How to Create Your Own Template for Any Substrate

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[Music] good morning everyone this is Liane from of Levin shiplap and the founder of stub that sublimation graphics head tutorials here on Facebook if you're joining us on YouTube please be sure to come join our Facebook group and if you're catching us live on Facebook don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel those links are in the video description depending on where you're watching today I'm going to be showing you how to create your own template for just about any substrate now there's a few reasons why I'm doing this tutorial the first is because there is an alarming number of people who apparently do not know how to use a ruler so I'm going to first you know go over the basics of how to measure simple substrates and determine what what basic shape would be used for those and I will of course show you guys how to how to translate that into your design program and then the other is that for stuff that's a custom shape you know you might not have a template and if you're doing something like like this photo panel obviously if you put a photo here you don't want the letters to cut off the top of it if it's something important so having a template for something like this is beneficial for your own design work and also if you're a supplier um you should be offering templates and your template should not be this scanned in on the computer and calling that good like to me that's kind of a poor customer service point if you do that because a scanned PDF or a PNG does not give people a a fillable vector file that they can actually use for their own printing so if you are selling blanks and you know blanks suppliers in general should be giving you templates most of the major companies do provide templates it's just we have so many smaller sellers now and some of them have unique products that they cut and they're the ones who don't have templates so if you find yourself with that one or if you're selling blanks you need to make one then this is the video for you um the other reason you might want templates is if you're a designer and you just want to try and meet the meet the design needs of for those who are selling blanks I know that's one of the things that I use templates for so I'm going to be showing you guys how to do that and fill your template make it nice and easy I promise that this is really easy I'm gonna be showing it to you in affinity designer but I will just lightly go over a few things that you can take note of and also do in programs like silhouette or Inkscape I'm not gonna be covering those specifically because they are not well silhouette is not a graphic design program and you're just gonna get more use out of something like inkscape photoshop affinity designer or corel and this process is pretty universal no matter what program you're using now affinity designer is of course my program of choice and we have the most videos on that so I'm going to show you that nice and easy I promise this will not be painful and you guys will be so confident in making your own templates whether it's for something that's simple or something that's more complex so I'm gonna go ahead and turn you guys around and we'll kind of go through the different types of substrates and I will show you guys how to measure them and then we'll go on to the tracing and scanning and show you guys how to use all that on your computer so let's go ahead and see what we're working with most sublimation substrates are pretty straightforward shapes for example as I already showed you the wallet we can see that that space is a rectangle this puzzle is a rectangle this notepad holder is a square this barrette is a circle so setting up a template for these is really as simple as measuring them and entering and using the shape tool in whatever design program you're using and setting it to the measurements which we get now I see a lot of people who will ask in groups what the measurements are for different items it's important that you measure everything yourself in the manufacturing world there's always variances in the size of items so with that in mind you might have 10 of these puzzles that you bought from the same supplier and wherever that supplier got it in the manufacturing process they could be an eighth of an inch quarter of an inch maybe even a half an inch off this might not seem like such a big deal until you print your transfer and it's a quarter of an inch too short and then you have a white line right here and you just wasted a $2.00 puzzle in the world of business we don't really want to be wasting money you know and having all these extra losses because these are supplies that we could have been selling if you don't know how to read a ruler you're not alone however you do need to learn I mean that in the nicest way possible but the reality of it is is that in this in this entire niche in this tyre industry you have to be able to measure to determine the size of your designs to determine the size of the templates you need to make or even what size to size different things so you need to know how to read a ruler or a tape measure now I personally always use a tape measure because a lot of substrates are bigger than 12 inches I'm just using this generic Stanley power/lock tape measure about like five of them and if you don't know how to read the lines on a ruler first I'll just tell you what they are the shortest ones sorry is a little bit of glare the shortest ones are one sixteenth the ones in between it are 1/8 the longer ones are 1/4 and then the longest one of course is 1/2 or the one-inch mark now you can um you can buy a ruler or a tape measure that has these little lines marked for you they're available on Amazon they're around twelve thirteen dollars if you just search