How To Rebuild an LS 6.0 LQ4 Engine in 2 Days!

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what is happening guys it's buddy aaron welcome back to the channel thank you guys so much for joining in today got something pretty exciting for you your boy aaron over here who's used to the japanese type of car lifestyle twin turbo boosting his g35 building the motor all that good stuff building everything that has to do with that car in this little one car garage is now going to be building an american ls 6.0 liter lq4 that goes in my good old gmc 2500 2006. let's get it it's a heavy-duty slt right there boy so we haven't had the greatest luck building our vq engines we've had to pull it out of our car so many times just because of the errors that a novice person who has never gone to school or done any of this doesn't even i don't claim to be a mechanic i've worked in the business as a service advisor for like six years but i've never been a mechanic i've just i love to do it as a hobby do it out of my garage and just see what i can do what am i capable of with the resources that i have and the resources being just forums youtube um mechanical guides and honestly all the people that i work with who are technicians i can ask them for their tools if i need to borrow them or just for advice on the job and what i should do and uh that basically just kind of helped me become the person i am right now who's willing to take on an ls build i've already disassembled this lq4 ls 6.0 liter that originally came out of this truck now i purchased this truck with a knocking engine i got a killer deal on it and the engine was knocking so i already knew i i was either gonna have to fix it or change the engine so we went ahead and picked up a nice little used engine 96 000 miles this is a same thing lq4 came out of a chevy silverado 2500 same year 2006 that's a gmc 2500 2006 same thing right so it came out and it lasted me four months and unfortunately the warranty on the engine is only three months so i got anyway i i do a lot of work up in port st lucie which about hour and a half from where i live right now live more down south florida and uh the truck once i got off the highway on my way back from port st lucie i heard that thing knocking like crazy so i'm pretty sure famous rod knock is what is going on with this engine right now and uh that's basically what happened with this one well i don't think it was rodnock i think it was more uh crankshaft bearing knock um because the bearings didn't look too good even even on the rods on the insides they look pretty cooked like it was starved with oil there's a lot of oil gunk buildup inside of these uh camshaft bearing journals and everything so i went ahead and cleaned the entire motor and i am ready for a full rebuild as you guys can see don't mind the paint i do a lot of paint on the side okay don't don't worry about that but as you guys can see over here i've got a ton of parts to rebuild this ls v8 and honestly guys i'm really excited tearing that thing down made me realize how easy it is versus the vqs like vqs are just stupid difficult i mean they sound amazing they make great power it's a total new car now it's boosted but just building like you got three timing chains you got like like six sprockets like dude chill this thing you got two sprockets one tiny chain you set the time you got one cam install the cam put the heads on bada bing bada boom so i think we're going to have a little bit more luck this time uh first time around building this engine hopefully knock on the cardboard but anyway guys we purchased our full engine rebuild kit from dnj uh as you guys can see we got our oil pump we got the timing chain kit we got the piston rings we got the crankshaft bearings we got the connecting rod bearings we even have camshaft bearings we've got the new pistons we got refurbished connecting rods that came out of a good a known good ls we've got all the tools that we need like the piston ring compressor and we even bought the camshaft bearing remover tool um we got a new like uh tensioner for the we we got like new gaskets we got a whole bunch of you know gm freaking head studs and just a bunch of stuff like i'm i'm ready we even got an engine honing tool so we can hone our engine and then we got all of our old stuff in here things that we're gonna reuse i brought the original crankshaft over to a machine shop a cylinder head depot they do amazing work they have actually machined the heads on the g35 and they did an amazing job i had them double check the crank all the clearances and everything they said your crank is fine we'll polish it up for you we'll clean it up and you got to use a standard size bearings which is easy and we're going to go with a nice stock rebuild try to get this truck running good and uh hopefully not knocking in another four months but uh yeah i want to get a nice reliable truck maybe take it on some uh some trips first thing that we got to do is replace these cam shaft bearings that's these guys right here uh which actually don't look too hot looks like they got starved of oil maybe they cooked and baked up a little bit uh yeah we got to remove these guys so we got a whole tool that