How to Print and Cut with Silhouette Studio | Tutorial for Beginners

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hello everyone welcome back to angina's creations in today's video we're going to be talking about print and cut this is a number one question everyone asking here on my channel how to do print and cut using silhouette studio i'm going to show you exactly how i do printing cut there's a lot of tutorials here on youtube already on how to do print and cut and we all have different tips and tricks so today i'm going to show you exactly what i do before we get started i have silhouette studio business edition but that does not mean that everything i show you here today that you cannot do if you do not have business edition you can have the basic or designer or business is up to you now if you do want to get business edition it is a one-time payment and i do have my affiliate link down below from swing design it is usually around a hundred dollars but if you go through my link on swing design it's around 60 is around 50 to 60 dollars now if this is your first time watching and you do not have silhouette studio you can use solo studio without having the cutting machine and i'll have a link down below on how to download solo studio and i'll have a playlist down below of all my videos using solo studio as of now i think i have around 65 videos using silhouette studio all right so the first thing you need to know is i have silhouette studio business edition version 4.4 that is very important because version 4.4 automatically traces a png image when i bring it into the software if you do not have version 4.4 you have something before 4.4 then when you bring in a png image you are going to have to trace that um imaginary rectangle from behind your png image which i will show you um more throughout this video first thing that you need to do is open up your software and after you open your software you're going to go to your first icon on your right it's called the page setup it looks like a piece of paper where it says media size that is where you're going to select the paper size that you are going to be using i'm going to be using 8 by 11 so i'm going to click on letter 8 by 11. some people like their transparency on a hundred i like mines on zero because i like to see the paper now i'm still on the page setup so on my third option here is going to say registration marks you have to turn them on registration marks is what your machine is going to read to be able to cut out your item so whatever you printed it has to make make sure that you have them registration marks on right here where it says thickness i have mine all the way to the end okay so i have mine's all the way to one i'm going to go back here to my first option and i'm going to turn on show cut border as you see when i turn on the cut border now there is a red rectangle around it meaning that anything that you print has to say inside of this red rectangle anything that's outside of the red rectangle your machine is not going to cut you're going to have to manually cut it out yourself which i will print one out and i will show you what i mean by that also here on the third option where you turned on your registration marks is going to say print bleed print bleed means for those items that you are going to be printing and you do not want it to have like a white border around it just in case your machine don't cut it correctly and it cuts a little bit away from the image then you're going to see that white paper so a lot of people like to turn on their print bleed so they could be extra ink around the image so if the machine accidentally cuts anything wrong you will not be able to see um white paper you're going to see the ink around the image and i will show you that as well the paper that you're going to be using again is totally up to you are you using sticker paper card stock iron on transfer paper uh printable vinyl is totally up to you i'm going to be using sticker paper and card stock today and you are going to use the images of your choice you can go to creative fabrica i am also affiliated with them i'm going to be using these images watercolor frozen sweet clip art i am affiliated with creative fabrica so for the first month you can just pay one dollar and you're able to use anything here on this website for just one dollar you can go ham and go um download a whole bunch of stuff for just one dollar and after your first month you're going to pay a monthly fee of only 19 and i highly recommend it if you do not want to go through creative fabrica you can just go to google and look up for png image png image means that they have a transparent background how do you know they are a transparent background you're going to click on the image and behind the image you're going to see white and gray rectangles that means they are a png image transparent background if you find an image that has a white background you can still use that one and i'm going to show you how to remove that white background with the png images you have to right click and save those images to your computer with the ones that have the white background a jpeg you can just right click copy go into silhouette right click and paste if you're purchasing from etsy or any website you need to make sure you download extract and save to your um computer and then you're going to bring them into silhouette and i'm going to show you how but let's first start with this one that has a white background how do you remove that white background you're going to go to your trace icon on your right if you do not know what your names of your icons are you're going to put your mouse over your icons then where it says uh open the trace panel that icon looks kind of like a toast you're gonna click on it click where it says select trace