How to remove broken key from lock - DIY snapped key hacks

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what's going on guys I'm bill and welcome to Bill's how to today I'm going to show you guys how to remove broken keys out of any lock in your house it's very very simple we're going to start off with the professional method of removing the keys and then we're going to move down to a few different ways that we can use household items to remove these keys er let's do this so the first way is by using this broken key extractor set that I've picked up online cost probably about two to three dollars to buy so as you can tell it's got different thicknesses of a barbed wire you can see the barbs right on the end there and then we've got a few different hooks as well so these ones here will help you to pull out basically any key that's been broken off in a lot so I'm going to show you guys how to use this nail so with any of the methods that you try the first thing you want to do is use a bit of lubricant so we're just using a bit of wd-40 it's not the best thing for your locks but in this case we just want to lubricate it really quickly so spray a bit of wd-40 that'll help pull out the key just a little bit better so the first thing we're using is the professional broken key extractor so all it is is basically a thin piece of wire and you can see the barbs there on the end up against the yellow so all we do with this is you want to find the size that will fit through the keyhole so as i've got right there so it's very very thin down through the keyhole making sure we don't push that key in too far okay and what we want to do in this case slide it down along the side of the key and then you want to simply pull back as the barbs start to bite onto the teeth you'll see that it starts to pull the key out and at this point I've almost got it out once you've done that you can then remove the key and we'll move on to the next one so the next thing we're using is the hook that's provided in the professional key extractor said now with this hook really what you're supposed to be able to do is slot that between the key and the keyhole and be able to hook that back through however you'll find every single lock and key will define time in terms of how much space you have to actually lob something in there so in this case we're not actually able to put the hook through so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna simply slot that in as far as I can and I'm gonna tilt that on an angle so we're going to just use that little hook on the end push that up against the key and then we're gonna pull that key out so as I've just done like that so for most people at home you're more than likely won't have the broken key extractor set at home so what what I'm going to use next is a whole range of different household items to remove this broken key first thing on the list is a basic set of tweezers now everybody has tweezers at home if not they're very very cheap and accessible to get your hands on so with the tweezers we just want to be careful not to push the key in any further than we've already got it so all you want to do with the very very steady hand we want to try and bite onto that key as I just did and there you have it key removed so once again we'll push the key right in this time what we're using is just a household screw now you want to get a screw that's as thin as possible the whole purpose of this is to try and get the threads that are on the screw to bite onto the key so what we want to do is get a pair of pliers we want to hold on to the end of the screw just like that okay and all we want to do is simply try and put the tip of the screw between the key and the keyhole and we want to give it a couple light turns so just enough to get it to bite and then once we do that we want to try and pull straight back as hard as we can and the case simply pops out so the next thing we're going to use is a basic household knife so making sure that we've got a nice sharp point on the end that's the most important part usually you can get away with using just one knife and pulling this key out but however you might actually end up needing to use two knives so we'll try and get it out with one knife and see how we go it's all we want to do is just simply Lodge that in as far as we can and then flick that back out as I've just done so you can see there that I've actually removed that with the one knife nice and easy however if it was in too far and we'll struggling with the one knife so rather than putting just one knife on one side what we will do is try and slot in a knife on either side so using a knife on either side push up against the body of the lock and we're going to pull that key up just as I'm doing right now once again we can do that again pulling it out slowly slowly until we completely remove the key stone each time around what we're using is just a basic fishing hook we're going to use the tip of it to be able to wedge that into the into the key and pull that out so all we want to do is just simply open the mouth of this fishing hook up being careful not to ruin the tip so we'll just bend that out get a good grip of the pliers and we're gonna do the same as before and try and pull that key on so as you can see I've just completely removed that key using the fishing hook so this time around we'll just be using a small little draw bit okay what we want to do is simply make sure not to drill into the lock itself we want to drill into the side of the key so just being very very careful when you get that started off slowly and then I can use that little groove that I've created to try and pull their key up so that's all I did I just created the little tiny hole right there and that was enough to be able to allow me to pull that key out so the next thing we're going to use is a basic hacksaw blade now these are very very easy to get your hands on once again they're available at every hardware store most important things to look for when buying one is that it's very as narrow as possible and also the thickness of it so you want as thin as possible you know this one here might be a little bit too wide so I might have to cut it so all you want to do is simply just cut off one end just like that so we've got the barbs ready to go right off the tip okay and we'll try and Lodge that through the side of the keyhole so once again we want to try and get that through down the side of the keyhole this one he looks like it might be a little bit too thick so I might have to cut that one a bit more narrow so if you find your hacksaw blade is too wide to actually fit through that keyhole what we're going to do is we're going to shave that down using a pair of tin snips so all we want to do I'll try get that the focus make it as narrow as possible just like that cut this side off so once you've cut that off you can bend it back straight and then we're going to try and Lodge this in so there we have it I've pushed that through that's now in far enough all you want to do is push up against the key and pull that back and once again we've pulled that key out so there you have it guys I've shown you a whole range of different ways to remove broken key out of any lock in your house using everything from professional tools key extractors all the way down to a fishing hook hopefully you guys have enjoyed the video and one of these methods will help you out and save you a few hundred dollars as always guys like comment and subscribe until next time I'm bill thanks for watching Bill's out to
Channel: Billshowto
Views: 1,440,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to remove a broken key from a door lock, key snapped in lock, remove broken key from lock, how to remove broken key from lock, remove a broken key, broken key in lock, key, how to get a broken key out of a lock, snapped key, how to remove broken key from door lock, how to take out broken key from lock, remove broken key from door lock, broken key extractor, how to remove a broken key from a lock, how to get a snapped key out of a lock, remove key from lock, broken key
Id: kEv92zwta3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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