How to Remember Things | Jim Kwik

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I don't want you to forget what we just covered the last two days so I say because I like my students to go do stuff and the only students who do things are people who've optimized their brain and who have the memory to remember to do it who've been trained on how to learn faster who've been trained on how to remember things better who have an optimal ability to learn and scan and absorb the important things are in their life and recall them with efficiency because if we can't do that then we're in trouble so I thought why don't I just call up the world's number one memory expert [Applause] why don't you call up the world's number one learning expert who I also love know and like and do business with who's just an amazing dude I was like dude would you come out and just blow these people just teach them entertain them but just give them some tips and tools to remember stuff because if they don't remember what I'm teaching and if they don't do it we don't get that huge change so I am blessed to have a person in this room who works with Elite athletes and actors and Executives we're talking about the c-level suite at GE we're talking about NFL players current NFL players we're talking about casts of entire shows in Hollywood to teach them to memorize lines to learn faster to absorb business reports faster to be able to make decisions better because they can remember what they did last time all of this he works one-on-one with people at an extraordinarily High fee way up there because he only works for the best he works with the high performers so I said come teach my high performers what you teach them at least the basics so they know about it and just give them what you got teach them what you got take them tell them about your courses do whatever you got to do but come and get these folks to remember this mission to remember who they are to remember this energy and remember to do their work so in this house if you were given unbelievable HPA welcome is the founder of quick learning Mr Jim quick is in this house foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you so super mad how's everyone doing amazing amazing amazing I uh I had to uh a lot of familiar faces I I've never taken a picture like that on stage before this this is such an incredible room so give yourself a round of applause um I've I've really enjoyed being there in this room with you learning with you and uh I'm gonna send that photo to my family I don't know if have you ever tried to explain like like you go to all these seminars I go to these seminars all the time to learn myself and you know telling your friends and your family and your loved ones exactly what happened how many people find that's a little bit difficult to do so I'm gonna I'm gonna send that that photo and uh and and the video um to be able to explain that because this is something High Vibe because I um because you know they tell you in in speaker School I've never actually went to training as a public speaker this is I just I just enjoy teaching um that never never to start off by thanking people for coming but I I have to disagree I want to thank you for coming because um thank you I believe I believe uh you know having gone to seminars for for the past few decades myself it's not always easy how many people know that how many people you sacrifice to be here right it takes a commitment to be able to do that to be able to make a decision you know that you have these inflection points in your life and you know whether or not to or to stay home or to do something else or to come here and I think you have to go to know and I really do believe that 80 of success is just is attending things and being present and because you never know when things are gonna happen and playing full out and if you're going to attend any event this is the event to attend definitely no doubt because you're learning from the best I mean if there's one person that had uh you know the probably the biggest impact on me personally and professionally it's that that man back there so can we give a hands for uh to Brendan and so so when I got when I got the call to come here he's like there's you know 900 amazing souls and Kindred Spirits here and and I just moved everything to be able to be here because of what he does so he and his team and what about our H uh high performance coaches here wow welcome uh welcome uh welcome back and uh and welcome home if you know what I mean so um I'm I'm in I I don't have any slides for you and I didn't prepare anything it's just I lived this so I just um because I don't want to make it you know rehearsed this is I really want to serve you I want to make our time together here before lunch as valuable as anything else that you've learned the past couple of days in fact I want to make it as valuable just if you just flew in just to be here for this session so um that that's my commitment to you because I know what it's like to be able to come out and give part of your time and your energy and your money to be here so I want to be able to make sure that you get all the value out of that um how about how about this what I teach is like something called accelerated learning so I teach people how to read faster improve their focus improve their memory if you will how many people here have uh too much to learn too little time anybody have books on your shelf you haven't read yet anybody get more than 10 emails a day what about your memory how many people came here today like to have a better memory how many people forgot why you came here today who's guilty of this how many people have ever walked into a room of your own home and just forgot why they're there you open the refrigerator you go into specific you just don't know what it is how many people feel little absent-minded like senior moments are coming a little bit early like your uh you're you're taking a shower and you honestly can't remember you shampooed your hair doing it twice how many people know somebody or maybe them themselves you misplace things all the time you lose things your wallet your purse your cell phone how many people lose their cell phone how many people found yourself calling your own cell phone and that's if you remember your own what or you read a page in a book get to the end and forget what you just read wow and how many people uh you lose things like your keys or if not your keys something larger like your car thank you you see the people out in uh in in mall parking lots they're using their car alarm like GPS trying to figure out where they do that um and what about names how many people here honestly you have trouble remembering people's names how many people have forgotten someone's name in this room already more than once so uh let's start with my name hopefully you remember it after today my name is Jim quick what is it uh it's spelled k-w-i-k with a name like quick the question I always get is is my last name my last name really is quick I didn't change it to do what I do with a name like quick your life and your my destiny was pretty much planned out I had to I had to be a runner back in school I um I have to be very careful when I'm driving because the worst name to be pulled over for speeding is quick because you're not once you hand over your license you're not going to talk your way out of that ticket and um and I get to do my passion and my purpose my Dharma which is uh which is teaching people to learn faster you know I teach people how we have a speed reading program it teaches people how to read three or four times faster we have a memory program to teach people how to unlock these 12 areas of their memory names and faces languages PIN numbers passcodes conversation giving speeches without notes because I believe two of the most costly words in business or I forgot you know I forgot to do it I forgot to bring it how many people ever gone to a seminar learned something really important and then what happened a couple days later they forget right so remembering I always thought that should have been taught back in school right back in school you learned three R's Reading Writing arithmetic uh but also you know the fourth R maybe should have been recall or retention remembering right and so that's what I want to share with you today and I don't have a you know a specific agenda I want to customize it for whatever is going to move the needle for you for your business for your career help you become an expert at whatever you need to make your life easier if you will um and so what uh what would you like to learn actually can we actually set up some mic Runners also um just in a moment um so in a moment I'll ask a question just just think about the kind of things you like to learn I'll put a checklist up here and then what I'll do is I'll just tack all of that I'll just go through the list of the things that you know would be very valuable to you and the question I always get is when I when I do these kind of things um I always tell people I don't see a lot of people see when I do these things I'll do these demonstrations on stage if you've seen me on video or YouTube or what have you or you've seen on stages before doing these mental feeds I don't do that to impress people I really do this to impress upon you and express to you what's really possible because it wasn't always like that you know you know years ago when I was um back in kindergarten as a child I had a really bad accident I had a head injury in class and it left me with I was knocked out unconscious had a concussion and I grew up with these learning challenges and these really severe learning challenges where I had I had very bad Focus I had this is before they had you know labels for all these different things I had a very poor memory it took me an extra two years two full years how to learn how to read you know compared to all my friends and something that I I struggle with you know for the longest time and I struggled privately and it affected me as a person also and it made me very shy and introverted even nowadays even getting on stage the stages that I get to speak on I get terrified still because it's still still part of my identity because when you feel like you're broken you don't really want to express yourself or share all of yourself you know so I do it because not because it's easy it's just because you know when you find your life's work what Brendan was talking about right and so that's why I do what I do but um what happened was when I got to college the reason why I I do what I do is because personal growth high performance what you're learning here and why I have such a respect for everybody who took the time and the energy to be here is because it not only transformed my life it also saved my life alright so I went through school and I was failing out and had all these challenges because I didn't learn how to learn and when I got to college I thought I could start fresh and I thought I could you know show the world prove to the world showed my family because I want to make them proud and mostly I want to prove to myself that I could do this and I took these classes freshman year and I actually did worse because it was even more difficult and I don't know if anyone could relate to struggles like this can anyone relate to this and what happened was it was such a challenge that I was ready to quit school and a friend of mine suggested this was in New York where I grew up he suggested coming out to California to visit him with his family to just taking a weekend off and just reflecting whether or not you should do that before you make such a big decision so I agree because I've never been to California before and I go to his home and there's and the home is he's very the family's very wealthy and successful and I've been financially I mean obviously you know beautiful home and it was it was I was on the water and everything but they're really happy right and the father walks me around before dinner on his property and just asked the kind of questions that you would ask of an 18 year old you know like the questions like how's school right for a really innocent question and when I heard that question um I just break down and I start crying because that question just like it was like you know when you suffer from something for literally a decade and a half and I just I just couldn't handle it and every all these emotions came out and um because I really wanted to make my family proud because I sacrificed so much like many you know many families do um and he asked me well why are you in school you know what you know what do you why what do you want to be what do you want to do what do you want to have what do you want to share with the world and no one's asked me those questions before you know and you know one of the keys to learning is asking you know some some new questions right because you ask new questions you get what new answers right because seek and you shall right and ask and you shall what receive and so I they asked me these questions and I started to answer them and he stopped me and he pulled out um a journal out from his back pocket and I always thought that only like you know like you know 12 year old girls carry Diaries and stuff so but he takes out a couple of sheets and he hands it to me and I even get choked up thinking about this wow I don't talk about this ever um but if it connects with somebody here he makes me write down my answers all right how many people find that it's nice to type things out but how many people like to write things down right many journal and they do these studies with Geniuses they found out you know that throughout history all the Geniuses not just IQ but you know High performers they all keep journals and they didn't know if it was just because genius captures or just actually keeping a journal turned you into a genius right because I think that reflection is very important so there's a you know I don't know if it's cause or causation but or correlation so he's he made me write it down and I don't know how much time goes by but I start writing down this bucket list right and when I was done I thought the exercise was done I started folding it up to put it in my pocket and then he grabs it from me and uh and I'm like I'm freaking out because I didn't know it was gonna you know people are someone else was gonna see this and he's looking