tape measure with measurements on it it will give you what you're looking for if you don't want to have to deal with trying to convert fractions into decimals all the time you can actually get a digital tape measure which has a little screen right here that when you pull your tape measure out it's gonna give you the reading so I don't have any of that obviously because I do know how to read a tape measure so I'm gonna go ahead and measure our puzzle just to give you guys night yeah so this one is 7 and 1/8 by 5 and 3/16 which I would just round that up to 5 and 1/4 to make things a little bit easier so we're gonna go ahead and write down our measurements just so we have them got a piece of paper here so we had 5 and 1/4 by 7 and I think it was just 7 & 8 right we're gonna measure it again okay yeah 7 money okay so decimal wives that's gonna be five point two five by seven point two five inches for our puzzle now what we're gonna do with those measurements is we're going to open up our design program and we're going to select our shape tool now it doesn't matter what program you're using you're going to have that shape tool so I'm gonna switch you over the computer and I'll show you that and then we'll come back and I'll talk to you guys about measuring or creating templates for odd size substrates over on our computer I'm going to show you how to use the shape tool to create your template in silhouette Inkscape and affinity designer so the first thing that we want to do is resize our workspace to be the same size that our print page is going to be because our puzzle measurements were five point two five inches by seven point one to five inches a letter size page will suffice so we'll click on our page setup panel and we'll go ahead and modify this for an eight and a half by eleven page now this is the page size that will be printed you want to make sure that this also matches up with your print setup so we'll do file print page setup and make sure that letter is selected next we're going to use our shape tool to create the basic shape that our puzzle is all design programs have two sets of shape tools you'll find your basic shape tool which is circles squares rectangles and then your custom shape tools which can vary depending on the program that you're using we will go ahead and select our draw a rectangle tool and simply click and drag we're going to make these the correct measurements up in our measurement section of our navigation bar so I will do the width to be 5 0.25 and the height to be that 7 point 1 to 5 that we measured so this is the exact dimensions of our puzzle but anytime you're making a template that you want to be filling and you want to be able to save it for future use you need to also extend expand your design into a bleed space so what we're going to do is we're going to right click and duplicate our rectangle and then we're going to increase the size by half an inch both the height and the width so we'll go right up here and the width will be 0.75 and 0.65 for the height now to make this easy to see I'm going to click over here on my line color panel and select blue and I'm just going to go ahead and increase that line thickness as well we will Center these together momentarily but the first part is that we need to add our background or our design so for today I'm going to be doing the background separately because I'm just applying a background to InDesign that I already have but if you were importing a photograph you would import it and it make sure you expand it to the blue line and then Center your red box over top so I'll show you that in just a second for right now I'm just gonna move our red box out of the way I'm going to go to file and then merge I'm gonna choose a generic wood digital paper background just size this down a little bit now we can't tell obviously because the blue is behind it so we'll right-click on that blue rectangle and we'll pick bring to front and now we'll move this back behind it and we will Center it where we would like in order to divide this the shape which you want to divide needs to be in the back so we're gonna right click that blue again or we'll white click our digital paper it doesn't really matter which you choose and we're gonna make sure that the digital paper is on top with the rectangle below so I'm going to select bring to front I'm going to click and drag to make sure I both item selected open up our modify panel and hit divide we can remove the excess part and now this is our background all the way to the bleed edge so we're going to bring that red back and we're going to bring to front so that we can see it we will right click and drag we're gonna hit that Center tool to make sure that it's centered and I'll zoom in so you guys can see that a little bit better so now we've made sure that our background is the exact size to that bleed edge we're gonna go to file in merge again and we're gonna bring in our file that we want to put the design in the middle so as I mentioned a lot of people do photos on puzzles for this tutorial I'm just keeping it easy and I'm going to use this week's free design of the week if you haven't gotten it be sure to head over to my website WWF inch to play us and get that and of course if you're watching this video a later date you may not be able to still get it yeah not for free at least but you can always pay for it or sign up for the design membership all right so I'm just gonna resize this down so it actually fits again you can do that by just hitting your measurements up here or grabbing those corner nodes and resizing it so now I'm going to bring this into the center of would be our puzzle I assume in just a little bit more so you guys can see a better picture we can see that this red is the edge of our puzzle again we want to make sure our design has this additional border