area your cursor is going to change like across and then you're going to make a box around it now as you can see this image had um thick brown outline so anything that has a darker outline is going to get traced really good if it's something with a light outline it's going to be more difficult to trace as you can see it automatically automatically picked up the outline really good after it picked it up and if it didn't you could just go up on your threshold right here but i just needed specifically all the outline to be yellow once it's yellow you have three options here it says trace trace outer edge and trace and detach i'm going to click on trace and detach then you can are able to move this white outline so i'm going to click on the white outline and click delete on my keyboard now let me right click and paste that one again this is the one with the white background if i put it here on my mat and i go to my send tab like i wanted to do a printing cut you see that the machine is going to cut around that white outline not around the cup and that's something you don't want that's why we removed the white background out of it so i'm going to click delete and then i'm going to put this cup here i'm going to go to the send tab and now you see that there is a red outline around the cup the machine is going to cut around it a lot of people like to put a white outline around the stickers so how would you do that is i'm going to zoom in i'm going to click on my image i'm going to go to my offset icon it looks like a double star i'm going to click on offset and now you see that there is an outline around it i'm going to go down on my distance you can go up or down is up to you when you create an offset the machine is going to want to cut around the image and around the offset and you do not want that so i'm going to go back to my scent tab and i'm going to zoom in and you're going to see two red outlines i do not have this image grouped i'm going to click here on my screen i'm just going to click on my image and click on no cut and now you only see the red outline around my offset now i'm going to go back to my design tab click here on my screen drag my mouse select both right click and group it together now go ahead and size this to the size of your choice your images cannot touch the registration marks because that black outline is going to print on your image okay and everything has to stay inside of your red cut border if it's something bigger if it is if it's outside of your cup border you're going to have to manually cut that out by hand so right click and duplicate okay how will you bring in images that are saved into your computer that you bought or that you saved you're gonna go to file you're gonna go to uh merge and bring in the image click on it and click on okay because i do have version 4.4 like i said and this is a png image a transparent background when i go cut this out it's automatically traced already for me so if i go to the send tab you will see that there is a red outline around it the machine is going to cut around this image already if you have another version besides 4.4 and you see that when you go cut this out the only thing that you see it's a red rectangle around it that means that you have an imaginary rectangle behind it that you have to remove and how do you remove that imaginary rectangle is the same way i showed you how to remove this white background you're going to click on your image you're going to go to trace select trace area make a box around your image wait till it turns yellow as you can see it's not all yellow so i'm going to go up on my threshold i need all around my image to get highlighted or the outline then i'm going to click on trace and detach then i'm going to move this to the side and then click here and pick up everything that i left behind and delete now when you go and put your image there and go back to the send tab you should see a red outline all around your image okay now go ahead and add an offset to your images if you want a white border around it you can also color your offset if you want to color them so you go to your fill icon that looks like a paint palette and you're able to color them as well if you want to match the offset color to your image click on the dropper and come over here and select a color i'm just going to leave mines white okay once you have all your images on your page add as many as you want select the size that you want how do you know exactly the size of your image is once you click on it you're going to see numbers of your height and width and you also see the numbers up here but you have to have your images selected here is a perfect example if you want to do um stickers and you see this image it has like circles and diamonds all around if i didn't put an offset around this this was going to get individually cut so all the diamonds separate all the circles separate so when i add an offset around it it's just going to cut around my offset and not the actual image now i'm going to print this out on sticker paper so i can show you how it is on regular sticker paper you can create your own stickers i'm also going to print this image and i'm going to turn on the print bleed so you can see the difference on how it looks with a print bleed so i'm going to turn it on okay and then i'm also going to print a third image without the print bleed and i'm going to come out just a little bit out of the cup border so you can see what i mean as well that you're going to have to manually cut that piece out by hand now how do you print you are going to click on the image on the folder or the file that you're going to print you're going to go to your printer icon [Music] click on print i don't know if i zoom in this is the one that has the print bleed and you see it kind of looks weird on all