at it and he starts to read it and I'm just uh and I don't know what it is but it's just you know I I to have another person like kind of reading like your goals and your dreams and your fantasies um and he goes through it and he says Jim you're you're this close to everything on that list now go like this go go with your fingers like this he calls like this you're this close to everything on this list and I'm thinking there's just no way I'm 18 years old and give me 10 lifetimes and I couldn't you know accomplish that and then what he did was he did this and then he went like this go like this you feel that and you know when implying that it's this you know three point you know three pound matter between my ears and he walks me into his um home into a room I've never been in before I've never seen anything like it it is wall-to-wall ceiling to floor covered in books how many people like to read right and he just starts grabbing books and he starts handing them to me and after a few minutes I have this stack of books I start looking at the titles and they're amazing like biographies of incredible men and women throughout history and some really early personal development books you know what I'm talking about like the Norman Vincent peel well you know Zig Ziglar the Dale carnegies you know like the you know early success and I'm just thinking what does he you know what's what's he making me do here um and then he asked me to read one book A Week how many people here read a book A Week wow give them a round of applause um I know Brendan's been reading a book A Week for about 17 plus years right because leaders are what leaders are readers right I always think it's amazing that if somebody has Decades of experience and expertise in something and they put it you know in like literally decades into a book and you can download decades and just to a few days how amazing is that right and so it gives me all these books and he asked me to read one book a week and I'm thinking I don't that's what I say out loud you know I don't know if you I say to him I don't know if you've been listening but I'm having a lot of trouble with school and I can't even I can't even keep up with my books at back at school and he looks to me dead in the eyes and he says Jim he said don't let School get in the way of your education and I was like wow and uh and I didn't know this was over 20 years ago I didn't know that this was that was a Mark Twain quote but you know I was like wow that's really that's that's a really nice saying and I have a lot of work to do and I can't keep up and then this is what he does really really smart man wise man he takes um out of his pocket my bucket list which he still has and he unfolds it and he starts to read every single thing on that list out loud right and I don't know if you could imagine what it feels like to already be already be like an insecure barely an adult but to hear another man and can't out loud your biggest dreams and Fantasies you know out and desires out into the world and it messes with your mind and your soul something fierce and uh and so with that um hearing that out loud and honestly a lot of half the things on that list more than half the things on that list were things I want to do for my family things that they would never do or can't do for themselves and so with that extra leverage I agree to read one book a week on top of my schoolwork so I go back to school you know after that weekend and I have this stack of books I have to read and a stack of books that I want to read and that puts me over the edge because I have no more time so I sat living in the library I don't eat I don't sleep I don't take care of myself do all the things that that you're learning you know over about your physiology you know the past couple of days and it's not very sustainable right so I I pass out literally of exhaustion in the library I fall down a flight of stairs I hit my head again I wake up two days later in the hospital and I'm down to 117 pounds I'm I'm connected to all these IVs I'm malnourished dehydrated and I thought I died and I really wanted to die like I mean it was just I mean you ever get to that point in your life you just don't know right and it's like that kind of inflection point I just think like you know I need a sign I don't know what to do anymore and just when I was thinking that you know when I woke up in the hospital I was you know something else woke up and the nurse came to me to give me a mug of tea and on the mug had a picture of a pretty smart gentleman Albert Einstein but it and so I don't you know you know you wonder like the Law of Attraction and you're speaking to you I don't know what it was but they're a quote that was on the on the on the mug you could be purred a million times it was basically said the same level of thinking that's created your problem won't solve your problem the same level of thinking that's created your problem won't solve your problem and it made me ask a new question what's my problem and I said fundamentally my biggest problem you know is I'm a very slow learner I'm a very slow learner and so how do I think differently about it well maybe I could learn how to learn faster and I thought well how do I learn to learn faster I thought school and then I asked for a course bulletin because I you know I figured out I'll stay in school and look at classes for next semester I look at hundreds of classes and all the classes there were classes on what to learn math History Science Spanish but there are zero classes on how to learn is there a difference between what to learn and how to learn and so I start studying that I start studying adult learning theory multiple intelligences anything I get my hands on on Neuroscience about how my brain worked so I could work with my brain right because they say we use a very small potential of our of our mind right what percentage they say 10 you know Einstein 10 10 Stanford University here you know a little while ago said two percent I read recently it's one ten thousandths of one percent that you have enough brain power mind power to last you a million lifetimes it keeps on going down I don't know if the 70s had something to do with it or or what but I mean I think we use all our brain I really do think we use all our brain but it's how we use it it's totally different right there's a difference between working hard and working what smart but the challenge our brain doesn't come with that owner's manual right and it's not always user friendly so what I want to do here is be able to give you that those those hacks those best practices as some of the highest mental performers with their memory they're reading their focus are able to do so how many people are up for that um so what would you like um let me just raise your hand what brings you here what can I cover while you're here that would make it useful for you Brian memorizing scripts quicker scripts okay how many people here now is that word for word or is it speeches like presentation okay different things um so how many people here would love to give a speech or a presentation like this with zero notes confidently good all right we'll do that scripts is something else scripts is something I work a lot with with actors who need to be able to recite you know verbatim right or Sales Group verbatim or uh poetry right that's word for word different strategies presentations perfect we'll go over that um who has the mic yes right here retention retention what kind of retention all retention what's your okay so how many people so I'll go over basic um I'll go over basic memory like basically I'll give you a framework for memory you know Brendan what I love about his teaching you know his he has Frameworks for people right and so I'll give you a framework three keys to uh you know Wonderful memory uh so I'll talk about that sometimes when people generally say their memory is a challenge I like it to be better it's generally like I it makes it me here like I want to be better at sports like what sports specifically do you want to get better at right um what else who else who's Mike over here memory short-term memory what would be an example of that so like forgetting too much forgetting too much yeah like the keys car what you were trying to do okay good okay so we'll go over memory both short and long term and then um okay we'll go over names speed reading how many people here would like some tips on how to read more in less time okay wow what's that Focus how many people here have challenges with their focus and concentration this is like a anonymous group hi my name is Jim and I have a bad memory who has the microphone over here here um I just wanted to say we're a group of psychologists and we work with adults in the workplace with dyslexia dyspraxia and add and we're launching an online product for Reading Writing organization that's taken about three and a half years I wondered if we could connect yeah absolutely cool thank you definitely what else with this good so we're going to cover speeches giving presentations without notes we're going to talk about General memory we're going to talk about how to remember names we're going to talk about reading speed and then we'll talk about Focus especially when it relates to reading over here is it Mike days dates um people's names books um Brennan quotes quite frequently from days and dates and people that he's worked with how do we keep all of that straight in our head um especially phone numbers of people we don't have on our phone oh how many people actually numbers might take a little time I don't know if we'll be able to get through it but how many people here um how many phone numbers by the way did you used to know like 15 years ago how many a lot right how many how many like like 50 100 phone numbers how many phone numbers do you know right now two one okay let's do it let's do a quick exercise let's do a quick exercise together Let's do let's do this really quick but maybe maybe we could do it together all right so let's practice remembering numbers right let's go around really quickly and just um how many people honestly have trouble remembering phone numbers right I think one of the big challenges is your brain is like a muscle and it grows stronger with use but what if you're not using it use it or what it's use it or lose it so that's a big challenge so let's say I think our brains in some areas are getting weaker because of technology and that's a little controversial but I think like we're Outsourcing our brains and our memories to our smart devices so our brains don't get the exercise so it's very convenient because you don't want to memorize necessarily 500 phone numbers or 500 emails but it's convenient but it also cripples there's this there's this new term for it that came out a few months ago it's called digital dementia digital dementia that us Outsourcing using our phones so much to do what our brain used to do it's our smartphones are basically making us stupid all right so let me let's let's do a quick demonstration so we're on the same page and you can do it with me let's try to remember a number together as one group all right so just um I may need mics for this fast so just um most people have trouble remembering like a seven digit number let's do the best we can to memorize a longer number than seven and we'll do it together as a group if you want you could write it down even if even if it helps so just raise your hand and just for time's sake give me uh I'll do it with you I won't write it down but give me two numbers at a time so say 24 and then everyone writes down 24. and then someone says 13. everyone writes down 13. so raise your hand and do that towards the mics so everyone could hear 27 27 so everyone's writing what 27 good we're gonna have to do this fast just just hand the mic to people just give two two digit numbers 72 72. so the next one is 72. all right and then let's also try to memorize it together right 72. 35 okay 35. 66. 66. okay let's wait for the mic so everybody could hear it you know also as well so it's 35 and then 66. all right 63 63. how many people have how many people have Bingo right now all right um 63 all right 56 56. all right 56. 48. 48. uh why are people laughing at the 48. all right I'll repeat it don't let me write down the ones I'm saying otherwise people don't get confused right 48 39 39 number 39 okay 39 19 13. 39 13. 18. you said 18. okay it's hard to see from from here just because uh the because the lights and everything 13 and then 18 18. all right how many numbers is that single digits by the way 20 single digits let's keep on going let's let's go keep on going 10 10. okay next one is 10 99 number 99 47 47 okay two digits oh 11 11. 11. very creative I like it I like it okay what else 38 okay so next one is 38. 23 38. what's that 23 23. how many numbers are we up to right now okay a lot let's keep on going faster like what's that 67 is the next one number 67 15. 15. uh 15 is okay 15. 49. oops I'm sorry wait gentlemen who said it 49 49 and that was after that was right before 15 right right after you said 49 right okay 49. 82. 