How to Read a Textbook in 1 Week

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hi everyone in today's video we are going to be talking about how to read a textbook in one week because you vote it occur juh let's do this but before I get into the bulk of the video I just want to say that it is 100% possible to read a textbook in one week whether the 800 pages long or like 2,000 pages long if however only if you go into it actively if you use your brain if you analyze and go with the plan and if you follow these tips step-by-step actively you can achieve even the impossible step number one something wicked this way comes I'm super excited for Halloween but that's not why I chose this title I chose this title because one of the main mistakes and main stressors that hinder students to read a textbook in a short amount of time is that they go in blindly like they just start reading and it's a lot of text and it's just overwhelming and everything seems important start by the number 1 page which is the table of contents why because this is going to be your outline your guide when you are creating textbook notes for that book yes my friends I'm not only talking about reading your textbook I'm talking about having textbook notes that you can study after so I'm like double kill' here use the table of contents write it down have like an outline that you can follow this way you will see that it's not a sea of 12,000 chapters and texts it is chunked into key blocks and that seems more manageable and less intimidating step number two in the beginning there's the end here's the thing textbooks aren't like novels you're not gonna ruin the punchline at the end so I know we're used to reading them like this my advice to you is to start reading your textbook like this at the end of every chapter look for vocabulary look for chapter summaries look for case studies or like sample questions and then read your chapter why because it Prime's your brain to the key information the major concepts that you will find and wait for my next step hunt for step number three there are two ways that you can quick read a textbook either by scanning or skimming the text let's just start off by scanning this is going into the text with the intention to hunt or to extract important key information that's why we looked at the vocabulary and the chapter summaries and the major headings and the titles beforehand so you actually have those in mind when you're going into the reading part look for bold text italics formulas names graphs something that just captures your attention a key to using the scanning method is if you know a concept or a vocabulary word skip it don't waste your time if you have extensive notes on a certain topic that you've seen the textbook that you've discussed in class and if it's like super crystal clear in your mind skip it on the other hand of scanning skimming is again an active reading approach however this one has in my opinion and in the research I've been doing to differentiate the two in this technique you go in with the intent to spot fluff or filler text to avoid and to just like skim through the four common things to avoid when you are skimming a text is long background stories or contexts which tends to be in the beginning of the chapter kind of like to introduce the topic so just that skipping exceptions extra details and finally side note so when the author just kind of like rants on about his vacation his or her vacation and just goes off topic on top of that this technique often involves students reading the first I would say two phrases of a paragraph just to have a feel of what its gonna talk about of like is it fluff is it kind of like an intro is it a conclusion or is it a main chunk I should just pay more attention to I don't think one technique is better than the other by amounts see which one is more effective for you skimming or scanning number five speed reading and the sacrifice one of the most asked questions I get on my channel is Anna please help me read faster how can I read faster to which I would like to officially answer all those questions right now right here is you need to watch out because at one point the amount of effort you put into increasing your reading speed actually impacts your understanding of the text and at the end of the day if you've read a book and understood nothing what's the point I found a super super cool little quiz test for you to take a link it in the description box down below but basically it just first off gives you a text to read you start start reading it at your normal speed then you stop the test it tells you compared to other people how fast of a reader are you and then is going to surprise you by asking you questions on what your friend to test out your comprehension I find this test super super helpful and you should really take the time to do it because afterwards depending on your results you can adjust your speed so the speed and the comprehension kind of are balanced out because if you're like okay Anna I read all of this in like 10 seconds but answered zero questions right oh oh you need to focus less on speed and bring it down a notch so this goes higher and finally number six and probably one of the most important points of this video is get back up if you are too detailed into what you want to accomplish and you fall short on one thing it will discourage you completely you will lose motivation you're gonna freak out and when you panic you stop using this and you start pulling out them highlighters and just like yeah and I read the textbook no you did not not set stiff rigid goals schedules if you want me to do a legit how to set up an effective study session give this video a thumbs up and if it reaches again 1k thumbs up I will take it as a yes Anna we want this and I'll do it for you if not I'll think of another topic but you know how we roll from now on okay but overall in a nutshell you have to go in to this challenge keeping in mind that you will read the entire textbook in a week and if you stumble the next day is a new opportunity to start fresh don't worry about stumbling making mistakes failing falling short get back up get back up because you can do it and for those of you that's stuck around till the end I have some extra bonus tips for you so number one is do you really have to read the textbook to be successful in your course think about it before you just put so much pressure on yourself to try to read it there have been like a number of classes where I did not even open my textbooks they were like brand spanking new and I still got an e so think about it do you have time to you know quote unquote waste trying to binge read your book or is your class notes enough something to think about we're to reading your textbook and taking textbook notes is not studying you need to reserve some time in that week to actually go over your textbook notes and that solidifies and helps you understand better and makes you remember and increases your memory again something to keep in mind finally bonus tip number three if you really find yourself in the pickle like legit this video on how to study last minute shares with you websites where you can actually look up your textbook and see if they have chapter summaries and study guides for you so you don't even have to read it okay so with that being said thank you so much for watching I really hope you like this video I loved hearing your guys voice and your vote and I'm gonna keep doing that because it's really cool so don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you want to see the study session creation effective planning type of thing and subscribe to me if you like what you see because I post videos every Monday and Thursday bye guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ana Mascara
Views: 72,233
Rating: 4.9472203 out of 5
Keywords: how to read a textbook in 1 week, speed reading, textbook notes, study last minute, how to read a textbook, how to take textbook notes
Id: EeKypCwuajo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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