How to remove a 97 astrovan water pump

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[Music] all right behind us I have a 97 Astro van we've done several other videos uh what we're doing today is we're going to be replacing the water pump um couple things that I found that have caused uh me to suspect that it's a water pump is I have a syrupy syrupy kind of smell um as the angel starts to get warm I smell this syrup but there's nothing leaking and that's what's really odd about it so I crawled up underneath and looked and seen there was some Rust Trails coming from the water pump bolt and I'll show you on the new one when we pull it out exactly where it was leaking from but uh we're going to go ahead and do a full uh installation and removal of the old water pump installing the new water pump and I'm going to show you how to do this so here we go all right first thing we're going to do is we're going to remove this airbox all right now we're going to remove these screws these bolts they're just 10 mm there's one right there one right there one right there so there there are total of four so we're going to goad and zip those off okay now we need to remove this fan try to squeeze back here so you can see it there's a little bolt right there and what we need to do is we need to remove that and we'll just take a big crescent wrench to do that let me show you how all right I went ahead and put the uh crescent wrench on here I don't know if you guys can see that but anyway um so hopefully you can see it's sitting right on there and then I'm just going to take a hammer oldfashioned impact and just move the fan out of the way and uh all there is to it breaking that loose all right so got it off um what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to remove this just to get it out of my way I just don't want to have to try to deal with it just another thing in the way and if you can get it out of your way let's just go ahead and do that there's all of our parts come back over here now we can see in here really good so what we got to do is we got to remove these four screws that holds this uh pulley on but we got to remove the belt is first so here's the tensioner to remove that I'll show you how to do that in just a sec and then we're going to remove this pulley and then we'll take off this hose right here the lower radiator hose and then there's another heater hose right here and then there's some bolts here so we'll go ahead and show you how to do all that all right this is going to be our next step right here we want to move this pulley because we got to get to these hoses behind it so uh it's a 15 mm and I'm just going to impact that [Music] off all right our next step is we're going to take off this pulley that goes to the water pump and it's just a 10 mm bolts we go ahead and do that now there's four of them all right finally got I used to some needle-nose vice grips and that seem to work pretty good I'm going to show you a tool I use for everything let me go grab it all right you're going to learn very valuable tool uh this is actually called a hose removal tool it's it its specific job and what I do with that is I'll use that to get up in here and it kind of just breaks the seal and you can kind of roll it around and it's an amazing tool I use it for so many different things but I'll use that to release both of these hoses and then they'll just pull right back I still got to come down here and remove the lower radiator hose I'm going to do that now all right now we're going to work on the lower radiator hose and I just use standard pliers and just get on the right angle and just break it loose and there you have that now let's also put a little uh tank down there so that I can catch my oil when it starts to drain out or my antifreezer when it starts to drain out so it doesn't go all over the floor so just a little drain pan or whatever all right now all that's left are those two bolts there's one right there and there's one on the bottom then over here there's one there and one underneath so you got this bolt here you can see it and this bolt down here this bolt here and this bolt here and if you've got this far you know that basically you just got to pull those bolts and they look like they're 15 mm uh right here is this is called the weep hole what this is designed to do is when your pump starts to get warm and the bearings start to wear out supposed to design to leak out of there um this one's actually leaking from the back side they're leaking back here and I'll show you that when I pull it off but I'm going to break these four bolts loose and then we'll have the pump off and I can show you what it looks like from there okay now that I've got the bolts broke loose going to pull them out and I'm going to put the bolts in sequence to make sure that when I put it back together that the bolts are in the correct place so that I don't get confused how they go back together it's always safe to better to do it that way cuz some bolts may be longer than others and if you put it together with the wrong bolt in there you could crack the block or something like that that you really don't want to do so here we go taken all the bolts out and I'll show you how I set this up all right now that all the bolts are out I going to hold the hold the the pump so it's nice and tight and then just kind of tug on it if it doesn't break loose I've got a rubber Hammer here and just break it loose like that you don't want to use any any type of other Hammer just the rubber Hammer will work great and there you go there's water pump all right here's the new pump as you can see there it's clean I mean it's obviously it's brand new there's no issues but if you look here at this old pump you can see all the corrosion try to zoom in there for you and you can see how bad it is and it's been leaking for a while but anyway since I both got them side by side it's good to see to make sure everything's the same um just like when you're doing any automotive repair you always want to make sure that you're putting the exact same part in and make sure the bearings and the seats are all the same or the threads are going to mount up to the fan um make sure that these come out the same side the same direction see this one has a little nipple on it and this one doesn't this is supposed to stop where the hose comes down but the new one or the rebuilt one this is actually a new one but um it doesn't have that so it's just good to kind of do an eyeball uh check over it um I wanted to show you one more thing on this fan I don't know if I explained this very well but let me show this to you real quick this was actually my biggest um my biggest hiccup on this I didn't understand how this came off so it's just threaded right here but you've also got these four bolts and now these four bolts what they do is they hold this pulley in place uh they have nothing to do with this this completely separate so um once you get that out of the way this just basically threads on like this and you just basically thread It On by hand but but when you go to break it off um what you have to do I showed you in the video you need to take this crescent wrench and put it right here um just so you can break it loose and just hit it with the hammer to break it loose and that should uh do what you need even this pump itself feels kind of rough um so it's really a good idea that we're replacing this anyway just wanted to kind of share that with you too so I'm going to go ahead and put this back together um clean up the surface obviously know you want to grind everything down you know get off all the old gasket um and then just clean it all up and put the new one on and I might show you how to do that just depending on how much time I have left on the video um but at least that's how to take it off everything goes back together in reverse order and I'll come back and I'll show you how to do a flush at the very end
Channel: Team Scottys
Views: 100,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: water, astrovan, cooling, radiator, overheat, syrup, smell, hot, engine, road, trip, mobile, antifreeze, coolant, gauge, temp, gau, Start, Outdoor Sports, Tank
Id: 5o5xboAgk3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2012
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