82. okay let's stop there for a second all right 82. let's let's let's stop there right just write them down all right so how many single digits is that right now just for a sake of time 40. all right I'm going to do the best I can to memorize this what was the last one 82. all right I'm gonna do the best I can to memorize this list excuse me have some encouragement please all right all right um all right ready I'm gonna do single digits at a time now it's uh two seven seven two three five six six six three how am I doing so far five six four eight is that right one no ah testing you three nine one three one eight one zero nine nine four seven one one three eight two three yeah oh yeah six seven one five four nine eight two thank you so so again I don't do this to to impress you I do is to really express to you what's possible because here's the thing you could do it too every single person in this room could do it too regardless of your age regardless of your background regardless of your career regardless of your diet your level of Education your financial situation your gender your IQ it doesn't matter right it's just we weren't taught in fact there's no such thing as a good or bad memory there's just a trained memory and an untrained memory there's no such thing as a good or bad memory there's a trained memory and an untrained memory let me try to do it backwards how many people see me do backwards okay but let me let me try seriously um and I'm gonna stand here just like eyes closed okay I'll try eyes closed ready um eyes closed two eight nine four oh this is different my eyes closed five no yes oh nice five one seven six three two how are you doing eight three one one seven four nine nine zero one eight one yes three one is that right nine three eight four six five three six six six six five three two seven seven two all right so the reason I I do this again is this is why I do it because I know those references make a difference for you you know like I'm here because years ago you know what I had hoped for was was this when I was eight years old I was at a family reunion and it was a busy it was like 25 of us at a restaurant busy Saturday night and uh the waitress there she starts taking everyone's order and when she gets to me I notice something different she wasn't writing it down how many people have had a weight staff like that and I'm just thinking I'm naturally very skeptical me myself and I'm just thinking and I think skeptical is not negative you know I've I've heard this study where you know a pessimists tend to be more you know more accurate right more times but then optimists achieve a lot more right and so um I'm skeptical meaning I just want to know what the truth is I'm just thinking there's just no way you know she's gonna have to send stuff back and trade our plates it's gonna be really funny but when she came back she got every single thing perfect you know what I mean I'm mean the appetizers the beverages the salad dressings how we wanted the meal cook the desserts every single thing now is that a standout skill or is that a standout skill right she was for me my Roger Bannister right what did Roger Bannister do in 54. he broke the form in a mile right throughout human history no one could run a mile in less than four minutes and then all of a sudden now by the way how he's able to do it was through a visualization technique right he was able to be able to see himself across the Finish Line look at the clock and it says 359. if you saw the ESPN special on this right he knew what you know what high all high performers know that success is an inside out process right it's about taking the invisible and making it visible but you have to see it where first inside first right and that's what entrepreneurs do right that's what high performers do they have this idea of this desired you know environment and then they create it right where they're not a thermometer there they are a thermostat right you know the metaphor what's the difference what's a thermometer it it just reads it just reacts to the what environment but what's a thermostat you set you set the standard and what happens the environment it changes right how many thermostats do we have here right all thermostats right and so that's the difference so but what's interesting was not that is that you know 359 he saw it there what happened after that no one could run a mile less than four minutes all of a sudden one person does it what happens dozens of people start now is there a big advancement in shoe technology and training devices nutritional supplements what was the shift in their mind right in terms of what their beliefs right and so she was my Roger Bannister right she shook up a living belief and that's why I do those kind of demonstrations so let's let's let's let's go into this a little bit I'm going to start with uh what's that comprehension we could talk about a little bit of reading how many people like to not only read faster but actually understand what they read very useful um all right so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna I'm gonna hit the stuff on that list and uh so just get ready to just take a lot of notes all right because I'm not gonna these are tips right everyone knows the difference between like a tip or a tactic in actual training right like and so because we have a limited amount of time I'm gonna give you fast tips that's going to move the marker for you when you leave but that's different than having a skill right so because what's the difference right right practice and training right so but I want to give you something you can leave independent of whether or not we work together moving past this so this is what I'm going to talk about I'm going to talk about four Keys really fast on how to learn anything faster all right any subject or skill any subject or skill how many people have a subject or skill that they like to take on what would it be shout shout it out Italian what else foreign languages what else economics what else excellent whatever that is so so we're on the same page I want you to remember this f-a-s-t all right and I I used a little bit of acronyms just think about school remember homes and the what are the seven colors of rainbow Roy G Biv right so it helps you to remember I want you to remember fast all right remember fast all right so to learn anything faster I always go to fast first F stands for forget forget and you think like why start a memory seminar with forgetting right but here's the thing I find that sometimes as we grow older our cup gets full you know what I mean and it's hard for people to who are the fastest Learners on the planet children right I did this to an audience of 10 000 people 60 countries like who are the fastest Learners on the planet this whole table yelled out pygmies and I have no idea why but children are really fast Learners because they know what they don't know does that make sense so they ask lots of questions sometimes as we grow older it's kind of like that that parable of you know the master with the student and The Apprentice these Masters pouring the tea into the teacup and then the teacup begins to overflow and The Apprentice doesn't want to say anything but it's just overflowing overflowing and then eventually The Apprentice says you know Master you know that the T you know is overflowing everywhere and he's like oh I'm glad you see that student you know because you have to empty the cup to be able to put more in that's similar right so sometimes what you want to forget here what keeps us from learning faster and leaves us learning slowly is if you get thinking that we know everything already right so temporarily set aside of what you know about the subject I would set aside three things to forget set aside what you know about the subject set aside concerns right anything that's not urgent important there was a study done at Harvard University um by uh George Miller seven plus or minus two how many people are familiar with that that you could consciously seven plus or minus two bits of information five to nine bits but here's the thing metaphorically I don't think that's I mean I have a different but the idea here is this if you're here in this room but two bits are thinking about the kids and three bits are thinking about your clients it only leaves you like one or two bits to be here present right will that affect your learning abilities yes all right so forget about anything that's not urgent important just imagine it's out in the code rack and you can pick it up on your way out it'd still be there but be here and be be present the third thing you want to forget about is is you forget about what you know about the subject forget about what's going on and situational and forget about your limiting beliefs all right forget about which because a lot of people they don't learn faster because they believe they can't right they have this thing they have these talks and affirmations in their mind that if they don't write their their you know grocery list and triplicates they're gonna forget it right and here's the thing if you fight for your limitations you get to keep them and that's the big challenge right and so your brain is like a super computer I remember I Was preparing for a marathon I was reading this book and on one chapter was on the psychology of running the marathon the mental part and I said this verbatim because I'm a memory expert I said this it says your your brain is a super computer and your self-talk is a program it will run so if you tell yourself you are not good with names you will not remember the name and of the next person you meet because because you program your computer not to all right because here's here's that that self-talk here's the thing your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk that's worth tweeting I'm sorry that's like awesome at Jim quick Kwik but your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk so that's the F right in in fast the A and fast stands for active all right learning here's here's a tweetable if you have one learning is not a spectator sport all right learning is not a spectator sport the challenge is if you feel overloaded and overwhelmed there's too much to learn too little time it's not your fault it's because we all grew up with a 20th century education let me say that again if you're struggling and overwhelmed with the amount information you need to just like absorb and focus and learn and remember it's not your fault because we all grew up with the 20th century education which repaired us it was created to actually you know for a 20th century World which in the beginning of the 20th century was basically working in factories and working on assembly lines and working outside really follow simple instructions right and so you know it was sit quietly by yourself don't talk to your neighbor cookie cutter one size fits all and that's not the world we live in anymore the world we live in right now is you know world of electric cars and spaceships that are going to Mars by our vehicle a choice when we learn is like a horse and buggy how many people see that they say if Rip Van Winkle woke up today the only thing he would recognize are our schools and that's the and that's the big shot and that's and that's not a slight on on teachers because I have the the most incredible respect for educators my mother's a school teacher my aunt's a school teacher you know I'm talking about at a system level right the world is changing so fast how many people know that like we're like the amount of information now is doubling at dizzying speeds you know they say um I did this program and and we had uh like Googles and the founders there and it was like um it said this the amount information the chairman of Google said this and they know a little bit about information the amount information has been created from the dawn of humanity to the year 2003 which is only a decade ago think about that amount of information that information now is created every two days online how many people feel it that the amount information is like this it's going up but how we learn it and read it remember it has that changed at all so it's like this how you read it it's the same speed how you remember the same speed what's this what's that Gap overwhelm that's pain that's information they call it information fatigue syndrome how many people feel like like that just too much right higher blood pressure you know compression of Leisure Time more sleeplessness how many people feel like you're not getting as much sleep in a restorative rest as you need to you know a compression leisure time or if you have free time like all of a sudden let's say a meeting is canceled and you have 45 minutes to yourself you can't even really enjoy it why because your mind is still what still multitasking right and so you only have and that's why people make really bad decisions which is like there's this interesting study also they asked a lot of leaders like you know Mark Zuckerberg why is he wears tame sweatshirt and Tony Shea why do you wear the same Zappos t-shirts all the time I wear a shirt all the time right like if you see my videos it's because like you don't want to use you don't want to you have a certain amount of decisions that you can make well throughout the day and you don't want to suffer from decision fatigue you know I mean having routines like what Brendan is teaching you is pure platinum Pure Platinum because you don't have to think about it right so when you automate certain things it allows freedom in all these other areas of your life because you don't want it like that's why if you want to have surgery when they say you have surgery in the morning right because you're going to get doctors and surgeons that are fresh and awake and all of that so A is active it means you want to be involved right so what you're doing right now taking notes that's the way of active learning right as opposed to passive because the old model of learning through school or we're taught was consumption it's like a teach you're pushing information inside your brain but that's not how you learn organically right it's not based on consumption it's based on creation you learn better not based on consumption but based on what you could create and so you know when I take notes I always like my how many people are familiar with mind mapping right like mind mapping great way of taking notes whole brain note-taking right if you're not familiar with mind mapping you could do something for me very simple linear way of taking notes is just put a line down the page and on the left side of the page I take notes and on the right side I make notes really simple right what's the difference on the left side I'm capturing notes on the right side I'm creating notes is there a difference right so here you're capturing the techniques and the tips and the strategies but on the right side your creative side so it's like the right side of your brain you're creating how many uses how's it relates what I already know you know questions that you might have how you're going to teach it to somebody else because if your mind's gonna wander somewhere let it wander on the page and be creative right left brain right brain so that'll be an active way active way would be like you know like socially talk like on you know posting stuff on you know she's sharing it with other people follow me on Facebook a the S and fast is this is state state and a state's just a fancy word for the current mood of your mind and your body right your mind and your body your state your current a snapshot of where you are right at that moment right because here's the thing all learning is State dependent