How to Repair Curb Rash on any wheel rim

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hey guys so today I'm gonna show you how to repair a curb scuff on a wheel and this is the easiest way you can do it you can do this at home you don't even have to take the wheel off the car okay to start where to look on prepared area with any sound ever [Music] okay so we've sanded as much of the scuff as we can with the 80 sandpaper now we're left with some really deep gouges here from whether we did a curb or something like that well after you samsara filler in these okay so we've cleaned area down thoroughly in preparation for the fillers now we just want to concentrate and put the filters into the deeper scratches at this stage it doesn't have to be perfect the most important is to feel as much as the damage as you can ok so it's been about 30 minutes a good way to check of defenders as hard as put your nail in the feathers if it doesn't leave a print it's ready for sanding okay now that we've taken down the heaviest of the fillers with a sample we're gonna move on to the 180 just to take out these heavier scratches so when we put the primer on the scratches won't show true okay so we're at this stage we're happy the damage has gone from the wheel so now we're gonna scuff The Wrestler wheel to prepare for the next court on top you can get scotch-brite in your part store it's very very cheap if you scuff the wheel properly it should have a dull finish okay we're gonna fully clean the wheel down it has to be spotless we clean for their primer cord okay so now we're gonna start masking the wheel down for primer we don't want to get primer from the center crapper on the tyre anti so we're going to try and mask up I remove as much as we can okay and for my next trick only joking this one use to mask off the tire okay so normally if you're a prime in a way you'd use a gun like this or that for this case for the video I'm gonna use an aerosol can okay so this is etching primer we're gonna start off with a light core and then we're gonna build up to a heavier coat okay that call is tried no saying for a second cause okay so that's straight now for about 30 minutes if your wheel doesn't look perfect you can give it a light rub of a wonder sandpaper wet and dry sandpaper but mine looks really good I'm gonna put the silver core on top okay so at this point the wheel astounded look really really good we'll just let this dry off for a while and then we'll hit a brick or a clear coat okay so the clear core really is the hardest step especially with an aerosol can my advice is to start with really light course and just be careful of runs if you hammer down really hard it went wrong so start off with a light coat and develop gradually okay so we pull off the mask and an we'll see what it looks like okay guys these are the results back to fact you finished again we'd be scuff up here there's a curb mark along the top there as well they're all gone there now you can do this at home it doesn't cost a lot of money you just have to be patient thanks for watching guys
Channel: Mad4Motors
Views: 16,202,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kerbed, alloy wheel, rash, repair, how to, wheel, paint, painting, fix, curb rash, kerb, scratch, scratches
Id: FF_-JrdTcKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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