How to Rank Higher for your SEO Keywords - #7 - From $0 to $2K

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what's up everyone welcome to the surfside ppc youtube channel today i'm going to be going over how to rank higher for your seo keywords so i'm going to give you a pretty simple process after you've done your keyword research you've created your entire spreadsheet with all the keywords you want to rank for now we're going to go over some of the steps you can take to start ranking higher for those keywords this is video seven in my from zero to two thousand dollars a month series you can find all of my videos on this playlist from 0 to 2k free digital marketing training i'm not going to be selling anything to you and i do recommend watching my amazon affiliate marketing tutorial if you do want to create a website like mine in this specific example i'm going to be showing you some different ideas for my website specifically i'm going to just focus on wicker chairs and kind of the process i take to try to rank for that keyword and i'm also going to go through this for my website because i'm currently implementing my seo strategy for this website and this website has not grown for the past year because i wasn't producing content for it so that's an important lesson and it's going to bring us right into number one so if we come into number one create new content or improve existing content on your website every single day you need to be consistent if you're not consistently creating content your website is not going to grow for my website last year i really started to increase my content output starting september 1st really in the fall of 2019 i really started to create a lot more content for my website publish blog posts add products to it so looking at september 1st 2019 to february 29 2020 and we're comparing it to the previous period so it's the exact same number of days before i really started to create a lot of content so if we scroll down here we're just going to look at our organic search traffic and in that time we saw an increase of 547 percent you all users over 61 000 compared to the same exact time period under 9 500. so if you're not creating content you're not going to see this consistent growth and if we come over my website right now you can see i'm in my post section on the back end of wordpress so right now i have 10 blog posts total i have best wicker dining chairs swivel chairs i have a long article just basically about wicker how wicker furniture is made and then everything else is really geared towards specific types of products or some large category so as i start to build out more and more content on my website and specifically we're looking at wicker chairs today so i have rocking chairs lounge chairs if we come up to the top here i have dining chairs swivel chairs outdoor wicker chairs so when someone searches for wicker chairs what search engines are gonna do is look at every single website that has any type of content for that specific term so they're gonna look at every website and say okay which website has the best information the best resources for people that's who we're gonna put in front of this user and what i would recommend is watching this fourth video in the series so it's keyword research keyword mapping and content strategy and in that video i showed you how to come up with a really good keyword list for your business so in our spreadsheet here you can see this is our keyword list that we came up with and search volume pulled from the google keyword planner so we're looking at all these different keywords and over here are all the different keywords i'm going to be creating content for this month so right now is the 12th so i have a couple more articles to publish today and basically by the 15th i should have almost 20 articles published i really want to increase my article output this weekend so ultimately if you're not creating new content and you're not applying seo best practices on page you're going to struggle to improve your rankings over time now two other videos i'd recommend watching so completely unrelated to this playlist but my on-page seo tutorial for 2020. i'll put this link in the video description if you're not familiar with on-page seo it's a really good video and it should help you learn how to optimize your content and then also how to create content that ranks high in search engines i created this earlier in the year it goes over some similar topics that i go through in this video but it's also going to give you more information and it won't hurt to watch either of them if you're really struggling to improve your rankings in google and other search engines now last but not least with this point if you're having trouble creating new content or improving your content you can always outsource some of these processes so i use a lot for articles if you come in here you can order content you set your own prices the length of the article you need what quality of writer you're looking for so you can do pretty much everything with iwriter when it comes to written content and then you always have options like where you can get writing and translation work you could do everything articles and blog posts website content you can get white papers maybe you need podcast writing if you're doing a podcast you just need a little bit more help on the writing aspect of it and also they have video and animation so if you come in here you can get a whiteboard an animated explainer those types of things can be used as content on your website so if you're having trouble creating content every single day you can outsource some of it you can create some yourself you can focus yourself on improving your existing content so for me i'm basically about 50 50. i outsource a lot of my written content especially on websites like and i outsource a lot of that because it just helps me take that content publish it and it helps me create a lot more in a shorter period of time number two is understand what ranks for your targeted keywords and really focus on creating a better resource on your website so this one is pretty simple go to google type in some of your targeted keywords so again we're going to use wicker