How To Quickly Overclock With Ryzen Master

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hello i am the greying tech a gaming insider and my channel is focused on improving your gaming performance as such a lot of people have asked me to record a smaller more condensed version my amd ryzen tuning guide that's exactly what i'm going to do in this video right here just for you and everybody else before we can actually jump into the magic that is tuning i do have to make sure that we are on the same page in terms of terms when you're looking at ryzen master you're going to see several acronyms and they probably won't always make sense to you at least not at first so let's go over those first up we have ppt this stands for package power tracking simply think of this as how many watts are being delivered to that little socket that you installed your cpu into now the default or a 105 watt tdp that is the amount of thermal energy the default number there for that is 142. if you have a 60 watt tdp cpu the default there is 88. next up we have tdc this is the thermal design current simply think of this as the amount of current that is delivered to the processor at higher temperatures so when it is 70 80 maybe even 90 degrees celsius that range which ryzen really likes to be in so if you see those temperatures that's completely normal at those levels what amount of current should the socket deliver in this case 95 amps is what the default is for the 105 while 60 amps is the default for 65 watts lastly we have edc this is the electrical design current this is the amount of current that's flowing to the processor during high voltage periods of time this is different from high thermal periods of time high voltage period of time think about really using all of your cores simultaneously really pushing the envelope on what that processor can do 140 is the default the 105 with 90 for the 65. now i mentioned two separate classes of processors a 105 watt and a 65 watt what are those well the 105 watts are basically the 30 80 and higher 5080 and higher class cpus we have this really weird one in the middle though the 3600 x and the 3600 xt or 95 watts i would treat them as a 105 and basically go from there the 65 watts are basically yours 65 watts are basically your 3700 x and below or your 5700 g and below so you can see the difference there it kind of splits rather nicely between the two generations and two classes of chips so if you have multi-cores and a lot of high core counts chances are you're 105 if you have a single encore die chances are you're 65. that's an easy way to tell now that we have the homework out of way i want you to do something critical i want you to right click on your taskbar and choose task manager click start up and i want to see everything here in status i just clicked on this status i want to see all of these disabled why this will not only save you a little bit of boot up time but it will also prevent a lot of these extra services from taking up precious tuning bandwidth we need to make sure that we're getting the most accurate measurement possible in order to properly tune the ryzen chip any of these could interfere in that process so turn all of this off now in order to get ready we have to download two pieces of software the first of course is ryzen master this is the amd overclocking utility some utilities will look like this this is a slightly older version the newer version kind of looks like this you're going to want to click this advanced view so that you actually get the full on performance view like this down at the bottom of the page is the download you simply download and install the second item that you need i am going to recommend using sinbench r23 that is release 23 this utility will allow you to run an artificial benchmark that fully stresses all the cores and one single core this will allow you to also adjust items in ryzen master when the benchmark is running unlike 3dmark and i think passmark as well this is simply a matter of downloading this as well and running the install once you have sent bench installed go ahead and start it then i want you to go to file advanced benchmarks and by default this will be set to 10 minutes i want you to set the minimum test duration to off this is necessary for the next round of testing that we are going to do this just gets you prepared next we got to jump into the bios in order to make some very strategic changes this is an asus bios and i'm going to go over to extreme tweaker and right here you can see docp standard this is what makes your ram operate at its full frequency i want you to go ahead and enable this option just turn it on to docp default one whichever one it is that's the one that we're going to use and that will help us going forward next up we need to search for the voltage control for the cpu and the soc i want you to go ahead and set these to auto if you've made changes if you've adjusted them it's okay set it to auto for now you can always go back and adjust again later once those two values are in place you might be tempted to go into extreme tweaker pbo but instead on this asus motherboard we have to go to advanced and find amd overclocking you have to find the amd specific section in order to access the curve optimizer except the warning saying hey you might destroy your system you won't next we're going to find precision boost overdrive and then we will actually be able to adjust our curve optimizer the curve optimizer is a way to decrease the voltage in a dynamic way it is preconfigured pretty much by amd and you're just needing to set the magnitude of change if you're here and you see pbo on it auto enabled you might have to go to