How to Re-Caulk a Sink

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hello this is Jim and hey we have a bathroom sink here and if you look closely around the rim of it you'll see really old grody mildew a moldy old sealant caulk around the sink and so today what we want to do is remove this and re seal the sink okay so the first thing I'm gonna do is just scrape the old caulk a way kind of clean it up as best I can and I'm just gonna use a nice little scraping blade I have a little stanley holder here and so it's kind of very nice and convenient to kind of use for scraping and so I'm just gonna start by scraping the old caulk now do a good job this might take a while and you can see even after I got the majority of the old out there's still kind of some residue on the sink itself right here and so you just kind of want to kind of work it as best you can to try to remove all the old as you can because if you don't the new won't adhere as well to the sink now I'm fortunate I don't have a lot of clearance with this sink on the back here and so I'm actually gonna take this this blade out of here to give myself a little bit more room again it's gonna be kind of difficult to get all this out but I'll do my best and there you have at the end result now this go is going to be some residual still left there I could work on a little bit more but I think this is pretty good now after you get most of the off you want to clean it and dry it as best you can you want to make sure that the joint there is nice and dry okay so now if you get all the old off you have a few choices for actually quite a lot of choices for the new or sealant that you use now I like to use a little kitchen and bath seem like in these smaller tubes like this you can go with a nice gun this is an old one you can see how grody it is and just get a two cartridge like this but for these smaller jobs you're not going to use a ton of talk so for these kind of cartridges you may only use a fraction of it and these don't once you clip the tip they don't really stay very well and you'll probably waste the rest of it even this look at this tube here you're only you're not going to use it all and once again it's cut and probably a lot of its gonna go to waste unless you have other applications also if you have really tight corners like we've already figured that this back portion of sinks really tight these more flexible tubes are much easier to kind of get back here than these more stiff caulking guns so again for I like this but if you like the cocking gun go for it okay so taking off the cap here you'll notice that it is sealed the tip then so you'll have to cut this with a knife or razor blade now looking closer at this particular tip if I could focus in here you can actually see a little some couple of lines here that help guide you in terms of how to cut it you could cut it any way you want as large as you want you could either do it in an angle which I recommend or you can even just do straight on now these guidelines are a little bit misleading because it doesn't really tell you the size of the actual opening because the plastic tip here has a thickness and so what I would recommend is try to get a hole which is maybe as small as an eighth to perhaps a quarter of an inch and start you might have to cut it several times we kind of start small and if you need to make it larger make it larger just don't pick a line because quite often that might be a bigger hole than you would like and there you go got it on my first hit and that's about the size I want so that's about 1/4 of an inch now as you apply this I wouldn't worry too much about it curing or drying right away it will take a little while so you have plenty of time and I would think a smaller bead rather than the thicker beat you could always add more later but the initial pass will not look that pretty but I'll show you a technique at the end to smooth it all up now you're not trying to actually fill in this entire space you're just trying to fill in the gap in between the countertop and the the sink itself just to waterproof that seal as I fear this back parts gonna be really tricky and I'm not sure how much I'm actually gonna get back here okay from here I just like to get a paper towel just have it handy and you're just gonna use one of your fingers now you could wear gloves if you want but I just do it with my bare hands so people have different preferences in terms of fingers just kind of you know you can use your index finger or pinky but you are gonna kind of like rub it lightly kind of smooth it in press it in not too hard if you press too hard it'll kind of squish around your fingers and you'll you might get it all messy on the sides but you don't have to worry about because you could just wipe it up with some water and paper towel dry it off start from scratch you have plenty of time before this hardens unless you get that really quick drying kind so we're just gonna do it with a nice little gentle hand I'm just gonna use my ring finger here and just do it just nice and gentle just around kind of clean it up as I go just do it lightly initially because if you try and just get it kind of seated in there try not to press too hard and I mean I look perfect initially but we'll go over it a couple of times before we're done and again if you press too hard you're just gonna kind of smear it so just start likely you're just kind of removing a little bit at a time and then just kind of wiping off the residue with your finger now you can see my problem back here so I'm just gonna do my best I kind of couldn't even get it in the gap here but I'm gonna just kind of press it in try to see if I can get this in here okay so now that we got the majority off with a couple of passes we're just going to kind of go over it a little bit more and you can see as I continue it kind of smoothes this way out again you want to do this in stages or you'll just kind of smear it everywhere so just just go lightly maybe switch fingers and there you have the final product I think it came out pretty good now you do want these to dry for a while maybe even a few hours some of them will dry faster than that depending on the brand you purchased but I hope this video helped you out and I will see you next time bye bye
Channel: HowToWith GEO
Views: 261,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to, do it yourself, DIY, sink, bathroom, kitchen, caulk, caulking, gun, cartridge, seal, sealant, silicone, mildew, mold, resistant, plumbing
Id: HyVB82ZSFpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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