our bleed area because that's going to ensure we do get full coverage but we don't want our design to be cut off so I'm going to go ahead and shrink this down just a little bit so that it fits nicely in between in between our red border and then the last thing you want to do is again just click-and-drag everything and select that Center tool so you can make sure that things are centered before you print this you need to make sure to either remove your red rectangle because remember this is just a guide for your template or you can head over here and select no fill for the outline this is now ready to print so we would go to file print and then choose your workforce printer and follow whatever settings you use whenever you print depending on your ink and paper and the printer that you are using now let's head over to Inkscape the first thing that we want to do in Inkscape is make sure that our page is set up to the correct size so we'll do this again by going to file document properties this pop up screen appears and we see the a4 is selected and we want to go ahead and select us letter size you can also choose custom size if necessary next we're going to head over to our shape tool and we're going to create a shape just like we did in silhouette that is the same size as our puzzle so we'll click on our create rectangles and squares and we will go ahead and click and drag up here in our menu bar we can see that the dimensions are in millimeters so we'll click our drop-down menu and select inches next we'll go ahead and modify this to be the correct inches that we need try it again with inches all right so we need this to be five point two five wide and seven point one six five tall for continuity I want to change the stroke to red because red represents what is the actual exact size of our substrate and blue is going to represent our bleed line so I'll go ahead and click on my stroke panel over here my stroke tab and the panel will appear I can just select red for my color menu and I can also decrease the weight of our line because this is a bit more that I want next we're going to go ahead and right click and duplicate we're gonna shoot click on our stroke paint choose blue we're gonna click on stroke style and we'll make that a little bit thicker just like we did before so that it's easy to see and then we're going to go up here into our um into our menu and adjust our sizes so we want this to be five point seven five inches wide and seven point six to five inches tall now this is adding half an inch to 0.5 to the original measurements that we measured with our ruler now I'm going to leave these separated just for the moment I'm also going to decrease that blue line weight because it's a little much so that we can use the blue to create a clipping mask so we'll go ahead and start by going to file and import to bring in our background well we'll bring in our design since this one opened up obviously this is much bigger than we need so we're gonna hit that lock lock aspect ratio we're gonna change our height I'll just do 6.5 inches and then it's disappeared somewhere off in the screen which is okay we will just select our align and distribute menu make sure that we have selected relative to page and if we just click on Center on the vertical and Center on the horizontal axis it will end up right in the middle for us all right now let's import our background so we'll hit file import and once again you can resize this by clicking on the corner nodes and dragging down or just very quickly entering in a space up here and then using that align panel to get it where it needs to be in Inkscape in order to use our blue rectangle as a clipping mask we want to make sure that it is on top so we'll select our blue rectangle and then we're gonna head over here to our navigation bar and click on this one that shows an arrow with the longest piece being on top and this if you hover over it tells you raise selection to the top so we'll go ahead and center that over and figure out where about we want our background to be and then we're just going to click and drag and we're going to right click set clip now we can go ahead and move this into the center and size our design so I like to use actually what we'll do is we'll click and drag all of this so we select all of it and I just like using the relative to page size but if you drop down you can do first selected last selective drawing selection area you have different options for aligning okay so now everything is centered but of course our background is on top which is a problem so we'll once again just select our lower selection to bottom option now if i zoom in a little bit for you so you can see better we can see our red outline this is letting us know what the actual border is of our puzzle we've got some nice space around on the inside of it around our design so our design it's gonna look nice on the puzzle and we've made sure that our background extends into that bleed space all we have left to do is either erase this or give the stroke no color and we can just once again click on the stroke and hit the X for no paint just like that this is ready to print so you would go to file and then print select your printer and file whatever settings you normally follow now let's have a look at affinity designer affinity designer is going to be similar but a little bit different at the same time because affinity designer has more capabilities than both silhouette and Inkscape just like we've done in the previous two programs we're going to go to file and then new and we'll create a new workspace based on the size that we are planning on printing this page size will be dependent on your design and just a reminder we are doing letter size because our puzzle measurements was 5 and a quarter by 7 and 1/8 so I'm gonna click on letter size and hit create I'm