chairs here as my example and we're going to use floor jacks as my example if we come in here we have advertisements at the top you can see i have some search performance for this specific search query floor jacks i have zero clicks i'm in almost the 70th position over the last 28 days so i really need to improve this but if i just search floor jacks i can see what basically always comes up is top 10 best floor jacks best four jacks review and buying guide 10 best four jacks of 2020 and then we get down here to home depot where they just have floor jacks for sale their ecommerce website keep coming down so and then again if we come over to wickr chairs and we scroll down again we have this for it's a keyword i target with that website as well but if we keep scrolling down you can see they have the local options right here so all these google my business pages and some of these local stores where you can buy wicker furniture images so it makes you keep in mind that you should make sure your images are also search engine optimized because people are coming into images to find different products they might be interested in purchasing and then as we keep coming down amazon ikea target home depot wicker warehouse wayfarer so a lot of e-commerce type websites so really my blog posts are going to be product focused and my goal is just going to be to build out all these different categories white wicker chairs so if we click here indoor wicker chairs outdoor wicker chairs vintage with cushions these are all really popular variations so my goal is going to be to try to rank not only for these main keywords but also for some of these long tail keywords as well so you need to understand what ranks for the targeted keywords on your website and if you don't have a better resource on your website for your targeted keywords you're just not going to rank higher especially over some of these really establishing some of the largest websites on the internet like amazon like wayfair so we'll come to number three you need to make sure you're covering your main website topic and all subtopics comprehensively and you want to link your pages together so for this example i'm going to show you what i'm doing with currently so we're going to open up our spreadsheet my goal is to rank for the keyword floor jacks so this is my little example here and it's a spreadsheet that i'm using to follow along as i'm trying to rank higher for this keyword as you can tell i have about the 70th position for it right now so i have a lot of work to do focus keyword floor jacks my date of completion for all these different articles is going to be december 15th so you can see best floor jacks 3 ton 2 ton 3.5 ton 22 ton heavy duty low profile trolley jacks car jacks hydraulic floor jacks all different variations that people regularly search into google and other search engines so right now i had just have my page published for the best three ton floor jacks and on that page what i'm going to be doing is linking to all these different floor jacks so all these different brands have their own variations of three ton floor jacks and you can see right here i put together a ton of reviews so for every single product i ever review so when someone does come to my page best three ton floor jacks you can see here what i'm going to be doing is i have best three ton floor jacks 2021 product reviews if we come down for right now i just kind of listed the floor jack and then i have read our review so i'm going to be doing this for every single three ton floor jack here so that people can read a specific review for example this k-tool international 3.33 ton so i'm gonna put more information here and images and the actual star review and then a short little description for each individual floor jack i'm gonna have read a review and then a direct link for people to purchase these products from amazon so someone clicks on read our review for this one in particular they're going to come to a page that looks like this and we scroll down i have an overview i have customer reviews best price here keep scrolling down benefits some features product specifications and then throughout the article best price on amazon showing the customer review so you want to make sure that you have really comprehensive content that is not comprehensive at all what i just showed you so again come back over here this is not comprehensive i need more images here i need to write short descriptions for all these different individual products but if we look at a quick example something like wikipedia is has the best comprehensive content so i just did a quick search into google for gutenberg's print printing press and i just wanted to see what came up at the very top and it's wikipedia you could do this search if you don't believe me and when we click here the reason wikipedia ranks so high all the time is because there's so much information for all of these different topics they link out to all these other pages on the wikipedia website and then at the very bottom you have source information for where they're getting all their information from so we keep coming down you're going to see some notes down here you usually have some references so it's a really important lesson here to make sure that you're creating comprehensive content you're linking your pages together if you're ever not sure what to do to rank higher always look at wikipedia i think they're a great example for how to rank much higher in search engines for the topics that you're covering number four is to look for additional keyword and content opportunities through google and youtube so if we come back over here we'll use our floor jacks example so one thing you can do is look at the people also ask section and answer all those questions what are the best floor jacks are floor jack safe what size floor jack do i need you could actually take something like our floor jack safe and turn this into a complete article so you're going to see here this goes to most common life-threatening floor jack safety mistakes so create an article like that you cannot only answer a question like this in your massive guide article for fuller jacks you could have additional content as well that