How to repair cracks in concrete patio and deck.

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French afferent pork what we're going to do today is how we're going to stealing some cracks on this deck this porch back here the concrete thing is uh we get a little bit more condensation down under the basement so what we're going to do we're going to seal this some little cracks back here with some special thing we have some this our crack weld weld and this is for referring cracks filled cracks with the first thing and it's very good for cracks and concrete floors driveways patios and pool decks so when I want to show you very quick what are we going to do with this little cracks back here we're going to arm run the thumb and place with a mini Reiner and it that way to open a little bit and then we're going to fill it up let me show this work very quick is what you also you can use a fan to blow the dust out of your face and not a premium all that so we did all this is the same processing we do this before I show you this that way the video can be short ok the next step we're going to do is this you can do this with the air compressor with a little lower but then also we got this vacuum that's a big got to be perfect clean and other way we can apply this thing and all this stuff here comes with a little special sand we're gonna put this one down first you get this one comes with a little tip also a little needle for the very very very small gaps very small cracks in it so what we do is um let me show you this off very quick pull this little it says we have to shake this from very good very well before we use in it so you gotta have our caulking gun stick them in here okay and then there's a little there's a little stop right here we have to pull out that's the C we can put that one back if we don't finish this thing and then and then I'll put this one in here put this bit on it so what we do what we being shaken let me show you where quick okay so um I'm at um ladies a little cup put some of this dust and so what we're going to do is just um run some up and you see it comes actually mixing together okay so then what we're going to do come closer and then spread some of this little thing in here this is a very good stuff this stronger in the concrete it's a very good special thing for you're just going to put some to wet this thing down this was very strongly but itself but but the self but we're going to put some little sand on top of it there we are we have planning stuff or finish okay what we're going to do next this up put some of this little sand in it just fill it up with the sand we can use a little foam cup or plastic cup for this and then put some more of liquid on it and maybe we're going to repeat this one to two or three times okay this is some actually fun work with this thing this is something very easy you can do this one by by yourself if you have to refer your own driveway cracks or floor specially for the house floor or garage floor it's this is the stuff we can use some other kind of caulking stuff for the driveways but also this one is very good and I like the color of this one because it looks going to look like concrete's gonna look perfect what if we're going to do is let this one set for a couple of minutes for 10-15 minutes and then we got to have our a little scraper a little scrapers we're here so when this one's dry you just run this one over and let's be hit and this one's warranty this work for SIL all this kind of stuff so I hope this one can work for you next time
Channel: Efrain Puac
Views: 268,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: chr-MZ6Kido
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2016
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