the outline that's because it has extra ink next to it that's going to print now i'm going to click on print click on the printer that you have i have an eco tank 16600 i'm going to click on preferences i'm going to the paper source i'm going to click on paper tray that i'm going to print from the back document size 8.5 by 11 then i'm going to click on portrait mode and then my paper type on premium presentation paper matte that is the settings that i like to use you're going to choose whatever settings of your choice just make sure that the same document sizes know all three different spots printer setting on your printer and on the paper icon here i'm going to show you how it's going to look with the print bleed off i'm actually going to print both of them so you can see the difference once i print them then i'm also going to show you on the stickers that you cannot see the red outline of the offset because the actual lines do not have a thickness of a color so as you can see here you cannot see the offset line so if you do want to see your outline color of your offset when you print them out you're going to go to your outline icon on your right you're going to click on it and then where it says thickness you're going to bring it up or down i leave mines on zero because i do not want to see the that outline when i print it so when i print it there's no line there but the machine is going to know exactly where to cut here i put it up to 0.25 so you can see that when you go print it you are able to see the outline but i don't like that so i'm going to leave mines on zero all right now print out your images and do not forget once you print do not move your images you cannot move them so you can't accidentally go like this and let me fix them up no once you print you cannot move your images then you're going to load your paper to your mat you're going to go to your scent tab and choose your settings for sticker paper i like to use my vinyl setting i like a blade of three force of eight and speed of eight just because i like to be able to peel out my sticker and my full sticker is not fully cut out of the paper now you can choose a different setting if you want your stickers to be fully cut out of the paper i just want to be able to peel mines and then on this image i'm going to be using cardstock so the settings i like to use is force of six i mean sorry blade of six force 28 and i'm going to go on a speed of three because i didn't put an outline around it and right here this is very thin and i don't want my machine to mess this part out so i'm going to speed it to three and two passes okay and then this one i'm also going to cut it out of card stock and i'm going to use a blade of six force of 28 speed of six and two passes after you do that put your settings you're going to load your paper to your mat and then you're gonna click on send to send it to cut i'm gonna go back to the design tab and then i'm here i'm showing you that i'm going to be printing out everything that's here that i showed you the one with the stickers the one with the print bleed the one without the print bleed and the one that's outside of the cut lines okay so let's head on over there okay so here is the one on sticker paper as you can see you cannot see the red outline right that is the sticker paper one and now i printed out two of the same one one with a print bleed and you can tell kind of the print bleed here and as you can see it has extra ink all around it and then this one doesn't have print bleed so look at this outline there's no print bleed and this one has extra print bleed on the sides all right so i'm gonna do those two and then this one is the one that has no print bleed and it's outside of the registration marks the cut border and i'm going to load it to my mat the brand of mats that i use is nikapa brand this is the brand that i like to use i do not like the silhouette brands because to me they're too thin and flimsy so this is the one that i use i'll leave the link down below from amazon now you're going to load your paper correctly to your mat you should align your paper to the beginning of your mat okay and try to have your paper right on that black outline so your machine does not read that black outline thinking that's the registration mark so you need to make sure that you load it up right against that outline right and make sure it's stuck correctly now you're going to load your mat to your machine now i'm going to show you some tips that have worked for me number one thing is you need to make sure that your blade is completely locked if your blade is not locked completely and there's any space in your blade it's never going to cut out right so you need to unlock it push your blade all the way down and make sure it's locked my machine is turned off at the moment another thing your rollers need to be locked so you're going to unlock it make sure that these things are in the grooves you're able to see some grooves there so make sure that this is in the groove make sure it's rolled and it's locked and then and all these are in the groove and your rollers are locked okay sometimes your machine might not cut out your images correctly so when your machine is turned off i like to move the motor to the left and to the right this has helped me plenty of times i will turn it off and move this to the sides and then i will turn on my machine once you turn on your machine your motor is going to go all the way over there to your left now on your machine you're going to notice it has some lines you have to make sure you load your mat right on this line as you can see i also have some light right on top of my machines i have a separate video and i try to link it down below on the lights that i use to put on my machines the lighting has worked for me i know some people say