How to Push and Launch a Character in Unreal Engine 5

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what's up guys welcome to new unbrew engine pipe tutorial today going to show you on how to push and launch a character in a certain direction it's gonna be a very easy view to follow so let's get started alright so the first thing I want to do is create our dummy so we can push it of course if you already have a sort of enemy that you want to use you can use that one and skip this step but I'm gonna quickly make it so just right click go into blueprint class character MVP underscore as a launch a tooth for example let's go ahead and open the blueprint I'm going to use apply a mesh so let me just uh go in here and put Queen simple for example and then this in my s89 and minus 19 for the basically in position and then Queen ABB Queen so has an iron animation great in terms of that we don't have to touch anything we just compile save and close so now we can drag it into the scene and it's right there maybe it's looking at us and that's it so now we'll have to do is go into our third person cat to blueprint let's go into the event graph you just find a place so in my case let's do them when I press the End Key I will basically push him um yes why I'm using the Anki well because I have a lot of keys already used in this part um yeah that's basic reason anyway let's get this I'm going to do is a sphere Trace um for objects so basically it will make an invisible sphere that will go from one place to another one let's start to the end and we'll detect the object that we can we have just hit so we can just get the full camera and just get the world location and that will be our starting point and then we want to get the world rotation because we want to get the forward Vector so basically where the camera is right now looking so now what we can do is basically times this by right click convert into float so basically this is the distance that will be able to detect enemies okay so let's put this number a thousand now don't confuse this with a distance that will push the enemy this is the distance so we'll be able to push if that makes sense now let's get the location and basically add it with this other vector and that will give us the end position now in the radius let's put something as 30 for example and then the object types you just go ahead and say make array and basically this is the options that we can find in our case normally pawns will be always characters in a real engine now return values make a branch so basically we'll only continue we actually hit something now the out head we can do is it says break hit and now we'll basically get all the information about what we have hidden now user testers we're going to do is put this for duration so if I go and press play you'll see that when I press n you will have a sphere Trace happening from the camera location into work I'm basically facing so in that case I will be detecting you can see the enemy I will be pushing maybe a thousand is too much so you can change that for me you put it total is okay now and the convenience here is that we can just not get the hit actor that we have here and then you say launch character because we have to directly cast into it so this is to cast to launch character or whatever was your character now yes we could you know we could create interface so we don't have to cast into individual actors but for the you know Simplicity for this throw I'm just gonna quickly cast and now we can do is just use this note which is launch character this will basically Supply a force into the whole character in a certain direction and with a velocity so let's say that for example I put a thousand in set access so he'll just launch upwards so this will it should work so if I go here I basically press n and boom he goes upwards and down great it works but now it has to be with the direction that we are looking so what we can do is just get again the well in this case it will not be from the camera and actually yes it will be let's wait for a camera so actually let's just get default camera a wall rotation and for vector and actually we also want to get this time scene because it's basically Force so we want to actually just copy this press Q so everything has a mind and now we can just pass that into the velocity directly and you will see that it will apply some force in the four Vector now let's see what happens here so if I put this and press play you're gonna go here and press n you can see that is slowly pushing it backwards but of course this is two less so I guess that we have crank this up maybe Into 5K and let's see how that does let's go here press n yeah that's way better so in order to make it also look a bit better and launching the character a bit up and what we can do is just go ahead and right click and split it so we have the axis individually so on here what we can do is just go and plug uh just display this we can put the x in x y and Y but for the set what we can do is add this value so for example 8 000 more 100 no thousand more there we go let's plug it in now you will see that it will also go a bit up so you can see what maybe it's not very visible but it has to be a bit higher uh yes let's do five thousand just to make sure it's working uh let me go here okay yeah that that works there's way too much um maybe 2K I mean before it was two okay also you have to remember that maybe is a bit more because of the friction right so you have to be careful with this maybe I have to drop this bit down to three but then I can increase this to four something like that you know you get the idea and now it's just playing with values to get what you want this is way too much uh maybe yes maybe two okay here I mean honestly I don't know it's just playing with values made that's way too much and but you have to remember that there's friction happening so um you know because we are playing so many so much for sorry into the character it might be going too much up too much down you know you go ahead and play with that how you want but I think this value will work pretty good yeah that works you can see we're pushing there we go so basically a thousand into you know his where we're looking and then adding an extra 700 up worse so that's it guys if you found it so helpful or will appreciate the Glide video And subscribe to my channel I have lots of unbrew engine 5 tutorials so if you want to go ahead and check them out go ahead and you can see I can look backwards and then I'll apply the force if you want you can change it from default camera to be basically just the mesh just by dragging that so it's not where your camera is looking but when your character side to your face maybe you prefer that ages a taste uh so just like And subscribe check out my other tutorials and yeah now yes this domain is closer too I don't can't even talk and now yes plus [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 13,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, push player, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine push character, push enemy unreal engine 5, ue5 launch character, ue5 push npc tutorial, ue5 how to make a player push, unreal engine 5 apply force to player, unreal engine 5 push with direction, unreal engine 5 player force, unreal engine 5 how to make a player push a character, unreal engine 4, ue4, unreal engine 5 push and launch character tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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