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what is happening Mur Nation Jason shaer here today we conclude the secret to Perfect [Applause] Landing Mur Nation Jason here today we're going to wrap up the secret to perfect LS who let me know in the comments who has learned something this series to improve their Landings you ready for the the final tip that we can dive deeper into here today it's a bit of a controversial one but I want you to hear me out on this I want you to ditch the word Flare from your vocabulary think about it this way and I'll I'll I'll give you a story um I had a student many many this is probably 10 15 years ago now getting close to solo coming to land and he was coming in and I said we're in ground effect flare and he pulled so far back on the Yol we had a little bit too much air speed and we started flying again I just smoothly gave it full power we kept on going said why did you do that and I said well you you were going to smash in the ground goes I just flared like you told me to so afterward we spoke about on the ground I said what is your definition of a flare he said well I I picture the space shuttle coming in to land I picture when I go to my big class Bravo airport the 737s coming in to to land they flare said yeah you're right but a 172 a piper Warrior and SR20 those don't really flare yes the main Wheels touch down first followed by the nose wheel but I never want you to pick the nose up so abruptly that you can't see down that Runway you see it's all about where you put your eyes in a landing and if you find yourself that you're picking up so far back that you can't even stretch and see and you're just waiting for the ground to come to you um that's not a proper Landing technique you should never never be in a position where you can't see out in front of you Landing because you pick the nose up so high in fact as I transition the nose up I transition my eyes down that Runway I'm going say that again anybody ever have the ground just sneak up on them and go oh I didn't didn't expect to land so quickly didn't expect the ground to be there so quickly I always ask where are we looking uh right over the spinner five feet in front of me no take those eyes down that Runway as you do pick up that nose and you do pick up the nose to touch those mans down first you take your eyes down that Runway now why do I use the word transition instead of flare because I want you to transition to something very specifically I want you to transition like you're doing slowlight down the runway in fact who here has ever done slow flight down the runway if you have never practiced slow flight down the runway I mean getting in ground effect holding those wheels just inches above the ground you'll have to give it a little bit of power to maintain that but you feel how effective the rudder is how sloppy the ailerons are you get that pitch attitude just right you want to improve your Landings or that last 10 ft slowlight down the runway you practice slowlight aoft to get better at Landings and we're coming on in now normal Landing is what I'm making it look like right normal Landing here power back to idle gliding on in now when I get in ground effect i instead want to give it some power I just gave it some power I'm holding it here I'm giving it some power don't sink don't kiss that Runway holding it here holding it here holding it here little bit of power don't touch down don't touch down give it some power there almost touch down hold look how sloppy these a runs are right not doing anything oh don't touch down don't touch down give them some power there we go holding it here holding it here bouncing looking down taking my eyes down that Runway down that Runway just holding it right here practicing just inches off this is going to help you with your control I'm dancing on the Rudders more than I'm doing anything else my hands are relatively steady other one I want to show you how ineffective these ailerons are right I can take it down about halfway through the runway and I can go ahead and discontinue remember and I have all those Flaps in so I go full power and now it's like a go around procedure full power flaps usually go to 20 fly it on out here why not make it even more realistic and do it through ground effect because that's what you're effectively in you're in a short phase of slowlight right before touchdown so why I replace the word flare because the connotation we have with it and the associate we have with this better word to use to transition because I want you to think slowlight down the runway transition transition that nose just up barely you got all the flaps in it's a dirty configuration you don't need that nose as high to get the pitch attitude to get the air speed that you need looking good looking good I transition and I'm giving it a little power a little more power hold it right here little more power hold it right here a little more power hold it here right on the brink of the stall hold it here give it some power you st war horn give it it some power holding it here holding it here I want to show you something look at my aerons look how they're doing nothing right now it's all about nice easy Rudder control let me get back down a little bit lower here holding it here holding it here eyes down that Runway eyes down that Runway All is looking good just holding this here I'm at about 57 on my speed right now just holding it all the way th000 ft of Runway left carpat full power start practicing slowlight down the runway so to recap if you this is the first video you've caught maybe of of this of this uh secret to perfect Landings series A Perfect Landing starts with a perfect pattern number two air speed is King downwind base final over airport property knowing your speeds and number three ditch the word flare and replace it instead with transition transition to what transition like you want to do slow flight down the Run way I can't wait to read your comments down below and see how these three little tips here have worked to improve your Landings have a blessed abundant outstanding rest of your day and most importantly remember the good pilot is always learning have a great day everybody see you [Music]
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 7,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #flying, #aviation, #JasonSchappert, #MzeroA, #VFR
Id: mgnRvGX21xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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