all learning is State dependent when most people learn something in school most of it what we're trying to do is unlearn bad habits right so most advanced learning celebrate learning is learning unlearning and limitations and poor poor habits and routines but state is this stand up real quick let me show you what state is can you control your mood and your feelings yes or no yes right because who's responsible for it me who you are right you know recently I got to introduce two of my I always use these these metaphors as superheroes you know I think a superhero we have a we have a conference we call called superhero U right a website called superhero you and it's basically why wait for Superman to save you you are Superman you are Superwoman you are super child right and so I believe in will a World Superheroes because superheroes is somebody who finds their superpower right they discover and develop their strength their talent their unique gifts if you would but just having a superpower doesn't make you a superhero you have to use that power for what good to be able to be creative right to be able to give and be able to grow so that that's what I'm thinking about a world of superior so that's my vision right like living in a real world of superheroes so here when we're like I recently I got to introduce two of my superheroes together for dinner uh Stan Lee who create who's Stanley yeah who created Spider-Man X-Men Iron Man Avengers and uh Richard Branson right and uh and I going in La you know after picking up Stan it took a 10-minute Drive ended up taking an hour because that's La if you will and I was asking all these questions like you know who's your favorite superhero and he says Iron Man and he said who's your favorite superhero and I was like it's Spider-Man and then he was like with great power comes great what and how does 900 people know that right it's like in our DNA right and my mind being skeptical I'm just like automatically in like reverse everything I'm thinking you know Stan the opposite is also true with great responsibility comes great what power with great responsibility comes great power when we take responsibility and we're at cause we have great power to be able to affect things right that includes our feelings and our state right so the two things that affect our state you know number one our thoughts do our thoughts can our thoughts put us in a good or bad mood rest right so we could change your thoughts could you change your thoughts you change your life but not only that changing your body would change change your state also right so there's certain body movements that actually bring some into bring more intelligence and more energy into us so how many people are familiar with like educational Kinesiology and so there's actually some movements that actually activate different parts of your brain how many people want to learn some of those exercises all right so here this is what we're going to do here's here's the precept as your body moves your brain grooves as your body moves your brain grooves okay so look at your neighbor and say that as you're so how do you move your body so a couple quick quick exercises and now you might need to just be do this safely okay so one one elbow to the opposite knee and then rotate alternate and breathe try breathing doing a tip so in in educational Kinesiology our brain gym they call it cross crawls right anything that cross that crosses the midline helps to activate left and right brain connectiveness right left brain by the way like a gross a gross simplification left brain is what your your logical brain words sounds right linear what's the right side of this is logical creative imagination visualization emotion right and so you want to increase the level communication because for example when you're reading something you want more reading comprehension you hear the words but you want to experience the words and people see that so this is split by the Corpus callasum what makes more connections are these cross-laterals all right so for example um do this just kind of pull energy towards you like this breathe I'm like half you like holding your breath oxygen very important for learning now stop now watch this I want you to pull one towards you but one away from you like this or wherever okay 90 of you are still doing this so one towards you one away how many people feel like you have to think about it right thinking's good this is exercise right because we're not getting our brain exercises do this kind of shake out how many people are on the computer all day and okay just kind of you know move your wrist around like this like this now watch just I'm going to show you I'm gonna just now watch this one side it's gonna go twice as fast that's it just twice as fast watch try it think about it here try try this just Pat your head and rub your stomach have a seat have a seat have a seat so this this s but how many people feel like your brain started getting a little like alert you have to be more engaged more aware that's always a that's always a good thing right so s is state right there's State because all learning is State dependent so it's based on your psychology and your physiology like for example sit the way you'd be sitting right now if you're totally interested in what I was saying is it the way you'd be sitting breathe your posture why do you even have to move s is State notice who controls this who you control your state right so it's never whether you're in the mood or has nothing to do with the educator or your coach you could always put yourself in state because the state you learn something in is a state that you're going to remember it in because emotion tied to information becomes a long-term memory all right emotion tied to information becomes a long-term memory right if you learn something in a board and dull State how much you're going to remember it how much how much motivation are you also equally going to have to apply it how many people have ever learned something really important but never used it right so that's s State the T notice I haven't even got the techniques because I think 90 of success is all this is all the soft stuff it really is the T here this is the big one is teach now I'm gonna I'm gonna teach you how to read faster right now I'm gonna teach you how to remember more names I'm gonna teach you how to give a speech without notes but how many people would pay attention differently if you had to teach to someone on Monday a little bit or alive how many people would take different levels of notes if you had to teach it how many people would ask different questions how many people would Own It personalize it right because here's the thing when you teach it like I always I never thought it was a negative growing up when you heard this phrase that you've all heard those who can't do what teach like you can't do business so teach business I never thought that it was a negative I thought that wow if I can't do something teach it and then I could do it right because here's the thing when you teach it to someone else you get to learn it twice when you teach you get to learn it twice like it's one thing to learn something for you there's two ways to reasons to learn anything once is what it could do for your own life but number two is what what it could do for somebody else right so you play or play it forward right so what I would do is the things that you want to learn from this conference or really want to learn it well think about that person that you really care about in your mind and think about how you would teach that person how many people have someone in mind that you care about that you wish was here they could be here when you teach them do you get it all right cool so how many people see this Four Keys forget about what you already know about subject forget about your limiting beliefs be active as opposed to passive ask questions take notes and everything control your own State you'll learn faster and then teach it to someone else now let's get to uh to speed reading real fast now this is not the actual technique but I'm going to give you one thing you could do that's going to dramatically boost your reading speed now how many people have ever taken over the years like a speed reading class traditional speed reading how many people agree like for those who went through it is more skimming uh scanning getting the gist of what you read right here's here's the difference um traditional speed reading is more Associated towards skipping words right but you don't really get good comprehension but you get sometimes scanning is very useful sometimes you don't need to learn everything and the fastest way to learn something is to kind of skim through it that's the fastest way to learn it the challenge is like you know for us you know I work with a lot of chairmans a lot of doctors a lot of you know financial advisors I mean how many people want their doctor just to get the gist of what she's reading right that that won't be the goal right so there's two parts to reading right there's a Woody Allen quote that said I took a speed reading course I read War and Peace it's about Russia that that wouldn't be the goal all right so there's two parts to reading there's reading speed and there's reading comprehension now I'm going to give you some distinctions because I think really genius and I don't care if it's a you know the champion Formula One racer or it's a top athlete or as a business professional I think genius they have these patterns they're always looking for these patterns and they're incredible at their pattern recognition right and they look for patterns and that's all that I do you know what Geniuses I find out the patterns of how someone can learn a language four times faster than somebody else the pattern's not how someone could give a speech without notes you know the patterns that someone who could just go around and just remember everyone's name naturally that there's always a method behind the magic there's always a method behind the magic right just one you could see somebody demonstrate some kind of Genius Like remember our 20 and I could have done 200 300 numbers forwards and backwards right it would just take longer but someone could see that and say well that's really great good for him and then leave I want to say that's really great how does he do that right and that's the difference that makes the difference right but I can still go through the list I could go two seven up two seven seven two three five six six right six three fours backwards and you you can meet me on the street three you know a month from now and say can we still remember this yes here's it is forwards and backwards and people say well here's the thing my brain can't hold your brain this is a difference someone could go to the gym and you see that person bench pressing all that weight you're like oh that person could do it because they're really strong that's not the right cause but you should look at the person it's like no that person does it that's why they're very strong right and so here's the difference your brain isn't like like it's full that you can put more in the more you could hold the more stronger it is the more it can hold you know I have people all the time I had somebody call me up like at the office I was first one and she was like I love you I love you this is amazing I was like whoa who's this and she was like I found it and I was like what'd you find she was like have you ever hid something so well or come up with a password that's so clever you don't even remember what it is she was given this uh heirloom this family heirloom this this this necklace if you will it went to her from her grandmother went to Dinko to her three sisters didn't go to her mom and went to her and she was entrusted to keep it safe right and she hid it somewhere in the house and for three years three long years she couldn't find it and she got so much slack from her family and everything she thought it lost it she thought it got stolen whatever two weeks after going through our online like our memory training that we have she wakes up the middle night three o'clock in the morning she runs down two flights of stairs she goes behind the boiler into this little crevice and what did she pull out the necklace right I was like wow I didn't teach you how you could find misplaced things I was like she was like you know what I I just feel like the past couple weeks my brain is alive again because it got the exercise right and he started remembering names started to be able to learn you start Focus hard to be because most of us don't work out our minds right we work out our bodies right so let me tell you about the distinctions and these patterns that I'm talking about there's five things that keep you really fast the five things that keep you from Reading slowly right and I'll write them down quick the first one is just lack of Education lack of Education are you born with the ability to read no no one like was born they just crawled out to the you know the waiting room started speed reading magazines right right no you're not born so how do you improve your reading speed yeah because not because practice makes what progress good practice makes progress or practice makes permanent right practice makes permanent that's how you create a habit right the challenge though is like back in school I wasn't good at anything like anything except for one time in school in typing class you know back in the in junior high school before they had computers they had these these you know typewriter class and I was the fastest one and it was the first time I was good at anything in school the only time through school and it was great because they would put your name like on the board and it was quick Kwik and uh I was like the Fast Tire I was like wow this is the first time I was good at anything and it's not because I was naturally good at typing it's just when I visit my grandparents they had no toys but they had this Rusty Dusty typewriter and I would just type things right like this and so first couple the first week they just let you type or whatever and then a week into it teacher's like okay I'm gonna teach you how to type and I'm like oh I just want to take the final right now this is great and you know this is really good good and she's like no no you're gonna use all 10 fingers and there's home keys and