so you have one gasket here and one on the bottom so you'll need two of them okay it's a good idea to kind of put some rags in here and here just you don't want anything fall into your engine uh just remember obviously to take this stuff out when you put it back together all right now i'm gonna unplug the uh three injector plugs kind of get this wiring just try to move all the wiring off to the side so we can see all our fuel lines all right now take these four bolts off take this oil flow cap off and we can kind of pull this top uh cover of the valve cover off now you can kind of use a flathead screwdriver or a poster tool and kind of pop these two lines off here and i think there's a nut back there that kind of holds them in place but just try to kind of move them just get them loose so we can kind of work with them a little bit and we'll get them off to the side all right i kind of just grabbed those tubes and put them on the other side dipstick so now all our fuel lines are exposed but they're still kind of covered by their injector harness so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to remove i think there's one two three four five six uh 10 millimeter bolts and we're actually going to take the valve cover off and uh we'll take the injector harness off as well too okay we got the valve cover off now technically you might be able to leave this uh intermediate kind of rocker housing on but i would rather just take it off because it's going to make getting these things out of here so much easier to torque up and get at these fuel lines so it's uh i think it's like seven or whatever bolts kind of that hold it down here and then you're gonna have to undo all your injector uh lines maybe just make note of which colors go to which injectors so you don't screw it up when you put it back together and then we should be able to lift this housing right up and the injector harness will come right with it and then it will just kind of open everything up for us now that we have all that off you can take your rockers out so be careful because your rocker bridges will be a little bit loose there once you pull these out um and kind of back them off evenly you want them to kind of come up straight because some of these are going to be um you know compressing down on the springs so and it is extremely important that these all go back in the same way because they're all going to be set for the valve lash right now so you want to make sure that when you put them back down you're putting these back down on the exact same cylinder they came off of so make sure you lay these out or label them one two three four five six whatever you want to do just make sure these go back in the way that they came out of it'd also be a good time when you put this back together to check your valve lash anyways i'm not going to bother because as you can see you can still see all my paint markers on i've i did the valves on on here uh when i did the head gasket which wasn't too long ago so i know that these ones are fine and i can just tell by listening to it that they don't need to be adjusted but just if you guys have never done it before maybe that would be a good thing to do while you have your valve cover off so again with these just be very careful and kind of hold the the rocker bridges down and kind of unstick everything because the oil will kind of stick a little bit and kind of grab it right here on the side gently lift it just like that the push rods can stay in and we'll probably take these rocker bridges off just so we don't knock them loose but yeah that's what you do and then just keep these all in order i'm just going to put this one at the back and lay them all out so i know which one goes where after got all the rockers out so see i have it sitting exactly the same as the truck so this would be the front of the truck so i'll have cylinder one two three four five and six so i know that when i go i'm going to start with number six this one's going to go all the way in the back of the truck and that's how i keep them all in order try to keep these in order too these rocker bridges or sorry these valve bridges they're not as uh important but i still put them back on the same uh pedestals that they came off of and like i said your push rods you can just leave all your push rods in your engine see i have the big heavy duty ones but yeah we don't need to worry about those they can stay all right now i'm going to go ahead and remove all the fuel lines so there should be six of them the back one is behind that lifting hook you can try to get it without taking the lifting hook but sometimes it's easier just to take the two bolts off and remove that lifting hook out of the way also see these uh kind of clamps here i just leave them attached to the fuel line and unbolt them from your intake manifold here and then just pull them all together because it's just gonna be much easier that way so yeah go ahead and pull all your six lines i believe they're 19 millimeter wrench sometimes having a crow foot too helps because some of them can be a little bit of a pain but they're not too bad on these trucks all right once you got all your fuel lines off you can grab a 24 mil socket and pop her on here and you can take all these fuel tube retaining nuts off so there should be six of them take those nuts off okay once you have all these nuts out you can loosen all six of your injectors so you can unscrew kind of go a