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what's up everyone takedown here welcome back to another video today i'm gonna be showing you how to recover data from a dead laptop let's get right into [Music] this okay so to recover data from a dead laptop it is pretty simple you only need a few things but the first thing i want to mention is i would recommend using a laptop that has windows 10 to do this because whenever i tried to connect the hard drive to a laptop that had windows 8 and also one that had 8.1 it wasn't even registering that i had it connected once i did it with my windows 10 it worked right away and it was really simple to do so if you're going to try the method that i'm going to be showing you guys in this video which is really easy to do i'd recommend using a laptop that has windows 10. so not only are you going to need a laptop that has windows 10 but you're also going to need the hard drive out of the dead laptop so it's really easy to take out the hard drive out of a laptop so in this video i'm not going to show you how to do it because not only are every laptop difference but it's so easy to do i did it in a previous video on a previous how-to video so i'll try to remember to leave that links down below but you're going to need the hard drive of the dead laptop and the last thing that you need is an adapter to connect the hard drive to the working laptop via usb now this one i got off of amazon for twenty dollars i did see some that were cheaper but the best part about this one is there is two lights to tell you if your hard drive is working there is a red solid light which should stay solid as long as it's connected and there is a blue light that should be blanking if it's working so i definitely recommend getting one that has the indicator lights it just makes it easier if the hard drive you're trying to use is faulty and it's not working properly as soon as you connect it it will tell you right away which is really awesome plus i did see other ones online that not only have this piece but there is also a power cord that connects the hard drive to in standard outlets in my opinion i would avoid those because they're just extra stuff that you just don't need so once you have the laptop turned on all you're gonna want to do is just stay on the desktop and then you're gonna take your hard drive and your adapter and you're gonna connect it and plug it into the laptop so i'll just turn it around and i'll show you guys what i mean okay so you have your hard drive and you have your adapter so you're going to plug the hard drive into the adapter make sure it lines up and then you're going to connect this to the computer via the usb now if it is working properly as you can see the red light is solid the blue light is blinking and you can actually hear the fan running okay so now i'm gonna flip it over and as you can see i am on the desktop it's way easier for me just to record the screen of the laptop rather than just filming it with my phone the reason for that is because it's easier for you guys to see exactly what i am clicking along the way so i'm just going to connect the hard drive back to the laptop because it should come up and pop up on my screen almost instantly i can hear it running the lights are on so in a couple seconds it should come up on the screen as it just did so if for you it doesn't pop up right away and doesn't pop up on its own there's nothing to worry about yet you're going to want to if you're still on the desktop screen nothing has happened just open up your files and make sure there is the e drive either here or on the side sometimes you manually have to go in to open it up sometimes it doesn't automatically pop up like it just did on screen for me so i'm going to go back into it here so this is where you should be now once you open up the e drive and the hard drive should be coming up as the e drive i don't know if i just mentioned that a minute ago or not so you're going to want to go and click users that's where all of your personal data anything that you saved on your laptop is going to be stored everything else that is on the e-drive is basically how it is formatted to whatever laptop you had so now you're going to want to go and it should be the first one here whatever your dead laptop was names it should come up right here and that's what you're going to want to click now before i click it i have already given myself permission to be able to view and basically take off anything that is on this hard drive so whenever you click the name the first one here whatever your laptop is names it might prompt you saying you do not have permission to view this stuff nothing to worry about you're just going to want to back out of that prompt and what you're going to do is right click on the whatever one you're clicking whatever is the name of the folder that you're going to be clicking you're going to right click you're going to go down to properties you're going to go under security and you're going to click down here where it says advanced now in here as you can see it says owner and it will say system so a system means is it is programmed to only be used with the system aka the laptop that it was pulled out of you're gonna want to go and change that so right here where it's blue you're gonna want to hit change and this is what should come up for you so here you're gonna go and you're gonna put whatever the laptop the working laptop that you're using you're gonna want to put its name in so my laptop i just named it take down now before you hit okay just go over and hit check names if you typed it in correctly whatever your laptop name is it should come up kind of like this and change the name you're going to want to hit ok and as you can see up here it is changed so you're gonna go down to here and you're gonna say okay you're gonna back out and then you're gonna click into it now if whenever you go to click into it as you can see for me since i already changed the permissions before it's already remembered that i already have those settings in effect but for you it might come up with the same prompts you're just going to click whatever it says on that prompt and it's just going to basically check to make sure you have those permissions basically anything that you changed whenever you changed the name like you just seen me do on screen and click ok it's basically just going to apply those changes so once it's done loading it should open up right away if it doesn't just go back into the screen like i did so i'll actually do it on screen for you guys here right click properties back under security back under advanced and see what it says near owner if it says system like it did prior to it prior to making changes go and try it again and hit ok and maybe it will work if not once you make the changes you can come down here and hit apply for me it's worked every time for just hitting ok so once you have access to the hard drive you can go in and start transferring anything that you want to recover over onto your laptop or if you have a flash drive plug it into that working laptop and you can just basically drag and click and put everything in to the flash drive so then you can go and transfer it onto a new laptop if you had to purchase one or whatever you want to do with your information so for me the most important stuff that i always save on my laptop is either under documents downloads music pictures or videos now prior to me making this video i already factory reset this laptop so everything was wiped off however i wanted to show you guys that if you get this fire into it and you start clicking things anything that was saved on your laptop should be shown here so i just went on google and i went and just saved a couple pictures onto this hard drive just to show you guys that it should pop up so for example if you have pictures saved on your hard drive that was on the dead laptop if you click pictures anything that was saved under pictures should appear so these are the three pictures i just went and basically saved them just for the purpose of showing you guys that's anything you have saved you just click into those folders and it should pop up so that is about it like i said all you're going to want to do is click and drag let's say you want to save these you're going to go and you're going to save them wherever you want whether it's a flash drive or just save them on the working laptop and then deal with them later you can go and do that so that is honestly it that is how to recover your saved files from a dead laptop it's really easy to do you just have to remember pull out the dead laptop get an adapter use a windows 10 laptop and then just go through the steps like i showed you on screen if you run into problems like i showed you guys since i already went and i already changed the permission settings for me to get this to work prior to making the video my laptop already remembered the settings that i changed so you're just gonna have to go in and you're gonna have to right click and go through the steps since i already had it done i tried my best to show you step by step how to do it and hopefully you're able to go and recover any of your data this hard drive originally whenever i went to do this on my own before making this video before i wiped it out entirely had 3 500 files on this so anything that would have been in your recycling bin does get stored on your hard drive believe it or not so it was really funny whenever i went and seen that much stuff and having to go and scroll through and to basically find everything that was worth saving on this but once you hit factory resets it wipes this out entirely anything you had save is gone forever so i hope this has helped you guys realize just how easy it is to recover the data off of a dead laptop on your own all you need to do is get this adapter and make sure you use windows 10 now you can go and of course give it to somebody or bring it to best buy or something like that and get them to do it but they're going to charge a lot of money it's easier just to do it yourself and it honestly does not take too long hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope it has helped i'll see you guys in the next one please take care peace
Channel: The Real TakeDown
Views: 65,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data recovery, how to, recover data from dead laptop, dead laptop, recover data, hard disk, recover files, how to recover data from a dead hard drive, hard drive, how to tie a tie, how to change profile picture on xbox app 2020, how to draw, how to fix hard drive, information recovery, how-to (website category), clicking sound, how to fix hd
Id: SQ_63zJU470
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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