all this stuff and then I try that and what do you think happens to my typing speed it goes all the way down right and so what do I do I go back right because I know better and then but all my friends they start doing this now an interesting hap thing happened over the next couple weeks right where I was on the leaderboard here what happened over the next couple weeks with my friends doing this and me doing this I started slip you know to two to three to five to like the bottom five right over the few weeks now it took my slow brain all that time to realize hey that's not fair they're using five times more fingers right and they're like cheating but there's a difference between working hard and working what smart right and so you could I could practice this all day and that's not going to make me a better typer it won't make me a better reader right because when's the last time you took a training called reading how old were you a class called reading elementary school so how old are you six seven years old seven years old that's the last time you took a reading class now has the demand and the difficulty increased a little bit in your reading since you were seven a little bit or a lot a lot they say the amount information doubles like like every six months or whatever right the dizzying speeds right and so it has increased but how we learn it read it remember it focus on it is exactly the same that's the challenge right so re-education the second obstacle to effective reading this is a big one because you asked me to cover this lack of focus how many people you read a page in a book get to the end and forget what you just read on people you'll go back and reread it you still don't know what you just read right so Focus now let me tell you where some of the focus issues come from in my opinion because we test tens of thousands of people like every single year you know we have online programs in 140 countries this is what happens people think that if I ask you to read faster what's going to happen to your comprehension it's going to go down right you think like it's going to go down in actuality the fastest readers tend to have the best comprehension because they have the best focus and here's what I mean when you're reading something you have this unbelievable super computer of a brain right but when you read you feed this super computer one word at uh time metaphorically starving or no I can't I'm from New York I can't even talk that's that that slow but if I was to talk that slow over time Not only would this session take like five six hours what would your brains and Minds naturally start doing when I started doing that it starts to what tune out what else slow down what else start checking something else what else starts falling asleep good what else distracting right now so when I talk slowly you start getting distracted your mind was wandering some of you were falling asleep tell me and you started losing focus tell me that's not reading for a lot of people how many people feel that it's falling asleep right how many people actually use reading as a sedative you know what I'm talking about right how many people have a book by your bed and an embarrassingly long time it's been there right you pick up a book to read when you want to fall asleep right so that's the wrong associations are triggers to have for towards reading right and here's the thing because you're reading's so slow your mind is look it's starving if you if you don't give your brain the stimulus it needs it'll seek entertainment elsewhere in the form of distraction let me say it again if you don't give your brain the stimulus it needs it'll seek entertainment elsewhere in the form of distraction and that's why a lot of people lack their focus does that make sense it's because you're reading so slow and your brain can handle so much more information it starts to think about other things to entertain it and that's a big challenge right it's like if you're driving if you're driving a car going you know 20 miles an hour in your neighborhood are you really focused on driving what are you doing you're doing what you're thinking about you're thinking about the kids the dry cleaning you're texting even though you know you shouldn't do that you know you know you're you're this thing you're seeing it on the radio you're drinking your Starbucks you're doing six different things because you're only going 20 miles an hour now let's take let's say you're racing cars and you're doing straightaways at 180 miles an hour 200 miles an hour taking care of pin turns do you have more or less Focus a little bit or a lot a lot right that's like reading right are you like if you're racing cars are you thinking about the the dry cleaning are you trying to text no you're 100 focused on what's in front of you that's what reading is Right third obstacle to effective reading this is the big one sub vocalization what's subvocalization quick what is it reading inside your mind how many people notice that how many people notice when you're reading something you hear that inner voice reading along with you hopefully it's your own voice it's not like somebody else's voice in there right subvocalization vocal is speech sub like a submarine under inner inner speech now why is it an obstacle to your reading is if you have to say all the words then you can only read as fast as you could speak does that make sense the average reading speed is about 200 words a minute just like you know it's like they've measured in words per minute or like typing speed but if you have to say all the words that means let me say another way if you have to say all the words that means your reading speed is limited to your talking speed and not your thinking speed is there a difference yes all right so do you need to say a word you know like computer to actually understand what a computer is no do you have to you know when you're driving and you see a red sign on the corner there do you have to say stop every single time no one says that no one does because 95 of the words that you read on a regular basis all your emails all your texts all your magazines all your newspapers you know all your books 95 of those words are what they call sight words words you know by sight that you don't have to pronounce by sound all right and the fastest readers they don't subvocalize right subvocalize very little like leaders are readers right like Brandon Bouchard very fast reader very Avid Reader you know I I did a program for uh Bill Gates here I asked him if he could have any one one superpower what would it be and he says Jim the Billy to read faster yeah like that because they know right because leaders are readers the more you can learn the more you can earn right because we live in this knowledge economy right where now if knowledge is power learning is your superpower if knowledge is power learning is your superpower So reading faster so you don't have to sub vocalize and then finally for uh is regression regression is what regression is just like going back and rereading words how many people notice you'll reread and back Skip and whole lines right that's a waste of time and then that's a focus issue and then fifth obstacle is what they call belief what's a belief because if you believe you can or believe you can either way what you're right stand up real quick let's get some energy in the room a little bit all right jump up and down this is home stretch right this is where you're going to learn everything here okay so jump up and down make some space from the person next to you real quick and then I just want you to notice where your feet are right now and I just want you just to point forward with your right hand just point forward your right hand and now turn without moving your feet turn to your right clockwise to your right and notice how far you could Point notice where you're pointing comfortably as you take out your neighbor's eye notice where you're pointing come back Center put your arm down all right now I want to do a quick visualization exercise with you I'll take a deep breath exhale let it go relax your body close your eyes breathe normally and I just for 30 seconds watch this imagine you're raising your hand again and imagine you're turning to your right and this time imagine you're turning twice as far just see it and feel in your body imagine it see and feel you're getting great stretch going twice as far and then Breathe Again see and feel yourself raising your arm and this time see and feel yourself turning three times as far like you're made out of rubber same for yourself turning great stretch seeing for yourself turning three times as far and then one more time with a big smile on your face think what does it have to do with speed reading see and feel yourself turning four times around like your Gumby if you know who Gumby is seeing for yourself turning four times around good now open your eyes point forward with your right hand and turn to your right as far as you can now go whoa what come back Center all right give a sound round Applause if you want further a second time so the so the B here stands for belief right belief now keep standing so your is belief because how far how many people went further a second time look around how many people went further right now how many people actually went considerably further 25 50 further right that's a metaphor for everything in our life all right because how many now were you physically capable of turning that far the first time like nobody took a yoga class my eyes were closed right you're physically capable where was the limitation in your mind right people say I don't have a belief in how far I could turn how many beliefs do you have a lot you have a lot of beliefs all behavior is belief driven all behavior is belief driven if you're looking at patterns and you're looking pattern recognition you want to examine not only the behaviors of the most amazing High performers but their beliefs that allow those behaviors all right have a seat so if you're gonna so just working off of these five obstacles effective reading I'm going to give you a couple quick tips really fast tips because I want to get to names part of so I read I read a lot people ask me all the time like where do these Tech you know how you know I've been teaching this you know for for so long over you know almost 25 years of my life I don't know how to do anything else this is what I do you know then that's my that's my goal my life's purpose is I want to change the way the world learns right I want to change the way the world learns so they can step into that Superhero version of cells how many people believe inside there's there's this inner superhero you know what I mean that make make the sound of that Superhero inside of yourself [Applause] superhero like when that's Unleashed it just won't go back right and so my goal is to be able to create an environment for that to come out ongoing so you win every single day right so I think a big part of that has to do with your learning abilities right and so here if I'm going to learn how to learn you know initially what I had to do is I read a book I read a book a day for four and a half years a book a day every single day for four and a half years I read you know I did research and then I role modeled I remember who I thought role model the most were who children right children fast Learners now or there's this term called organic learning first of all when children are learning to read if you're going to role model them you know their success first of all a couple quick tips they use part of their body to help them Focus what part their finger 100 of kids will learn if you don't teach them you know they'll use their finger naturally now are you taught to use your finger while you read you're not right sometimes you got discipline for it right but here's the thing there's a difference between how many people feel like there's a difference between intelligence and wisdom I people feel like there's a difference between book smart and like just common sense right and so part of learning and high performance is be able to just you know in your mind think about things and just reevaluate is this working right and so intested for yourself because I don't think the experts always who's on stage or is on the podcast or what have you who's the expert you are the expert right because you know you better than anyone else so I love self-coaching you know I think you'll learn a lot from yourself you know when we're when we're tested for it so here's the thing like talk and thinking about it from Common Sense first of all children naturally use their their finger to help them Focus right so they they say that people who use what they call a visual Pacer a visual Pacer is like your finger a highlighter a pen a pencil a mouse on a computer will boost their reading speed 25 to 50 across the board all right is that a little bit or a lot right 50 that's a lot that's like 20 minutes on every single hour and people's like well that doesn't make sense I'm like yeah so here's here's why I'll tell you actually exactly why by the way reading takes time right the average person has to read about four hours a day to keep current how many people feel that how many emails that you have and all the book everything you need to do for to be to be like amazing at what you do four hours a day that means like half your day or your work day could be spent just reading right and what if you could double your reading speed and save two hours a day what's two hours a day over the course of a year some math right two hours a day of course of the year sorry let's say you save one hour a day one hour a day over the course of a year how many how many hours is that 365 hours that's a really big how many people like to have an extra 365 hours a year now let me make that tangible for you how many 40 hour work weeks is that about because we need to be thinking work weeks nine can you imagine getting nine weeks of productivity back to saving an hour a day saving an hour a day on the most time consuming thing that you do which is reading one hour a day would save you nine work weeks how many people would love to have an extra nine weeks a year right think about what you could do right so reading so first of all to help so here test yourself I would ask you to go home you know pick up your favorite book one of my favorite books motivation