little bit back and forth each side and loosen uh all these eight mil bolts that hold down your injectors but you can't pull your injectors out yet just loosen up all your injectors all right all of my injector hold down bolts are loose i left them in there but they're all finger loose so now you go over to your injector fuel tubes i guess whatever you call them you just kind of want to pop them out i'm using an upholstery tool just like that just try to be careful with them but yeah we want to take all six of these guys out once you have all your six field tubes out you can take all of your injector hold down bolts out so your injectors will just be sitting there not bolted down so now we can actually take all six injectors out so they're usually in there all right like they don't take too much to come out but you won't you shouldn't be able to pull them up by hand maybe if you're really strong you can but if you kind of just get a little heel bar in here okay there i got the heel bar in you just kind of give it a little gently pull it like that you'll see it comes up and you can grab it and pull your fuel injector out so go ahead and be gentle on the cylinders five and six at the back can be kind of a pain in the butt but you got to get those injectors out too so just be very careful and uh pull those injectors i'll just kind of pry them up a little bit once they kind of move free off that o-ring seat then you can just pull them up with your hands all right we got all the injectors out uh so we're pretty much ready to put the new guys in so have a peek down your injector holes make sure they look pretty clean sometimes i just spray a little squirt of brake clean in there and blow it out with some air i just had my cylinder head off not long ago so when it was at the machine shop it got completely acid bath so mine's all clean but i have had to do it before where you just spray some brake line in there blow it out with some air maybe use a pipe cleaner to kind of get down in there just to kind of keep make your injector holes nice and clean okay so now grab your new injector if it has any little cover on the on the tip there or whatever just kind of take all your covers off and be very careful with it you don't want to damage it so what you want to do now is just make sure that the copper washer is seated now if you bought new injectors which is what this video is for most likely yours already comes with an o-ring on here and a copper washer on there so if not you need to put those on but you should be good and what i like to do is i like to use like a vaseline petroleum jelly and i just put a little bit on the o-ring you could use engine oil it's probably actually recommended that you use engine oil but i always use petroleum jelly i think it works fine it doesn't kind of create such a mess so just put a thin layer around there and then we can go put these in now just remember when we put them in you want this opening in the injector to be facing the driver's side because that's what the fuel tube that we put out that's what it goes into there now i have new fuel tubes i have all six new ones and you really want to get new ones because what happens is when you torque these all together this is actually a crush fit in there and it will actually it crushes to fit and that's what makes the seal and you got you know 20 000 plus psi of fuel here you want this to not leak so if you use an old one let's say that's you know even if you can't see it it is worn out there well you put that in there and then with 20 000 psi of fuel you might get a little bit like a slow drip a little bit of leakage and then that's just gonna go into your uh crankcase into your engine oil so that's why whenever you're whenever you're taking these out you're supposed to use new ones you're supposed to use new ones every single time and especially if you're using new injectors you have to use new field tubes so it's always good to clean your injector holes anyways i'm just gonna i'm just gonna quickly spray this out and show you what i mean i just like to put a little bit of brake clean like that in the injector hole and then grab some [Music] air kind of clean it all out and if you can see there's that injector hole so you can see it's nice and clean in there so you want to do that just clean it all out don't put too much brake clean though in because you don't want a bunch of brake clean going into the cylinder because then when you fire it up your engine is going to instantly start up and it's going to run off brake clean for a while and you can just rev it up really high so just that's why just a couple of squirts blow it up with air and you should be good all right so remember this hole where your fuel tube goes that is going to face kind of that way uh towards where your fuel well you can see where your fuel tube goes so make sure you have that lined up and then you want to just drop your injector in very nicely just kind of like that then grab each side of it and you should be able to kind of pop it down just like that and that's all we're doing right now we're just putting them in and then push them down and kind of you pop them down into that o-ring and leave them like that okay now get your new fuel tubes and put a little bit of engine oil or petroleum jelly around this o-ring and notice that it's got the two dots here that's just to guide it into a specific position i think they face up but yeah we're