How to Posterize a Photo Online for Free without Photoshop

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ready hi everybody I'm going to show you how to edit a photo using posterization and we're going to use these to create our watercolors later so I'm gonna start by just opening my file in preview this is my dog and I want to make sure and duplicate this first so I'm gonna go file duplicate and then I'm going to rename it and then I'm going to close my original file I always forget to do this you never want to do these edits to your original photo because you're going to reduce the quality so first I'm going to crop it so I'm going to draw a rectangle that's about about the proportions of an a4 and then I go tools crop now the next thing I'm going to do I want to reduce the size of this because the image editing tool we're using only accepts files that are 2048 pixels at its longest side so I'm going to go to tools adjust size and you'll see that mine is a little bit too big right now so I'm going to type in 2048 I want my resolution to be 300 though and yeah should be fine now height 2048 and then this means that it will be in proportion to each other so I'm gonna say okay and then I'm going to save it file save and I'm going to save it as Maggie it's save and then when I go to the image editor it's called spork Forge I have no idea why it's called that spork Forge comm slash imaging slash poster Iser and then I'm going to choose my file Maggie and then here I want to select two colors only and then I hit generate and we'll see how it turns out I might want to adjust the colors so we'll see alright so I have this image she kind of looks scary because it's pretty dark but I can fix that so I I don't really like how dark this is so I'm gonna go back into my image I'm gonna say tools adjust color and I'm gonna turn up the exposure this just changes the brightness and makes it a little bit more bright overall I'm gonna save that and then I'm gonna try it one more time choose file Maggie it's brighter now open and then I'm gonna hit generate and here's what it was before and here's what it is now so you'll see because I raised the exposure now more of the face is white and I like it I think it looks pretty good typically you want to choose an image that has a good level of light and dark some nice shadows and some nice highlights so now that I have this image I'm going to right click it so ctrl click save image as Maggie poster and then I have this great posterized photo really handy what I can do then is I'm going to print it and when I print it I want to make sure that it is taking up a full a4 page so just make sure you fill entire paper or print entire image either one and print it out and bring that to our session that way we can get started with painting right away I hope this makes sense email me if it doesn't have a great day guys
Channel: Hannah Cone
Views: 11,450
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: photo editing, posterization, dog, posterize, art, how to, how to make art, photography
Id: -6-bjDgBaW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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