Manifesto yeah pick it up time yourself to read it for 60 seconds count the number of lines and then use your finger while you don't no fancy finger motions a lot of speed reading class will say go right down the page but you miss everything on the left and right or fancy this don't skip anything read everything and that and then time yourself for 60 seconds using your finger that second number will be 25 50 jump right by the way how many people would have loved to get 25 on their Investments last year because reading takes time and time is what money this right not only that but to help you focus but here's why you want to do it I'll tell you because human beings you know adults we want to know why first of all kids do it 100 out of 100 kids will naturally do it second of all you already do it like most most adults won't use their finger while they read but if I can't ask you to count the number of lines that you just read and manif in a motivation Manifesto what would 100 adults do this one two three four on you're not actually use a visual Pacer third reason why you want to do it is because your eyes are naturally attracted to motion like if somebody just ran across the stage here no one would look at me you would all look at what moves in your environment because it's survival you know growing up as hunter gatherers you're in a bush and you're hunting like lunch you're hunting this rabbit or this carrot depending on what your diet is and then and then the bush next to you moves you better look at that bush you know like because if number one it could be lunch number two what you could be lunch right so either way your eyes have to look at what moves in your environment so when your fingers going across the page your eyes are being pulled your mind's being pulled through the information as opposed to your attention being pulled apart how many people have Focus issues this is going to help you a lot with that the other reason why I use your finger while you read it's how your neurology is set up neurology is a fancy word for your nervous system right you have your spine you have your brain but you also have your senses right certain senses work very closely together like how many people love like spring time and how many people love like Fresh Harvest and how people love fresh fruit like right off the vine like like you know at the farmer's market or something not that that's not something that's been sprayed in waxed for six months and sitting in a grocery store but something real fresh how many people love the taste of a great tasting Peach right yeah you're like wow like here's the thing you're not tasting the peach what are you doing you're smelling the peach but your sense of smell and your sense of taste are so closely linked that your mind doesn't know the difference just like your sense of smell and taste are so closely like you know when you're congested though what does food taste like nothing right tastes Bland but your sense of smell and taste are closely so is your sense of sight and your sense of touch all right so is your sense of sight and sense of touch that people literally reading with their finger this is what they'll say I feel more in touch with my reading lately that they'll say that in their languaging by the way if somebody loses their sense of sight how do they read with Braille right with their sense of touch how many people are willing to try doing this okay good now here's the other thing for comprehension I want to encourage you to use a specific hand while you read what hand do I recommend you use left or right there's only so many possibilities right left hand why they always say left-handed people are in their right what they're in the right mind is because cross laterals again right back back in high school biology or physiology you learn that one side of your brain controls the opposite side of your body and God forbid if you know someone who's had a stroke or head trauma if there's paralysis where does it manifest on the opposite side right that we know through science that your body your brain controls your body but but the new science coming out is that your body also affects your brain it's not a one-way signal right that using your body in certain ways actually activates your brain just like when we're doing these exercises that we're doing this helps to activate more of your brain there's a study done in Oxford two years ago that said jugglers have bigger brains how many jugglers do we have here they have huge brains look at them big brains jugglers actually have bigger brains they create more white matter that using your body in certain ways you know so there's there's a study done by Dr Lawrence Katz who is working with these seniors wanted to find out how to give their brain alive you know as they grow older and their mental acuity their focus their memory some of it was just very simple like using your opposite hand to be able to eat using your opposite hand when you want to be able to to brush your teeth right so as your body moves your brain grooves so by using your left hand it helps to activate your right brain and what's your right brain that's your magic Nation that's your creativity that's your emotion that's the meaning and the experience of what you're reading right how many people are willing to try using their left hand now here's the caveat it might feel a little bit different remember when I started typing like this it felt what a little weird and awkward different but how many people here could actually type like that now right so maybe you take a step backwards to take three leaps what forwards and that's the difference that's the difference that makes a difference right Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about going through the pain period that's the difference between a champion people that could go and be a little uncomfortable you want to embrace that you want to embrace feeling uncertain and uncomfortable because that's where all the learning is if you're not if you learn something and you got this already and you're saying yourself oh I know this I know this I know this then nothing new is happening you're probably just validating what you already know right that's the difference let me get to memory real quick three keys to a superhero memory all right are you ready all right I want you to remember Mom m-o-m really fast mom all right what is it Mom all right how many people want to learn how to remember names better raise your hands how many people have trouble remembering names all right here's the thing let's say there was a suitcase here of a hundred thousand dollars cash a hundred thousand dollars for you or your favorite non-profit if you just remember the name of the next person you meet how many people are are gonna remember that person's name raise your hand now what technique did you use like are you all memory experts all of a sudden right the m stands for motivation motivation so it had nothing I just want to point this out cognitively build your awareness it had nothing to do with your potential or Your Capacity had everything to do whether or not you wanted to learn it how many people see that all right so so all your excuses they don't apply here right because when you want to remember something you'll remember it when you really want to remember it so the m is motivation I always think I tell people like a success formula that I use H cubed that if you could you could affirm things and visualize things and say things in your head all day long but how many people have ever had a goal or dream up here or affirmation up here but they never actually changed their their behavior how many people am I the only one really okay so if you never use your hands usually what's missing is the second H which is your heart the success goes from your head to your heart to your hands your heart the emotion the energy emotion the fuel that steering I had a martial arts instructor tells me to tell me years ago you can't steer a parked car right you need energy so you know why always start with why because reasons reap results reasons reap results I would ask myself when I first learned how to remember names I would ask myself why do I want to remember this person's name it would be part of a practice right and this is the psychology of what people do all right so why would I remember that person's name and I come up with if I can't come up with one reason what's going to happen I'm not gonna remember it reasons reap results the O is this do it with me if you do do what I'm doing here camera's on me take your right hand shake it out Shake It Out come on really shake it out make a fist put it to your chin now come on where's your chin the O here stands for observation observation a lot of people they blame their memory it has nothing to do with their retention it has everything to do with attention all right it has nothing to do with retention it has to do with paying attention so the O is observation right so a lot of people they're not forgetting a name they're just not hearing the name how many people see the difference right and so if you're modeling success and leaders um you know we talk about leaders readers some of the most amazing leaders also have an incredible memory you know um one example President Bill Clinton President Bill Clinton I mean people know regardless of your political uh views how many people see Bill Clinton as as high in charisma connector right Communicator what a lot of people don't know he has a phenomenal memory a phenomenal memory and so the on the occasions that I've had the opportunity to to meet him and to be able to talk with him he remembers my name he remembers things about me he just remembers things right and here's the thing it's like and I first the first time I'm like whoa how do you do that what memory tips do you are using he's like I don't I don't use any memory techniques I'm like really you know and then I hear these stories about how his grandfather back in Arkansas would tell him and the other children's stories you know and then at the end they would actually quiz quiz the kids you know so they would have to see their focus and if they're really listening and paying attention but it's a practice right because there's always a method behind the magic when someone could do something absolutely phenomenal by the way how important is it to remember names a little bit or a lot how many people here own your own business how many people sometimes wear a cap like Business Development right how do people have a relationship with a human being right so so a name is the sweetest sound to person's ears right and so think about the name like the motion behind a name what's one of the very first words you learned how to write your name and think about the emotion that you got you know the reward that you got for doing that even slightly well that's what's attached to a name name is the sweetest sound to person's ears it's the O you honor them because people don't care how much you know until they know what how much you care and it's really hard to show someone you're going to care for their future their health their finances their family if you don't care and just remember them all right Fair all right so the O is observation and so what I realized is um so I had I had this this opportunity to uh to to meet some of my my literal superheroes on stage like on set of a movie and which I'll tell you about and I wouldn't have left that stage if I didn't have I had a fundraiser I was really committed to and I went to this fundraiser was 2 000 people and I looked at my badge I was like table nine and I was like two 200 tables of ten and I sit at my table and I'm first one there and all of a sudden Force Whitaker sits right next to me I'm like I'm a huge Forest Whitaker fan I'm like this is awesome and then right after that Richard Branson sits right next to him and I'm like whoa oh this is crazy you know like surreal right and the reason why I'm saying these names is not just a name drop it's because if I just said Bill and Mike and John it doesn't put pictures in your mind but you'll remember this especially if we're on social media together because you see the picture and then after that Ashton Kutcher sits down with his twin brother which I was like wow I never had a twin brother and then um 10 minutes into dinner President Clinton sits right next to me and I'm thinking like why wow and we just pick up where he left off he remembers everything but here's the thing that's what I noticed about his memory and observation everyone you know like he has some incredible memory he has to get incredible powerful presence but I feel like his powerful presence comes from being powerfully present you see that have you ever had somebody that's talking to you or communicating you're in discussion with you feel like you're the only one in the room you know because which is the exact opposite of how we're actually behaving how many people go to event and you're talking to somebody but what you're really doing you're scanning around the room right you're seeing who else is important now does that come across can people people aren't stupid can they feel that yes or yes so yes so they're not even present right so not even paying attention or if they're not distracting them outside they're distracting themselves inside because they're talking to themselves right you're meeting someone for the first time is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge this person right seven habits Highly Effective People one of the principal habits you know routines is first seek to understand then to be what understood understand but most people what they're doing if you go in their mind they have this auditory talk just like that subvocalization they're not actually listening they're talking themselves and they're trying to think about how they're going to respond right which is a big mistake because they're not even present even take the word listen right and then scramble it with a letter spell silent wow that's not a coincidence listen become silent so really be silent because here I'm talking to Clinton and then it's like no one else exists even though that there's a lot more people that are more important to me especially at that even or to to to to to to Tim potentially even at that table but I feel like I'm just like the only one and that powerful presence you know really