How-To Realistic Stone Piers, Walls and Abutments - Simple Method and Budget Supplies

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[Music] hi folks joey ricard with welcome back [Music] ah you know there's a lot of commercially available scenery products out there but sometimes they don't have exactly what you need sometimes that item may be too expensive relatively speaking of course and sometimes you might just want to make it yourself well oftentimes i find myself creating things for all of those reasons at the same time so today i'm going to show you how i go about doing that and we're going to do it on the cheap here's your basic supply list you can pause the video if you need to but really you're going to see all these different items shown throughout the video and you can jot it down if you want these are old methods and i'm just putting my spin on it did you get that spin and i just spun the video oh come on all right we're going to start out with the basis of the project foam insulation or eps which is extruded polystyrene not styrofoam now we're talking about the pink or blue stuff you find in the insulation aisle of your favorite hardware stores for the sake of this video we're going to do this in o scale it'll make filming a little easier and i don't have to zoom in as much i started by cutting a piece of foam to about six by six inches and this will represent our generic stone abutment or pier you mathematically incline guys can do that scale conversion to find out how big this really would be in real life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so and you can see how i'm going back between the soldering iron and the pencil just to kind of show you you can really do it with anything with a point or a sharp edge [Music] you know i gotta tell you i really love carving foam because it's very relaxing if you don't make any mistakes but if you make a mistake you're going to get pissed off and then it's not so relaxing [Music] [Music] [Music] nope there are no rules in this game you can do it however you want more than anything this step is like a primer and sealer although you could just paint over the foam like it is this is mod podge did i say that right mod podge and black acrylic paint no ratio just a quick mix mod podge is sort of thick so it'll fill in some of those deep areas now with that said you want to keep in mind that if your scribe marks or carved areas are faint they may get obscured with this and the other layers that are going to go over top of it something to think about for those modeling in smaller scales [Music] [Music] for this one i just happen to be using a mix of acrylic white and tan different base colors will give you different look so you really have to play around and experiment plus it's fun we're going to be applying a black wash which you'll see in a little bit this is what's going to change the colors tones and hues starting with a slightly tannish base when washed over with black will give you a slightly brownish or tan stone appearance on the other hand starting with a pure white base and adding black will give you come on a gray stone appearance so this being the version with multi-color stones we use a small variety of colors this is where referencing a real-life photo can go a long way in giving you [Music] ideas now don't be that guy that paints part of one block one color and the other part of the same block a different color [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you look at real photos there are zillions of different stone colors and patterns here we're just experimenting [Music] at this point your painted stone should be almost dry it's time to dry brush on some white to not only blend the transitions but to add some highlights highlights meaning simulating a light source typically light comes from above so we'll pay attention to the tops of the stones by adding just a tad of dry brushed white when i say dry brush i mean just that using a clean dry brush and dabbing some white on the brush and then stroking it on a towel or your hand until it's very faint if you have too much white on your brush when you use those pull down strokes it's going to look like somebody poured a can of paint on the top of the wall and it ran down for this particular wash we use a mix of black enamel paint and thinner my standard go-to wash although you can certainly use watered-down acrylic black so with this combination after we wash it down the stones left as white will produce a light gray the stones that were painted gray will end up as a darker gray and the various colored stones will produce dulled down versions of their original color when we lay this down flat the wash will settle in the seams and give it some depth and separation again i'm dry brushing and i'm using a little bit of white and a little bit of gray this will help blend everything in just a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] okay did you get all that on to version two this is the one with graystones only [Music] the only thing i'm going to do different as far as prep work is i'm going to take this rough object and kind of create some rough areas on the stones just so they're not flat and smooth [Music] now i could have sealed this one the same way i did the last one but i used white acrylic in with the mod podge this time using gray as the base coat when washed down it'll produce a darker gray appearance we could have certainly painted it white and then washed it down which would have produced a lighter gray appearance using the same technique as the other one we're going to dry brush on some white highlights dry brush don't forget dry brush [Music] so [Music] now for some variety in this video i'll use a wash mix of black acrylic paint and water or in this case i had alcohol right in front of me so i used that [Music] [Music] and just remember you're most likely going to be doing this over several coats depending on the thickness of your mixture but the important thing to remember is let each coat dry completely so you know what it looks like when it's dry it may look great when it's wet but it may look completely different once it dries out a little bit so you got to check on that in the beginning of the video and at the end during the montage you'll see three piers the only difference in that third one on the far right is that i added some dry chalk over top of it when i was done [Music] [Music] be sure to subscribe stay tuned and share the hobby this is joey ricardo with trackside thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Trackside Scenery
Views: 223,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: on30, on2-1/2, narrow gauge, narrow, gauge, o-scale, scale, train, railroad, model, bachmann, modular, shay, baldwin, 4-4-0, locomotive, steam, layout, model railroad, scratch, built, sectional, module, log, logging, saw mill, loco, track, whistle, cass, soundtraxx, tsunami, decoder, custom,, joey, ricard, scenery, ground cover, abutment, piers, foam carving, walls, how to, foam
Id: 8NZb-7ozHAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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