How To Read A VFR Sectional Chart - MzeroA Flight Training

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[Music] hey m zero nation jason here and today we're getting back to the basics well kind of the basics the vfr sectional chart we're not pulling out on paper we're looking at it on four flight here today but i want to take you through a sectional chart quiz before i do that i need to take you through just a brief sectional chart overview because you could be watching this as a student pilot you could be watching this as a soon-to-be cfi as well so we're gonna teach to all levels here today let's start and actually let's look i have my ipad here let's start by looking at orlando's airspace it's complex it's difficult we have a tack chart so i can zoom in a little bit more and see that but when we look i need you to first realize and understand especially when we're looking at busy bravo airspace like orlando that you see all these lines and all these numbers but never forget that airspace is three dimensional in fact our 3d animator here at m0a made a really cool animation of the airspace we share with our ground school members i'll share with you now let's take the class bravo airspace and let's show it three dimensionally let's work in now some of the class delta class charlie airspace so we can see that when we're flying you ever heard someone say the airspace is an upside down wedding cake i always wonder i'm 16 years old i've never seen a wedding cake at the time when i'm working on my private pod certificate what are they talking about and it makes sense it's this funnel type when we see it three-dimensional i wish i had an animation like this when i was doing my private pilot decades ago now but to help us see it and better understand it anyways let's go back to 2d let's go back to looking at our ipad here together so we can see yes we have orlando right here here is mco orlando international above that is some class delta airspace and i want to point out a few little things let me punch in a little bit further so you can see this why on earth is this class delta airspace have this minus 16. i've never seen a minus before what does the minus actually mean well let me remove that annotation there for you the minus is showing us this is up to but not including 1600 feet why is that well look to the right side of the screen do you see this class bravo shelf goes and starts at 1600 feet airspace cannot be two things at the same time it's either bravo or its delta airspace so in this case that class delta airspace is up to but not including 1600 feet so it's 1599 feet you're in the delta 1600 you're in the bravo let me show it to you another way as displayed with class charlie airspace for that let's head a little bit up to the north now let's look at sanford you notice sanford's class charlie same thing here i see a surface to tea 1300 to t 700 to t talking about this little area over here what here's another 13 to t what is the t well it's essentially the top of the charlie is the bottom of the bravo is what it's telling us there let me show you in greater detail let me clear out these annotations and get out of annotation mode so we can see that this class bravo airspace this particular shelf here goes from three thousand to ten thousand and if we were to draw this out we can kind of trace that bravo uh let me zoom out a little bit more it kind of keeps on that shelf kind of keeps on going there as you can see as we paint it all the way around this one kind of then breaks off that way so it's from this particular shelf is from 1300 up to 3000 until we get to the bravo again that is up to but not including so 2999 feet where am i i'm in charlie airspace 3000 feet where am i i'm in the bravo airspace does all that make sense all right let's look at some other great little things that we can kind of share here let's look over here at the bithlo towers all right first off this top number here that is what that is the height of the object in mean sea level the number below it is the height in agl in parentheses so my bad aviation joke that i always say if we were to hit the top of this tower this number is what our altimeter would read this number is how far we would actually fall does that help you remember it perhaps a little bit better remember these lightning bolts coming off the top of this here that's showing us what it's showing us we have a lit tower and of course this flag pendant with the name bithlo towers right there that you can see that's showing us it is a vfr reporting point meaning i could call up atc and say hey 2-3 mike zulu i'm over the biflow towers it's a vfr check in a vfr reporting point atc is going to know where on their screen the biflow towers are so they can see that it's an easy way for me to call up and check in also makes a great vfr country checking uh kind of a checkpoint along our route of flight here let me clear out of my annotations here and get out of annotation mode as we work through a few other things here is something interesting only two of these in the country that you'll see this of course is walt disney world it's actually shown the tfr is actually depicted on the sectional chart it is still very much a tfr although it's existed since 2002. 