stands out I think that's the difference that makes a difference with Learners m is the mechanics all right so I'm gonna go through mechanics really fast am I giving you too much information all right you ready be Suave all right be Suave really fast and if you if you heard me say this before there's a difference between dabbling something and really mastering it all right it's because I like to how many people like there's a difference between niceness and kindness for me a kind friend is going to tell you what you need to hear and so as a coach even if you've heard this before if you're not doing it you don't know it can I call you on that how many people like know stuff and they they could recite a lot of things but if they're not doing it I promise you they don't know it right behavioral competency is the goal right be able to do it so B is believe all right believe you can or believe you can either way what you're right who said that Henry Ford said that if you believe you can or believe you can't throw you said it right so believe you can't believe you can either way you're right all right so monitor yourself talk right because your mind is always e--dropping your self-talk to keep it positive he is exercise and I don't mean physical exercise although people are more physically active will do better on mental acuity tests whatever remember Dr Amy was talking about blood flow and Physiology and everything whatever's good for your heart it's good for your brain all right so physical exercise excellent but I don't mean exercise physical exercise I mean practice because practice makes what progress right practice makes progress practice makes permanent all right now by the way how often do you need to be able to practice practice until you until until you know how to do it most people say 21 to 30 days right the law of 21. now Suave the s is you say the name say the name you meet someone for the first time acknowledge them by saying their name Tom it's really nice to meet you right and that's all you do you say the name and you say the name also because you want to make sure you observe the name correctly how many people you notice that you're an adventure at a wedding or something there's a lot of Ambient sound you might not have heard it so you know if you talk to someone named Ted you don't want to get corrected later on like you know goodbye Ed right you want to get corrected up front is you say the name the you is you use the name use it now you use it and you don't abuse it right this would be abuse you want to use it but you don't want to abuse it an abuse would be Tom thank you so much for coming Tommy what do you want to cover today Tom you want to grab some lunch time Tom Tom that would be that would be an abuse but you use it three or four times in the context of the conversation next the a is ask what's everyone's favorite subject themselves right it's not travel it's entrepreneurship it's not you know gluten-free stuff whatever people are talking about it's themselves right and this is really great if people are how many people have a name you meet someone and their name is a little bit different than what you're used to you know 10 20 of the time you meet someone whose name is a little bit different great thing to do is ask right and people are genuinely complimented when you ask about the person's name what can you ask about a person's name quick the origin what else how do you spell it what else who you named after are you related to this person what do your name mean all these questions right because that you know sweetest sounded a person's ear I remember I was doing a training um country's largest life insurance company the training director here was uh nankita nankita and I was like wow it's a beautiful name you know how do you spell it you know where is it from what does it mean and she paused she looked at all her co-workers and she says it means graceful Falling Waters I was like wow yeah I said her like and her co-worker said that too and I'm thinking like you know how long have you worked here in nankita she was like about four years I was like but these people she's like yeah a lot of them are good friends around my wedding I'm like that's great raise your hand if you knew that's what her name meant and out of over 100 people how many people raised their hand not one person right and so that was our bond right because the name is the sweetest sound person's ears you could ask about a person name the V is visualize and visualize how many people here are better with faces than they are with names raise your hand how many people you go to someone say Hey you know I remember your face but I forgot your name you never go to someone say the opposite never goes down hey I remember your name but I forgot your face you know that that would make no sense right and so the V is visualized because um we tend to remember what we see there's a Chinese proverb that says what I hear I forget what I see I remember and what I do I understand what I hear I forget I heard the name I forgot the name what I you know what I see I remember I saw the face I remember the face what I do going back to practice and exercise I understand right and so visualize if you tend to remember what you see then try seeing what you want to remember so this is a memory trigger right you know just like what Brenda was talking about turn the person's name into a picture so a person's name is Mike you can imagine them singing on a what on a microphone and it takes a split second people's like oh that's so childish who are the fastest learners that's what children do right they make fun of other kids names they make pictures they do all these kind of things how many people were teased growing up with with their name right I certainly so I'm not like you know so that's the challenge so you turn things into page the person's name is Mary you could picture what yeah someone getting married right or Mary had a what imagine meeting married she's holding two Lambs underneath her arms right and if it makes you laugh the emotion part that's why you're gonna remember later on because you'll see that person like oh what she was doing oh I was getting married to her what's her name her name is Mary and now these are by the way this isn't a privacy aware the Privacy our own minds okay but here's the thing we're talking about short-term memory I call this six second syndrome you have six seconds to do something when you hear something otherwise it's gone and so this technique what it does even when it doesn't work it still works it gets you to focus on the person it gets you to focus on the name right and then once you under know that person's name is Mary then the picture disappears it's a means to an end right so a person's name is Mark you can imagine putting a what Mark right on their forehead right that person's name is David I use a slingshot why David and Goliath first name is Bob I picture apples why person's name is Carol you can picture what Chris is great so it's that easy right even if a person's name is a little bit more difficult just trying to come up with a person's name will help you remember it and finally the E is end you end saying the name because if you could walk into a room and meet 20 strangers and leave saying goodbye to every single one of them who are they all going to remember you and that's a standout's kill all right so let me let me show you how to memorize the speech without notes that's the only thing that would even covered real quick you guys I need the energy high for this one all right I'm gonna take I'm gonna take Dr Daniel amen's um because I was in the back of the room I'm gonna give you his 10 keys for unlocking your your brain all right I'm gonna show you how to memorize them he had 12. I'm going to condense them to 10 for sake of time all right I'm going to teach you I'm gonna repeat what they are and then I'm put a little twist on it myself at you know accustomed to what I think is because here's the thing with your memory remember I said it doesn't matter your age or background we help people all over the world be able to like literally put on a cape for their brain and just like be alive like that but they're 10 Keys here's the thing one third of your memory is predetermined by genetics they say about one-third right biology but two-thirds is all in your control how awesome is that two-thirds so let me tell you the ten things that are going to move the needle these are the 10 steps right I'm gonna don't write these down all right you get how many people get a little nervous they're not gonna remember right but I wouldn't be doing my job as a memory expert if I was going to teach you how to memorize this all right because that'll be the the speech you want to be able to give if you want to give a presentation 10 Keys these would be 10 this is a way to do it really fast all right 10 tips right 10 steps don't write it down do not write it down because like some people feel like you write it down and you feel like it's there that's why you don't remember your best friend's phone number that's why you don't remember it that's why you don't remember things it's written down ready I need the energy High For This all right 10 things really fast 10 things good diet right because you are what you eat number two I'm not gonna go into detail because he already did this right good die no you have to repeat this this good diet number two killing ants right automatic negative thoughts getting rid of negative thoughts number two three exercise physical activity really good number four and this sounds how many people does this sound familiar right number four brain supplements right because you don't get it all from your the soil and from the foods number five a positive peer group it's not just biological networks it's social networks who you spend time with is who you become right that's number five number six clean environment right because your external world is a reflection internal world number seven sleep huge for restorative and building your memory number eight brain protection you know if you're especially wear a helmet everything else could protect your brain number nine I think is the biggest one new learnings new learnings and finally number ten Stress Management all right now how many people I'm gonna teach you how to memorize these ten right quick exercise this technique comes as 2500 years old right it's accredited to a Greek order named simonides and he was giving poetry reading and when he left something really tragic happened the building collapsed and it killed everyone that was there and he had the the responsibility to come back in and help the family members find the bodies of their loved ones because they were beyond recognition but he was able to do it based on where they were sitting right can you do that also can you close your eyes remember who was around you because we sort by location all right we sort by location because as a hunter-gatherer we didn't need to memorize long numbers and words and speeches we need to remember where things were where the fresh water was whereas the enemy tribes were where the clean where the great food was right the soil that was our survival so what he did was he came up with this technique for all orders and they use it to this day create orders they'll take what they need to remember and put it in places they're familiar with right so I'm going to take you on a journey right now take a deep breath exhale I'm gonna take you to my office in Westchester New York all right Westchester New York yeah Westchester New York and so I want you to imagine you're on a plane you're going there you're going to a a couple day you know seminar on speed reading right you have your books that you want to read close your eyes just picture it you land and I want you to imagine you land Westchester airport it's the suburbs of New York City lots of trees and buildings and you're you're in the car and you can't wait to take the speed reading class you have all these books you want to read you think about think about the books that you want to be able to read faster just own it which books motivation Manifesto good book you have it the charge change Your Brain Change Your Life it's all there great and your land you go it's a big there's a big building and I'm going to point out this is where my office is you're taking a speed reading class and I want you to plant 10 places around the building and I'm going to add to it the 10 keys to unlock the 10 steps to unlocking your superhero brain all right so you get out in the first place and it's a parking lot say it out loud it's the what parking lot and then immediately right there is a good diet good brain diet does everyone see it there the blueberries the walnuts the avocado the fish good brain diet what is it and you start eating everything you start eating a big Buffet right the second place you walk to there's a little waterfall it creates like a mode around the building you have to cross the bridge the second place is the bridge what is it Bridge good the bridge and then Bridge like you cross the bridge but you start killing ants see yourself stepping on all these ants killing ants what are you doing killing him that's number two killing automatic negative thoughts you get into the building you go into the third place which is the elevator what is the third place elevator good and immediately when you get in there exercise imagine yourself having the best workout of your life see and feel yourself imagine it even if you can't imagine it imagine that you can imagine it all right you're there exercising CrossFit yoga whatever you need to do it's awesome the pure your trainer's there exercise get out the fourth place is the hallway was the fourth place hallway and when you're there you're like Indiana Jones Lara Croft you're jumping off over these big bottles of vitamins big bottles of brain vitamins brain vitamins see the vitamin B's the omegas right all the brain vitamins you're jumping over them they're rolling at you see and feel it great you open the door to the office immediately to the left is the is the next place is the fifth place which is the closet what's the fifth place you open a closet and inside all your positive peer group positive all your positive friends are in the closet all right they're all happy positive friends see it imagine a positive peer group good you go