How to Rank Higher on Google in 2021 (7 New Techniques)

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- Hey, in this video, I'm going to show you seven ways to get higher Google rankings. These are the exact techniques I used to grow one of our niche site's organic search traffic by 1070%. Then we used the same techniques to grow this site's organic search traffic by 1337%. If you want higher Google rankings and more traffic, then watch this entire video, because tip number five is weird, but it produces big SEO results. Also, please like this video if you're excited about this free training. Let's dive in. The first technique is what I call the phantom link building technique. This simple method helped me rank for Paperform, which gets 1600 searches per month with only one backlink, and then I used it again to rank for RaperRater, which gets 63,000 searches per month with only one backlink again. It even helped one of our local dental clients go from number six to number two for his most important keyword phrase. The concept is simple but the execution will require some explanation. So here's the concept. Phantom link building is the process of strengthening your existing link profile, and you can call it tiered link building 2.0. Here's how to do it. Number one, create a page worth linking to. Number two, acquire the strongest and most relevant link possible to that page. Number three, use a strong anchor text for your backlink. Number four, acquire links to that backlink. I recommend using FATJOE's niche edit service for this. Number five, measure the results. And lastly number six, which is optional, acquire tier three links to those tier two placements. Now the second way to get higher Google rankings is to become addicted to website loading speed. It's no secret that website loading speed is critical for SEO and conversions. In fact, Google said in 2018 that, "Speed is now a landing page factor for Google search and ads." Google has specified mobile loading speed as being the most important. However, you should apply this concept to all versions of your website, including desktop. So to put this in perspective, I recently improved the website loading speed for one of our websites and it increased organic search traffic by 61% in only a few weeks. And then I did the same with another website of ours and it increased organic search traffic by 30%. It's no joke and you need to become addicted to improving your website loading speed. Here's how to do it. Number one, make sure you hit the like button on this video and then number two, benchmark your current website loading speed using Pingdom, GTmetrix, and Google's page speed insights tool. I recommend benchmarking your scores from Google's page speed insights on both desktop and mobile. And then number three, go through all the recommendations from these tools. In some cases you may need to hire a developer to make some of the changes. And then number four, you may want to consider using AMP, which stands for accelerated mobile pages. The truth is moving your website to AMP is not an easy operation and it comes with many hurdles, but if you want to try it, I recommend building an AMP friendly website on a test server before making it live. And then number five, if you're on WordPress, I recommend installing a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache or WP Rocket, which is what I personally use on my websites. I'll have a link in the description. And then number six, annotate all of the changes you've made in Google Analytics. This is the only way to see if your changes have actually been effective. Now the third way to get higher Google rankings is to optimize your internal anchor text. Optimizing your internal anchor text is an awesome line hanging fruit. Before you can optimize your internal anchors, you need to understand one principle called first link priority. There's some debate on this. However, it's something I've stuck with just in case. So in short, the idea is that Google only counts the first instance of an internal anchor on a page. So if you had an internal link in your navigation and then one in the body of the content, Google would only count the anchor in the navigation. That's why you need to be very deliberate with your internal linking. I recommend starting with your navigation and how you choose your anchor text in the navigation is dependent on the type of website you have. So if you have a large e-comm website like Amazon, it makes sense to use exact match anchor text in your navigation. And the reason is twofold. First, it's best for the users and the anchor text you choose largely impacts whether or not a user will actually click. When you're trying to drive conversions, your anchor text should accurately describe what that page is about. That also applies in SEO as well. Secondly, you need internal links in a navigation because it will improve crawling and indexing. You want most of your pages on your website to only be three to four clicks away from the homepage. This will maximize crawling and indexing, which is critical for better Google rankings. The best way to awe your internal anchor text is to use Screaming Frog. Just open Screaming Frog and enter your target domain. And then once the analysis is complete, go to bulk export and click on all anchor text to export. Then you'll see the internal anchor text for all of your pages. In most cases, you should be using exact match anchor text for internal links. The fourth way to increase our Google rankings is to use what I call the merger technique 2.0. If you've been following me for any time, you know it's no secret that I love using expired domains for link building. That's because expired domains are the fastest way to grow your site's authority. But the key is to think about them the right way. So when I'm considering purchasing an expired domain, I'm looking at that domain as a business. So the question becomes, would I buy this business? And that's why I call this the merger technique. Think of yourself as an investor who is acquiring a business so you can consolidate it with yours. Here's a quick process for finding and acquiring expired domains. Number one, use SpamZilla to find and vet expired