we got to remove it we're gonna place it on these pallets and we're gonna start whacking at it and uh yeah replacing those bearings let's get it check it out guys so that's how we pressed out our cam shaft bearing so we're going to go ahead and remove all of them and then go ahead and replace them basically with the same method just reversing instead of pushing one out we're gonna be pushing one in all right guys so i ended up having to bring the block over to cylinder head depot machine shop so that they can install the cam bearings for me the cheap tool that i got uh did not suffice it was actually damaging the bearings how to order new bearings and whatnot but either way i'm gonna leave that up to the professionals they're gonna clean the whole block they're gonna sell the kanbans for me and we're gonna be doing everything else so we're gonna pick up the blocks soon here but before we do that we've got seven pistons right here that we've already installed our piston rings onto so i'm about to show you guys the eighth one we're going to install the bearings on right now all right so all piston rings basically come in three different bags you got your expander rings with the oil rings you got your second rings and your first rings so we're gonna go ahead and unbox our piston here this is the dnj pistons we're going to be using with our entire dnj rebuild kit so go ahead and set that right here there's going to be a mark on here to tell us where the front is so we got a little divot right here tells us that's that's the front so we'll set that here to the left first thing we'll do is take our expander ring these are really easy to install just be very careful go ahead and take this first end go ahead and put it on the very bottom groove of the piston and we'll very carefully just start wrapping it around the piston until that is in place you don't want it to overlap on the front here you want to just go ahead and connect and touch end to end we'll make sure that opening is basically at the back facing the back of the engine so where the expander ring opens that's on the back we got two oil rings to install one goes on the bottom of the expander ring and one goes on the top of it so first one we're gonna install is the bottom we've gotta clock these rings so that the openings are all in different locations so we're going to be clocking this oil ring with the opening right here on this side so i will start by installing it right here some people clock after they install it i i clock it before i install it so i don't have to do it afterwards alright so we've got the one end of the ring in and we just have to follow it around the piston making sure not to scratch the piston and watch it fall in place so it's all gently tucking underneath now we got to be careful make sure that the expander ring doesn't overlap i'll push that in kind of hold it with my finger and lift the oil ring up and around the piston so it doesn't scratch it and boom that's set in place underneath the expander ring so we'll take our other oil ring this one we want to clock over here in the bottom right section uh and this is going to go on the top of the expander ring so put one end in there start by holding this end up and guiding it around real slow careful not to damage the piston and now that is in place now everything is clocked so i don't have to go ahead and mess with it and turn it it's already clocked because of the way i installed it now we have our second ring that's going to be in the second groove here so that's going to be next we're going to use our piston ring expander right here as our tool just go ahead and set it inside and this will help us expand it and bring it around expand it just wide enough you don't want to go too far and you don't want to damage the piston either so you want the perfect length bring it down to that second groove and then we can close it we've got that piston ring installed we're going to put our first ring inside of our tool install this one and then we will clock it to be in the upper left portion of the piston and there we have it we just put our rings on the pistons now we can put our connecting rods together and then we'll go pick up our blocks start assembling everything check it out guys we got seven of our pistons and rods all connected in the correct orientation ready to go we've got the eighth one over here laid out on the table i'm gonna show you guys how to connect the connecting rod all right guys so over here on the table we have our brand new piston we have our refurbished gm connecting rod uh this was actually refurbished by a machine shop everything's been polished and double checked all the clearances are good for standard bearing sizes we've got some permatex ultra slick engine assembly lube that we're going to be using to install our floating pins luckily these are not press fit uh pins these are floating retaining pins making it extremely easy to install them if we had to do press fit we might need a torch to heat up the end here uh and only a couple seconds allows you to put these in before it uh before it shrinks again and clamps down but like we don't have to worry about that really easy to assemble these so we're