How to Play Returnal - A Beginner's Guide

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I think Returnal is a pretty challenging game but  I also think it's really fun - and hopefully some   of the tips in this video will help you enjoy  yourself a bit more as you play it. I think   probably the first thing you ought to do is adjust  your mindset. What I mean is, rather than focusing   on all the negatives - like "man, every time  I die I gotta start over again?! I lose all my   stuff?!" - well, I think it's worth mentioning, by  the way, that pretty much every single video game   used to be like this - I don't think that's too  unprecedented - but rather than focusing on all   that negative stuff that's going to get you  frustrated, why not focus on the positives?   For example, the developers have literally given  you an invincibility button. Yeah! You just push   a button and you're invincible. You can push  it almost as much as you want. If you just push   circle - just tap it - it'll do a short dash, and  if you hold it a bit longer you'll do a longer   dash. And when you're dashing you are completely  invincible - nothing can hurt you. Well, yeah,   I'll admit that the time you're invulnerable  isn't very long, but you do move forward when you   dash which means your timing doesn't need to be as  precise. So you can just go through bullets - like   that - and when you're getting shot at like this  you can either dash through the projectiles,   or you could just walk around them or jump over  them. It's a good time to practice your timing   with the dashes. You can just go right through  things. Now at first you can just walk around   stuff but the time will come when you do need to  actually dash with the right timing, which you   can see that here with this mini boss. But if you  kind of calm down you'll see that he telegraphs   his moves quite a bit. He flashes red. Oh, he's  gonna attack! Dash. He's gonna attack - dash. Gonna attack - dash. So if you just kind  of don't get too overwhelmed you actually   could probably get the hang of  it even on an enemy like that. So next up is shooting. If you push the L2 button  halfway down you'll kind of zoom in. It makes it   easier to see what you're shooting at and you  move a bit slower to kind of steady your aim.   But it actually doesn't improve your accuracy  "stat," so to speak, at all - you'll shoot   just as accurately without aiming. What I  found was over time - the more I played the   game - I gradually stopped zooming in. Sometimes  I would so I could see things a bit better, but   i just like the increased mobility of  not zooming in. You can see I can zip   around a lot better getting this guy. So you  might consider just not zooming in at all. Another major consideration is crowd control.  If you get surrounded like I am here - you've   got bullets coming at you from all directions  - that's really hard. It's difficult to keep   track of everything. So what you need  to do is get out of those situations   and get all the enemies on one side of you. Get  them in front of you. That way you can actually   see what's going on. You can see that here  even though there's a tougher enemy there,   they're all in front of me and  it's a lot easier to manage. If you do kind of start to lose track of  things you could always look at your mini map.   You can see all the enemies down there on  it. That's pretty convenient! If you have   your adrenaline level up to at least level two  you can see enemies through walls - that's what   that red stuff is there. It's pretty convenient  - I can just see where they're coming from.   And if an enemy or projectile is gonna hit you  from off screen there's a flashing light next   to you - Ooh! - like there. The game also has an  "adrenaline" system. You can see it down here.   That's going to increase over the duration  of this clip. Now how this works is,   it's the game trying to reward you for playing  well. So every three kills you get without   getting hit it increases your adrenaline level,  and each level comes with perks of some kind.   Adrenaline level one makes it easier to reload  your weapon; level two makes so you can see   enemies through walls; all the way up to level  five, which gives you fifty percent more money.   Which is pretty good! But arguably the best  part about increasing your adrenaline level   is that you shoot extra projectiles. See  right here I have just a common sidearm but   I'm shooting tons of extra homing missiles  with my gun. So that's a pretty nice perk.   