manual or advanced in order to actually find curve optimizer this is also the area where you will hard code the values that we find later so they're always in place for you so keep in mind where you found this you will have to make these changes down the road you can see here i have everything else kind of in the auto or zero format including cpu boost inside a curve optimizer you're going to set the curve to all cores you're going to go negative and i want you to use 15. this is in between the highest which is 30 and the lowest which is zero this gives you a good baseline to start save your changes reset your machine and then let's get to testing and then once you have set the bios and the first level of curve optimization now it's time to go ahead and start kicking things off so let's go ahead and bring up ryzen master and i want you to go ahead and enable a default configuration now you might have to come right here and change the name this is creator mode or something i just label it default you click default and then click apply now because we're already using pbo we have enabled that in the bios by clicking default you're just going to run into these standard settings anyways then go ahead and click home so that you can see all of this temperature peak speed these are self-explanatory here is your ppt with the percentage that is being used go ahead and ignore cpu and sock power here is your tdc again with the percentage of this being used lastly here is the percentage and the amount of used for your edc and then down in this section if it's collapsed you simply click on those little parts you'll see the actual cores that are being used and you will see the ones that are being actively used whenever you are running sin bench so this is going to give you all of the information that you need to test to test if your curve optimization setting is working i want you to first run the cpu multi-core test by clicking start right here when that completes run the single core right here if your system crashes now we know that we have to back off our curve optimization setting so instead of negative 15 we would go to negative 10. if negative 10 still crashes we would go to negative 5. conversely if you are successfully able to complete both of these runs i want you to increase that number so we'll go from negative 15 to negative 20. if negative 20 is still stable i want you to go to negative 25 down to negative 30. 30 is the max essentially so you have a range of 0 to 30 for your negative curve optimization offset simple enough i want you to run this until you find failure i want you to run it until your system will restart at that point back off five what does that mean let's say that you run a test at negative 30 and your system finally crashes you're going to back off by 5 to negative 25 and then leave it there if you want to see how i really push the envelope and get negative 25 for my 3dmark scores and so some of the other benchmarks that i run check out the full ryzen master tutorial link down below and playlist right above now once you have a solid feel of your curve optimization it's time to actually start dialing these values in so i'm going to create another profile and i'm just going to simply call this pbo i'm going to turn on precision boost overdrive and then you can see i have various values in here now where i want you to start is the same default values so if we click home just for a reminder we can see 142 for ppt we can see 95 and 141 and then for edc i'm going to put in 141 if you try to put in the exact value and hit apply it tells you hey you're using the exact values that we would use so it won't let you do that kind of annoying but if you just incrementally change one of those values by one it'll allow you to apply okay a little bit of an annoyance but celebi i want you to start here with ppt now i have seen this value at 100 around 200 and so that's where i'm going to recommend that you start the goal here is to get ppt at 100 overall how are we going to do that we're going to start multi-core with a 10-minute duration right here start this is going to put significant stress on your thermal solution on your power delivery on your cpu that's why we start here back over here to ryzen and we can see temperature right now is 60 our 200 is at 70 meaning it's not using the full amount so we can back this number off in order to decrease our ppt which is what i'm going to recommend that we do right here so let's say 170 and hit apply back to home and now you can see we're at 82 percent of 170. so you're not seeing significant differences with ppt things really aren't changing all that much so now let's move over to tdc you can see at 95 we're at 100 percent so let's increase that because chances are it's going to want to use more i recommend changing in increments of 20. so 95 plus 20 is one one five apply back to home okay we're at 100 still at 115. now look what happened to our ppt 99 of 170 so something now is going on with ppt so let's increase that again again we're going to increment by 20 okay ppt now is not maxed but our tdc is still maxed as this fluctuates as the multi-core is doing things things are going to happen now one thing i want to immediately point out we're already almost 200 megahertz higher than we were when we started this we went from a little less than four gigahertz to a little bit less than 4.2 so we're already making incremental improvements here tdc is at 100 at 115. let's increase that again by 20. 