How to Remove a Broken Spark Plug in a Ford Triton

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chances are if you're watching this video you're probably really frustrated because you just broke off maybe one spark plug maybe two spark plugs three four five on your forward mm-hmm so let's take this opportunity go get yourself a nice adult beverage so you can call them down just a little bit alright check it out our situation we've got seven condom seven broken spark plugs like this and we got one good one out of there with a pretty heavy deposit I was really surprised as it came out in one piece this is what they look like when they come out they're either in this condition with the pin still in them or sometimes this whole porcelain piece I don't know if I'll be able to get it out the whole porcelain piece comes out and this piece comes separate or they're like this where that pulls out then you have to go and dig the pin out but what we have here is an extractor set this is the ever tough one there's also a Lyle one li s le maybe and they work slightly different but what we're going to use today is this one and essentially what happens is this is a good plug here and in the set you start with this you get some glue and you get some pins and what happens is you push this pin down into the remaining section of the porcelain with the glue and you glue the pin to the porcelain and then there's a little extractor tool here and we'll go through the whole use of this and you basically pull you wait for the glue to dry then you pull that out and hopefully grab all the porcelain with it so that gets rid of the porcelain and then there's a tap function in this set you tap the remaining so it would be this part of the sleeve you tap the inside of that and then you use an extractor tool to pull that out the first thing we need to do is grab this guy and a pin and stick the pin through the little hole sometimes they're going to tight and you take this guy the big threaded one leave the hex head on outside and screw this on get it good and tight then we're pulling this back in so what the instructions will tell you is that you stick this in the bore and you kind of clean everything out this way so that's what we'll do is we'll clean the bore then we'll come back and we got to glue the tip of this and then stick the glue down into the porcelain we're going to start with the cylinder right here and we're going to push the plastic guide in stick this guy in get everything good and cleaned out there we go see if we could take a peek down into that spark plug so there's a peek down into that spark plug you can see the hole is clear and we're going to go ahead and glue this one up comes with this little applicator guy and what we're going to do is we're going to coat him about half an inch with some Loctite and stick her down into the porcelain and you want this to be centered you don't want it to get on to the bore there so we're going to twist it up and down motion hoping to get all that Loctite off more on there yeah if you get the lock tied onto the threads spark plug threads it could damage them so you really don't want to do that which why there's that big white doodad there and we're just going to kind of twist there we go and we've got our good encoded so then the last thing to do is make sure this tip is really clean you want this stuff to stick you know let's give it good three quarters of an inch here you don't want this to drip but do it like that you know I got seven of these to do you got to let them dry for an hour to piece so you figure it out this is a whole entire day worth of stuff here so into hole goes to plastic chunk and into the porcelain goes this other piece and I'm just twisting it a little bit hopefully that will set up and we'll be able to extract our porcelain the next pieces we need are this nut and this guy and per the diagram here we're going to thread these on to the rod that we put in here and glued so let's take a look at that I'm going to just kind of jiggle it a little bit see if it feels like it's glued in so that's good let's drop on our washer guy and then we're going to thread the nut on here and you don't want the threaded rod to spin as you're doing this you want it to come straight out hey I've got two wrenches ones this quarter-inch guy and it's just going to go on the end here to keep the threaded rod from spinning hopefully and then try and get that down on there then we're going to use a 9/16 to spin the nut here and hopefully pop that porcelain out and this repair kit is made for Ford's specifically but I have a feeling they didn't test this very well because there's not a lot of room to move this wrench and it felt something kind of popped so hopefully that was our porcelain pop and free we will find out shortly will you be disappointed or happy and we're happy you can see we've got big porcelain chunk there and some piece that just surrounds it there but we're still missing this metal jacket so that's the next thing we need to address for the next part of the operation we're going to be using our tap here and this other sleeve so we'll grab this guy and bring him out what happens is you put the sleeve in and actually first you pop one of these guys down into the body here so that metal shavings don't make their way into your cylinder essentially you take your tap and you run it through the sleeve here and then you thread the very end of this and they said tell you to go three or four threads deep into it and then you pull this guy out and you put the extractor in so let's do that now but here we go hopefully it'll stay on long enough to get into the hole now we insert our sleeve here into there our guide sleeve that goes in nice then our tap goes into that straight down we want it bottom doubt there that feels good and then this is a 5/16 socket on their thing we're going to do is we're going to thread the extractor into what we just tapped so there we go and it actually has about a 10 millimeter socket on the end of it I'm sure it probably started life as a 7/16 but you know these rental kits go I'm counting to make sure that I have at least two three or four good threads there we're about three times around starting to tighten up I'm going to make sure that I've got it completely tight so I'm going to grab another extension and I believe with that we are tight as we can go that I feel comfortable so I'm going to drop on there's a washer here hopefully you guys can see that and then a big nut so washer first and the big nut I've got a 24 millimeter socket that seems to fit this one the best and so away we go just tighten that sucker down should start making noise I'm really hoping we have a plug on the end of this feels like it's really loose now and there we have it that's our culprit you can see our little red cap down in there so that did its job that was perfect and you can see the carbon buildup let's take a look at that on the bench there's the culprit kind of up close and personal there and you can see the carbon buildup on there and that's what prevented us from pulling this guy out it puts up just enough fight that the porcelain breaks and this thing disintegrates so that's plug number one with our kit here and we've got six more to do so I got the second one glueing it's going to be a long long day folks but that's it for this I'm going to cut it off there and hopefully we'll have a little success while you guys are enjoying some other video somewhere else but that's it for today
Channel: Greg's Garage
Views: 463,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ford F150, F-150, F 150, Excursion, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2013, 5.4L, V8, V10, broken spark plug, spark plug extractor, removal, coil on plug change, f250, lincoln navigator
Id: dOG1zSnPJRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 05 2014
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