How to prepare for IT placement aka jobs

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hey there everyone have a share back again without the video in this video I would like to walk you through with the process of complete IT recruitment process or IT placement process that you will be facing very soon in your college life or probably will face later on in your college life I believe that everybody should know about this process of getting recruitment in their college campus placement or outside or off-campus placement whatever that is but usually the process is almost the same I think from the very first day of your college somebody should just talk you through all of that sadly colleges are not doing that although every single student has to face this exact same scenario but sadly colleges are not talking about them so here I am I'm gonna be talking about all the ID placement process that usually most companies follow up I will be talking about type of companies how their recruitment process work in general not very precisely also what kind of preparation you should do what kind of preparation material you should go through with that and of course sadly I didn't wanted to include that in this video but I would also be pointing out some of the dark sides of the companies as well as on the college side as well recently we have been working with a variety of companies five of them to be precise one of them is a mass recruiter and we are helping them to simplify their process of picking up the best talent that they can find in colleges for that we are just redesigning their entire recruitment process their question Bank their process their HR questions and almost everything and definitely will be working on with more companies in future but right now I have been talking with developers with a charge with college placement training officer so I think I can act as a bridge and can discuss with students that this should be your entire process of preparing for those upcoming interviews and I can talk a little bit on to that subject so let's get started first and foremost I would like to generalize the companies into their categories and then we'll talk a little bit onto that also very at the very end of the video I will talk about B's Darkseid's and some of the things that HR s have specifically mentioned these are the problems that they usually face while recruitment so that you also are aware of these problems and can prepare yourself accordingly moving on to the part what are the kind of companies now I would like to say that these companies according to me I have divided during this entire process into three major categories the first one are the big ones like Google Facebook Amazon so if you happen to be in those colleges where companies like Google Microsoft Facebook Goldman Sachs these all visit then you are in the lucky one and you should prepare really really hard because their interview process is extremely tough but it's certainly doable but it requires a little bit more time to practice it's all about time it's not like you can just walk into those companies on any given weekend and can get hired it requires a lot of hard work you need to prepare yourself for like six months or eight months to make sure that you actually crack down onto the final level of the interview so these are the big ones the second ones are the master recruiter ones they happen to appear in all the colleges especially in India and they hire a lot of people now here is a quick word of caution in case any mass recruiter is visiting to your college make sure you are aware of at what position they are hiring you because sometimes colleges do totally skip this part and they don't tell the student specifically but for what position they are opening up probably you are a very good developer in Python and these companies are hiring probably for JavaScript it is obvious that you might not be a good fit for that or it's not really a great example probably they are looking up something for something operational manager and you are you want to work as a developer or probably as a network guy then obviously things are going to get conflict and it's not like this is going to be the last job on the planet certainly if you love what you really like to do you can look out for other companies and they definitely can hire you one more thing about these mass recruiter company is something which is downside and kind of internal secret you can say many times these mass recruiter company hire people just to be sitting on the bench yes they literally pay you to just sit down on a bench watch the YouTube videos whole day and they pay you really good for that now why do they do so now eventually these companies put further bids on getting various big projects and on those projects they need to show up what kind of strengths or what kind of manpower they are having and they use these bench resources in providing other bidding offers that we have this much of the strength and we certainly can do your project now if this bidding of this branch or this bench strength is there for like three months two months it's totally fine and totally okay but just remember one thing if you are on a bench for a really long time you're losing your edge because sitting on a bench watching a YouTube and getting paid for that looks really amazing and can silence sound like a dream job but eventually when you'll move into your 30s or 40s you will be known for your cutting edge knowledge in the technology whatever field you are working you will not be known for watching a YouTube videos so if you are just wasting your time sitting like for a year or two years just sitting on a bench you're losing your edge so don't be that guy watch very carefully that how much long you're gonna be there on the bench this happens quite often in the mass recruiting company one more thing in the mass recruiting companies sometimes you are hired for a job that is that can easily be done by a high school student and you are paid