How To Render a Ultra High Resolution Image in Unreal Engine 4

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hi everybody and welcome back to the channel in this video we're going to take a look at how to render a really high resolution high quality image within unreal engine remember the best way to support the channel is by hitting that like button leaving me a comment sharing this video around subscribe if you haven't and ring the bell for notifications that really helps me out okay so what you're looking here is the abandoned apartment from quakesome if you want to get this project so you can follow along you can always go here into the marketplace always go to free content then mega scans and it should be this one right here this content is totally free so you can download it if you want to follow along now i have done a couple of modifications to this project but the first thing you're going to need here and it's super important is to activate the registry variable that's called tdr delay if you don't know what tdr delay there's a link in the description below you can go and watch my previous video on how to render a movie using movie render queue that really goes into depth into how to install that and i also going to depth into many of the settings if you wish to know how they all work for here i'm just going to go into the settings that are important to rendering high resolution image okay now if you got all of those things ready now what we're gonna do is we are going to go into our sequences here in cinematics as you can see i'll only have the trailer we're not going to use that we're going to create our own sequence because uh this one has several animations that we actually don't need in order to just render one image so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a level sequence i'm going to click here and you can keep whatever name i'm gonna give name flowers it's gonna be saved as an asset now you're going to get this little window right here after you accept that what you need to do is go here into track you can create your own camera if you want to i'm just going to go here into track i'm going to go actor to sequencer and i'm going to write cinema and i'll just grab the camera of the same name that i have right here so that'll be cinem camera actor day four there you go this is going to load the sequence right there for you now the sequence it's not doing actually anything it's just a static camera looking at the same spot that the camera was looking at so there's no animation and no extra motion that's exactly what we need for this okay now that we have our sequence we need to open the movie render queue even though this is called movie render queue we can use that for images so i'm just going to go here into windows cinematics movie render queue now the movie render queue must have a sequence so remember you always have to go through this step first before you get into movie render cube because when we hit over here in order to render our image it's going to ask us for a sequence so i'm just going to click on flowers which is the one that we have right here and you're gonna see that we have the name of the sequence we have some settings that we're going to work on and we have the output of where things are going to be saved now we want to go is here into unsaved configurations that means that i don't have a preset so i'm just going to click here and this is going to take me to a new window where i can determine the settings that i want for my image so if you know if you've seen my previous videos you know that i don't like jpeg because that's a file is too compressed especially if we want to deal with a high resolution image so i'm just going to turn this off because these work as a toggle and i'm just going to add a couple of things here i'm going to click here and like i said you can watch the video that's in the description if you want to know more in depth about all of these but i'm just going to use the ones that are related to this tutorial so i'm going to use png sequence this is like i said always say this is like the happy medium between compression and quality so i'm just going to leave that over there i'm also going to add an anti-aliasing so over here in anti-aliasing what we're going to be using is temporal sample count so i'm just going to bump that up to 16 and we're also going to override the anti-aliasing because as you can see here in this warning it says if the product of temporoid and spatial count is greater than the number of taa samples then the ta it's ineffective and you should consider overriding anti-aliasing so that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to leave this in none and you can see that actually went away because this setting is in beta we're not going to be touching all this so we can avoid some of the errors by the way for this project i recommend that you are in 4 to 25 and higher if you don't see movie render queue when you open window and cinematics chances are you need to activate the plugin this should be activated by default but in case you have you don't have it you can go here to settings plugins and over here we're gonna go into movie and in the movie render pipeline make sure you click on enable and again this is still in beta hopefully it gets released on the next unreal version all right now that we have that out of the way the next thing we need to look at is render warm account i always leave that at default that's usually fine uh engine watermark count there's a little bit of an animation a little bit of particle effect so uh adding the engine warm account doesn't increase your rendering times that much when you're doing a single image so just to be safe i'm just going to bump that into the same value that i have the render warm-up count now we're going to add the next one which is going to be high resolution exactly what we need so for horizon high resolution you're going to see that we have a couple of variables here so we have tile counts the reason why we have tile counts is because this is going to be render in sort of tiles so in order for a really high resolution image to be rendered unreal the engine separates it into different tiles this is because otherwise the memory of the gpu will be overloaded and we wouldn't be able to render anything so that's why unreal separates the images and tiles and then does the overlap it needs to do the overlap so you need to input a number here otherwise you're going to see a seam in your image exactly where those tiles were created and over here i just have a little bit of a graphical representation of what i was talking about so if i zoom in so you guys can see this is what happens when unreal renders in tiling mode so as you can see it's going to render this whole segment then it's going to render this