gonna put all six of these in so you're just gonna get it slider in there make sure it's all nice and clean everything's clean and yeah yeah so they point up if you have them to the side and then you turn it you'll feel when it kind of jumps in place just like that and what you're going to do is just kind of get it and try to push it in just like that you'll hear a click so just that's all we're going to do right now for this so put all six of them in just put them in there and pop them into place just like you did the injector and we'll go from there so like i said i'm using bd diesel 90 horse injectors and if you want to do performance injectors then i definitely recommend b diesel makes awesome products uh but even if you just want like a new stock injector so you need to do new injectors on your truck because yours are worn out bd diesel actually makes um like a five percent over it's just like a little bit better flowing stock injector that just gives you a little more top end uh and so i'd really suggest like if i had to choose just putting like you know some remanufactured stock injectors in or just getting that extra little bit of five percent they do make a little bit like a just over stock injector so definitely check out bd diesel for that so now we're going to start to torque our injectors down so notice how this pivots so you kind of when you're torquing them down you don't just want to tighten one bolt all the way and then leave it at an angle you kind of want to try to keep this as flat as possible so you got to tighten a little bit on each side and back and forth and just try to keep that level so with that said you can put your injector hold down bolts in and there's a special procedure to this so the first thing we're going to do is you put your bolts in here on each injector and tighten them down evenly to 44 inch pounds not foot pounds inch pounds so you're barely tightening them 44 inch pounds on all of your injector hold down bolts so i have this snap-on uh torque wrench i got set to 44. i already tightened these down just uh there you go i already tightened these down just by hand so now yeah i'm just going to tighten a little bit on each side until i hit my 44 inch pounds which isn't much there we go i hit it on that one and that one usually when you torque it up on one side the other side will be tight just from it moving up so the first one's done i got six more to go 44 inch pounds all right once you got those all torqued down the first torque you're going to take your field tube nuts make sure they're nice and clean you're going to spin it on and you're going to torque these to 11 foot pounds so go ahead and torque all six of these guys right down there to 11 foot pounds all right once you got all those uh retaining nuts torqued down you can do your final torque on your fuel injectors which is going to be 89 inch pounds again that's 89 inch pounds on each of your injector hold down bolts so you can go ahead and do that now all right the injectors are all torqued down now so you can go back to these uh fuel tube nuts and you can give them their final torque which will be 37 foot pounds now we can go ahead and put all of our fuel lines back on so i'm gonna do the cylinder six fuel line and then i'm gonna put that lifting bracket back on and then continue all the way up and put those guys on and i usually grab some brake clean and i just spray some brake clean in one end and it'll shoot out the other just to make sure they're nice and clean all right and so for these uh fuel lines i'm not sure on the actual torque spec i usually just kind of tighten them up until they kind of right there i can feel it kind of grabbing then i just kind of give it just a little bit of a of an oomph you don't need too much you don't want to over tighten them but just kind of give it a little bit and that should be good and remember to put your bracket bolts on too all right all the fuel lines are tight now keep in mind we're probably gonna have to crack one or two of them loose when we start cranking the truck just to bleed the air out of the system but i like to just keep everything tight just for right now so we don't forget anything but now we can go ahead we're gonna put these uh rocker bridges back on um or sorry uh these valve bridges back on and then we're gonna put our rockers all back on and again just make sure these are all going back in the same place we took them out of if you notice these have a little dimple on the one side there uh that's the side that has like a bigger slot and i don't know if it really matters like i've taken so many trucks apart where these are all mismatched ones flipping one way one's the other i like to put all these with the dimples facing out towards the exhaust side but like i said i don't think it matters too much for some reason the video i had putting the rockers back on the engine the file got corrupted so i'm just going to take a little bit of the video i did when i did the head gaskets on the 5.9 just to show how to put the rockers back on so if you notice it's a little bit of a different look just for a split second that's why okay now we're gonna put the rocker assemblies in i gave them a shot of brake clean and blew them off just to kind of clean them out a little bit okay so i like to put them all in as an assembly make sure there's nothing ghost on the bottom or nothing like that kind of hold it all together and i'm going to