How To Put Sliding Security Screen Door Back on Tracks

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I'm going to show you how to place a sliding door  back on its tracks when it's been kicked off.   First tip is we're not going to adjust  the rollers on the bottom of the screens,   we want to make sure we do the adjustments on  the top rollers. So here we can see we've got the   rollers at the top from the outside we actually  want to go in from the inside to adjust them.   You'll need a Phillips head screwdriver because  we need to get this wheel down to be able to put   it back in its tracks as they're spring-loaded.  So what you just need to do is put your Phillips   head screwdriver anti-clockwise to get this in  a spring motion. So it's handy if you've got   some extra hands to help if it's a heavy door  which in this case it is. So what we're going   to do now is put the door back on its tracks, but  first I need to go down and if the bottom wheel is   locked we need to leave it locked, otherwise we  simply just push up the spring wheel to inside the   frame so it makes it easier for us and we simply  now put the top of the frame inside the top track and put it on the track   and now we have the sliding door back on its  tracks. And we've just got to now adjust the   top wheels to make it nice and secure and now  we turn clockwise to tighten and adjust the   rollers in the top of the frame. And now we've  got the sliding screen door back on its tracks.
Channel: SP Screens
Views: 99,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lwvNjDeN_os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 50sec (110 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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