How to Reglaze a Bathtub and Remove Paint from a Tub that has been Refinished before | DP Tubs

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hey what's up you guys so here i am at a house and i'm gonna go check it out apparently the tub has been coated before and it's appealing i've never seen it before so i'm gonna go in and show you how i'm gonna strip it prep it and then reglaze it full process so stay tuned we're gonna go check this out right now all right you guys so here's the tub it's basically an almond tub that was coated before so i'm just kind of feeling off real thin coat loose material so the first thing i do is just going to take off the bathtub stopper i use 60 grit sandpaper and you're wondering like if you're going to strip it why are you sanding it well i sand it because also plug the drape very important i sand it to kind of open it up because when i spray on the paint or epoxy remover from jasco the stripping material or the chemicals i want it to seep into the existing coating it actually helps it and is much easier to strip off so and i will be taking off that overflow cover in a second here but just sanding down the entire tub with 60 grit you can go 80 grit i like the more coarse um the better because it's going to be coming off anyway so i just kind of just go over it with my hand scuff everything up really well so that way when i spray the material the chemicals have something to kind of seep into [Music] all right so now it's time for the jasco premium paint and epoxy remover i love using the spray can on a tub only because there's not much over there's not any over spray really and it just shoots out pretty straight it's like a foam almost and i can just coat it over the surface and remember i sanded it down so it's going to seep into those those scuffed areas and then you're going to let it sit for about 15 minutes and it'll start to bubble and then you're going to be able to tell how well that coating is that's on before if it bubbles real easily then you know it's not a great product if it takes maybe a few coats of jasco then it's probably a decent product here it's probably on the lower end of quality so just spraying it on make sure you've got your gloves respirator make sure you're wearing your respirator with clean filters and also have a fume extractor i'll show you that in an upcoming video my fume extractor that i have in the room with the hose and you can see here that it's starting to bubble this is after waiting for a little bit then i'm gonna go ahead and take a single edge blade and literally just scrape it and so you're going to see coming up i'm going to show you the full stripping of the tub i do cut out some parts but i'm showing you the full stripping and just to give you the effect that it's a lot of work and that it definitely is something that if you're doing it you definitely need to charge for it or if you're having it done then you need to expect to pay more for it because this is the dirty work this is the dirty work that a lot of homeowners or property managers just don't want to do [Music] [Music] so here i'm just taking a scotch brite pad or you can take even some sandpaper and i'm just kind of cleaning up the loose areas i kind of do this as i go just so that way it's just a cleaner workspace and so i'm just going through knocking off all the loose areas as you can see and then i'll get right back into stripping the rest [Music] as you can see i'm just kind of scraping along here and i'll probably usually on a bathtub i'll probably go through about three or four blades the single edge blades they get a little dull as i'm scraping and they also break depending on how some of the areas are adhered to the tub if it's adhered or bonded really well then sometimes the blades will will break so i usually go through about three or four in a stripping process [Music] so now i'm just wiping down just with some paper towel just kind of taking off all the loose some more loose areas just kind of putting everything together so i could just throw it away [Music] all right so here we are that's the strip tub but i still got to do the front apron i haven't stripped that yet but you can see there's a little gloss which tells me that whoever did it before didn't acid etch it so i'm going to go ahead and clean up again all of the loose debris all loose pieces and then i'm going to go ahead and spray on the jasco on the outside apron and scrape that off then i'll go ahead and do a full acid wash of the tub which will rough it up for adhesion which you can see the shine and you can see the bat the non-slip marks at the bottom that's another indication that it was not acid washed [Music] thank you so now that i've got the front apron all stripped off i'm going to go ahead and acid wash and i use the napko piranha and it's a cleaner acid etch combo it's actually really good and so i'm going to go ahead so as we're etching it actually cleans the surface as well which isn't common with some other edges and so we're gonna go ahead and apply it and then i like to brush it on i do like how it's orange so i can see where it is and where it's applied some are liquid and more clear and it's harder to see if you've got full coverage so i'm gonna go ahead and do this and then and then let it sit [Music] once the acid is applied and you let it sit for about 15 minutes you're going to take water cold water and i like to use a scotch brite to kind of scuff it as i'm just kind of loosening it up the gel kind of dries a little bit so i use the water to kind of loosen things up and then i'm i'm gonna go ahead and rinse the entire tub wipe it all down make sure that i've got full coverage because the brush even doesn't get everything so by using the scotch brite you're gonna make sure that you get acid everywhere then i'm gonna take some paper towel sometimes i'll moisten it up and i'll just wipe off the gel and you guys when you rub the paper towel even across the top when it's etched it's not smooth at all like it almost stops whereas if you did it without being edged you'd be able just to wipe it right away so you can see i'm kind of pushing a little bit have to rub it a little bit more just to even slide it down so this the tub is going to be properly etched and ready for the finish coat [Music] [Music] all right so finally got it all stripped off and acid washed and this is what it's going to look like it's going to have dull areas mostly dull sunshine just because of the lighting but you can see the bottom there's no more of the non-slip you can tell that's a direct indication it's been acid washed now i'm going to tape off the fixtures i also taped off around the perimeter of the tub i'd like to use the tape around the perimeter of the tub just because it's easier for me to apply the masking paper and tape right over it from my paper masker and now this is one of the most satisfying parts is cutting around the drain and then just pulling it off all right so we've got it cleaned up sanded down and ready for masking i've already put down one row of paper and i'm going to go ahead and mask this off all around [Music] all right so i'm gonna go ahead and start spraying and here's my first coat this is me using the cap spray hdlp max c2 just go one pass over sometimes i'll pass over twice but rarely sometimes in the corners or the flat areas vertically i'm too cautious so just kind of going over this is a spray pattern that i like to do i know there's some other ones where you can go completely from left to right all the way up so this is how i do it what works for me you guys are so many different ways that you can do and when you're out on the field you're gonna see what works [Music] best [Music] so [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: DP Tubs & Home Repair
Views: 1,336
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bathtub, bathtub reglazing, bathtub refinishing, bathtub reglaze, how to reglaze a bathtub, how to refinish a bathtub, tub reglaze, bathtub reglazing video, bathtub refinishing video, how to, bathtub paint removal, bathtub stripping, bathtub spraying, bathtub painting, tub reglazing, diy bathtub reglazing, diy, bathtub refinishing diy, bathtub reglazing process, cast iron tub reglazing, diy bathtubs, home repairs, diy home repairs, diy repairs, tub refinishing
Id: fETBheagTYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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