2002 so is it a is there such a thing as a permanent tfr well this is a temporary flight restriction it's a permanent temporary flight restriction it sounds like an oxymoron but it's been there since 2002 my vote it isn't going anywhere you can get cleared through this sometimes on flight following almost always on an instrument flight plan as well they'll work you through there as well but you can kind of see that and it draws that out i just want to show you uh disney world and disneyland to my knowledge are the only two tfrs actually drawn on a sectional chart not to be confused with say something like a prohibited area which we have one i always like to reference up here near jacksonville which is old p 50 that we can see here we see this prohibited area there of p 50. by the way saint mary's airport unfortunately now closed when i test flew 512 romeo and i was buying it i flew it from craig to the saint mary's airport big reason for its closure uh just being so close to p50 the runways were aligned they had to kind of come out make a quick turn so you didn't end up in p50 sad story for the saint mary's airport but still showing us when you see this symbol by the way it's a closed airport but it's a closed airport that still has navigational value meaning if you were flying over the saint mary's airport you could still tell there was at one point an airport there might be a little overgrown but you can see how the runways were laid out taxiways ramp space maybe even still it still has navigational value is why they mark it there as closed so you can actually look and see that all right let's go let's follow the coast down i want to show you one last little thing and i want you to chime in with your comments of course we can see the space center here showing us one of our relatively newer symbols here showing us for a space port as well we know all that's happening over there as of recently some super cool stuff happening but we can look and we can see oops sorry i'm annotating all over the place here clear out of that get out of annotation mode here's another example of a tfr kind of shown on a sectional chart if you look you can see when they have a launch this is what the tfr is going to actually look like so the tfr is so routine happens enough that they'll depict it so you can see it hey it's not it may be hot it may be cold it's not saying whether it's hot or cold on the chart right now it's saying you need to check that when there is a launch this is the tfr we request request every single time that's why it's shown on the chart as that zooming in of course we can see our restricted airspace 2932 2933 just offshore a little bit we can see a warning area shown with the w there both shown with very similar symbols including add an alert area to that equation as well all showing those blue type hash marks the real difference restricted can i fly in it well if is it hot or is it cold if it's cold yes if it's hot absolutely not a warning area can i fly in it absolutely you can a warning area just warning me typically it's always off the coast warning me of low control areas radar just doesn't work as well as it does at the lower altitudes out there over the coast an alert area can i fly in an alert area the answer is absolutely i can fly an alert area it's just alerting me to something i need to be aware of we can get some good alert areas down in south florida a lot of our training partners down there do so much training you can see our alert area shown here for concentrated flight training i'm sorry shown in the magenta hash marks there you can see our alert area just that's the common traffic area the common practice area for the majority of the flight schools out we know south florida as the the hotbed for training no doubt so we can kind of see all of that over there but anyways m0a nation hope you learned something today really working through this what are some chart symbols that confuse you maybe you can screenshot a few and add them to your comments or give me a link to them we'd love myself the team love the challenging questions love to see and certainly learn new things good pilot is always learning after all right the purpose of this new series is really the the greatest hits from and oddly enough sectional chart reading always ranks at the top of our video playlist it's something you all are hungry to learn more on hey should we do the same for low in root charts let me know in the comments below we get some thumbs up votes on that be more than happy to the same video for low and root charts as well listen thank you thank you for being a blessing to myself and this amazing team here at it's because of you all that we do all the crazy things we do put out all this content uh work on the online ground school to the crazy hours of the morning and night we do it all for you there's anything anything at all you need to help make you a safer smarter pilot please please please don't hesitate to reach out have a wonderful rest of your day and most importantly remember that a good pilot is always learning have a great day guys we'll see ya take a two-week free trial of our online ground school and see why aviation consumer magazine named it the top online ground school on the market the first thing you'll notice is that we never teach to the test we teach real world skills that are going to keep you and your loved ones safe when you fly now it's because of this real world teaching you'll pass your knowledge test and your check ride with flying colors with one membership you get access to all our courses plus weekly webinars with myself and this outstanding team it's really like an interactive tv show broadcast from our studio where you get to interact with a team of cfis we also offer live support and email support to make sure you succeed now one thing you'll notice is that m0a is like nothing else on the market it is truly a flight training community geared towards making you a safer smarter pilot because a good pilot is always learning it's much more than a slogan for us it is truly a mission so click below and take a two week no strings attached trial of our top rated private instrument commercial and foi courses once you join our flight train community i promise you will never want to leave
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 75,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MzeroA Nation, MzeroA, Flight Training, Private Pilot, VFR Sectional Chart, Reading Charts, VFR, Charts, AOPA, Flight, Pilot, Pilot Training
Id: m0WYsgBnkjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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