How to record a clip from your Nest camera

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so start by finding your way to the nest login page simple ways do a Google search the Google Nest login like so and this assumes that you have a Google account signing with Google I guess it takes a few seconds depending on how good your connection is you need a subscription to nest aware for this might why two gamblers ones off and the other is called driveway we go to that and this shows you what the camera is seeing alive if you want to go back well depends how far you want to go back and that depends on what subscription you have I can go back five days I'm going to change it to hours because that way I can move further back rather than minutes at a time I can go hours at a time so along here you will see little marks where some sort of event has happened these longer the top are just sound that the microphones picked up so if for instance its neighbor let's go back facts when should we get back to Freudian sixteen in fact Sunday so there I am washing the coma if I want to recall the clip or I go over to clips and create clip and just here you can adjust the length of the clip that you want to create I'm just gonna make mine very short and call it a car wash and click Save I'm doing a good job on those wheels just here now says my clip is ready so I'm going to go to view clips and here's the one I've just made give me the play see what I've got there I might have to do this a few times if you don't get the clip that you're actually harder for that do now if I want to download it it's this symbol here with a little arrow the others after uploading to different social medias so I'll choose download and there it is carwash coming into my computer's download folder I'm going to click done and I'll come out of this now and if I go to my downloads folder carwash there it is I hope that's helpful
Channel: Tim Wickery
Views: 20,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nest, Camera, Google Nest Camera, Clip, Record clip, Download clip, Nest aware
Id: b6rtCeCZ9_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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