gonna take our pistons there's a little dowel engraved in the piston letting us know that that is going to be towards the front of the motor so i'm going to flip that upside down now since we're working on the back of the piston a lot of people say that these ls connecting rods can be used uh in both orientations this way or this way a lot of people say use this dowel marked towards the front and whatnot i'm going based off of the all data instructions whichever side of the connecting rod has the groove here that is a little offset then the other side that is the side that faces towards the front that'll leave our dowel or nipple right here kind of facing towards the back of the engine so we're going to be installing it just like this we have the front of our piston right here with the dowel on the on the piston side so you can see the dowel pin right here that's going to be in the front facing that way we got this one facing that way and we're basically just going to go ahead and lube everything up all right guys everything is lubed up and ready to go so we'll take our connecting rod and we're just going to seat it in the middle of the piston here we're going to slide in our floating pin and we're just gonna send it through nice and easy like that and we'll put it all the way until it's just about at the end where we're gonna have to put in our retainer clips here hard to see but there's a little seat on the inside for these little retaining clips so i'm gonna show you guys how to get those installed thankfully i've already done it on some of the pistons already so i got a little bit of experience but it was pretty rough i was kind of smashing on my finger in the beginning getting a little frustrated but uh basically i put this side of the retaining clip uh towards the top of the piston making it a little bit easier for me to grab this side and and there's some little grooves inside of the piston here that allows the space for our tool to fit in there and work the clip in place so i'm going to go ahead and press it in i put one side in first so i'll slip it back in there like that kind of hold it with my thumb in place i'll take my pliers on the other side here hold it down with my thumb and i'll work this end around and then once i got it mostly in place i'll just press down and you'll hear it click into its seat and there it goes so that was one side i'll go ahead and make sure that the uh the seat the opening part of the the retainer clip is towards the top of the piston so i just orientate that like that and flip it around to the other side and there it goes right into place all right guys that was our eighth piston everything is assembled ready to go just wanna double check our our ring orientation make sure that the rings are in the right place before we put in the motor so now we gotta move on to the process of honing the motor so that the cylinder walls are perfect uh to allow damn so now we're gonna move on to the honing process of rebuilding the engine we're gonna clean up those cylinder walls so that they can seat these pistons uh nice and good you know what i'm saying all right dude so we got our engine block back from the machine shop over at cylinder head depot shout out to steve for hooking it up they installed our new camshaft bearings because we just simply can't do it without the right proper tool we bought a tool and everything but it was really cheap and uh yeah didn't do the job because it wasn't machined correctly so anyway cam bearings are really difficult to do anyway so have the machine shop do that so we got it on the engine stand here and we're gonna get ready to well we've already done all the cylinders but we're gonna start honing um so i'm going to show you guys what the honing process is like right now the cylinders are all nice and clean because i just honed the entire block i want to go back over one more time just to get any other little uh areas that i may have missed so anything like that if we got a little dark area right that i wanted to all be smoothing out with the rest of the cylinder so i'm going to show you guys how to do that all right guys so check it out this is our engine honing tool it's like a drill attachment so we got attached to our air drill right here basically just want to go in at a medium speed like that and you want to move it in and out of the cylinder so that you can make sort of like a 45 degree angle uh overlap all right guys check it out so we've got all of these cylinders honed they're looking pretty good nice and shiny all the surfaces are flat and ready for the pistons to be installed we just want to go ahead and lube up the cylinder walls a little bit just so uh you know keeps it keeps it good and lubricated all right guys so now it's finally time to install our camshaft and our crankshaft uh we're gonna do the camshaft first this way it's a little bit easier to kind of fit our hands in here and help guide it through all of the bearings and we're gonna use some assembly loop to lube up these bearings here the camshaft bearings all right you guys got the camshaft installed now it is time for the crankshaft so we're going to start with the crankshaft bearings [Music] all right it is