you can link off to from that page going back to our point three linking off to additional content on your website is always going to help with your rankings and then the other thing is look at other things that are ranking in search engines as you're clicking through you can see refined by use so people might be looking for pallet floor jacks transmission floor jacks let's go to page two so on page two as we scroll down you can see right here top six floor jack picks so a youtube video a quick 10 minute video uploaded by power tool buzz and they probably just go over some of their top floor jacks so what i can actually do and this will be another point in ranking higher but what i can actually do is if we come back over to our example here what i can do is create a youtube video and just do something like the 10 best three ton floor jacks go with the top 10 rated ones that we have here show them all in the video show why they're the best ones to show pictures and that will help me drive additional traffic to my website and hopefully just additional traffic directly to my affiliates so coming back over here looking for additional keyword and content opportunities so in the wicker chairs example if we come back over here to wicker chairs we have images here so making sure that you have really optimized images it's just another opportunity there again the local pack that can be helpful but it's not always something that you have an option for if you don't have a local business so always want to be finding new opportunities in terms of long tail keywords and then seeing what is ranking i like this plugin here keywords everywhere so it's completely free you can see it's up here it's keywords everywhere so if you just search google for keywords everywhere you'll find it you can install the free version and every time i search it'll give me related keywords and people also search for so as we scroll down here i can maybe see what a wicker peacock chair is i'm not even sure what that is padded wicker chairs vintage wicker chairs indoor basket chairs so i could try to find some different variations just gives me more ideas and it's ultimately gonna help me rank for this short tail high volume keyword number five make sure you're repurposing and you're marketing your content with social media email marketing guest blogging email outreach even paid advertising so coming over to our example so if i create this youtube video that's a great example of repurposed content to give you a few more examples from other brands that do it really well so nfl network obviously they have 4.1 million people who like their page 4.2 million people follow their page so they have week 10 nfl power rankings so full rankings here so they want you to click on this link and the way they kind of get you to look at this is you list the first five so there's a bunch of other teams here that are not listed 27 other teams are not listed so other fans are going to come in click on the power ranking see why they're ranked in a certain spot and it's really just a simple graphic just like this can help drive more traffic to a certain page on your website another example again we're going to use surfside ppc my facebook i'm not the greatest with social media it's something i'm really trying to improve in 2021 but google ads will begin limiting data the search terms report so i did a youtube video on the topic i have a blog post on the topic and then i have a short 1 minute and 54 second video preview now i get 6 likes only got like about 100 200 views on this video so it's not much but it helps people click on my youtube video go to my blog post and it just helps me drive some additional traffic so looking back at our presentation so social media obviously repurposing content is always going to help you drive more people back to your website or to a youtube channel email marketing obviously you need to build up your email list before you can start marketing any of your content there so you want to start with content once you have built up a good base of content start building your email list and then send out periodic updates guest blogging so you want to find relevant guest blogs this isn't going to work for every niche or industry but for something like marketing it can be really useful email outreach so i get people that email me a lot saying do you want to link to my article do you want to read my article do you want to see my infographic i created this video maybe you can publish it on your page so i get a lot of email outreach and a lot of that works it doesn't always work with me specifically but for other people it really works well especially if you're trying to get more backlinks and you say hey i wrote an article on this topic i think it would be useful for your website visitors if you give me a link i'll share your article on my social media to my 100 000 followers so it's something that you can do to try to get more backlinks and maybe get some influencers or some larger websites with some audiences to try to highlight your brand your business or some of your products paid advertising you can use a variety of paid advertising methods could be something as simple as a boosted facebook post some people use native advertising so there's some different options with paid advertising obviously you have google ads and you have microsoft advertising you could try facebook ads so there's all these different options sometimes i'll get articles promoted to me through linkedin through twitter so there's some different options you can try there with paid advertising it can be useful if you have a high impact page on your website that helps drive revenue for your business number six and seven i'm going to go through pretty quick but use google search console to find additional keyword and ranking opportunities so i have google search console set up for wicker guide but i'm not getting much there yet so if we open up my google search console for floor jack center you can see i still don't get a ton of clicks i mean on average i'm right around 40 per day kind of dropped a little bit here coming back up if we go over to performance the main thing i like to look at is what search terms are driving