How to Pump Gas | Dad, How Do I?

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hey kids so today i'm going to show you how to pump gas uh i needed to get gas up early when i was going to fish with my brother early on and thankfully it was early enough i was able to pull up set up my tripod and kind of uh go through what it normally looks like without you know drawing attention to myself so so that i'm working out really well you know there's going to be a little bit uh variations on on it but this is a basic way to do it uh you know sometimes when you're when you're using the pump handle uh there's different ways they clip there sometimes there's a clip on the back that clips and then sometimes there's a clip right below the handle that clips to keep the gas flowing uh and then i show you what it looks like with that um there's a on the nozzle there's a thing that needs to push you're not gonna push that with your hand you're gonna push it into your gas tank and then push it down that's how that's how that works it's just a safety mechanism so uh yeah i think that's all i wanted to cover and you might have to actually go in and pay for your gas right compared to uh what i did i paid with my credit card right at the pump i'm trying to think if there's anything else that might be a little different but you know nonetheless it's going to be a just kind of a walk through to show what that looks like in case you've never done it before but first we have a dad joke for you so uh did you hear about the guys that broke in and stole a whole bunch of red bull i don't know how those people sleep at night ah so anyway here we go so it looks like i need to get gas a little bit below half tank but since gas is so pricey now i like to try to keep it filled up so if you look at this too see the fuel door that showed that arrow there a lot of people don't know this that little arrow there shows me which side my gas tank is on so when you pull in you want to pull in where that's on the the for me um the gas tank is on the on the left so i pull in where the gas pumps are on the left to make it easy okay as you can see i'm pulling in here with the gas pump on the left okay to open my uh tank the the cover i need to actually flip this open okay see that pop it open okay now i gotta pay for the gas and i just use my card it's actually asking if i'm if i'm a reward customer okay putting my card removing my card now i'm selecting uh how much my discount is because i have a certain amount so let me see what i want to do okay so ready to go also you have different levels of octane this is 87 this is 89 this is 92. this is just the regular this is mid-grade and then this is premium i almost always get regular and then i'll add stuff to the tank occasionally too not every time uh and then you gotta pay attention make sure you're not putting diesel in your car unless you have a diesel of course but that's usually highlighted with a green handle okay so i just take it like this and i open this up okay and then i take the pump stick that in there and you got to push this in make sure you push that in push it in put it down okay and now i got to select the fuel grade so i put i put 87 in and then you got this lever here to hold it okay so you need to push that down and then you flip that lever in and just let it run okay so you just want to keep an eye on it too because i have had this pop out on me but we're just going to let it run and then once it actually clicks off as long as i know it's kind of basically full for me you don't top it off you actually leave it like that and i have on my other car i was topping it off and then it ended up there's something in it where it built up and then i had to actually take it into the shop to get it fixed because it was not good for it to actually top it off so yeah you just want to make sure because sometimes it'll top off it'll click off early and you just want to let it let it go until it's actually full so so now we're waiting um unfortunately the price of gas is a fortune right now hopefully that'll that'll change for us here before too long so i want to make sure to capture this so you can see what it's like when it clicks off so otherwise i'd be showing you the pump i can show you the pump afterwards i guess so you can see how much what a fortune i paid for for gas today it's pretty painful okay so there we go so it clicked off i'm not going to touch it now i'm actually going to take it out and put it back so i'm going to show you that here i'll back up all right so you just lift up and take it out okay and then you're putting it here and just put it back in here and you're done there okay but now with this okay so when you put this back you want to make sure that you push this in all the way okay and then you turn it till it clicks like that okay so when you remove it you just pull it out but when you put it in you make sure that you click it okay because that lets you know that it's actually on there and make sure you you make sure it's threaded right so that so that it is seated but then also make sure it clicks too okay now we just close it okay so you can see the fortune that i might can't okay so that was that i just paid that much for that pretty painful you see that so that's diesel and you can see it says diesel it's green they highlight it because you don't want to put that in your in your tank if you got just a regular uh gas motor okay so we're going to start up the car let's see if uh the tank goes back up the full all right so there it is full tank now it's kind of run through its diagnostics maintenance required but that's going to go off once it uh gets going got my seat belt light on because i haven't put that on yet but we're ready to go all right so i hope that was helpful for you like i said you know it's going to vary a little bit for your experience but at least this is a walk through for you to kind of see uh what that feels like and and how to go about that in case you've never done it before just to kind of give you a little bit of familiarity so alright so thanks for watching and god bless you
Channel: Dad, how do I?
Views: 32,455
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Keywords: dad how do I, dad how do I?, dad how do I youtube, dad how do I? youtube, youtube dad how do I, youtube dad how do I?, papa como lo hago, rob kenney, rob kenney youtube, youtube rob kenney, dadvice, how to, papa como lo hago ron kenney, dad how do I rob kenney, rob kenney dad how do I, dad how do I do, pump gas
Id: XoMzQ0tKEeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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