going to select my rectangle tool click on it click and drag I will click well first I'm going to create the outline so we'll head over to our color panel and our filled in circle is the internal color so we'll hit the little circle with the line through it to give it no color and then we'll click on the stroke as in the open outline and we'll make that red just like we've done before we'll click on the stroke tab and make it just a little bit bigger so we can see it there we go we're gonna click on transform and we're gonna move over here to the width and height and adjust this to the measurements which we have already determined which was five and a quarter by seven and 1/8 inches as we move this we can move it right into the center and you could of course use the align panel as well but you'll notice that the the red and green showed up those are called staff guides and you can activate those by clicking on the magnet in the top of your navigation bar I'm just gonna go ahead and rename this as our red line guide I'm going to right click and duplicate and our new one is going to be the one that represents our bleed line so I'll just go ahead and double click on the name to rename this again blue lead line and we want the bleed line to be below the red line so we can see it when we fill it so we'll just drag it in our layers panel below it it's really that easy next we'll go ahead and add those same modifications by increasing the sizes that we did in silhouette engine tank scape so in here you can just enter plus 0.5 and it automatically does it once again if you just shift them along it will line up perfectly Center on the page thanks to those snapping guides or you can click and drag and use the align tool I did not change this to blue so let's change that to blue really quick so we can keep up with our continuity and if you're having trouble seeing it you can click the stroke option and expand that as well next we're going to hit the place image tool which you can do with this little icon it looks like a picture or go to file and then place and we'll import our background and our design just as we did before now somehow I had selected text files in our file type on accident now when you get the down arrow with a little puddle or little portal I guess you would call it you're gonna click and drag to be able to resize your design instead of importing it at full size and I can just go ahead and move it and center it just like that and once again we'll hit that place image tool and we'll choose just a wood digital background we're gonna click and drag once again now this is on top covering everything so we will select that in our layer panel and simply drag it to the bottom we can right resize this so that it works with our blue bleed line and then to fill it the it's a little easier in an affinity designer because you don't have to worry about clipping if you don't want to and all you have to do is select your item in the layers panel and drag it underneath the name now if you drag it under the icon is just gonna create a layer below it which is where it currently is already if we drag our shiplap piece under the name blue bleed line it will fill the rectangle just like we've done before we want to go ahead and resize our design as necessary so that it fits nicely within that red rectangle I'll zoom in so you can see that a little bit better now if you happen to be making multiple pieces that you want to print what you can do is make sure you've selected that icon and drag it into your blue box once you have it's at once you have it sized again making sure to drag it underneath the name and above your background and now it will be one piece so when we click on that it gives us one piece and that's basically that's how you group without selecting and grouping is basically what I just showed you the last thing you want to do before you print this is just uncheck that red line so that it's not visible this is one of the features or benefits of using a program like affinity designer is that as you you can save this template for future use just the blue and red rectangles or you know if you make a custom template you can save it all and then just uncheck that red line to use it and because we didn't have to clip anything out when it comes time to we've already printed this and we're done with it you can just select your item in the layers panel hit that trashcan and it removes it and now we're back to our blank template to be able to use and save this for our puzzles once you have it filled once again you'll just go ahead and hit file and print and then follow the settings that you normally do so let's switch back over to our workspace and we'll have a look at add size objects and how to go about doing the custom templates for something that isn't a simple shape so now that we've covered items that are basic shapes and using the shape tool let's talk about when we need a template for something that's maybe not as obvious the first thing that comes to mind when I think of basic shapes that are not as obvious it's all types of drinkware um a lot of people really fail to realize that things like a coffee mug or one of these snatch glasses or even the skinny tumbler are still rectangles and to determine how big your rectangle should be you're going to want to measure the height of your substrate and then you'll want to measure the circumference of it now many sublimation substrates like the skinny tumblers and this particular glass is not for sublimation but just I used it with white toner it's still a good example the top circumference and the bottom circumference should be within you know somewhere between eight and a half of an inch at each other this is close enough that you can just make a rectangle and you'll make it whichever the larger size is so with that in mind let's have a