ready for our crankshaft now crankshaft was cleaned and checked and polished by the machine shop just gotta be real careful dropping this thing in okay it should move freely get that thing out get the assembly lube all up in there wow sweet yeah so they checked the clearances and everything they polished it up made sure everything was perfect same thing with the block and yeah this is the this is the stock crank since everything checked out good for standard size bearings we're going to be reusing it because we're trying we're kind of on a budget here so we just bought that dnj rebuild kit for the pistons and rods because that's pretty much what went with oil starvation on this motor so we got it all cleaned up all the oil passageways and everything have been freed of all that gunk and whatnot the block wasn't uh messed up in in the rod knock that this thing had so we're changing the rods of the pistons like you guys saw and we're keeping the crankshaft and camshaft factory all right so now we can go ahead and lay down our main caps we got one through five two three four five here so we're gonna go ahead and put the uh thrust one in first and then we'll go ahead and number them one through five all right guys now we're gonna follow the torque sequence we're gonna start with the inner bolts 15 pounds the sequence i'll put up on the screen here for you guys so we got one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten all right guys now we gotta set the thrust of our crank so we're gonna just pretty much hit it with the rubber mallet in the front and then in the back and we'll leave it shifted in the forward position before we proceed to tighten the rest of these down so we'll give it a couple good wax [Music] all right so here's where things get interesting we're gonna need a angle we're going to need like a torque angle tool but we don't have that so we're going to use our phone with a compass attached to our tool as you can see the degrees are super accurate so yeah so we're going to go 80 degrees after the 15 foot pounds of torque we're going to 80 degrees in that same sequence so it says we're at 159 degrees so if we add let's see if we're going this way yeah it's going to add so 159 and we've got to add 80. that'll be 240 so we're going to turn it until it's at 240 degrees boom right there so that was 80 degrees torque so now the outside ones get 15 foot pounds and now they're gonna get 51 degrees of angle torque yeah we got fedex here bringing us some more parts check it out guys so we got our crank we were able to rotate it nice and easy real free we've got our dial indicator set up and we are within spec for all of the crankshafts what's up man how are you doing rockauto coming in clutch so we are all in spec as far as the crankshaft thrust just wanted to double check that real quick all right guys we're going to be reusing these side bolts here for the crankshaft caps um the factory ones come with a little bit of sealer on them since i'm reusing them i just went ahead and put some rtv on there just put it around the hat of the bolt like that 18 foot pounds of torque on all of them so i'm gonna start from the back so we're gonna go ahead and install the pistons now all right bringing it back inside on this poor dinner table we've got all of our pistons assembled ready to go uh they just need their bearing so we got our dnj bearings right here we'll go ahead and unbox them real quick and we'll go ahead and load up our pistons with the connecting rod bearings make sure there's no dust or dirt on it and we'll go ahead and do the same thing for the cap all right and there we have it so we're going to do that for the rest of the pistons and we'll go ahead and start to install them all right guys so we are now ready to install our pistons into the block all right guys we got the piston dowel pointing towards the front of the motor we're gonna start back go ahead and just here our piston [Music] i'm gonna put our tool right above it crank down this tool a little bit make sure we lift the piston just a tad so we can get it inside the whole tool okay let's go ahead and lift it up a little bit all right we got the whole piston inside go ahead and tighten this thing up okay we got it compressed now we're gonna start lightly tapping on the piston we'll let it feed into the block [Music] [Music] looks like it's almost in there oh is it in there yes sir look at that all right that was my first ever time ever doing that ever on any engine so that's pretty sweet check it out guys we just installed all the pistons we got these things ready to go it's looking super clean we just got to go through all the torque specs here on the connecting rods so we can do that right now so the first thing we're going to do is 15 foot pounds all the way across and then we have to do a 75 degree turn torque angle [Music] all right guys so most of the hard part is now done with the bottom end of the engine i'm gonna start putting back uh the whole tray and the lower pan and then we're gonna start working on the timing [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys so we got timing all set got the new sprockets installed with new chain and let me tell you guys this