How to Prepare Soil for Planting Grass Seed - Nature's Finest Seed

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hi I'm Brody with nature's finest here at nature's finest heed we provide paster blends wildflower mixes an elite turfgrass blends for your yard today we're going to talk a little bit about site preparation for planting your yard the first step that you're going to want to do is to remove any existing vegetation or weeds that might occur on your property the easiest way to do this is to use a non-selective herbicide such as roundup while the plants are actively growing follow the label directions and just use it like it says after waiting seven days is a good time to tell your soil now if you're adding topsoil you're gonna want to tell in your topsoil to the existing soil that's already there and this is going to avoid interfacing and allow for proper drainage throughout your soil system after this step now is the time that you're gonna wanna install your sprinkler system when you're installing and designing your sprinkler system just remember that you want head-to-head coverage and what this means is that any given sprinkler head will shoot all the way over to the adjacent sprinkler head next to it this one sure that you have proper irrigation and that no dry spots will occur throughout your yard after this step you can go ahead and grab a landscaping rake so with the rake basically what we're trying to do we just come along here and level everything you can series ridges that the tiller leaves we're just gonna come along here just kind of fill in the holes and level everything and this is when you can rake up maybe some rocks and things like that you can go through and get rid of them come in here with a wheelbarrow or whatever and shovel them up you just want to make it look nice and level because after this it's what this is what you're left with for your yard so you want to make it want to make it as nice as you can once your sprinkler system is installed you can go ahead and get a lawn roller and roll your yard if you need to a good indicator for this is if you if you have a light soil and after you've killed it and raked it if it's really fluffy and you go walking out there and you're sinking in three or four inches this is a good indicator that you need to roll your lawn and just firm up that soil bed for today this soil that we're working with is kind of heavy and after we've killed it here lightly and raking it it's already pretty firm and so we're going to go ahead and skip this step and after we get it all leveled up and raked we are ready to plant
Channel: Nature's Seed
Views: 1,505,642
Rating: 3.9288888 out of 5
Keywords: Site preparation, soil preparation, planting grass seed, how to plant, seeding a new lawn, growing grass, Lawn, Seed (Industry), bermuda grass seed, kentucky bluegrass seed
Id: 31yXxpZFdL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2013
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