How to replace, diagnose and repair Toyota Alternator - Disassemble and Reassemble

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this is a de práctica three other alternator we only charge under 40 mode I'm gonna show you how I took it apart and not diagnosis the problem take off these four screws one two three four and also to others screws here if you find that is a little bit tough for removing the screw for some penetration oil here so the whole things to people coming out like this first of all inspect the brush this brush use look very good next check the stator winding there's see the windings are inside these are the coil eats we have to check the continuity between this leads that is a through points close to zero resistance so these are awkward now I check the coil whether is short to the ground now touch one with the ground touch the result ha elite no salt no salt no shot no salt okay this as theta is good check the slip rings of the rotor it is 2.7 ohms is good now to check the rectifier out and first connect is positive to the positive terminal and there is no conductivity and then reverse this and then we can see that is a 591 ohm so it looks fine to me in order to double-check that I'm going to check each and every dial circuitry this is the first stop tyro is a 500 million 59 ohms is good there is a second dial is of 585 palm wood this is the third tile is 593 alms good so in order to world fighter 100% we reverse this and the positive here and that there is no conductivity here there is no conductivity here there is no conductivity here no conductivity here and that is no connectivity here so it means that this is good if the parameter is bad the only thing left is this directly the conclusion of this defective Automator is the backward labour these other two we face the regulator or to replace the whole alternator to put this back then use the screwdrivers push the brush in and then the second one and then it's a POC in good and then let's put all these or this blue back and now these are this cluster sample can be about replace okay you can replace the brush just by itself now tighten the rope properly make sure these are all tight don't make it too tight and we might pick the smooth make sure that is tight you that's good
Channel: tgmac8288
Views: 64,944
Rating: 4.6634049 out of 5
Keywords: How to Diagnose and Repair Toyota Alternator, How to Diagnose and Repair Toyota, How to Diagnose and Repair, How to Diagnose, Diagnose and Repair, Alternator repair, How to repair, Disassemble and Reassemble, Disasemble, Ressemble, Rav4 Toyota, Rav4, Toyota, diagnose alternator, alternator, DIY, charging problem, common problem brush change, brush change, Toyota Rav4, alternator diagnosis, repair alternator, 1998 Rav4 Toyota, 1998 Rav4
Id: IMCxEd0pahs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2016
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