is way easier than the vq you only got one chain here two sprockets two marks to line up and you're done top dead center you're good so now we're gonna go ahead and put the front cover on as well as the harmonic balancer and then we'll do the rear cover right after [Music] [Music] so the rear is just a little bit harder to get to we got to get our hands in and around this stand but we got our gasket on the cover let's go ahead and put it on all right we got the rear cover installed torqued down same thing with the front cover and the harmonic balancer mine took a little beating trying to get it off with the you know the cheap the cheap removal tool uh hopefully it's okay and not gonna chew up my belts but i guess we're gonna find out when we get it installed front covers are all torqued down and everything so we're basically ready for the oil pan so we're gonna go ahead and put that on now we're gonna put four little dabs of our tv in the corners where the block meets the front and the rear covers [Music] so we're doing 18 foot pounds on all of these short bolts and then we're going to be doing 106 inch pounds on the two rear bolts all right guys so now we are installing our brand new lifters we're just getting them loaded up into our lifter trays here and we're go ahead and set them in place just want to make sure everything is lubricated in here we did dip all of our new lifters inside of a cup of oil so they are completely soaked and yeah should drop them in all right guys i was fighting with the lifters a little bit uh just how to clean up the surface on the inside make sure everything was lubed up good and then they all slid in we're gonna go to 106 inch pounds on these tray bolts all right guys so we got our blocks cylinder head surface nice and cleaned up and same thing on the cylinder head we're gonna go ahead and lay down our gasket and we're gonna install our cylinder head let's get it our two guides preston already got some new gm head bolts [Music] all right guys we are now ready to torque down our heads we got our gaskets and heads uh seated in place uh we got all the bolts ready just gonna go ahead and fasten them down and get ready to begin torquing them so these bolts are also supposed to be torqued to yield uh we're gonna be using the uh the foot pounds method instead and we're going to be doing 15 foot pounds on all of the main cylinder head bolts then we'll be doing another pass of 50 foot pounds and then another pass of 65 foot pounds [Music] just did a pass of 50 foot pounds on the main cylinder head bolts and now we're doing uh 20 foot pounds on these little side ones here [Music] all right guys so now we're working on whatever this is like a oil gallery or something we got our gasket just got our go ahead and wipe off our surface lay our gasket down we'll lay down our cap and we got our two sensors we'll just go ahead and lay in here 22 millimeter we'll screw them in all right guys so now we're on the final step and that is installing the rocker arms and the push rods uh then all we got to do is put the valve covers on get this thing ready to put it in the truck so we've got all of our push rods right here we're using the old ones they got two sides we want to oil them both in a little cup right here just gonna dip them in both sides the side of the push rod with the most wear is gonna be facing upwards towards the rocker arms in here i've been busy running my mouth dry speaking lines of how to find higher hopes and sensibilities meant for me let's dive all right all the rocker arms are torqued down now we're getting ready to put our valve cover on just wanna make sure this surface right here is all clean same thing with on the valve cover [Music] [Music] [Music] check it out guys we got our engine completely assembled and we were able to build it pretty much within two days we started on friday basically getting everything ready and then uh saturday morning i woke up around eight o'clock and just started going ham on the engine i worked all day saturday until like 1am and then i got a little bit of sleep last night woke up at 8 this morning and we're back at it now at 7 00 pm and we finally have the ls 6.0 all assembled and ready to go this thing is looking sick there's definitely a lot more weight on this engine stand right now the only thing that we have to do is drop it and put our flywheel on we've got our flywheel over here so i'm going to put it on a tire just because the engine stand is in the way of accessing that flywheel but everything is installed torqued down we got our manifolds we even got our coil packs spark plugs most of the accessories we did leave the ac inside as far as the compressor we didn't release any of that um so that's all still re uh so that's all still charged in the truck uh but yeah basically all the other accessories ready to rock full engine rebuild full engine reseal and we're ready to drop it in the truck what up guys it is 8 a.m in the neighborhood on monday morning and we are on time to get this thing running got it right out front here i don't want to turn the whole truck around so i just brought the motor out here instead hopefully it doesn't rain on us anyways here we go we're gonna go