How to remove a radiator for decorating - Removing a central heating rad

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millions on hats and today I'm going to show you how to remove a radiator for decorating or how to replace a red ear as well if you're going to replace it so yeah let's listen now on this video we've got a lock shield on this side I'm left on side and then on the right hand side we've got a thermostatic radiator valve and the head of body just there so I'm just going to put that back on and then we'll turn that down and then we'll also turn this side down as well if you're gonna put the head back on the radio if you open it fully so it's on five on this one put that back on well I know it's got like a little nut pie in there it goes on to that line that will shut down and then tighten this I'm going to turn this bulb off we then just turn that down right down as far as although and on this valve here when we've turned it down it's gone down to zero on here some of them up like a thruster and if you look on there you need to make sure this is off for me off so what we've done now we've turned one side of the radiator off so the water that would come up on this pipe here is now turned off by this valve and now we need to do they will say this day this is called the locker shield ready above and what I'll do now is we'll turn that one off as well sort of look so this side here is called the lock shield that's the walk field and normally you can just pull the top cap off sometimes your top cap however screwing and you might need to undo the screw but it should just pull off like this one has you may also have lock sealed on both sides of the radiators you might not have a thermostatic radiator valve and if you've got lock sealed on both sides then you just repeat this on both sides now what we're gonna do I'm going to turn this valve down here to turn this valve off we're going to turn it clockwise so just like when you turn your tap off on you sink or you turn it off that's the same direction but we're going to do nice just turn the valve down order now with fully isolated this radiator from the rest of the central heating system so now we can drain this radiator down what I've got got a little joke I'm going to use for this one I'm also I am a plumber and they've actually got a proper a proper tub in BAM but if you look at home everybody's got a joke so what I'll do now I will start to drain the radiator down if you've got some nice calf picks you might want to just pull the Catholics back or you might want to wrap some rags around here because you may get a splash of water so all we need to do now is get stuck underneath and then get spun it gets vomited right sides on there and then try if you can get something on this side just to hold and hold that tight and down as you pull this one up so that's just drilling down now nice and carefully it's all under control once that's all such stopped Cyrus that slows down we can't open the bleep point okay on this side we'll do into the radiator and then this will drain out even quicker what's the joke gets nail it to the talk you can just push it back on and just lip it back up just for a few minutes and then you can just take your jig away empty your jug and then put your jug back under and it's all under control then no leaks no water anywhere do not knock the ready of all fully off because if you do you'll get lots of water coming out and also splash everywhere else here doesn't matter if you notice as well in the bottom of the radiator even though the water was all clean the bottom ins is still got some muck in there now once we've done that we're doing this side we're doing this down now we can open the bleed point as we open the bleed point it allow air in and then this could start flowing out again so we just need to make sure that would cost them under that just gonna let this cook to this side and just open the blade point this is this is jumped what you do with is it get some grips on there I'll just show you that because this is twisting what we need to do we need to tie on this back in back into the radiator hold that a bit and then just don't see if we can do somebody's tighten this really territories and as we do that as we do this now that's allowing air into the system I'm sure you as we're allowing air in this is now stir in it's a floor MA if we allow more air in this will go quicker if we wanted to slow this down we could then just close the drain off not the doing off at the airport if we're close to the air point this will slow down and then now if we put his hand over there and we can just dump to that jug just over to the job now as you can see now we've allowed air into the radiator the jug is filling a lot quicker than it did before once you've got as much of the water out as possible would then open I don't do this not on this radiator valve and then we'll go to lift the radiator off the wall but before we do that we also need to make sure we close this and then I'll show you I'll show you a little tip get water Oh scooch all over anyhow so stopped drilling now has the radiator and just going to plug the lack point on the top of the radiator valve top of the radiator and then this no so again said I would evolve to protect your valve because you don't want to damage the pipe below if you damage the pipe below then obviously you're gonna be drooling on this side you just you pushing the look downwards on this side you just pushing this downwards and you may get a bit of water coming out on top just another joke so now we've defective both sides of the radiator and the reddit has just on the wall and now we need to get this off the wall now a couple of tips with this if you are gonna reuse this video to put something down on floor like a does sheet and then you can tip the radiator off onto the sheet and you can lift it off and then the vowel this this bleed point with closed the blade pine and then what we're going to do we're going to tip the radiator upside down and then if there's any it's a sludge in the bottom of the radiator it's going to just go up into the radiator rather than going on to the carpets are wherever so I'll do that now I'm not gonna reuse this radiator because we're going to put them to floor heating in here what if you did this is what you'd want to do so you really needed to he's now upside down I'm no water can leak out there now when you start going and taking it outside into garage or wherever you got a ticket you can now very easily decorate behind the really editor and then if you want to put the radiator back on then obviously just lift you really air to back on connect your valves up open your vowels and then you'd need to go top you boiler up that's how you would remove the radiator for decorating and as I said to put it back on gently carefully put your idiot back on you might want to put a bit tip or fist on the on the nut that's going to connect back on tighten that up and then you may need to go top your boiler up I have done another video on how to top a by the rope so hopefully that'll be useful for you as well yeah I think that's it if you've got any questions if you want to ask them in the comments below and I'll try and do a follow-up video on the answering the questions if you'd like to subscribe please place click up here somewhere and I want some more videos down here and up there as well and thank you very much for watching
Channel: Allen Hart
Views: 902,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: central heating, removing a radiator, radiator removal, remove radiator, drain radiator, move radiator, take radiator from wall, removing radiator, decorate behind radiator, painting behind a radiator, take off radiator, how to drain a radiator, move radiator without draining system, move radiator for decorating, removing a radiator for decorating, removing a radiator from the wall, removing a radiator without draining the system, how to remove a radiator
Id: x0wMpq2LUSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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