How to repair cracks and spalls in concrete floors before applying epoxy coatings.

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we're going to be repairing these cracks all over the floor with cfs 343 which is a low viscosity epoxy designed to penetrate into cracks and glue them back together again there's multiple cracks you can see them all over the place here we diamond ground the floor to expose all the cracks and clean the surface the best we can we're going to fill it and over fill it with the epoxy prior to putting down our epoxy coatings okay so some of these large cracks we fill with sand first and this is a real fine sand i don't know if you can see that or not but we have to do that otherwise the epoxy just keeps running out the bottom so this just helps the epoxy clot in there so there's only a couple real wide cracks it's basically this one here and then over here there's a pretty wide one so we're just going to pre-fill those and then we're going to show how we fill these with the rapid set epoxy okay so we're getting ready to fill all these cracks this is the uh rapid set epoxy that we're going to use it's actually cfs 343 it's an extremely rapid set epoxy the important thing about this material is it's real thin viscosity so it penetrates down into the bottom of the cracks which is extremely important when you're trying to repair a crack so it doesn't come back so you'll see me mix this up i have ketchup bottles these have actually have markings on them for volume so i just marked 100 and 200 milliliters so it's a one-to-one mix so for the one end and i'll pour the other end shake it and move very quickly you have about 45 seconds to get rid of this stuff and you'll see in real time and then we'll put it back on uh time lapse so you can see me go around afterwards there's our mix put your cap on shake this now all these cracks are going to get ground again so what we're trying to do is literally over fill these and then we're going to grind them smooth again so you're not trying to make this pretty you're simply just filling the cracks and you'll actually feel when you're doing this this jug is going to get hot because this material sets up quicker in bulk when they refer to a pot life of epoxy that's what this is it's in bulk and it sets up quicker it's a faster chemical reaction now this is also those uh the cracks that we put the sand in and again that's just helping clot the epoxy there so it doesn't run right out the bottom and this is thin enough it will penetrate through that seam down to the bottom of the crack okay so that was one okay forgive me for being so sweaty disgusting it's like 90 degrees today so it's very humid and extremely hot so we filled all these cracks i'm going to flip this camera in and show you exactly what we're dealing with there okay so all these cracks that were all over the floor this is like a road map right now we filled them and overfilled them with the epoxy and you can see they're full now all of these cracks we have to grind with the hand grinder yet to make them smooth before we put our coating down because even epoxy doesn't like to stick to this shiny stuff so we're going to grind it all by hand and then we're going to put our prime coat down so everything has been ground now and what you see is where we put the thin viscosity epoxy in the cracks it penetrates into the concrete so it actually stains the concrete a little bit darker and then we hand ground everything which you saw in time lapse there so that's the weird pattern you see on the floor but this all be nice and smooth when we're done so we're getting ready to put the prime coat down now you
Channel: Concrete Floor Solutions Inc.
Views: 118,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kehnel, concrete grinding, allentown, htc 800, shot blasting, trip hazard, concrete polishing, polished concrete, crack repair, concrete floor repair, epoxy repair, concrete staining and polishing, concrete polishing process, how to polish concrete, what is polished concrete, home renovation, cleetus, trump, home improvement, warehouse floor, showroom floor, pennsylvania, dustless concrete grinding, polishing concrete, concrete contractor, epoxy flooring, garage, epoxy store
Id: C3VLFdxLy8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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