ahead and put the motor in [Music] [Music] look around try to find the people who stand out the faceless crowd lost and found picking up on the speed of sound to faster [Music] yes sir i love yeah like a week and a half dude i painted this thing and built the motor yeah it's a whole brand new truck all right you ain't around before bro i need a truck bro yo yo that was the last time i took out the 14 loose that transmission is done bro yeah guys are so i need [Music] nice all right guys so she is partially in there right now we just got to go ahead and uh basically seat it in place before i do that just want to make sure i get the ac compressor hooked up and i want to hook up the grounds and everything while they are easy to access still uh so i'm gonna go ahead and hook up everything like that as far as the harness and then we'll go ahead and set her in place check it out guys here we have a fully rebuilt ls 6.0 lq4 engine placed in our gmc 2500 hd my first ever ls we got everything hooked up harness grounds freaking manifold starter oils and uh we got our coolant getting ready to be bled right there we got the battery hooked up everything seems okay so far we are about to have our first start i'm super nervous guys you just how you know every first start is you never really know what's gonna happen but uh here we go i'm pretty sure everything's buttoned down let's get it primed up a little bit first all right get that fuel pump going nice everything's powering up i'm gonna do a couple key cycles first all right let's do one more key cycle make sure that our fuel is up at the engine before we start start turning that starter looks like my fuel pressure gauges is off that's not good but uh we're gonna find out you ready [Music] fired up oh there goes the fuel pressure holy that's what good fuel pressure's supposed to look like hell yeah brother let's go oh dude she's running [Music] oh let's go [Music] flapping around a little bit doesn't sound too bad let that oil get all through the veins all through the bearings she did have the assembly lube so she should be go good to go but wow that uh that oil pressure is way better something's ticking over here we'll let it warm up very first start [Music] slight lift or tick which was normal once we uh once we changed the motor the first time lifter tick was a little normal because they got to get the oil up there and go on nice and smooth i'm sure there's some debris and everything inside of the engine we're gonna let it warm up it's gonna start burning off all of our blood and sweat and uh make sure it's got some water just went ahead and took her on a little test drive and everything is running super smooth and now she's heated up everything has kind of burnt off and she is running super super smooth super quiet no noises now hopefully it stays like that i'm gonna be driving this thing like crazy all over the place because i'm gonna i'm gonna be using it for work and i'm gonna be using it for all the shenanigans of the g35 so hopefully she stays nice and reliable knock on cardboard thank you guys so much for watching this video it has been awesome getting all the work done on this truck painting it rebuilding the entire engine and getting it installed all in a matter of a week and a half almost two weeks i feel super accomplished and huge shout out to you guys for watching this video all the way through thank you guys for watching a little ls builds i'm sure there are so many things in this video maybe you guys saw that i was doing wrong or you guys might have advice on any criticism you guys got let me know down in the comments or if you got any advice on what i could have done better i'm gonna go ahead and do a quick oil change on this thing and get all the plastics wrapped up but if you guys like this video make sure you guys smash that like button and get this video out there we are still running some merch on the website we got some jet tags and some air fresheners if you guys want to support the dream go head over to double a supply dot com and pick up a couple of those and we're looking for a new t-shirt design if you guys design things and you guys want to send me a design for a new t-shirt like a double a supply logo or just a new cool card design i'm going to be picking two of your guys's designs to add to the next uh rollout of shirts for the merch so just send it over to my email newman saran or you can dm me at double ag-35
Channel: Aaron Newman
Views: 19,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Infiniti, G35, Modified, Fast, ricer, Exhaust, Mod, Tune, JDM, Japanese, cars, car, vehicle, kit, coilovers, race, racecar, engine, coolant, doubleag35, Double_A_G35, Nissan, 350z, Mods, Illegal, transmission, swap, how, to, DIY, BC, Z1, Motorsports, Greddy, Turbo, Supercharger, Truhart, Godspeed, Vortech, Clutch, Sound, Nismo, VQ35, VQ35DE, VQ37, DE, HR, Carbon, Fiber, HP, Horsepower, buy, art, greddy, twin, turbo, boost, 600hp, forged, eagle, wiseco, uprev, AEM, dnj, rebuild, DNJ, Pistons, Block, LS, 6.0, chevy, chevrolet, gmc, sierra, 2500, hd, diesel, fix, silverado
Id: tatPPtI2woA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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