How To Quickly Get Your EPIC Gear From STV PvP - Season of Discovery

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here's everything you need to know about the new stringle Thorn PVP event it has already been changed and nerfed we'll get into that in a second but this will give you a breakdown of everything you need to know so that you can Farm your epic gear at level 40 you can Farm These before level 40 you can go there right now be aware though you will be mobbed by a ton of higher level players either way this is what you need to do the event actually triggers like a little bit into the timer right like it's like 3:00 on the server for a little bit and then the event triggers all of the mobs in booty Bay like all of the guards will become just neutral they won't do anything if you start attacking people and then it is a massive blood bath if you want to do this efficiently I highly suggest grouping up in a group of five or more but each time you get a kill you will be rewarded with these Bloods so you can see the debuff below me that shows how many Bloods I have I have seen a range of 5 to 25 Bloods rewarded per kill and once you reach 255 this is the maximum you will need to turn these in and they will be translated to blood coins and these will give you a rate of one copper coin for every blood you turn in 100 copper coins turns into a silver coin 100 silver coins turns into a gold coin which will then buy you the mount but most gear just requires 5 to 15 of those silver coins meaning you actually don't need a ridiculous amount if you want to buy your epic gear at level 40 whenever you die there is an NPC called The Chain Spirit there is a ton of these all around the zone and there's a ton more actual graveyards or spawn points you can get around the Zone instead of the normal graveyards but if you talk to the chain Spirit they will resurrect you at Max HP instantly you'll have full Mana full HP you won't have your pets back and there's a few other things but the original version of this on launch actually released you being just farmable by everyone when the game actually launched this version of the SCV event everyone just sat in front of the graveyards and just killed people on repeat to just stack these Bloods now there is a debuff in the game so as soon as you resurrect no matter where you resurrect you will have a debuff for one whole minute this means that you will not be giving any Bloods to anyone that kills you for one minute but you can kill other people and you will get Bloods from them also be aware this is like fully freefor all if people are your same faction they are also your enemy anyone outside of your group and I would again suggest doing this in fiveman groups it is way more efficient if you're doing this solo it can be quite a struggle to get a good amount of Bloods now as soon as you getting to that 200 Mark of the Bloods or as high as you even want to go we're going to want to figure out where one of the Alters of the Lowa are here is a map on the screen right now and if you open up your map you will see all of these Alters all you need to do is run near one of these altars and you will actually drop all of your Bloods and they will be converted to coins it is literally instant all you need to do just run near them and then you're good you can actually find people a lot of times farming these altars they're usually groups stacked around them so be aware you might need to stealth or get to them in any way you can but once you get there you will have refreshed all of your Bloods and now you can go far more now because of the one minute debuff that they added into the game you want to always know noce if someone has this on them because if you just take them down right away you won't get any rewards there is also a world boss in the game named kumu you see him right now whenever you are near him he will give you a buff that will allow you to receive extra Bloods from everyone you attack but he will on-shot literally everyone notice as he just did it if you get anywhere close to him he will One-Shot you and he will stack ears on himself I think eventually we'll be able to down him but I would suggest you absolutely stay away from him right now and if you don't want to participate in this event there are two zandalari emissaries that you can talk to that will give you a buff that makes it so that you do not reward anything from the event meaning that you won't be hostile to anyone of your own faction although the entire zone is full of people so other faction will be there and they will still probably fight you even though you aren't giving rewards and if you have bloods on you at the end of the event don't worry you can still turn in all of these Bloods you just need to go to an alter the locations won't be marked on your Maps anymore but if you go to the gurubashi arena which is usually kind of still a Warfield then you can actually turn these in and talk to the event NPC that will sell you all of your items that being said this is where you can get all of your items you have to click on your copper coins to turn them into silver coins to be able to buy anything but it's really inexpensive if you can be efficient before the Nerf before before they put in the debuff where you can't Farm people at the graveyard every second people were able to get up to 800 to 1,500 which is like 15 silver coins in one event now past the event if you are in a good group I've seen people get more than 600 of these so six silver coins but realistically it will take significantly longer to get your epic gear now that the changes are in effect and if you're playing solo it is a lot harder so here are some quick tips make sure that you're always check checking if you are going to get sandwiched especially if you're in a group or if you're solo if you are Solo just go for the killing blow that is what's going to reward you with the blood if you don't want to PVP but want to farm these go into the open world and farm any of the NPCs in the zone they will give you one blood per kill but if you get killed you will lose some of your Bloods so it might be a little bit inefficient if you are in a group try to coordinate and cut off a choke point don't Farm a graveyard because all of those people will just fight you you but they will not reward you with anything they have the one minute debuff which is really really long if you are a little bit away from the graveyard somewhere like a choke point on the road then you can intercept people or interject with people that are already fighting and take them all down of course you want to Nuke healers as fast as you can and kind of defend your back line but also be really really afraid of these three classes boomkins Shadow priest and Beast Mastery Hunters with I should also probably mention that a melee Hunter can delete you but they shouldn't be able to get in range of you but if you run into a shadow priest they can basically One-Shot you with Shadow or death if you run into a boomkin they still have a large range on their nukes so those are the classes that are by far the scariest to deal with right now and after the event ends if you do die after the event ends you will actually have to go back to one of the normal Resurrection zones so one of the normal graveyards these are like very far away from where you usually are so just fear that don't try not to die after the Zone cuz you'll have to run back and it will take quite a while but if you leave the zone you still do have all of your coins you don't need to worry about that your coins are in your inventory you can turn them into silver coins or copper coins or gold coins at any time and you will stack these up forever and with that being said good luck to everybody in the STV event it is incredibly fun if you are in a group probably really frustrating if you're playing solo and honestly I think we're going to see some more changes coming to it this week which I'll try to keep you all updated to as soon as that happens if you like this and want to help me on my journey to 100,000 subscribers please subscribe to the channel uh I love you guys yeah have a good weekend this has been such a fun launch and I'm very curious to see what everyone's having fun with and experimenting with and what the changes will be next week all right bye
Channel: Sarthe
Views: 102,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow classic, sarthe, sarthe wow, stranglethorn pvp, stv pvp, stv pvp event, stv pvp event sod, stv pvp event guide, stranglethorn epic guide, stv pvp epic guide, phase 2 pvp guide, phase 2 pvp tier list, sod phase 2 pvp, sod phase 2 pvp tier list, sod phase 2 pvp guide, sod phase 2 pvp gear, sod phase 2 stv, sod phase 2 pvp event, season of discovery phase 2, season of discovery phase 2 guide, season of discovery phase 2 pvp, stv pvp event explained, wow classic stv pvp
Id: Jp6kt6I4GSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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