it doesn't matter if they have lighting but the lighting actually works for me so i have a led strip of light right on top of my machine right here under this is the laser that's going to read your registration mark so i like to have light there so the laser could be able to see the registration marks okay so you need to load your mat right against this line [Music] right on the line now pass it just right on the line and then you're gonna click on load once you click on load you're gonna click send over there on your laptop or computer okay so remember this is the one that's overlapping outside of the cup borders when you click send it's going to say like basically if you want to continue because there's some parts that's not inside of the club border you're just going to click yes to continue now what your machine is doing is reading them registration marks [Music] and it's going to start tapping to the settings that you used and it's going to start cutting right after that [Music] good [Music] after it's done cutting you're just going to click on unload to unload the mac okay remember this part right here you're going to have to manually cut that out with scissors if you look closely it didn't cut it out perfectly because you can still see white around it see how this side is perfectly cut but not this side that's why people like to turn on the print bleed because this extra white would have been more ink on the sides if that makes sense like it would have been extra ink so there will be no white there would have been the the print bleed that was there now we're gonna cut the other ones this is the one with the print bleed and don't forget to go right on the black outline of your mat align your mat to the line and click on load making sure your blade is locked making sure your rollers are locked and then click send on your laptop [Music] all right so remember this has the print bleed so it's going to leave behind that extra ink that um and print it around it kind of stuff here so you will not be able to see no white around this one because it had this extra print bleed so if i if you look closely that was all the extra print bleeding added to it and you can also play around with the settings of the print bleed when you click on print bleed it'll tell you if you want like how much you want to add i just left it regular how much i wanted it to add so you see i'll leave it all that behind so just in case the machine would have cut a little bit more into here you would still not see white because it was going to cut into the print bleed so that's what the print bleed means all right and this is how the image turned out now we're going to cut the one without the print bleed this is the one with the no uh print bleed and as you can see this is why i said i was bringing down the speed down because you see it will kind of mess up when it's so thin right here that's why you can always add like a little bit of an offset around it so this will become a little bit thicker and then color the offset the color of your image if you want to do that but i'm not going to peel it off i just didn't even want to edit this out so a lot of people get discouraged like oh my god it mess it up but just keep trying add a small little offset around it if you want also as you can tell right here closely it didn't cut it right at the edge so you will be left with that white outline sometimes it cuts it perfectly but it's a hit or miss it's not always going to be perfect that's why you either add a small offset and color the offset or add your print bleed all right and this is what was left of that one you see right there it kind of like really messed it up at that thin line there all right now we're going to cut out the stickers don't forget to lock your rollers make sure they're in the groove because if it's not in the groove then your mat is going to keep on moving and not cut correctly and your blade is completely locked correctly remember these are the ones that have the offset around it all right here are the stickers so for the stickers you are easily able to peel them off see that's why i cut it like a vinyl setting you can also peel off all the extra paper out and leave the stickers in the actual sheet or you can have them individually cut out by itself but you're going to have to put the force in deeper so all the stickers are cut out individually if you just want to hand them out with your logo or eq stickers like this for your business and stuff like that you want to individually cut them out to send them in your packages there's multiple ways you can do um a square right here you could divide this into four and have four sticker activity sheets like if you're doing coloring books and you want to provide like multiple stickers with the coloring books as well but anyways this is how it'll be so you did a printing cut just like that they will all peel okay out right all right guys so i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope i showed you a tip or two if you have any other questions please feel free to comment down below don't forget to subscribe if you are new here and click on the notification bell to get notified every time i upload new videos don't forget to like and share share share share guys we're on the road to 100k subscribers this year thank you so much for the continuous support and as always i hope everyone's having a blessed day if you are not in my facebook crafting group it is called andrena's creations crafting lounge i would love to see you guys over there don't forget to answer all three questions to get approved all right guys so i'll talk to you guys later on my next tutorial bye bye guys
Channel: Andrina's Kreations LLC
Views: 64,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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