How to Play No Hesi 2024 | Graphics & Wheel Settings Setup 2024 (FULL EASY GUIDE)

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content manager this is going to be your launcher this is going to be what we play a set of Corso with you're not going to open up just the normal app going be using content manager with content manager you guys can to scroll down just download directly right over here it's going to download a zip for you guys are going to open up the zip go to your download section you guys going to right click on that you're going to click extract all it's going to extract it right there and then if you guys don't have one roar or szip just download it it's free once you guys open up content manager it'll just boot it up for you it'll look just like this or something similar to that that I already have mine set up so it just looks a little bit different but boom we got it set up once you guys downloaded content manager the next thing you guys want to do is download the custom shaders pack for content manager it's pretty much just going to enhance your graphics it's going to add some shaders to it it's going to make it darker it's going to make it lighter it's going to add more light it's going to add better clouds better graphics so once you guys are on the website you can download the latest version right down there once you guys downloaded the custom shaders pack you guys are going to go ahead and download so I have the latest version down in the description for this website you guys do need to make an account that's free just make one download download it boom pretty simple so it's going to be the weather app that's going to enhance all your rain all your clouds all your weather features pretty much link is down in the description for you guys but most you guys are on website just download the mod right here it's going to download the drone camera for you and all you have to do with this one is drag and drop it into the content manager so I'm going to go ahead and download this just to show you guys but you guys want to just wait for the download boom you got the download right down there going to click on it it's going to take you to an ad so just click off the ad I'm going to click on it again it's going to download that for you so once you guys have it downloaded you guys have the file extracted you're going to drag and drop into content manager and you guys can see it's already downloading for me I'm just going to install it might as well boom completed once you get go ahead and go to miscellaneous this is where you have your replay settings after every game you can have content manager record those replays for you depending on how long you want content manager to record for you and how long you want those files to be I have my quality set on Ultra I recommend either Ultra or high that way you have really good quality footage for once you're done you guys can edit how long these repls R using this bar right here and you guys can see that time is different for each level of quality I have mine on Ultra I recommend just get in your front end leave the game save the replay don't let it get to an hour that's too big of a file too long of a replay to have to go back and look through and edit to find Clips so just get a good run in leave the game save the replay join back right here you have custom shaders patch go about an Updates this is where you guys can download the latest version if they do have future updates under content manager you have a few more options right here another thing that you want to do is go to aeta corso and you're going to scroll down to python apps and we're going to want to make sure that drone camera is enabled as well is soul so just enable all those right through there another thing you want to do is go to custom shaders patch and scroll all the way down to weather effects and just make sure that this has Soul selected boom now you guys are probably wondering how do I get the cars how do I get the map how do I get started which is going to open up to this website you're going to download right there it's going to download for you I already downloaded just now so we're going to open that up it's going to look just like this you're going to have a Content folder right in there and then you have a tracks folder and there is where you have your map now for this you guys do need to find your download files for a set of Corsa I have mine right over here so we're going to go ahead and open up content we're going to go ahead and go to tracks you guys can see I already have the map downloaded but pretty much all you need to do is just drag and drop that right in there it's going to download the map for you it's going to get get it all set up boom I'll just replace it it's the same map boom map is downloaded that's really all of it so without further Ado let's go ahead and get into one of these servers you guys want to access any of these servers which I am playing on you guys can go ahead and visit that description I have three servers on there for you have the swim servers no hesi and swervin no hesi actually has a website for it so you guys can go to the website link your Discord and you guys can join servers right through here for the other ones you guys can go straight to their Discord and join the server right through there now the nice thing about these servers is you do not need to download the cards from their Discord all you need to do is join the server it'll tell you that you're missing content and you'll have an install button right there and then to download all the missing cars fairly simple once you guys downloaded the cars you guys got the map you guys are ready to play go ahead and select your server you guys can see a list of the cars right here the ones in Gray they're taken so if you guys want that car just click on it click wait for this car as soon as it's available it'll put you right in that car just for the sake of the video we're going to go ahead and just join with just a random car I actually join with the Aventador did not think I would find an Aventador on here must be from the new update I'm going to go ahead and hop right in this game and I'm going to go ahead and show you guys some of the ingame settings that you guys can change um some of the UI settings you guys can mess around with to just have better layout for your screen cuz I know when you first start looks pretty rough as you guys load into the game just like this you gas go all the way to the right you have all your abs right there first thing we see is the drone camera we're going to open that up you guys can see the enable and disabled can let's go right here to extr you guys can teleport anywhere and you guys so that's going to wrap up today's video If you guys enjoyed subscribe like the video leave a comment if you guys have any questions you guys want to see anything else and the game hope you guys enjoyed it hope you guys found this helpful and peace
Channel: Mr.3Hunnid.S
Views: 2,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assetto corsa download, content manager download, sol download, assetto corsa no hesi download, how to play no hesi, how to play no hesi 2024, swim server, g29 wheel setup, assetto corsa g29 wheel, no hesi, nohesitation
Id: f3bqLed3Dfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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