look at our skinny tumbler so our skinny tumbler for the height is just at 8 inches it's just a hair over that so I'm gonna put 8 and 1/8 so 8 and 1/8 of an inch is gonna be eight point one two five and now let's measure if you have a cloth tape measure you can just wrap it around but I don't know where mine is at the moment so I'm just going to measure the diameter across the center and we've got 2 and 7/8 for the top and then the bottom we've got two and a half I was supposed to be a fraction sorry ok these are pretty close but even though they're not even though they're not exact they are within that one quarter of an inch margin you know to up to one half an inch so they are within the margin of error and you can still use a rectangle for this so in order to determine the width of our rectangle or square whatever ends up being we need to multiply our number we'll use the larger one always to the top we're going to first convert it into a decimal which is going to be two point eight seven five so 2 and 7/8 inches converted to a decimal is two point eight seven five and then we're gonna multiply this by pi you guys all should know what pi is that is 3.14 and that is going to come to 9 inches zero two seven five pretty sure that's accurate so that is how you determine your circumference because the formula for circumference is the diameter times pi it's not really that difficult and of course you can use the calculator on your phone that mine is currently occupied so I can't use that one now this is fine for stuff that is cylindrical but if you find yourself with something that has a smaller bottom than top like this latte thermos or a shot glass or a pint glass then you need to still repeat the same process measure the bottom measure the top measure the height and then multiply if you don't do the entire circumference you want to multiply the diameter by 3.14 and that's gonna give you the dimensions to create a trapezoid now you know for those of you don't know what trapezoid is it looks like this usually as one size smaller than the other that's a trapezoid and again you'll be able to use the trapezoid tool in any design or it's the trapezoid shape tool and any design program if you're using the silhouette program they have a warp tool which you'll be able to enter in the measurements of whatever your lot a shape is and then input your design and it will automatically warp or curve your text so that it's a little bit smaller here and so it curves a little bit across this and that will make it actually look straight when you print it so that's what warp tool is one of the easiest warp tools out of any design program and if there's one thing that you can do in silhouette it is definitely take advantage of that feature if you have a substrate like this ok so I just want to make sure I covered glass wear really quickly because I know that a lot of people don't think it's that obvious but it really is so as long as your top and bottom are within roughly a half an inch of each other in terms of the diameter or the circumference you can make a rectangle with this all right get that out of the way so now let's talk about odd shaped substrates I'm going to keep it kind of easy for us so when they say odd shape I mean anything that's just that's just not a square bow square it's not a rectangle maybe it has some shapes in it but it's not complete now I see a lot of people recommend that you just stick this on your I'm your printer and scan it in and call it good the problem with that is it's not a good outline you often get shadows when you have things like these burn marks that are on the covering to this the classic filaments on this and that's gonna pick up when you scan it and it's just gonna skew your results and not give you accuracy that you need some use this a little bit easier the first thing you want to do is measure it again always measure your substrates and we want to measure this before we do our template we got four inches wide and now it's just off so that when we import this and we create it we can make sure that it is sized accordingly so I'm just gonna put this up here in the corner we've got four inches wide by nine inches tall now if I move you guys just a little bit closer she's gonna see this there we go sorry guys trying to give you like the best view here there we go so what you're gonna do is you're just gonna hold this and I prefer to hold my my pen or my pencil or your sharpie you just want to hold it straight up straight up and down because then you're gonna get a little bit of space away from your substrate because in the little part right here that holds that pen stick I'm gonna try and do this around our camera okay so I didn't do this with a sharpie to start with because I didn't want to get Sharpie on it and sharpies have the really big tips but you can't get it in like this but for part of what I'm about to show you next we're going to want to have this be a nice bold outline so that it will be picked up accordingly by the conversion program with that mine we're going to take our sharpie and we are just going to go over this this does go a little bit faster when you don't have to juggle around a UH camera tripod and a light stand so you guys get the idea you just if you don't mind sacrificing a substrate you can absolutely just trace it with sharpie to begin with but just keep in mind you know that sharpies have a much bigger tip so you won't get that space around you'll end up getting marker on your substrate all right so we traced this we're gonna go ahead and scan this into our computer now you can use any computer that you have I'm going to use the workforce 77 10 okay you guys lowered so you can see it alright so got my printer here we're gonna start by lifting up our scanner unit and we're gonna stick this all the way back in that top left corner