domains. I have a video on exactly how to do this on my channel and I'll have a link under the description. Number two, create a dedicated page on your website for the redirect. Now this is the part where many people get confused. And in 99.9% of cases, you should not do a homepage redirect. The reason is because you'll send a ton of irrelevant links and anchor text to an undeserving page. So a better approach is to create a dedicated page for the redirect. For example, if you acquired the hypothetical domain,, and you're a restaurant that sells burgers, it would be best to create a page title like what is big burger joint or big burger joint, all you need to know. You will then create a dedicated piece of content about the expired domain or business. After you've done that, you can complete the final step, which is to redirect the domain. Now I will mention one nuance here. You need to analyze the link profile of the expired domain to see where most of its links are pointing. For example, if most of the backlinks are hitting the homepage, then the strategy I just explained will work well. However, if most of the links are hitting subpages like blog posts, then you'll need to find relevant pages on your website for each individual redirect. Now this process is much more time intensive but necessary if you want the redirect to be effective and safe. In some cases you'll need to create some new content assets to support some of these redirects. That also means that you'll need to get dedicated hosting for the expired domain, because you'll be doing redirects on the page level, not the domain level. Now you can of course avoid this all together by only focusing on domains that mainly have homepage links in your vetting process. So now the fifth technique to increase your Google rankings is to delete your content. Now this might be the weirdest suggestion of all, but is the first action I take with every new SEO campaign. In short, you should perform a content audit to find pages that are outdated, thin, or just low quality. This will make your website leaner and will improve crawling and indexing. You should filter through all of your pages based on traffic, conversions, and quantity of backlinks. You can use Screaming Frog to perform this task. Just integrate the Google Analytics in Ahrefs API, and you'll have all the data you need to make educated decisions. Now, there are a few ways to handle content on a site. The first method is to improve it, and this is the best option if you're targeting a qualified keyword, but it hasn't performed well. So in most cases, if you have been targeting a keyword for over a year and it's not in the top 10, then you need to reassess the content and reassess your link building efforts. Sometimes it's a content issue and other times it's a link issue, but the latter is most obvious. If you have no backlinks, then go and get more backlinks and see what happens. However, if the page already has as many backlinks as the competitors and they're just as high quality, then it's likely a content related issue or it's because your overall website authority is too weak. The second method is to consolidate it. So I call this the cake technique and I have the video on my channel explaining how to do it. I'll have a link in the description. But in short, the cake technique is the process of consolidating thin pages into one single mother asset. I usually use it to combat keyword cannibalization, which is when more than one page is targeting the same keyword. The third technique is to redirect pages. Some pages aren't worth improving or consolidating, so find a relevant page on your website and redirect it. That is only if the page has existing backlinks, traffic, or any other important KPI. And if it doesn't have anything going for it, then the fourth option is to delete the page. That's right. Just delete the page and let it 404. And then Google will crawl that page and remove it from its index. You should only use this option if a page isn't targeting a keyword and doesn't have any positive KPIs like conversions, traffic, or backlinks. Now the sixth way to increase your Google rankings is to reclaim lost link equity. One of the quickest ways to skyrocket your site's authority is to reclaim lost link equity. Here's how to do it. Open Screaming Frog, connect the Ahrefs API and start the analysis. Then click on the response codes tab and select client error for XX. Then scroll over to the Ahrefs columns and see if these pages have backlinks. If they do, find a relevant page on your website and 301 redirect it to the page. The final way to increase your Google rankings is to optimize existing content. There are many ways to improve existing SEO content on your website, however the best thing to do is to streamline your efforts and use a tool that does most of the work for you. That tool is Surfer SEO, which you've heard me rave about many, many times already. But just by implementing Surfer's on page SEO recommendations, we took a client in the competitive, personal injury space from being invisible in Google to top 10 for their most profitable keywords, like car accident lawyer. And the only thing we did was implement the recommendations from Surfer. I actually have a few dedicated videos for how to use Surfer and I'll have links in the description. Now, although investing in a tool like Surfer can save you enormous amounts of time, you can optimize your SEO content without it. You just need to go through my 80 point on page SEO checklist. I'll drop another link below the video as well. Those are the seven ways you can increase your Google rankings. If you enjoyed this video, please like it, subscribe, and hit the bell button to get first access when I publish new training. Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Nathan Gotch
Views: 7,531
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Keywords: how to get higher google rankings, seo 2021, get higher google rankings 2021, how to make your site rank higher in google, how to increase site ranking in google search, how to increase seo ranking on google
Id: qjja_pFpOZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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