How to read an electrical diagram Lesson #1

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reading an electrical diagram they can be pretty simple or they can be complex and they've got a language of their own now we normally talk and we use words as you read here for the word resistor chassis ground electronic motor RF used when I say those words something comes to mind you have an image of what's going on well in the electrical diagram they don't use words they use symbols to say the same thing so we have to understand the language of symbols the language of diagrams always include symbols words numbers lines all of this stuff is on there and it's all for the purpose of helping us follow the map now we're going to talk more about symbols as we go along in each one of these sessions but when you're looking at electric 'old aya Graham remember you're looking at a map not a street map but a map of electrical current trying to find this path from positive to negative now this is a map of Missouri I happen to live in Missouri in Springfield I have a friend that lives in Kansas City and if we both wanted to go on a trip and meet in st. Louis I would take this road and he would take the other road and we would meet in st. Louis now if this were an electrical map this would be the power side and this would be the ground side and st. Louis would be the load now the power when you're color coding the power road that is directly to the load is always colored red and the ground Road that is directly to the load is always colored green that's true on our electrical diagrams so on the map or on a diagram first thing to do is locate the load now load is a device something that consumes the power it does work like a light bulb a blower motor a coil the second thing is to do is locate the power source or the fuse that sin's feeds the power and the third is to locate the ground source where the ground originates an electrical diagram it looked a lot like this where first would locate the load now remember this is a map so this is your destination where you want to end up you'd want to have the starting point for the power find the fuses in the PowerPoint you'd want to find the ground source the place where the ground originates that's the first things to locate now you notice that they're both going to be pointing towards the destination or the load so let's read the electrical diagram and see how this fits together in an electrical diagram here's the three things that we locate before we start looking at the map notice the word up your battery now that means the source of this power is the battery now you know battery is not turned on it doesn't have a switch there's power in that battery at all times so we're gonna color that red because red means it has power at all times now this leads us to our first rule voltage and ground always stop at an open circuit now here this switch is open so since it is an open circuit that red or that power is going to stop right there always now on the ground side it has ground all the time because it says g105 that means it is a body ground source we're gonna color that green because green means it has ground at all times it's not turned on yet that is bolted down to the frame it has ground now it confirms our rule that voltage is ground always stop at an open now the next power source over here the word says start run that means you only have power if you have switched to the start or switched to the run position so that is a switched power so we're gonna color is orange anything in orange means it's only has power when it is switched on or turned on now look down here at the bottom you see this dotted square this is the PCM if that happened to be a solid square instead of dotted that would mean it is all inclusive everything is in there but the fact that it's dotted means that there's actually more in this PCM that will look yet it is only displaying what we're concerned about in this diagram now we look down here we see that the PCM supplies ground for the fuel pump relay control so we're gonna color this yellow now yellow means it only has ground when it's switched on if you notice on the right the red is power at all times it is not switched on and the green is ground at all times it is not switched on the something has to be switched on the power side with colored orange or if it has to be switched on on the ground side will always color it yellow now this up here is an electromagnet when electromagnet has power and ground it activates and when it activates it sends that where magnetic pulse across and it closes the switch since that switch is not open it it's now closed power can travel it travels down to the fuel pump it finds its ground and the fuel pump consumes the power now here's your next assignment find this diagram on my website for this particular video I'll post these videos on my website and with each one I'm going to post the blank diagram so that you can color it in it'll be downloaded as a PDF file print it out and then color it in now here's what I want you to do go get yourself 5 colored markers you're gonna need them as we go along don't forget to do this our series is going to continue with lesson number two watch for it in the next video and don't forget go get those markers
Channel: realfixesrealfast
Views: 1,719,229
Rating: 4.8715072 out of 5
Keywords: electrical, electrical diagram, diagnotics, color coding
Id: KbvM5Tkc-UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2013
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