How to Record Form Responses in Microsoft Lists - Power Automate - How to use Microsoft Lists

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hey nerds Amy here and today we are going to learn how to set up power automate to record form responses within Microsoft lists first off we are going to look at some column types and how we can ensure that the form and lists are set up so that they can work together effectively then we are going to dive into Power automate and I'm going to show you exactly the steps needed to set up that flow so that you can get it going on the first try all right let's nerd out at Amy's animal barn and Petco we have this list to track a recruitment process and we want to record these phone screen interview questions from Microsoft forms into the list and how we're going to do that is we are going to use power automate to automatically record these responses directly into this Microsoft list it is going to save you a ton of time so before we dive into all the good stuff I did just want to quickly go over the column setup within Microsoft list and so that you can ensure that you set up your questions within forms appropriately there are a couple of works that I've noticed and I just want to highlight those that you can have a seamless integration within power automate all right so here is the list and I did just want to quickly highlight The Columns so here we have the candidate name this is the status of the applicant we've got the position that they've applied for this is the phone screen date as well as the employee that conducted the phone interview this is just whether or not we should have a second interview and then some final remarks all right so the candidate name column this is the default title column within Microsoft list and we've just set up a short text field within forms and that feeds over beautifully the next one is this status of the applicant and this is not actually defined within Microsoft forms it is something that we are going to Define within power automate the next one is the position column and this one is a little bit quirky So within Microsoft list I've set up a choice and there is this option down here to say add values manually and so that is toggled off however within Microsoft forms we have a choice question and there is this suggested choice for other so when I tested this other to see if it was going to work it did feed over within to the list even though can add values manually was toggled off so I did just think that that was a little bit quirky so for the purpose of this video I'm actually going to keep the other here I do think that it is quite helpful within the hiring process and the recruitment tracker list however if you don't want anybody entering anything else other than your choices then do not include this other option on to the date column this one definitely gets a little bit quirky so you'll notice that in Microsoft forms it is in the format of month day and year and then within the date column within lists there is this option to include time but because in Microsoft forms there is no option for time do not include this option here within Microsoft list it is going to completely mess up your date formatting the friendly format go for it you can toggle that on or off in the date column I've noticed with Empower automate that there is this Dynamic content option for submission time so because our employees are doing the interview on the phone and completing the form at the same time I can actually use this option here to record the date and the time within the Microsoft list and then if you do that and use that option then we can definitely include the time within the list once again that friendly format can stay on or off so that was just a nice workaround if you did want to have the time stamp there however it will depend on your situation whether it is appropriate to use or not the last thing that I want to add on the date column is that if you are going to be using this time toggle along with your submission time then just ensure that you toggle this on before you start to submit your forms if you have it turned off and then you turn it back on you are going to notice that the timings are not quite lining up the next column is the phone screener column and as you'll see in Microsoft list I have set this up as a person or a group so this is the employee that's conducting the interview I have also shown the profile photos I do just love this feature and I think it creates a nice visual effect now within Microsoft forms I have just done a choice column here and you just need to ensure that these employee names are entered exactly as they are within your organization within Microsoft if they are then you will see that Amy has fed over perfectly including her profile photo all right the last column is the final remarks column and this is just some general notes about the candidate and the interview overall this is a multiple lines of text column within the list and it is just a standard text field within the form this feeds over quite seamlessly so there are no issues now that we have learned how Microsoft forms and Microsoft lists communicate with each other we can now dive into Power automate to set up a flow within power automate the first thing that we need to do is head on over to create and then automated Cloud flow so this is going to be triggered by designated event which in this case is going to be when that form is submitted and from here we've got a couple of trigger options and the one that I want to use is at the top here but you can also search when a new response is submitted so we're going to select that and so now the first thing that we need to grab is the form ID you can see here that mine is not populating and if you can see the form that you want great but what we need to do then to get the ID is head on over to the form so I've got this form open here and then from the URL you're going to see that there is a bunch of stuff and then about halfway you're going to see ID equals and we need to copy all of this form ID this jargon from the URL so I've got all of that selected and now I'm just going to go Ctrl C back within power automate we can select this field here and go enter custom value now I'm just going to control V and that is going to paste my form ID into the field now we are going to add a new step and this is going to be get response details you can see down here this is under actions and it's within Microsoft forms so if we select that then once again we are going to have to copy that form ID from above and then just be sure to enter the custom value and paste that ID once again now from the response ID we can add that from the dynamic content it should just be the one option here and it is pulling from this action here all right so now we need to add a new step and this is going to be the create an item and it's going to be within SharePoint as you can see here so the first thing that we need to add is the site address and this is showing some sites within your organization so we need to select the site that is hosting the list that we are going to be creating an item in in my example mine is actually in my Human Resources team and that is not showing down here so what we need to do is we need to enter a custom value we need to copy the URL and just a little sidebar while we are in here I did just want to highlight the phone screen date and you'll notice here that there are these two that are submitted at 12 am and that is because when these two were submitted that time formatting was toggled to off so it showed that they were submitted at midnight so that's why it's really important to if you want to show the time with the submission date is to have this toggled on from the beginning of your form submission and then that will just ensure that all of your times are showing up correctly so that was just a little sidebar but now we can dive into this URL and we are basically going to copy everything uh you're going to notice that this says personal so that's because I created this list within my personal profile it wasn't embedded into a team from the beginning and we are just going to copy everything up until this first bracket before lists so if we just Ctrl C then we can copy that so now this pulls the column names from the list so we are just going to need to map this form to the list so the first one is the candidate name and that status value is not in the form as I had mentioned previously and we want all of these candidates to be active when they are entered into the list I'm going to set that there and then we are just going to continue on all right so now that we have mapped all of those we can save our flow and test it out we can open up our form and head on up to preview and then you can just quickly enter some of the required Fields just to ensure that this is pulling correctly I'm going to skip page two because none of these fields are going to actually pull over to the list and should we have a second interview yes and a quick note if you haven't already then please subscribe to this channel alright so submit your form and let's go take a look within Microsoft lists here we are within the list and if we just refresh the list and we will see that Susan Harris is showing up there and all of this information is correct all right and yes we did it nice work all right so that wraps up this video and I do hope that I've helped you discover your inner nerd today and I also hope that I've helped you set up power automate so that you can record your form responses within Microsoft list if you haven't already then please remember to hit that subscribe Button as well as give it a like and also let me know how this worked for you in the comments below alright thanks for nerding out we'll see you again
Channel: Office Skills with Amy
Views: 2,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: office skills, technology skills, how-to video, learn computer skills, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office, 365 apps, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft OneNote, CRM, Lead Management, Administrative Skills, 2023, Computer Programs, Office Skills with Amy, OSWA, Microsoft Lists, Microsoft Forms, Power Automate, HR Recruitment, Organize Recruitment Process, Human Resources, Workflow, sharepoint
Id: kgjWE-SkI-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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