for doing that kind of job at first it sounds absolutely amazing but you are you are gonna be working in a company with a mindset that says you're gonna learn something there because eventually the more knowledge you have the better it is for your life so you know enough of the rage about these mass recruiting companies now let's move on to the third and one of my favorite ones is the startups now at first it might sound that hey what will happen if the starter just loses an edge or loses funding or just shutdowns but one thing that you should know about the startups that right now the condition of startups especially in India are pretty amazing they are well funded and they are going pretty good and in case your startup fails or wherever you're working it fails still you will be learning a lot because in start-up you are given more responsibilities as compared to the big companies so you learn definitely a lot more now imagine the days of the Flipkart we're just a few engineers where they are designing their entire website and mobile they were pretty much free to do whatever they like to do after of course after a meeting but this can be a really good scenario so don't just look down on these startups they can be really amazing point in getting friendly with the technology and you will be learning at an insane crazy speed at they stardom so now pick up what kind of companies you want to work on whether the big ones or the mass recruiting ones or the start of one or any others as well so these are the basic overview one thing that you should keep in mind always look what profile you are getting hired this is super important and this should never be neglected at least you should know what kind of work you will be doing there now moving on to the placement process now placement process usually starts with an aptitude test and yes it's a truth not being shown to almost all the freshers or all the college people each and every individual company cannot process all of you and you know when there is a job opening for like five people almost 3,000 people apply for that probably more than that so yes companies cannot process all of you and their number one goal is just to filter you out yes when I was in college I used to think that they want to check my aptitude ability or my logical reasoning yes that's like part of it but probably like five or ten percent of it that 90% of the aim is to filter out the crowd they're so prepared for logical reasoning and for aptitude as well that's usually the very first round now you don't need to go absolutely insanely crazy just like a competitive exam or for government exam you don't want to do that you just want to spend probably at the max of two week with books and online resources in preparing for those logical reasoning now one of the problem that we have seen in all these companies that sometimes they get into the college and they see this quite a lot that some people just put out all the B's or all the A's in their optional question seat and they feel really said that if the person was not that much interested why he is wasting our resources and just marking all the questions as B so now in fact the companies we are working with now they are moving totally online so that they can give you an online resource where you can just login into their website and can answer all these questions so that they can quickly figure out leaderboards and as well now one thing which a lot of HR have mentioned this and this happens a lot so I think I should brought it up now many times HR I have mentioned that sometimes colleges the teachers from colleges do prefer some of the students to move on to the next level and they just check their answer sheet wrong and some a charge just find it out and they just totally discard that student so there is no fault of the student there probably he has done well or probably have done completely wrong but it was no fault of the student because of the teacher's fault that they have checked the answer sheet wrong the HRT's get mad so this is one thing I would like to point to all of the colleges please check your answer sheet as accurately as possible because your job do your job honestly it's not like you should favor some student and some not please don't do that companies can figure it out later on so this is one point I wanted to bring it up so now most companies are moving on to the online resources where you can get an app or probably a website and can quickly just check your aptitude and all of that and based on that they can figure out who is performing at the top and can filter out the students now one more interesting thing most of the companies now are moving on to the negative marking as well because this helps us in eliminating a lot of students and like it or not this is how things are going to be in the future as well now almost most of the companies have moved into the negative marking and once you point out any negative equation drawing you're gonna get negative marking so be extra cautious onto that now once the aptitude round is done then the next stop comes up is the take round now this is not a technical in personal interview this is again technical based MCQs in which you'll be asked the questions like what would be the output of this code or this is the output what could be the code for that for sample codes are being written questions from stack heaps DSA these are pretty common to be seen in these interviews and yes to be honest for all the interview processes questions from data structure and algorithms appears a lot now also in some of the companies do like to check your sequel abilities as well sequel ability simply means SQL standard query language so sometimes they ask you that as well but it's not that much common DSA part is pretty common and sometimes companies like to focus on Java based questions sometimes JavaScript based question sometimes C and sometimes C++ it depends so ask your training placement officer that what kind of companies will be coming to