How To Prevent Moles From Destroying Your Yard

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welcome back to 13 sunrise every sunday pat sullivan from sullivan hardware and gardens gives us great advice for do-it-yourself home improvements and today he talks about how to get those pesky moles out of your yard well spring brings a lot of wonderful things in our lives and getting outside but it also brings moles and uh controlling the moles uh in people's yards seems to be i don't know a topic of conversation really if you want to get a topic of conversation going with someone you can either mention daylight saving time or moles because everybody seems to have an opinion on on those two subjects so moles in the yard moles obviously a very hard working animal that can really do a lot of damage and so now is the time in the winter they burrow deeper and kind of go into semi hibernation so it's a little harder to trap them but as soon as you start to see surface runs like in this yard they are very active even when it's just been a little bit cold so a lot of different ways and people swear by different things you know from uh juicy fruit gum uh plug a tobacco you put down in there so there's all kinds of crazy things so we found a couple things that i think really work but i'll also share a few things that a lot of people think work so first thing no matter what you're doing is you've got to figure out what the active role mole runs are because there are areas where their secondary runs and the moles don't come back to you so what you do is if you would smash down six or eight spots around your yard mark you could either put a little flag there mark it with a little flower and then wait 24 hours and find one that's been pushed back up then you know you have an active run so the idea here is there's a few preventative things some of them are kind of funny one is uh it's granules it's called a uh oh i can't remember the name of it i'll think of it but anyways you're supposed to spread it over the lawn it's called mole scram and it's castor oil castor bean oil so you spread it out over there you know one university gave a little bit of credence and people been using it ever since i'm not so sure that that works but that's out there the craziest thing are these little vibration stakes and every time i make fun of them people will swear by them and so what this thing there's batteries in there you put in the ground and every 60 seconds it goes and puts out a little vibration kind of like the old pinwheel daisies if you say it works it works so uh poison peanuts do not work so i would skip those these are gas bombs and they're okay for groundhogs but i would not they're labeled for moles i don't think they work they're very interesting because they bring your neighbors out that's for sure because they your lawn starts to smoke traps are very once you find a run a trap is a very effective way i will tell you that people have trouble setting a trap so that may not be such a good deal because they are hard to set but once you get onto it you can catch a lot of moles probably the number one thing that we sell right now is little talprid worms and i kind of looked at the safety on them and i i see all good things but you you be the judge if you have pets in different things that you want to watch but you just pop holes and when you go down through that run you'll you'll feel that you know as soon as you push through then all sudden it's loose and you can feel the tunnel you drop them in i would be wearing a pair of gloves because i don't know maybe a mole nose so that the problem there sometimes you don't know all you're going to know is you'll see less activity because you some occasionally you'll see a mole dead mole laying in the front lawn but usually they just die underground so that's what people are using but i know there's a lot of ways to kill a mole
Channel: WTHR
Views: 52,971
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Keywords: Pat Sullivan, Sullivan Hardware, moles, How to prevent moles from destroying your yard
Id: 99Csddhm4ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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