How to Repair a Brick Walkway

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this is the state of the walkway in the front of our house looks good for a little bit down there at the end it gets pretty wobbly and today I'm gonna fix it my wife's grandmother Lily to the elder says that she put this walkway in herself and that while she focused on the portion up here by the steps the kids built this portion this is something that I have absolutely no experience in whatsoever I've never laid a brick walkway or taking one up I've watched a bunch of YouTube videos so that pretty much makes me an expert I'm going to bring you along so you can laugh at my failures and learn from my failures and celebrate in my spontaneous success I'll show you some of the tools you're going to need you're going to need a shovel a break a level I actually have another level it's a little smaller than this will fit the patio walkway space a little better some type of mallet or Maul a hammer a chisel even better a grinder with a masonry blade on it pair of gloves and some sand and gravel in an effort to limit the amount of work I have to do today I only have until 5 o'clock and then I have to go do something else but so I have 6 hours so I'm going to limit myself to this portion of the walkway from here back it seems to be ok so just gonna do from here on down to that hat I've gone through and labeled every brick and this will be my key for how to go back together there's a fair amount of humping in this walk right now I think that's part of the problem that I'm trying to fix and there's this black plastic laid down to prevent the roots and weeds from coming through so I'm going to tear that up and level the ground out underneath it I don't think I can level all that with sand I think I'll just end up recreating the problem so I've got everything leveled out for the most part just very roughly leveled from side to side there's no huge runoffs and now I'm going to pile in a layer of gravel and then what was that and then on top of that a layer of sand and then that I will tamp down to be very level so that there's no wa water running off this side or off that side and creating a road underneath you Oh yeah I have to go out and get more sin but here we have it almost completely finished and I'm still 2 hours ahead of schedule I think I'll do the next couple steps and lest you be confused that my goal in doing this was that I wanted my brick walkway to fit in with the rest of this yuppie white-collar neighborhood that's not the that's not the truth I lived here with my wife's 80 something-year-old grandmother and my 18 month old daughter and they both have a hell of a time walking down this section of the walkway because it's so bowed and Skippy and rocky it can do anything you never know it's like walking in a river that's why I did it oh also to learn how in case I ever really need to do it again feels good it looks pretty nice now going to go get some more sand thanks for watching everybody you
Channel: Lolita's Garden
Views: 106,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brick, walkway, brickwork, How-to (Media Genre)
Id: qy16ZvePfr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 29 2014
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