your college what kind of language they used to prefer or do your own research so this is the one point so this is also again same the you'll be given previously it used to be that you have to get a sheet and then you have to tick mark on them now they are also getting rid of that because first and foremost checking up all these sheets is is really tough and let me tell you a sidebar secret I have talked to a lot of HR s and they have said that they never ever check all of these hands a sheet they just pick up some random one and see if that passes the high score and just call that student yes I know you you are feeling bad that my answer sheet was not even checked but yes it happens more often than you think this is the harsh reality and I'm nobody here to judge I'm just presenting you the fact that I have found out so these technical rounds are also moving online and you will be given an MC cue set based on Java D si or C C++ probably others as well and you will be given questions on that and it again negative marking will be there and they can decide who is going to be the top 50 or top 25 just like that so this is your second round usually called as technical mcq round or tech round or just like that now after that the next round actually depends on what kind of crowd that we have now sometimes the crowd is still not filtered people have prepared really well and they want to just select some of the people now next round sometimes is a group discussion round that is a little bit funny to have that why they do even need a group discussion but for some of the corporates the company meeting and your input how you present your facts all these things are important and they try to filter out some of the more students using these group interview sessions now these are not the group interviews it's a group discussion so make sure you have a little bit tips and tricks on to the group discussion but again trust me group discussions are very less now because due to strictness of these first two rounds usually like 75 to 80 percent audience will be totally filtered out now after all these things that you have faced I know it's really really exhaustive now the next round that comes up is your tech interview round one on impersonal ground are also called as whiteboard round now this can be a little bit scary because usually in the technical rounds they try to test you from inside out and all those people who have just prepared for aptitude or just these MCQs will definitely needs to be definitely there needs to be filtered out here because eventually you will be working on a product in a company and that product might be based on JavaScript or Java or Python or any other language as well and they'd really don't want to hire anyone who have no knowledge about the programming and their practical usage so all of your project work all of your subject knowledge is going to be very important here also one more important knowledge is how you are able how you are taking the problem and your process of solving it in these rounds come and interview will give you a question like hey try to these are the strings and you want to manipulate some strings into that so what they are looking forward very first is what is your problem-solving approach if you are solving all that in your mind that's not useful at all they want you they want to see how you think actually so just do everything out loud don't do anything inside your brain if you want to say that hey I would like to use this method on that and do that and do this so try to be as verbose as possible be more loud be more explanatory by louder doesn't means that you have to shout out on them no please don't do that but surely you might want to think out loud whatever you are doing on that whiteboard or piece of paper just do it loud and let the interview know that this is your way how you take down those problems and this is how you go that I have seen many times that some people who don't even reach the accurate solution but their approach is really good in taking down that problem do get selected and yes of course these in these tech questions around some questions can be extremely tricky and if you haven't prepared for these rounds and these common questions it's really hard to just figure out a solution for them at this on the spot it's it's really tough sometime well the very common question that is usually asked to just break the silence is what is your dominant programming language and you have to pick up anyone now it doesn't matter if you are if you are familiar with Java or Python or JavaScript you can pick up any one of them and the questions will be asked based on that so you don't have to scare that I am learning JavaScript but companies are asking only for Java questions you will be usually asked because companies to understand that it's not about programming language it's about your concept to solve that problem programming languages are just tools because loops are same everywhere functions are almost same everywhere and once a person who knows the programming language and knows how to take down the problem actually knows really well to do it in Java and can do certainly in Python as well so hopefully by the time you are done with the tech interview around the criteria of your selection is going to be like 90% you have cracked down the things 90% only 10% is left that 10% can be crucial or can be looked just like that if your perform really well your resume a was exceptional they have exceptional projects and you have done just a killer job in your preparation in their dark college life then surely that 10 person is not going to matter much because the instructions are clear from the tech round that we made this guy don't just bash him in the HR round so next round obviously comes up is the HR round now if there are not certain instructions from the tech round that we need this guy and this happens quite a lot by the way otherwise you will be asked some basic questions I've already done a video on the