How to Pour a Concrete Driveway with Brick Bands Part 2

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[Music] hi david o'dell here with odell complete concrete it's poor day everything else that you see to this point you'll see in part one this is actually part two of a three-part series in this one we're going to be placing the concrete finishing it putting a nice broom finish on it pulling up all the rebar in part three we're going to be removing all this wood setting the brick inlays and all these areas that you see banded off with two by twos this particular mix is a 3000 psi the way it works the way this is set up we're going to be finishing to the top of the two by two on the inside but on the outside we're going to be finishing to the bottom so it's a step down the step down is to allow for that brick split to drop in there really nicely on top of some thinset and now it's crucial you keep watching that outside area that recessed area that it doesn't try to mushroom up on you whenever you do a monolithic the concrete wants to go from the high side to the low side it's kind of like self leveling like if you put water down in a bucket or anywhere it's it levels by itself concrete especially when you're at this slump we're looking at about a five inch it's gonna try to push up in those low areas so you gotta try to keep it down you may have to go through it later cut it down to make sure you have the space to get those splits in otherwise you could be out there chipping with a chipping hammer to get your brick in but the way it's going right now it's looking real good got the wood bowl float three foot wide nice straight screed board the rebar runs continuous underneath these inlay areas so that means when the brick goes in these low lands when you drive over it everything moves as one so you don't get brick separation you don't get brick dropping or concrete coming up you know in the years to come and you don't get grout failure because it's all on the same base a monolithic par notice how that bull float and that's a little loose you really can't work when you concrete stiff like it is here as you can see you can't put the weight behind it a lot of times you need to put a little weight on that pole and push down on that float to make things happen when you got a loose nut on your bow float it just doesn't happen and you can see the beauty of the ball flow you notice how it's this is a three foot wide but you see all the low areas you can visually see them as your ball floating and now now you can see them you can sprinkle some concrete back in so that's the purpose of ball floating it also lets you know if you got a good rod guy a couple things it does oh see here's those recessed areas i was talking about apparently the concrete did come up but what you can do go ahead and let it get hard in this situation as you walk through it you're standing on those two by twos they could move they may not mistake that well you may not have the eight duplex you may be running sixes there's a lot of things you have to take into consideration when you start walking on two by twos suspended in the air you could potentially just let it set as it gets harder you walk on the concrete through the bands because it's gonna get covered with brick anyway then you just scrape it out you know instead of trying to do the detail work early let it get hard and use a little brute force and get it done gotta switch over to the magnesium bowl so at this point nice switch i like that magnesium seals it up buys you some time to get down to business in hot weather especially i mean when you're you know when the temperature is above 100 you're going to want to start with magnesium every time you'll never see a woody like in the hot weather climate you want to seal it as quickly as possible get it in good shape because everything happens twice as fast oh [Music] looks like a really nice concrete quality that's very fortunate because this is uh going off and a lot of edges to cover and because we have that half inch radius around all the brick ribbon inlays what you're gonna have to do in this situation when you set the brick and you grout on all four sides of every brick you're gonna have to run a radius on on the actual grout because if you run it over the top of that radius of the concrete it starts at three quarter deep grout joint and then it goes to zero which means the grout is going to break off so you have to edge the grout that's what we'll be doing here as well all the stakes came out day of the poor it makes it a lot more work a lot tougher but it can be done you could potentially just break those out the next day clean and crisp grout over them lay your brick but now you're getting a second use out of those steaks so that's always nice especially with the cost of wood right now i like to hit them with a lot of oil preserve them indefinitely [Music] [Music] the nice thing about is it looks like it shaded out now the entire driveway the sun must have moved over the rooftop that definitely bought some time here [Music] basically on the troweling technique they're using just some typical steel trowels and half inch edgers going down all that now you've got the world famous 50 horsehair 50 nylon broom going down on it giving you that perfect non-slip finish they make some nylon brooms as well that work nearly as well it's really a matter of preference it looks so perfect you can see the bracket on that room because of the screw and adapter has stripped the wood so we've got some duct tape there to try to make up the difference it's really common with those oh i see a nylon broom going out at this point green nylon [Music] [Music] and it looks like it did a nice job you never know the difference between the horse hair or the nylon at this point he's got an adapter rigged up on this nylon brush so he doesn't have to worry about it stripping out on them [Music] [Music] [Music] now do a little cleanup along the perimeter where the excess concrete overflowed on the apron approach there sponge and bucket of water and there's your base monolithic pour for a nice brick inlay that should never fail any earlier or later than the concrete driveway itself because it's all one piece [Music] and make sure you stay tuned and catch part three because that's gonna be the brick going in on this and it really um makes it look nice anyway thank you for watching make sure you like share and subscribe when you do subscribe hit that notification bell that way you'll be notified when the next one gets uploaded then you won't miss part three of this three-part series this happens to be part two have a good day bye [Music] you
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 185,896
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Keywords: odell, odell concrete, odell complete concrete
Id: Fd-viH-54Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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