How to Play Saryn - Warframe Tutorial

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hello and welcome to tyrannis gaming today we'll be taking a closer look at sarin and for the one person in the world that does not know how to use her I will be helping you now let's discuss sarin spores in a nutshell if you cast spores on a Target it will continuously damage them until they die there is no time limit there is no upper damage cap and it will effectively kill literally anything you attach it to if you attack a Spore it will explode and deal damage to everything around it like so as you can see the grineer unit's armor is going down that is a shield icon that is because of the corrosive procs as you can see it's trapped between three and five let's change that by attacking other spores now his armor is drastically reduced and they will all taking damage let's get some distance before there's screams yells shouts and dialogue caus me to go insane listening to them as you can see on the right side we have 20 infected rather than just one because the goal of spores is not to tag one Target and kill him immediately the goal is to tag one target spread the or and leave the room rinse and repeat and you'll kill everything far faster however if your spores are being out Stripped by everything else and everything is dying before your spores can spread this is a good thing because it means that your enemy is not that hard as you can see everything is dying now while the grineer back there are going to die immediately the Corpus on the other hand have Shield regeneration to those of you that don't know Corpus Shield regeneration can be halted by simply using magnetic damage it'll also have the added benefit of causing 325 extra damage to Shields but if you have sarin her spores will nullify the crewman shield regeneration it does not matter how fast they regenerate because eventually her spores will overtake the shield regeneration and kill the corpus crewman and as you can hear by their dialogue it means they're screaming in Terror and that they know their Doom is inevitable and that is why sarin spores are why people confused her my Asma when they scream press four to win it's not the my Asma doing that it's the spores now let's discuss sarin's malt her Mt ability will stay exactly where you place it no matter where you place it and it has the added benefit of causing toxic damage to everything around you the moment you use it and when its duration expires it will explode doing toxin damage by passing Shields dealing damage directly and if you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where you're surrounded by Corpus and have no idea what to do you simply need to spam [Applause] it and as you can see it deals immediate damage in the area allowing you to survive a a bit longer sarin's maltt also has the added benefit that if you're affected by status effects such as bleed electrification heat or toxin it will shed those and reset them and therefore you do not have to worry about taking damage over time sarin's mol also adds much quicker Sprint speed as you can see it makes her far quicker and because her malt acts like a taunting effect and forces the enemy to shoot it instead of you it has the benefit that sarin is specifically designed to run from the infested and the Corpus you simply need to activate molt and then run like hell this will not only make her far faster simply activating mol will allow you to burst it in the faces of enemies such as the Corpus or the infested dealing massive amounts of poison damage to them while simultaneously making it so you create a decoy that the enemy will attack and if they kill it will explode a second time and it'll strip away all status effects built upon you giving sarin the unique ability of being able to intentionally run from the [Applause] enemy or as the Marine Corps likes to say advancing in the other direction now let's discuss sarin's number three ability toxic lash for some people it is incredibly misunderstood if you don't utilize toxic lash then this is the effect you get as you can see it simply makes him yell at you and mock you for your stupidity but if you use toxic lash he won't be laughing anymore and that is how you make sure he doesn't make it to retirement now some people aren't aware that toxic lash has an additional effect it is doubled on melee weapons this is what that will look like as you can see some people need a little extra help going to sleep now let's go ahead and build up our combo bonus and I'll show you something rather fascinating as you can see it's turn L six times now let's go ahead and utilize toxic lash and this is why that's important as you can see with a single hit we were able to basically kill the crewman in a single hit now you may be thinking hey tyrannus your weapon attacks seem to be rather dull and I will tell you why after we are done with this now let's move on to my asthma my asthma when it explodes looks like this as you can tell it does viral damage during its duration it will continuously allow any damage done to be viral I'm kidding this ability is not that good however the press for the wi crowd would say that sarin's my Asma is insanely overpowered and I will tell you this has not been true for a very long time however we can still make it incredibly overpowered but this will require a bit of finessing this is the damage we do to a corrupted crewman without any of the [Music] abilities as you can see it does does do a decent amount of damage to his Shields but as he is a crewman his Shields will regenerate at a rapid Pace if we utilize my Asma by itself as you can see it does literally nothing to him so let's combine the effects of toxic lash with my asthma first this is with toxic [Applause] Lash that took effectively 23 hits I'm bad at math so sui as you can see it killed him in 11 hits instead of 23 and we have the added benefit of damn near killing the guy standing behind him unfortunately now if we combine all these these abilities all at once this is what that might look like [Applause] yeah now I know what you're thinking but hey tyrannis that took you forever to kill them well I'm going to tell you that there is a reason why it took me damn near forever in Warframe time to kill all of them this is the sarin we were using this is the na Rook we were using and this is the skiti we were using if I was to use a fully maxed out version of these this is what a NK by itself and toxic lash would [Applause] do no that everything is now dead and with spores and my asthma mixed is what sarin would do I promise you it is a skill issue I hope you learned something new today and I hope you have a wonderful day take [Music] care [Music] [Music] yeah ah
Channel: Tyrannus Gaming
Views: 11,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1XgWt2JPWSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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