one this one and this one and then it's going to attempt to join them together which is why we need to have an overlap off all the images otherwise you're going to have a scene between them so for this i'm going to choose a tile of four uh you're gonna get a warning here i'm gonna talk about it in a minute we're gonna leave the texture sharpness bias alone and we're going to do the overlap ratio this is what i just mentioned the amount of overlap that we're going to give this i'm going to give it 0.1 which is usually what they all recommend on the unreal documentation and i've tested in several images and this value does just fine however if you start seeing a seam in your image increasing this value will help overriding subsurface scattering that means that if you wanted to get a higher value of subsurface scattering for your scene you could do so over here i'm not going to do that because it's not necessary this final option right here is just for debugging purposes so we're not going to touch that in this tutorial however let's go into this warning so it says this will render 16 tiles each with an individual resolution of this measurement right here there will be a total of 16 renders per tick and 256 render per output so you're going to see when we start rendering that this will be the target for the rendering it says large per text sample counts may freeze the editor for long periods of time so this is not going to be something that you click render and be done instantly it will take a little bit for me the one that we're going to do right now only took about a minute and a half so it's not that long but just so you know that your computer may act really slow while you're waiting it also says down here that tiling does not support all rendering features like bloom some screen space effects additionally taa and auto exposure are not supported and will be forced off so this is what the reason why i had to make some changes to this level so let me put these things aside and what we're going to do is i'm going to take you to the level as it looks right now so if i get out of my camera you're going to see that this is really blown out the reason for that is because i disabled the post process effect completely so if i go here and search for the post processing effect and i go here and we go all the way it's just a little bit choppy but you're gonna see that i in the enable box i unchecked it so that means the post-processing effects which was adding all sorts of goodies to the scene is completely turned off because that was that had some bloom that had some exposure that was interfering with my scene and was not going to render correctly and that's why we have these instructions right here so that's one of the reasons why i made those changes so if you want to get what i'm getting and you're following along with this level make sure you go into your post process effect and disable it now if you're not following along you're just doing your own thing all you have to remember is these instructions right here so make sure that you do not have auto exposure make sure you do the manual exposure and i'm going to go into the camera and show you how that's done um and you can also use exposure compensation okay so after clicking over there if you just want to go to your camera really quickly just click the camera name right here and that is going to take you into the properties detail of that specific camera so now i'm going to show you uh the things that i changed most of these are done by default to the camera that was already placed by the person who built this level what i did change was to make sure that they were no extra exposure that were not more manual and i also took out the bloom so as you can see here in the blue method this wasn't like this before i actually took the intensity all the way down to zero so there's no bloom in the exposure actually i don't have any exposure compensation here if you want to you can do one that brightens the scene a little bit actually i think that looks a lot better so i'm going to leave it at that so the warning that we have right here what it says is that you can use the exposure compensation so make sure you change this from auto exposure over here to manual if you have an auto exposure you're going to see that everything is really dark so make sure you change that to manual and if you don't know the precise value that you want for the exposure that you want to get into this level using the exposure compensation is actually very easy all you have to do is play with the slider until there's you get something that you really like in this case i'm going to leave it at one i think that's fair enough and that's pretty much the only value that i change here on the camera now after we've done that it comes the good stuff we're going to go into our output and over here you have the folder where this is going to be saved if you click this three points it's going to take you to a window browser so you can select which folder you want and around here is where we're going to decide what resolution do we want for this particular tutorial i decided to go completely insane and we're going to do a 16k image so i don't know what a 16k image is used for but we're gonna do it because we can so 16k according to google is 360 by 8640 okay this is a 16k image so it's going to be a huge image now over here the things that i've checked so override the existing output i always check this in case i do more than one render it always gets overwritten and i don't have just a bunch of images lying there the other thing that we need to change here is use custom playback range so i'm going to take this and over here the only thing that you have to do is choose something different than zero and the reason why is because if you choose something that's zero sometimes i've seen that it goes to minus one so if it goes to minus one it's going to render something that's out of your camera and that's not something you want so for this i'm just going to choose five till six so pretty much we're rendering one frame and that's it disable the tone curve no we don't want that we want to use our tone curve all right so we are done if you wish to save these settings all you have to do is come here to presets and hit save as preset this is going to save this as an asset in your project which means that it will not be available in other projects you have to create a new one or migrate this one to your other project so i'm just going to write hi-res flowers here click save and that's going to be my preset for this project i can click accept and now we are going to go into the rendering so i'm going to do render local which is going to render it in my machine without any programming or anything extra alright so i'm doing this as a separate recording that is