common HR questions and I'm no stylish expert here but yes HR do consider that what is your hair style is your beard managed now it doesn't really mean that you have to go clean shave but it should be absolutely managed for all the boys girls already know how to do styling and stuff it's usually the boys who mess around with the stuff so just make sure you are appealable and you look decent it's not about what kind of color or shared you're wearing it should be decent that's that's the whole story there are other hundreds of YouTube channel who can walk you through the interview clothing and all of that I'm not gonna do that certainly look out for other resources for that but I have already done a video on the common HR questions and what are their intention behind hiring and asking that question basically so you can definitely check that out video on my youtube channel okay so this is like the basic overview certainly I'll take up each and individual round and we'll walk you through with the detailing process of that now I have mentioned in the description section one of the free resource where you can find out what are these common questions that are usually asked based on DSA or Python or Java I have linked a free resource you can take that quiz and can figure out what the preparation you should be doing up it's absolutely free you can take advantage of that as well now moving on to the power I would like to mention one dark secret that I have found out and probably a lot of college people are gonna dislike that based on that now we were into the middle of getting a slot into a college for a hiring process and it was all good we were talking to this training and placement officer and what he said to us what he was trying to discuss with us was absolutely bizarre and it happens quite more than you think we have faced it number of times so what was the thing that we were representing a company and we were trying to get a slot for a recruitment process and the problem that we faced is this recruitment placement officers sometimes don't even ask that for what profile you are hiring they just say how this is a big company we want you to call and we say I is not going to ask or what profile we are we are hiring they just say no it doesn't matter just hire any anybody or on any profile it doesn't really matter just come on to our company come on to our college and just hire okay we say it probably he is too much excited about that and it's totally fine and then they said we just need six people to be hired from your college and he said why only six people hire at least ten I said what kind of thing is that we just need six people we want six people and that's the end probably we are going to hire five of them because we are very strict on the criteria here he said no problem I'm going to give you best of our college students and all of that and then he said a very bad line he said instead of hiring six I'll give you like six more three people from our college just give them an offer letter call to your campus take them as an intern they will be working for free for six men and then you can just throw off from the company we felt really bad that just for taking the name of the college that we are providing hundred percent placement guarantee they are doing this kind of dry practices they're very where they are motivating companies to just take the people from their college and just provide them an offer a letter and later on just just throw them down it's it's certainly a bad practice but since companies see a lot of profit there that so many people are going to come up into our campus will be doing free work without even having asked too much to pay them it's really sometimes companies do that and I think it's it's a fault of totally off placement officer to provide such kind of offer we felt really bad for that so make sure you are also aware of this as a student I think you should you should know this that yes this happens a lot sometimes your college placement officer forces the company to hire more people and just give them a resignation later on so it's something which I felt really is bad it's the dark side of the college probably a lot of college people from the training placement officer are going to dislike this video but certainly in the upcoming videos I'll talk about more dark sides we're already like on thirty minutes of the talk on this placement process I'll probably talk about this in later on videos just wanted to share this thought and of course don't forget to check out the link in the description section where I've mentioned free resource on preparing for these interviews this video is going to be super helpful for all the beginners if you are senior in in college in any college I highly recommend to help your juniors by sharing this video so that at least they can be aware of this entire process and from the very first day they can start preparing for them again very big note that it's not about the entire preparing for aptitude and all these tricky questions at the end of the day your skill is going to matter a lot your projects your portfolio is going to matter a lot because once you get hired it's the work that you have to done it's not about these tricks I know it's a very very long video but this all need to be done in just one video and probably in the future videos I would like to just break them apart and we'll walk you through the entire process step-by-step so do let me know in the comments section should I be doing it or not just let me know honestly with that so that's it for this video don't forget to check out the link in the description section and I'll catch you up in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 50,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Programming, LearnCodeOnline, Placements, jobs, IT placements, campus placements, hiring process, Google jobs, Facebook jobs
Id: 1duhl9tA_tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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