to the sixth place which is a receptionist what's the sixth place CR receptionist there and our receptionist is cleaning the environment cleaning the environment cleaning the environment all right she has you know our president as OCD cleaning the environment bleach everything everything has a place clean environment behind the receptionists is the seventh place which is the fish tank what's the Seventh Place fish tank and you know something funny all the fish are sleeping sleep it reminds you to sleep what is it sleep there's where they're in their pajamas they're in the bunk beds they're snoring Nemo's there sleep then after that you go to the door you're excited speed reading I finally wanted to learn how to do this and and the eighth place is the door the door what's 8th Place the door of the classroom and then you can't get in because it's locked you put on your helmet and the helmet reminds you of brain protection what is it and and you head butt the door open it shatters all right brain protection and immediately up front I'm there ready to start your course you know the ninth place up there is the Whiteboard what's the Ninth Place white board and I'm writing the words new learnings new learnings that's what you want to remember what's number nine new learnings because you want to stretch and learn new things and finally number 10 you see all these bonsai trees on the side of the classroom what are they these little Japanese plants that are there and I want you to imagine Stress Management you're getting the best massage on the bonsai trees you're meditating on the bonsai trees you know like you're you're doing things that help you to relax right on the bonsai tree Stress Management right excellent stand up real quick all right I say how's your memory you say great how's your memory how's your memory all right you're on stage all right you're on stage here you have to get the presentation that Dr Ayman did you don't have slides because slides aren't working you just walk around my office what's the first not the place I want to know what the step is the first step to unlocking your superhero brain is what good diet number two yes killing ants good number three exercise Satan out loud number four brain supplements number five your positive peer group good number six clean environment number seven number eight brain protection very nice number nine and number ten yourselves a round of applause all right let me keep standing okay here's the here's the key um let me let me we're talking about superpowers let me let me share with you like you know you have these inflection points that's something you have a decision whether or not to do this or this and she makes all the difference like you know who are you going to be with and where are you going to live and it changes to your complete destination or your destiny how many people have had moments your life like this right so being here is one of those things and so one of the things was I took on a new client and I was speaking for 20th Century Fox and I when I was walking to talk for the chairman and 20 of of his officers I was a little nervous but I saw all these movie posters that put me in state remember State the state is like I see Titanic I see Avatar I see Star Wars right and I'm just thinking wow I see aliens and puts me in the state like when I was a kid watching these movies so when I was a child I I pretended I was a child and I gave my very best training and everyone they double triple their reading speed they did amazing things when I was done the chairman came up to me and said Jim this was most amazing absolutely incredibly made me look so great he gives me a personal tour of the fox Studio a lot but show me where all the Marilyn Monroe was this and this and you know and and I was like wow this is great and I saw this movie poster of um Hugh Jackman for the next Wolverine movie how many people watch these movies um all right so I I see I was like wow I can't wait for that movie to come out because it wasn't coming out for another couple months and I was like and he's like oh don't he picks up the phone five minutes later I'm gonna feed her with 3D glasses watching Hugh Jackman take on all these Super Ninjas right and I'm just I'm like this is the best Friday ever and then and then afterwards he was like how was the movie doing some market research I was like man this was great it was better than the first one and I was like you don't know this and I don't the clown tells people but when I was seven years old I mean I had this accident I had learned challenges and I couldn't read for years and I would teach myself how to read late at night when my parents were sleeping I would be under the covers reading comic books because something about the pictures and the story brought it to life and I was thinking like wow it's like you don't know what this means because my my favorite comic book growing up were the X-Men which Wolverine was an X-Men and not because they're as strongest but because they were just different do you know what I mean like you know because I felt like growing up I I was I was broken that I felt like I didn't fit in and just like the like X-Men didn't fit in and I tell them the big point in my land when I was seven was this one night I'm reading late at night two o'clock in the morning and I read that the X-Men headquarters the school that they all trained in was in Westchester New York where I grew up and so I tell them that every weekend I would I would ride my bike around my neighborhood trying to find the school because because I wanted to run away because I didn't have any friends and I didn't fit in and I felt like I was broken and so I tell him it's like it's like Jim I didn't know you like superheroes how would you like to go to Comic-Con and how many people know what Comic-Con is right it's Gathering of hundreds of thousands of people to kind of geek out over comic books and superheroes and I was like when's Comic-Con it's like it's today tomorrow it's like Friday Saturday Sunday and automatically I go from an eight-year-old to an 88 year old like I'm thinking oh traffic I have nothing to wear I have all these meetings and he's looking at me just waiting for response and he's like Jim do you want to go or not I'm going tomorrow and I'm like oh yeah chairman of fox is going I want to go with you and then so he picks me up at my hotel next morning Saturday morning eight o'clock and uh we get on the on the fox plane right Fox chat and when I get on the plane I kid you not it's the entire cast of X-Men and and I'm just like and for some people it would be like you know the 49ers or the or Seahawks or like Patriots but this is like whoa I'm like I mean like Hugh Jackman Patrick Stewart obviously I mean it's like and I'm sitting between like you know Jennifer Lawrence and holly berry and I'm just like I'm just like this is insane and we go to like we go to Comic-Con and have a great time we come back to LA and and he was like how was your day I was like oh my God this is the best day ever thank you so much he was like well you know they I have something else for you I'm like I don't want anything else like this is great um he's like well like they really loved you how would you like to go on set and I was like what do you mean it's like well we have another 30 days of filming X-Men Days of Future Past and I'm like oh yeah I totally want to do that um and I'm thinking like well what can I do for you he's like oh just teach them your stuff and teach them how to focus on on set and speed read their scripts and memorize their I was like oh yeah I could definitely do that and then the next morning I get on the plane same plane and the cast is there and I'm brain training right and I'm sharing my gifts with with my superheroes we get on set in Montreal and uh well I can talk about this um we get on set in Montreal and I'm just 12 hours a day with them and I get to see I got to see my as a seven-year-old my superheroes come to life right and um when I get thank you um when I but when I a few here's here's the Highlight if that wasn't enough I come home and I just like I just I don't even know how to explain this to people and um and I go home and there's a package waiting for me about the size of a plasma TV and I go and I unwrap it and it's this photograph um it's me and the entire cast of X-Men and [Music] um but here here 's here's um here's the thing it came with a note and the note was from the chairman of fox and it said this Jim thank you so much for sharing your superpowers with us I know you've been looking for your superhero School here's your class photo thank you so my my message is for you so for from from as early on I don't know if you could identify with um uh like finding your tribe you know and finding your school if you will um we since then you know I've created as inspiration for this created like an online superhero school to help people to step into their superpowers so if you feel like that you want to uh how many people here would like to go a little bit deeper in speed reading or memory and stuff like that I like to invite you and maybe we could pass out some of the invitations I created this kind of superhero school for your brain and it's based on the best of what I know to help you be faster to help you to become smarter to help you become better because the the the and we did a special we only have three superpowers it's a speed reading it's memory and it's thinking like those are the that's the Trinity if you want to like unlock your superhero gifts how many people feel like that there's something inside of you that there's a genius just waiting to come out I could guarantee you it has nothing to do you were told a lie that your potential or your intelligence or your learning ability is fixed like your shoe size and I'm here to say it's absolutely not I'm here to say that as long as somebody has a determination desire and they're willing to go through the effort that everyone has the power to be able to change their lives and so here's the thing what we did is I only have these three programs a memory program a speed reading program and a thinking program the memory and speed reading you got a taste of today the thinking program is decision making problem solving basically strategies of superhero Geniuses on how to live your best life right and so if you like to join as the invitation here for our superhero school what we did was you basically for the the inviting to come to one of them you get all three of them all right so if you'd like to join us I'd love for you to be part of it and this is not on there and I hope it's okay for people here I like these Live Events because I think this is where all the magic happens and I want to thank you for being here is that um we do one or two annual events every single year so if you sign up and they're two thousand dollar event if you sign up for this today we'll give you a two thousand dollar ticket to attend our next quick learning event if you can't come to that I want to come to the next one we're scheduling it now we always do one in the fall and one in the uh one one in the beginning of the year and you could come as my personal guest all right so um I'll leave you with this also the last the last thing is the the purpose of super hero of the superhero story of X-Men specifically is it takes place how many people see in the movie it takes place where Charles Xavier Professor X was the leader of the superhero School X-Men he's in the future and the future is very Bleak and it's very Troublesome and he sends Wolverine back in time to talk to the younger Professor X at a choice point where he could change his whole life all right and give him advice to go in a different direction so if the future won't be the way it is right now and so my my question for you reflecting on the theme of that is going back in time right now from where you are knowing what you know now what advice would you give to that seven-year-old like my seven-year-old you know that seven-year-old version of yourself that that they would really need to hear so I would ask you to ask yourself like what advice you would give that that inner child I would ask you to also go ahead and sometime in the future maybe it's two years or three years or five years and you're looking back at today and what would your advice be for you right now all right and so I think that imagination is more powerful than knowledge and that we have genius inside of us and we have this intelligence that just knows like for me everything like being here I don't want to be anywhere else I really don't like for me my life is hell yes or hell no like it's like either like you know hell he has to work with this person or to go here or to be spend time or if it's not I don't feel that juice I just hell no that that that's my standard but here there's nowhere else I'd rather be and so what we're looking to do is is work with people who are like hell yes like I'm all in all right and so I want to thank you so much I want to thank Brendan's entire team I want to thank you for playing full out I I wish your days before lots of Life lots of love lots of laughter and always lots of learning thank you Jim quick ladies and gentlemen [Applause] [Music] awesome foreign obviously I can choose anyone to be on the stage in the world and I bring you these guys because they're the ones advising the top highest performing people on this stuff you can see whose clients are and everything else but at the end of the day it's about if this is something you're interested in do this I mean sign up for this I've gone through his courses and they're amazing I mean they're just a little like tips you're like that that's all I got to do and all of a sudden you get 10x the result that's worth the investment
Channel: Jim Kwik
Views: 2,314,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jim kwik, how to remember things, how to remember, jim kwik memory, jim kwik speed reading, how to speed read, speed reading, how to memorize fast and easily, memory tricks, jim quick, brain exercises, kwik learning, speed reading techniques, brain power, jim kwik super brain, mindvalley super brain, mindvalley jim kwik, jim kwik on stage
Id: Y7m59wRKXe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 14sec (6674 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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