you'll see that there is a little arrow you guys see my finger okay there's a little arrow up here that tells you like that's where your paper goes so go ahead and close that I mean just that lighting so you guys can see a little better okay I know it's a little hard to see because of the there we go alright let's give our screen a minute here okay so we're gonna hit the Scan button you're gonna see this come up you're gonna hit computer hold on guys sorry it was you guys couldn't see it very well if you haven't installed if you haven't installed the complete drivers everything it's gonna alert you before the screen pops up but as long as you have you'll go ahead and pick whatever size paper you have in this case we've got letter size and then I'm gonna pick my computer and I'll hit save OOP try it again there we go there's my computer and we'll hit save and now it's going to go ahead and scan over to my computer so I will switch this over to there and show you guys the next step when we head over to our computer screen we'll be able to see where we stand in our template outline now I actually did two scans I did one as a PDF and one as a JPEG and I didn't show it to you but on the drop down menu on your screen that I showed you before we hit the Scan button it does give you the option to select the file type not all design programs can import a PDF which is why it's a good idea to use the jpg plus using the JPEG gives you the ability to convert this to an SVG so to do that we're going to go ahead and go to comércio Co this is probably my favorite file conversion website we're gonna click on choose files we will select the JPEG of our door hanger we'll select the file type it's already selected SVG for us but if it didn't you would click the drop down menu and choose which one you were looking for and then we'll go ahead and hit convert it'll give you the option to download it once the conversion has finished I've already done this step so I just wanted to show it to you guys for those of you who are using programs that work best with SVG's or for those of you who do better with SVG files um I'm not going to show you the steps again in Inkscape and in silhouette for filling this because it's still the same process that I just showed you we're just going to be using a different shape so if you would rather use an SVG for those you can otherwise what you can do is import them import our JPEG or oops or the SVG urn sorry you import the JPEG or the PDF and then use the pen tool so I'm going to show you that in just a Finity designer it's the same process in the other two programs if you choose not to use the SVG option so we'll go ahead and we will go to file and new once again I'm going to select letter size because that's appropriate for what we're doing and I'm gonna click on the place image tool and go over to where picture imported and I'm going to select the PDF option now because we selected letter-size and because we scan the sound letter size we're gonna stretch this all the way to the corners so we can make sure it's the appropriate height I'm going to lock this now using the pen tool option is the best option if you want to have nice smooth lines so if you're someone who is making templates to resell and you want to make sure that this is printed you know this is accordingly for your customers then this is the step that you want to do or if you're a seller who just wants to have a nicer looking a nicer looking template to go with your blank this is the option that you would use you can of course use you know vectorization features and in programs like Inkscape or photoshop but you're still not gonna get as nice smooth lines is if you just recreate it and it really doesn't take that much time so we'll go and that's why I'm only showing it to you in an affinity designer because you're it's still going to use the pen tool in silhouette or Inkscape or you will use the pen tool regardless of which program you choose and just do the same process of tracing it so you know you should be able to follow along with whatever program you're using so click on our pen tool I'm just going to go ahead and get started I'm actually gonna zoom in just a little bit so that you guys can see better and so that I can see better okay got our pen tool and we will just go right ahead and start creating our lines now the way that I go about this is I just sort of click around every place where I see that there's a curve I'm going to add a new node so that I know that I'm going to need to adjust my lines in between the curve to make it line up evenly and you know the more that you do this the better you get at it so don't be discouraged if yours doesn't line up quite as perfectly as you would like it to to start Jose want to make sure to click on that last node to close your Loup now I want to be able to see this so oops I'm gonna click on my open circle and then I'm just gonna give this a red outline and I'm gonna make that stroke kind of noticeable for us actually the red kind of blends in with the black let's go with yellow there we go that's a little easier to see so we're going to zoom in and now I'm gonna click on our node tool and this is going to allow me to adjust our line so when I hover over the line we get that little little hash mark and we can expand this out to make sure that it fits all of our traced line so if you find yourself needing to make a modification like here where it doesn't quite fit you'll click on your node and then you'll use these little handles so you have two different ways to modify I also notice that my note is inwards a little bit on my black line so I'm going to click on it and I'm just gonna use my arrow key and move it over to make sure that it is on the line the way it needs to be and once again we can kind of use our nodes to give that the nice appropriate