How To Reduce Hair Shedding & Hair Loss! | BiancaReneeToday

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hey girlfriends I'm Bianca Rene and you are - Bianca Rene today and today we're gonna be talking about hair loss and hair shedding I get so many requests to do a video about this topic so one if you're dealing with this don't feel like you're alone I get requests weekly about hair shedding so it's definitely something that I should have addressed sooner but the reason why it took me so long I really wanted to do my research Steve you guys good information is really going to help with your hair loss or hair shedding problem hair shedding is definitely normal it's something that we all experience and study shows that we lose about 50 to 100 follicles of hair every day now due to my own personal research and asking you guys my subscribers for your advice I've learned that there's several different reasons as to why you might be losing your hair it could be hereditary it could be because of your diet it could be because of your medication it could be because of postpartum if you just had a baby it could be because of stress it could be your hair routine or maybe you're just getting old but regardless I have found some tips tricks and remedies that will hopefully help strengthen your hair so the first thing we should talk about is our hair it's made up of 90% protein so if you want more hair you should have more protein you could do this by your diet or literally adding protein to your hair so let me give you a full list of the food that you should be eating that's going to help give you more protein and iron that will strengthen your hair so some food that's rich in iron is for Linea I don't even know what that is liver oh that's not happening grass-fed beef red meat I do love me some filet mignon lentils dark chocolate would you look at that spinach you know Popeye was onto something sardines that's not happening black beans pistachios and raisins well that's a fun list of foods okay there's got to be more there's got to be more broccoli that's a good one quinoa I love king Kayle I did eat a lot of kale you guys saw my Greek salads tofu no not a fan of tofu eggs poultry dark meat of Turkey there's some in there apparently I should have more iron and protein in my life now funny enough according to my own personal online research and your testimonies both platforms said that deep conditioning really helped with their hair loss what do you know if only somebody would have told you that like Oh deep conditioning deep condition your hair once a week actually helped Wow for real talk I was very happy to read and hear that those of you that have committed to deep condition your hair have noticed that that it's truly strengthened your hair doing the deep conditioning treatment is adding all the nutrients that your hair needs so if you have broken hair shafts it's fixing that brokenness giving you beautiful hair besides doing regular deep conditioning treatments you also want to use a deep conditioner that has protein now I did some research on what are the best protein treatments for curly hair and unfortunately a lot of the top protein treatments were not curly girl friendly a lot of them contains silicone so I wasn't too happy with my search on line I'm gonna have to just do my own investigation but two of the main deep conditioner protein treatments that I saw online coming up a lot in people's favorites was the Brio G oh do not despair repair deep conditioning mask I've only been able to use this once actually I only have these little travel-size I'm hoping to get more soon but this one really is about repairing your hair it has a blend of avocados sweet almond oil Argan oils vitamin b5 and biotin which is always known to grow your hair and it's just made to help damaged hair now although I only have the travel size and I've only used it once I still can this because it is sulfate paraben and silicon free I'm definitely an advocate of the Brio Gio brand in general and I have many girlfriends that use this all the time so the brioche oh do not despair repair hair mask is a great one and another one that I saw in there a lot was the diva curl heaven and hair now although that was on a lot of lists I have to recommend the diva curl deep sea Repair Mass this is one of their newer masks I think those are just older articles I don't know about this yet but this one is packed with protein and with protein treatments you only leave them on for 20 minutes and then you rinse them out you cannot leave your protein treatments in your hair overnight or for like hours if you do that with your normal deep conditioning treatment protein it has to be in and washed out everything is about balance we don't want too much of anything if you guys know if some other sulfate paraben and silicone free hair masks or protein treatments please leave a comment below to help us all out another important thing that I want to talk about is your hair maintenance sometimes pulling your hair back into a bun or a ponytail or braiding your hair too tight could be adding to why you have hair loss the only time I really freaked out in the shower because of hair loss was when I got my hair braided into two large braids when you lose a hundred hair strands a day but then you don't wash your hair for like weeks or maybe even months think about all the hair that wants to fall out but can't because it's trapped in a braid so it looks intense when you first take out your braids because all that hair that's been waiting to drop throughout the weeks or months you've had it hasn't so all at once it looks very very intimidating but you shouldn't necessarily freak out it would have happened anyways it just was trapped in a braid but if you're someone that does a lot of protective styles and you're always pulling your hair back into a very slick bun very slick ponytail tight braids every day you could be adding too much strain on your scalp and you're pulling that hair literally out that's a very common reason as to why your hair line might be recede or you're losing your edges now if you're losing your edges so how there's a lot of information in this video everybody swears by castor oil you put some castor oil on your edges every night whenever it feels dry and that has been proven over and over again to really help grow back these baby hairs and that's something I think I'm gonna start doing every night just to see what happens another hair maintenance tip would be how you're detangling your hair you do not want to get a brush or a comb start at the top of your head and then brush down you're going to be ripping out way more hair than you need to one I would suggest this a lot of people don't like to do is finger to tangle when you finger detangle your hair it's way more gentle than taking a brush or a comb and going through all your hair sometimes I will start with a finger to tangle I might get a brush and get a couple knots and then I'll just go back to finger to tangling if it gets really matted but for the most part I just like to use my fingers if you do use a brush or a comb make sure that you start at the ends of your hair and then work your way up never brush your hair from the top and just pull down and last but not least for my DIY people I saw a lot of hair shedding DIY treatment videos about doing a black or green tea rinse this is literally where you take a green tea black tea bag put it in some water let it boil let all the nutrients get in the water then you put it in a squeeze bottle and apply it directly to your scalp this is a treatment that you could do once a week for only a month to give your hair a break or if your hair stuck it's not that bad than just once a month I've found some great videos here on YouTube on how to do that so I will link some of my favorite videos below in the description box as well so you guys can check those out and if you want me to also try the tea rinse myself leave me a comment and let me know oh now even though I've given you all this information I know some of you still want more you know you want your quick fix well let me read a couple other options that you my subscribers have told me about some of you have recommended OGX biotin or biotin pills taking vitamins prenatals trying something called righteous root oil haven't tried it but someone vouched for it and Nioxin which apparently is sold at Sephora so if you have tried any of these please leave a comment let someone know how well it worked for you give them some more information protein is a big topic in itself I do still have to do a video about being protein sensitive and just protein in general like it's a lot to cover so that'll probably be in another video as well if you are someone that is also experienced hair shedding or hair loss please leave me a comment tell us all your story what you did to fix it what didn't work what did that weigh my comment section could be a place that really helps and advises other people that are also dealing with the same issue if you learned a thing or two from this video I hope you give me a thumbs up and subscribe I post two new videos every week once on Friday and once on Sunday so come back next week for more curly hair videos I'll see you guys next time thanks for watching Bianca Rene today [Music]
Channel: BiancaReneeToday
Views: 246,726
Rating: 4.936142 out of 5
Keywords: curls, curly hair, bianca renee, biancaReneeToday, hair loss, hair shedding, how to stop hair loss, how to fix hair loss, how to stop shedding, tea rinse, curly hair problems, detangling curly hair, hair tips, protein, protein hair treatments, deep conditioning, black tea rinse, green tea rinse, balding, hair help, Postpartum, postpartum hair loss, hair falling out, excessive hair shedding, reduce hair loss, reduce hair shedding, reduce excessive hair shedding
Id: U-NZxh-qdsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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