How to recover from lung damage post COVID-19 infection? | Apollo Hospitals

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[Music] [Applause] my answer to very specifically in terms of lung and cobalt as far as the diet is concerned and i think this is now quite prevalent in terms of a low carb diet or certainly a low calorie diet uh that is largely from proteins and carbohydrates there is a measure in our body called respiratory quotient that is the amount of carbon dioxide that is produced for the amount of oxygen that is consumed so if you largely consume carbohydrate and this respiratory quotient is equal to one which means that you are actually increasing the carbon dioxide production in your body say compared to a uh more favorable diet which is high in protein and fat because that produce tends to produce on the whole much less carbon dioxide now usually as your lung is recovering even if your oxygenation is adequate the clearance of carbon dioxide takes some time to happen and this is um because the muscles of the body take a while to get better so at that time since your carbon dioxide elimination by your lungs is fixed it makes sense to limit the amount of carbon dioxide produced so overall i think it's logical to say that a low calorie low carb high protein or a high fat diet may be more favorable as far as the exercise part is concerned i think most of the deep breathing exercises use a spirometry pranayama all of that definitely helps to increase the main thing which is the compliance of the lung so much like muscles elsewhere in the body the muscles that help you breathe which is the muscles of your chest the neck and of course the diaphragm all of them are muscles like anywhere else and they have to be retrained we could be very sick in hospitals then usually these muscles all take a hit there is a condition called critical illness myopathy and we see this in a lot of patients who come off right so right now the second wave 15 or 16 patients we have treated we've had about two patients go home in the last week and we have about two more coming off the ecmo the main issue is muscle weakness and uh so to address this just like we would train for any other part of the body you need to train these muscles back to where they were and so deep breathing exercises as well as general cardiovascular exercises like walking cycling and everything all of them definitely helps [Music]
Channel: Apollo Hospitals
Views: 88,429
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Keywords: recover from lung damage post covid-19 infection, covid lung damage after recovery, recover from lung damage, recover from lung damage be reversed, recover from lung damage be repaired, one lung damage, 80 percent lung damage recovery, postcovid19 infection, post covid 19 syndrome, postcovid19 infection causes, post covid 19 infection discharge, my post covid symptoms, post covid 19 infection medicine, post covid 19 infection medication, post covid 19 infection treatment
Id: adcIWqNuWQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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