It makes especially tougher  enemies like a boss much easier. And I want to take a moment here and just  kind of reflect on this gameplay system,   and why it makes the game so much better. So  you're really incentivized to not get hit - which   you are in any game - but you know a lot of games  you just kind of hide for five seconds and you get   your health back. This game not only doesn't  have recharging health, but you really want   to keep all those bonuses from the adrenaline  levels, you know? When you get hit - oh! - you   really feel it! "Man, now my gun kind of sucks  again. It's really plain. I don't have all those   extra bullets flying everywhere. I can't see  enemies through walls. I'm not getting extra   money." You really feel it! And that pressure  adds a lot of tension and fun to the game.   It makes each moment count, and you actually  care what you're doing - it actually matters!   And that system of pressure kind of also carries  over into the health system. When you have full   health all the green items turn into "resin,"  and every three resin you get it increases your   max health, which is pretty good. You can  see that happening here in the bottom left. And that will happen again in just a moment. In  games like this I kind of think of "hit points"   (in this case "integrity") as kind of like  "how many mistakes you can make." You know,   they could have made the game one-hit kill, but  they didn't - they let you make mistakes. So when   I see an item like this - plus 25% health -  I kind of see that as "well, I can make 25%   more mistakes. That's- that's pretty good! I could  use a little wiggle room in a game like this!"   And the same thing applies to "protection."  That's kind of like armor. So this power-up   gives me 10% protection. Or, in other words,  I can make 10% more mistakes. "Yes please!" Before the video ends I wanted to give a few tips  about the first boss because it is pretty hard.   You know, if you keep dying to this boss you're  not abnormally bad at the game or something - it's   a pretty tough boss, to be honest. So tip number  one is: always shoot. Shoot every single moment.   Every second you're not shooting is another  second you gotta survive. Tip number two:   keep moving. You are gonna get killed if  you just stand still. Now he'll shoot in a   way that kind of pressures you to move. "I gotta  move out of the way of these. Oh gotta move out   of the way of those, go the other way." So you  kind of just need to look for an opening about   when to change directions when you move. If you  just move the same way every time he'll get you   that way too. Kind of like how in Demon's Souls  you attack an enemy but you wait for an opening,   you do the same thing here - only you're looking  for an opening about when to change directions.   Now, when you get him down past his first health  bar he does a few more moves - most notably he   tries to melee you. There'll be this big flash and  then he'll attack, so just use your invincibility   button and get out of the way. "When you see that  flash, you gotta dash!"™ Now if you're going back   and forth and you're going to get hit - you can  just kind of tell - just use your invincibility   button get out of there. If he does that laser  use the invincibility button - it won't harm you.   So you kind of just keep that up. Now the third  phase things get a bit more hectic, as you might   expect. He starts out by trying to melee you twice  in a row, so just heads up about that. Some people   online swear by melee-ing him, but I don't think  that works out very well - as you can see - and   it doesn't really do that much damage anyway.  So, like i was saying, the third phase is more   or less similar. Your strategy is going to be the  same. Keep moving, keep dodging, keep shooting.   But pay a bit more attention to what the boss is  up to. Now you also might want to make it easier   on yourself. Now every level has a store in it,  and there's going to be what's called a "Large   Silphium vial" there - over there on the left,  that orange thing. What it does is it fills your   health up all the way when you use it. That would  be great. You could also find or buy an astronaut   figure - that'll bring you back. You could also  spend six ether and use a reconstructor - get   another chance at things. You might even find  a parasite that brings you back - with some   big negative effect, but you would be dead if you  didn't get it so . . . might as well pick that up. So you're getting him down, you're  paying attention to what he's doing,   you're being a bit more mindful about  where you're stepping . . . If you see   that double laser just dodge twice, by the  way. And soon enough, if you keep at it,   you'll get him. And you will feel so proud of  yourself when you do. Now if this is as far as   you are in the game I got good news - there is a  lot more to see! And I hope this video helps you   feel a bit more confident in your abilities in  playing, and I hope it helps you have more fun!
Channel: The Therapist Gamer
Views: 10,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PS5Share, PS5, Returnal, Tips, Guide, How to play returnal, strategy, Returnal beginner's guide, Returnal boss tips
Id: 8rylKAL4HdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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