84.95 what happened to ppt 100 so that means we go back here and we have to increase it at 210 now 96 good we're still at 100 for tdc though see that so then we have to increase our tdc notice our temperature is going higher but so is our frequency look right here 4.3 now if you enjoy gaming performance content consider clicking that like button maybe even subscribing if you're already a subscriber please visit the greying tech to learn how you can help me pay it forward changing those two numbers right here and right here we're now 300 megahertz higher on a multi-core benchmark all right tdc we're going to increase that by 20. that's 55. all right see we're 90 now we're 100 on our ppt not too much change here that so let's increase our ppt again and this might be our last ppp change before we need to start dialing into edc okay so we're not pegged at a hundred not pegged at a hundred okay so that means this right here is our throttle see it's even saying i'm using 106 percent of this 141 meaning it wants more so let's give it some more take note 4.4 so let's increase our edc units of 20 and we're not 100 98 100 what happened we went down so we gave it more edc and it went down so at this point this is where things become more art then science i have two values ppt and edc that are both at one hundred percent now i increased my edc it went over 100 but it also caused this it to go to 100 and my temperature significantly higher and i lost frequency you have to interpret that that means i increased edc and i lost frequency let's see what happens when we increase edc again just to test and find out and we're at 180 now and it went in the opposite direction see that okay so let's reverse course let's bring this down back to 140 where it was and see what happens it increased see that my ppt is now slightly less than this so now i'm starting to see a relationship here if i increase edc my ppt has to go higher that's what we just witnessed so let's increase edc again and ppt at the same time and see what happens i lost see not as high tdc is chilling it's doing okay ept is not as high right so we've allowed this to go max edc is at 100 so let's see if we push that a little bit more what happens maxed again lower number not maxed not maxed maxed but a lower number so this is the balancing act this is the art see i'm also at my thermal limit which thermal limit on a water cooled system if you're able to hit that pretty impressive not gonna lie so let's back off our edc our best number was 140 and we're instantly back up so let's drop our ppt back down because we don't want it basically able to go as high as it wants we want it to be roughly where it's supposed to be so we're just on the cusp good we're just on the cusp good now this is still saying 106. so let's increase this just a little bit and see what happens what do i mean by a little bit this time i'm going to do a unit of 10. okay so now we're 101 of 150 and i'm looking right here right i want to see all of these cores where they go now this is this is off by roughly 15 megahertz give or take so when i'm increasing my edc i'm getting lower frequency what happens if i go in the other direction i lost more see that ppt came down power and temp basically came down with that my tdc came down so there is the big thing what i have consistently found is edc is your governor edc is what really impacts these other variables temperature ppt and tdc this number here likes to be just a little bit higher than stock so if i set that to 145 you can see i'm almost instantly back up to where i was my ppt my tdc and my temperature you can see everything here is kind of pushing the limit okay so now that we have our three numbers from ryzen master your ppt your tdc your edc those three numbers plus your curve optimizer i want you to take those three numbers and we're going to go back to the bios to actually write them down you can save this profile and you can apply it each and every time you boot your system it will not stay if you make the change in the bios though it will be a permanent thing it will always boot into those values so there's my conclusion with curve optimizer you are going to see the biggest advantage for gaming out of all of this that's why we did it first so once you have a stable curve optimizer you can move on to ppt then move on to tds e you want those two values to pretty much be 100 percent with the maximum frequency that you're going to get if you dial in just those three values you're going to get the majority of the performance you need for gaming if you want go ahead and move into edc it typically is going to be around the default value to begin with particularly if you have curve optimizer properly set up and dialed in edc to me is optional it does tend to govern the actions of the other ones what i mean by that it is going to be what controls if the values themselves go slightly higher or slightly lower that's why i just say leave it at the default value so bring it over into the bios like right here you're going to type in all three of these values you're going to save this bios profile and then every time you reboot your system these settings are going to be in place and you're going to be good to go
Channel: TheGrayingTech
Views: 201,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Graying Tech, TheGrayingTech, Pay It Forward, ryzen overclocking guide, ryzen master overclocking, ryzen master tutorial, ryzen master guide, ryzen master precision boost overdrive, how to overclock ryzen, overclocking guide, next gen ryzen, how to overclock 2nd generation ryzen, beginners guide to overclocking, amd ryzen overclocking guide, how to overclock an amd cpu, how to overclock amd cpu, amd ryzen master overclocking guide, ryzen 5800x overclocking guide
Id: F205IDSXoMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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