curve that it needs and we can bring this one this node out just a little bit there we go you can see that this goes pretty quickly I mean this is not a difficult process if you had a more detailed um custom shaped blank then it might be a little bit more of a process but overall it is not not a bad process and you only have to do it once because you'll save your files that you make and then the next time around they are already ready to go for you to fill them go just bring that down okay and just like that our outline is done so now what we can do is we can actually just remove that lock key so we don't move it and we can throw this away throw in the trash because we don't need that anymore and we're gonna make this Brad so that we can see it just like before we're gonna double check our measurements by clicking on the transform panel so we've got that the width is four point one one five inch and we know that it's supposed to be right exactly at four inches so a little bit bigger is okay but we can adjust it if we wanted to worry about that not even an eighth of an inch that's most likely just the the line with added to it and then our nine inches so we're close enough for this but if you did want to be particular you could go ahead and do four inches by nine inches to make sure that it is perfect now one of the things that's going to be different is that when you want to make your believe line for this you're still going to right click and duplicate but you're going to have to make a few additional modifications to it so let me just move it over here we will make this one blue I'm gonna double click to rename it so that you guys can easily see what I'm talking about we'll start with the same process that we did last time where we just added half an inch to this and added half an inch to the height and then we'll go ahead and line it up behind it now one of the things you're gonna notice is that there are certain parts of this that didn't quite work when we did that and that's the difference between using a custom shape and using like a preset just basic square circle shape so the way that we fix this is with our blue selected we're going to go ahead and select our node tool again and we're just gonna bring in all of these ones that are not giving us the nice border we're just gonna expand them out that's all that it needs that's all that's kind of going on here so you want to click on each of the nodes first and drag them in or out whatever whatever term you want to use and then we'll go ahead and adjust our lines to match you can of course move this closer depending on what it won't you know have a it won't be as as an exact 1/4 inch all the way around the way it is with with us that size that I just showed you but it still achieves the same goal so if you have any sharp points like right there you just adjust to smooth them out there we go we still got a little bit of a sharp point okay so you can spend time smoothing this out because we're doing a demo and I don't want this to go on forever I'm just gonna simplify it with how it is and once again we would just repeat the exact same process so if we wanted to fill this with a pattern we would do our place image and we'll just kind of repeat what we've already been doing we'll do the just a wooden background real quick and then we can click and drag it once again we want it to fill that blue area so we need to drag it in to our bleed line remember not underneath the icon underneath the words and if you watch as you hold it and hover in your layers panel it shows you what it's doing on the screen before you unclick it all right and then we want to make sure our design fits within this red line because we know that that is the specific size and of our substrate and that the rest of this is just designed for us to have that bleed to make sure we get perfect full coverage so we'll hit place image and we will select our design all right and we will go ahead and size that um right in between now I'm sure someone will ask and I didn't mention this yet so if you where you see this green line and this bike down the center and this red line on the bottom these are called on your staffing guides an affinity designer and this is letting us know that this is lined up accordingly with the center of our blue shape that we've made now if we drag this for example into the center of the page we would see the line doesn't completely extend to the top and the bottom of the page that tells us we're not actually in the center this lets us know we're edge to edge with the edge of our blue line that we've created and this lets us know we're right in the center of the whole page so if you pay attention to those snapping lines they can really help you if you don't see your snapping lines you just go ahead over here to this magnet shaped icon and click it or unclick it so if it's compressed depressed that means that it is on and if it is risen up that means that it is off and then of course last but not least we want to make sure to uncheck our original line and so we just have our blue outline and you can choose to turn the blue outline off as well but it is still a good guide and this is ready to print and you can of course save this template for future use or if you plan on issuing designs for this or anything of that nature I hope that this tutorial was easy for you guys to follow if you guys have any questions please be sure to leave them in the comments below and if you haven't joined us on Facebook or YouTube please be sure to do that as well thank you so much for joining us and have a great rest of your day [Music] you
Channel: Sub That: Sublimation Graphics & Tutorials
Views: 33,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pXVH6q_1gF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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