How To Quickly Import MKV Files To Premiere Pro & After Effects [Without VLC]

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you can now effortlessly import your mkv files in premiere pro and after effects [Music] as you might know both adobe premiere pro and after effects don't support the mkv video format it's impossible to import mkv files into these video editing programs without changing the video format from mkv to mp4 a majority of users rely on the vlc media player to convert mkv files to mp4 however performing this conversion using the vlc media player is a very time consuming and resource intensive process consequently i would advise you to install the software x media recode to convert mkv to mp4 within seconds you can download this program on your pc using the first link in the description of this video once downloaded simply follow the on-screen instructions to install the program on your pc for the sake of this tutorial i will convert a 2.5 gigabytes mkv file to mp4 to use this program drag your mkv file into x media recode and select the file by clicking on it ensure that the format and the file extension are set to mp4 next select video and audio under the output stream type and lastly check audio video synchronization now select the output folder i will be saving my converted file on the desktop once you have completed the aforementioned steps open the video tab and in the mode drop down menu select copy do the exact same thing with audio your mkv file is now ready to be converted to mp4 finally press add to queue and click on encode you can now effortlessly import your mkv files in premiere pro and after effects i always try to make simple and quick tutorials for video editors filmmakers and all sorts of content creators if this video helped you in any way then consider subscribing thanks for watching
Views: 193,559
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Keywords: import mkv to premiere pro, mkv premiere pro 2020, how to import mkv file in after effects, adobe premiere pro mkv plugin, tutorial, adobe premier pro, mkv, import mkv, open mkv, premiere pro, after effects tutorial, how to, import mkv file, xmedia recode, mkv to mp4, premiere pro mkv import, mkv to mp4 without vlc, .mkv, .mkv to .mp4, How To Quickly Import MKV Files To Premiere Pro
Id: he8TEnV-5EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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