How to remove a broken key in a lock!

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good day this is uh mike with funko mike's locksmith and uh i'm coming to you today with a video that i see a few things on uh and it they drive me nuts because i've tried a lot of this stuff and i've heard some of these things so um anyway like i said this is mike with uncle mike's locksmith and one of the things i'm talking about today is a broken key all right focus so i don't have any worn out keys but i intentionally broke this one to make the video to show it some people say you put super glue in the lock and then push this back in and ideally it's supposed to connect the two pieces again and then you could just pull it out and crap because as you know gravity is going to put the super glue at the bottom of the lock and all you're going to do is super glue this damn thing back into the lock it'll never come out so i'm trying to figure out something that people usually have around that they can use to fix the situation themselves and at least give you better odds so what i did like i said i broke this key intentionally and this lock does work all right this is a display i built um and i'm just using it for this purpose uh what i'm gonna do is push this key in there and just to really really ram it home i'm gonna use the rest of the key to push it all the way to the back so now it don't turn so this is what's basically you would be stuck with at your home don't use super glue who the hell anyway um i'm gonna use a paper clip all right now uh like i said i'm trying to find something that's common a lot of people might have if you gotta go to your neighbor's house and grab a paper clip go to store or whatever but um so what you're gonna do is bend this straight like so all right and then grab about this much of the tip right and you're going to turn it bend it down about 45 okay and then now i use a file for this part not everybody's got a file but what you can do is what you want to do is take that little bend that you have now and you're going to want a file so that there's no sharp edge or bur on it you want that kind of smooth so if you don't have a file or one of those little nail do hickeys the little cardboard uh file that's fine um you know put it scrape it across the concrete something like that smooth concrete uh and kind of go like this just to basically knock that sharp edge off of there so ideally what you're gonna have um this key is not broken but just to give you an example of what's going to happen here what's going on right now is the pins in the lock are pushing down into the biddings okay and that's holding the key in pretty good now you can increase your odds by spraying a lubricant in there i hate wd-40 but it'll help you on this if that's the only thing you got around you're not going to have fancy locksmith tools to remove this broken key so yeah um here's what you can i mean this is one of the few times i would say use wd-40 if you're screwed and this is your only way in you gotta get in so wd-40 is going to lube things up make it a little extra slippery spray it in there until it's just pouring out i'm not going to spray this display but anyway so what you're going to do is you're going to put it in the top and you're going to want to try pushing those pins in the lock up so you basically got a flat and pull up on it like this so pull up and pull out there you go there's that broken key um hopefully you have another one now this is just to help okay this isn't uh the only way to do it i understand not everybody's gonna have locksmith tools to remove a broken key this is just one way to do it um again like i said all you're trying to do is get in and push all those pins up you may see a pin uh in the opening so you're going to want to use this angle this 45 to kind of get in and push those pins up and ideally what you're trying to do is use that come on focus use that and then when you pull up and pull you're basically grip come on you're basically using that key to grab a hold of the front and then when you pull out all those pins are going to be up top so they're not going to be any resistance holding that key in there ideally i broke this with players and i know that when the key breaks it's usually got sharps on it so i didn't even fix anything so i see i didn't clean any uh of that up there's still sharp edges on it yeah anyway hopefully that'll help somebody if you broke a key off on your lock this is one method you can do to get it out so thanks for watching
Channel: Uncle Mike's Locksmith
Views: 115,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: elaG33zs2fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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