clicks and impressions i'll usually click on impressions we can click on our average click-through rate in the google search results and our average position which is 30.2 and as we scroll down here we can see over the last three months so two search terms floor jacks floor jack the one that i really want to rank high for you can see my average position 52.9 59.7 total of 12 clicks here really not much at all so it's something i need to improve and i probably need to add how to use a floor jack add an article on my website how to bleed a floor jack add an article on my website so finding all these different ideas american-made floor jack so that's something that's pretty popular especially for people in the united states trying to find an american-made floor jack so if i come back over here to my spreadsheet and we have the articles i want to write one thing i can do is add one here and just do best american made floor jacks so i'm already ranking for that keyword so if i do a large article for the best american made floor jacks figure out which ones are made in america and just rank them based on the rating i have here that's going to help me ultimately use the google search console to find keyword and ranking opportunities and content opportunities so i can keep driving more clicks back to my website last but not least focus on improving your website engagement and your bounce rate so if you start noticing that the more people are visiting your website your bounce rate is getting worse your average session duration is getting worse your pages per session are getting worse it's something you should be alarmed by so you always want to pay attention to all this behavior data because ultimately it's going to help you with your rankings if you can drive more engagement it's a google ranking factor in terms of bounce rate average session duration if someone's going and let's just say for example we'll come back to our searches here let's just say someone clicks through this link to ikea and they're on that page for 10 minutes they go through different pages the bounce rate on the page is maybe very small and then over here with target and this is probably not the case but let's just say someone clicks on target here and they're spending and the average session duration is one minute the average page pages per session is half of what it is for ikea the bounce rate is doubled so eventually what google is going to do is say okay ikea has built a page that people are engaging with much longer than they're doing with this target page so we're going to rank this ikea page higher because it's showing that people are more engaged with it people are finding this page more useful so that's something to keep in mind as you're creating content is you want to make sure people are staying on your website for a while and they're not bouncing too often and as long as some of those metrics here so we'll come back over to google analytics as long as you're seeing improvement for either average session duration or bounce rate i wouldn't be too concerned about it but if you're seeing both get drastically worse then you want to make sure your engagement is improving that people are actually engaging with the content on your website now main takeaways and and this will just be a quick overview but content creation is vital any website i've ever worked on has grown the most when content is being produced consistently it's the same it's the truth with it's the truth with clients i've worked with it's a truth with really any website it's also the same with the surfside ppc youtube channel if i stop creating content for a period of time my views start going down my watch time starts going down so you need to consistently create content in order to grow create better resources than competitors so the content you're creating is going to vary for every industry if i'm creating content for surfside ppc it's different than when i'm creating it for and that's also different than so ultimately what you need to do is understand what's ranking in your industry for the topics you're covering and then create comprehensive helpful and user friendly pages for your targeted keywords if for example in the case of wicker chairs you see a lot of e-commerce websites ranking and it's really just product listings then what i need to do is make sure that i have more written content there that i have better filters and categories that people can easily go to the products that i have more products for sale that i have more subcategories so all of those are very important when search engines are looking at what pages to rank because they want pages that are going to be the easiest for the end user last but not least expand improve and update your content needs to be updated and relevant for today so i'm going to use my for jax example one final time so one article on my website and i purchased this website so i had some content here already but was the best floor jacks reviews i didn't write this article it was published july 17 2018. if we scroll down you can see not a bad looking article and it already has some pretty good content here so basically what i need to do is come in here and update this so i'm going to update this by december 15th with the best floor jacks after i start writing all of my different reviews for the top rated floor jacks that are on amazon and around the internet so that's pretty much it if you have any questions please leave them in the comments section thanks for watching my video today and make sure you subscribe to the server side ppc youtube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 4,198
Rating: 4.8630137 out of 5
Keywords: rank higher, seo, rank higher google, email marketing, content marketing, content marketing strategy, seo keywords, rank higher on google, rank higher in google, rank higher keyword list, rank higher on youtube, seo tutorial, content tutorial, content creation, content strategy, content seo, seo content, rank high, organic traffic, organic search traffic, organic traffic seo, rank higher for your keywords, rank higher for seo keywords
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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