use two hands and drop it down on top of the valve bridges make sure they go in my push rods there just like that and then i'm gonna start start my bolts and we'll tighten them up later so then just double check that nothing moved off you know your bridges are good push rods are in place and you can put them all in before you put these into it's a good idea just to kind of feel these where they rest on the valve bridges just to make sure that no parts are falling off and you know they're still rolling smoothly now we're going to uh tighten all the rocker arms down the torque spec for them is 27 foot pounds so you can go ahead and torque all these bolts to 27 foot-pounds okay once all the rockers are torqued down you can kind of grab a rag and just kind of try to clean up this flange all the way along and we're going to put that injector harness slash rocker housing kind of cover back on just inspect your gasket here but usually you could reuse these just kind of look for any you know rips or tears in it but you know 99 of the time they're fine to just reuse them all right once this is tightened down you can put your injector uh wiring nuts or i guess whatever you want to call these hook your injectors up uh now these i think they're only like 11 inch pounds to get torqued too so i do it by hand i just use a screwdriver usually but like just do not over tighten these because you can break these terminals off very easy so just a very very very very gentle snug on these and that's all they need so don't over tighten them all right all my injector wires are on so again grab a rag and kind of just clean up this ceiling surface all the way around and then you can inspect your gasket on here as well but like these ones i've never ever had to change them so you should be fine put this guy back on tighten him down again i'm not sure on torque spec just you know whatever feels good don't over tighten it but just you know once you kind of feel it tighten give it a good snug that's it we'll put this valve cover on all right now you can pop these two pipes back on kind of start getting your electrical back over here uh but i'm gonna put that top valve well the valve cover cover i guess on now just remember you gotta take this thing off to pop it on all right this is all back on i got all my wiring plugged in i think there's a couple sensors and your three injector plugs i got it bolted up here this uh these go on the back of your intake horn but uh yeah now you can either reuse these gaskets or get new ones on but you can put your grid heater and your intake horn back on i got that new banks one so i got to figure out how that's going to fit in here but you can go ahead and yeah get your intake horn and grid heater back on okay i got the new intake horn in and uh i think we're all ready we're gonna hook up the batteries right now uh once you got your negative posts back hooked up we'll uh start bleeding this fuel system and see if we can get a runner all right batteries are hooked back up so what i did is i went to this fuel line right here because it's easy to get out and i just loosened it you know not even a half a turn uh and so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna get a guy and he's gonna crank it and as soon as we see this start to drip i don't know if it'll pick up on the camera or not but when you see this start to drip that's when you say okay shut it off tighten it back up and then you just crank and it should fire shortly after that okay i got the key on right now i got a fast lift pump so it should be making sure we got lots of fuel up here just make sure that you got no fan stuck in your egg or sorry any rags stuck in the fan or tools like that just kind of make sure it's all nice and clean and then you can start to crank so all right give it a crank okay so you see what happened there was there was a little bit of brake cleaning whatever from when we sprayed it out so it instantly started running it's burnt that off so now we can continue to crank so um okay actually shut off yeah leave it off because we already have uh a drip there so i'm gonna tighten that up and then we'll crank it again and see if we fire up okay i got that tight so all right give it a crank we'll see if it fires [Applause] give another one there we go [Music] looks like there's a bit of smoke here just from the oil and the brake clean but looks like it's kind of clearing itself up give it a wrap [Music] all right so once you have it running just look over it check it for leaks fuel leaks you know um you know just see how it is you're gonna have to go take it for a test drive and everything but that's basically it to change your injectors so if you if the video helped you please like and please subscribe follow for more how-to videos more diesel vlogs i'm also going to put another video i'll put a little link up here on the the video the more vlog style video on taking this thing out and testing out these new injectors rolling some coal seeing uh you know how much of difference they make over stock so definitely stay tuned for that and check me out on instagram with dark iron diesel but yeah thanks guys for watching i hope to see on the next video so you
Channel: Dark Iron Diesel
Views: 170,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodge, dodge ram, ram 2500, ram 3500
Id: YidnonBlDPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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