because if i record while this thing is rendering it's going to crash because obs uses the gpu as well as unreal i just wanted to show you the render preview so don't freak out if you see something that's not writing to your camera this is just a little quality preview you're probably going to be seeing something like this i just wanted to talk about the things that you're going to see here on the render preview so you have your current sequence with your name you have the number of frames which is one the elapsed time in my case was actually one minute for this one time remaining when you're rendering one image uh mostly it's not going to show it usually shows when you're rendering video pipeline state it's going to say producing frames and then it's going to say finalizing when it's almost done and current camera cut you're going to see here cut name we only have one frame we also only have one and subsample you're going to see this number go all the way onto 256 like that warning was telling us it would do so right now current state it's rendering and it's going to say finalize when it's done and this usually goes away instantly once it's done rendering okay what you see on screen is good all photoshop and what i did is i loaded my image you guys can see how big this is so if i zoom out and i go into image image size you're going to see that if i switch this to pixels it's actually as big as we wanted it to be so this is pretty much 16k and again according to google i've never rendered at 16k so hopefully this is what 16k is supposed to look like and if we actually zoom in you can see how far we go before this actually starts getting pixelated and actually still looks good all the way up to here so this is how close you can get into a 16 image resolution and that was it rendering a high resolution image i know you may have some questions uh one like why did i go to so much trouble why did i just i went here and had high resolution screenshot and do whatever multiplier i want well the reason for that is because when you're doing high resolution screenshot you are pretty much taking whatever resolution the viewport viewport's doing so if i were to take this uh right now we're recording at 1080p if i were to take this this will be kind of tiny so i'll have to multiply the resolution several times and it will never give you something as accurate as what i showed you in photoshop because when you do a high screen resolution you don't have the chance to tell it how many samples do you want this thing to be you saw me that in my sequence in my movie render queue settings if i go to my anti-aliasing right here i can control the amount of samples that i want this to have so if i see that where some jagged edges went in my image and i wanted to zoom real close i could increase this you don't have that level of control when it comes to the high resolution screenshot that you get from the drop down right here the other thing is with the high resolution screenshot we rendered a 16k image something that if you're over here i don't know how you would do that but again you have no control over how your final resolution is going to be and if you go into the video that i did for the movie render queue you know that there's a bunch of other options that you can override in here that will make your scene perform really badly but it will increase the quality so that means that it will render really good but you won't have those settings within the viewport so you can still move in the viewport nicely without having to go into all those trouble of cranking up the settings and then having a super slow experience one final thing that i want to show you and that goes into one of the reasons that i i would not use a high resolution screenshot from here again unless i'm just doing some testing is because i can also overwrite certain things around here besides from the command variables and again that's in my other video that's that was a very long discussion otherwise this video is going to be like an hour long so you have the game overrides right here so as you can see here in rendering we have texture streaming so fully load use textures that means you're not going to be streaming textures that means there's no texture popping if you have a big world that you're taking a picture of i use lod0 so remember when you have different lods for all your items within the world or your asset the further away you are from then it usually chooses another lod that's usually lower poly and that will diminish the fidelity of your picture the same is for disable h lods and use high quality shadows so again for performance reasons you may be using lower quality shadows so your viewport doesn't go all out of whack but over here you can just reuse that because it's not going to interfere you can also scale up your shadow distance again these are some things that we usually take into account we're making a game or we're working in unreal so our computer doesn't go super slow but you can increase the amount of shadows that go into the distance same thing for the shadow radius threshold you can play with this you can override the view distance scale if you have a lower view distance in case you you needed that to increase performance and you have the view distance scale right here and i almost forgot the most important of all if you don't have a high-end computer you're probably working in a different uh scale of the engine so right here in settings engine scalability you're gonna see that we have different types of quality that we can choose for different types of effects right now i have it in cinematics i could actually move this down to high and that would increase my performance within the viewport a lot but if you wanted to have the highest quality possible when you're taking your picture then you can choose cinematic quality setting while doing this and that will automatically set everything to cinematic quality once it's rendering all right everybody that is it for this video thanks everyone for watching remember to like leave a comment with your questions uh let me know what you're using this for and also let me know what other tutorials you'd like to see in the future i'm always listening subscribe if you haven't ring that bell for notification and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: MR3D-Dev
Views: 51,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4 render image, ue4 sequencer tutorial, sequencer unreal engine 4, unreal engine 4 sequencer, unreal engine 4 high resolution screenshot, ue4 rendering, unreal engine 4 tutorial, ue4 tutorial, quixel megascans, megascans ue4, megascans unreal engine 4, megascans, quixel, unreal engine, unreal engine 4
Id: 6TP-6oZku-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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